JAMU JOURNAL Year 2019 part published on 25 January 2019 CONTENTS: 3. Directive Career System (valid as of 25 January 2019, effective as of 1 February 2019) No. 3/2019 LJ DIRECTIVE of 24 January 2019 Career System The Rector issues the following Directive of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: Art. 1 General Provisions (1) This Directive regulates prerequisites, requirements and conditions of professional growth and career advancement of JAMU employees as well as their support by JAMU as an employer. (2) The Career System is a personnel management instrument used by JAMU to help its employees in the fulfillment of work assignments, professional growth and as the case may be, career advancement, and to control the composition of its resources. (3) The Career System is based on the principles of openness, non-discrimination and equal opportunities. Art. 2 Classification of Employees (1) For the purposes hereof, JAMU staff is divided into academic employees and other employees. (2) An academic employee of JAMU is an employee who meets the characteristics of an academic employee under Section 70 Higher Education Act.1) Art. 3 Professional Growth and Career Advancement (1) The professional growth means development and enhancement of employee’s qualification. (2) Career advancement means advancement of an employee to a higher management level. Art. 4 Academic Staff (1) For the purposes of the Career System, the academic staff is further divided into a) professors (a prerequisite is professor appointment), 1) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on modifications and amendments to other acts (Higher Education Act), as amended by subsequent regulations No. 3/2019 LJ b) associate professors (a prerequisite is associate professor appointment), c) assistant professors (a prerequisite is completed Master’s degree program), d) instructors (a prerequisite is completed Master’s degree program). (2) Career advancement in case of academic staff means their advancement directed at the achievement of professorship. Art. 5 Personnel Plan of Units (1) The personnel plan of a JAMU unit2) determines what composition of resources is necessary in terms of their qualification for the fulfillment of present and future tasks of the unit in the 10-year perspective. The personnel plan of a unit contains at least a) overview of current and planned tasks of the unit divided into educational activities, creative activities and other activities, b) current number and structure of staff, c) necessary number and structure of staff, d) expected necessary number and structure of staff, e) expected necessary volume of wages. (2) The person who leads the unit is obliged to prepare and as the case may be, modify the personnel plan; he/she shall be bound by the plan in personnel issues, in particular concerning hiring new employees. The person who leads the unit shall inform the JAMU Rector of the personnel plan and its modifications. (3) The Rector may convene persons who lead units for the purpose of discussing personnel plans of the units and their fulfillment. Art. 6 Employee Career Plan (1) A career plan expresses requirements of JAMU as an employer for professional growth and career advancement of an employee concerned with regard to his/her wishes and possibilities in the 5-year perspective or the expected time of employment if shorter. (2) The employee’s career plan must be drawn up in case a) the expected period of employment is more than 2 years or b) the employee’s employment at JAMU has lasted for more than 2 years without interruption. (3) The employee’s career plan shall at least include a) current job title of the employee, b) current qualification of the employee, c) required job title of the employee, d) required qualification of the employee, e) steps to achieve professional growth and career advancement, f) conditions of career advancement. 2) JAMU units are defined by Art. 81 of JAMU Statutes No. 3/2019 LJ Art. 7 Career Plan Design (1) The draft of the career plan of an employee is prepared by a person who leads the unit in cooperation with subordinate senior employees on the basis of the personnel plan of the unit. The draft of the career plan shall take into account the stipulated workload. (2) The person who leads the unit shall submit the career plan draft to the employee in writing at least five days before the day of discussing it with the employee. The aim of the discussion is to clarify mutual expectations, possibilities and needs of the employee and of JAMU as the employer. (3) In the design of the career plan, the person who leads the unit shall take into account not only the needs and possibilities of JAMU but also the expressed will of the employee. The final career plan forms part of the employee’s job; the employee confirms its receipt by his/her signature. The employee’s career plan is filed in the employee’s personal file kept at the HR Department. Art. 8 Employee Support (1) JAMU helps its employees in the professional growth and career advancement mainly through supporting a) fulfillment of career plans, b) creative activities of employees, c) employees’ publishing activity, d) education of employees including foreign languages and information technologies, e) employee internships, f) preparation of employees for habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures, support during the procedures, g) employee satisfaction with their workplace. (2) Support by JAMU in particular consists in a) adapting the working conditions with a view to reconciling personal and professional life, taking into account the needs of employees caring for preschool children or senior family members, b) enabling the academic employees taking sabbatical leave, in particular before the commencement of the habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedure, c) benefits, premiums and bonuses in accordance with the internal wage regulation, d) organizing educational events for employees, e) settlement of fees for employee participation in educational events, internships and professional sessions, f) purchase of specialized literature and other sources of information necessary to fulfill working tasks, g) pleasant working environment with equipment conforming to current trends, h) building positive relationships at work. (3) Remuneration of employees including wages, performance rewards and bonuses must conform to their performance. No. 3/2019 LJ Art. 9 Changes of Career Plan (1) In case an employee fulfills the goals of the career plan early, knows he/she will not be able to fulfill them, if circumstances substantially change or there are other serious reasons, the employee may propose a change in the career plan to the person who leads the unit, before the lapse of the period for which the career plan was designed. (2) If circumstances substantially change, the person who leads the unit may change the career plan before the lapse of its period even without the proposal under paragraph 1. Art. 10 Verification of Fulfillment of Career Plan and Working Tasks (1) Fulfillment of the career plan objectives and of the working tasks is verified and discussed with the employee by his/her immediate superior senior employee at least once per calendar year. (2) In case the superior senior employee finds out defects in the career plan fulfillment or in the work results, he/she shall discuss the causes and remedies with the employee and shall set a date by which the situation is to be rectified. Should the employee fail to rectify the situation by the deadline, the superior senior employee shall inform the person who leads the unit. (3) In case an employee fulfills the career plan that also comprised career advancement the person who leads the unit shall adopt the measures leading to the advancement, unless a substantial change in circumstances has occurred. Art. 11 Transitory Provisions The person who leads the unit shall ensure the conformity of the personnel plan with this Directive by 30 April 2019 and the conformity of the career plans with this Directive by 30 September 2019. Personnel plans and career plans stipulated in accordance with regulations effective before 1 January 2019 shall be considered personnel plans and career plans under this Directive until the dates mentioned in the preceding sentence. Art. 12 Effectiveness This Directive becomes effective as of 1 February 2019. prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý Rector