JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2018 Accessible as of 18 December 2018 CONTENTS: 45th Directive on the Rudolf Firkušný Grants (valid as of 18 December 2018, effective as of 1 January 2019) No. 45/2018 LJ DIRECTIVE of 12 December 2018 on the Rudolf Firkušný Grants In accordance with Art. 8(a) and Art. 111 of the JAMU Statute and Art. 16 of the Bursary Rules of JAMU, the Rector issues the following Directive: Art. 1 Rudolf Firkušný Grant (1) The Rudolf Firkušný grant (hereinafter referred to as “the Grant”) is a bursary awarded by the Rector within the bursary programme in commemoration of Rudolf Firkušný, a world-class pianist and a honorary doctor of JAMU. (2) The initial resources for the Grant award were donated to JAMU by Veronique Firkusny-Callegari and Igor Firkusny (hereinafter referred to as “the founders”). In line with the founders’ wish, the Grant is intended to support education and artistic creation of all JAMU students. The Grant resources may be increased in particular by sponsor donations, foundation contributions, etc. (3) The Grant may be awarded to the support of a foreign study stay of a student, providing an exceptional educational opportunity to the student and leading to the extension of their knowledge and creative skills in the field of study, without any property benefits (hereinafter referred to as “the stay”). Art. 2 Grant Award Suggestion (1) Any member of the academic community may make a suggestion to the Rector of JAMU concerning the Grant award, stating a) the identification information of the student to be awarded the Grant, b) characteristics of the student’s activity that is to be supported (studies, workshop, study or art fellowship, etc.), c) the objective of the stay (e.g. study of an art piece, taking a course with a significant tutor, etc.), d) an overview of the current student’s activities, e) the amount of money necessary for the student’s stay (costs of accommodation, direct costs of study, i.e. course fee, tuition to be paid, etc.). (2) A confirmation of the student’s acceptance for the stay is attached to the suggestion of support. (3) The suggestion must be delivered to the Rector no later than 14 days before the start of the stay. In exceptional and justified cases, the suggestion may also be delivered after the start of the stay, or after its end. 594 No. 45/2018 LJ Art. 3 Grant Award Decision (1) The decision on the Grant award is made by the Rector, by virtue of office, based on a recommendation of a commission consisting of the vice-rectors and the Bursary of JAMU. The Rector shall submit the suggestions received to the commission. The commission or the Rector may ask for an opinion of the faculty on the Grant, whose award they are contemplating, and on the study results and creative outputs of the student to whom the Grant may be awarded. The commission shall propose to the Rector whether to award the Grant or not, and possibly the amount of the Grant. (2) In the operative part of the Grant award decision, apart from the particulars required by the Bursary Rules, the Rector shall state for what stay the Grant is awarded and as an additional statement, the obligation to return the Grant or its corresponding part if the stay does not take place, if it is reduced, if the Grant or its part is not used for the payment of the costs of the stay or if the student fails to report on the stay duly and timely. Art. 4 Report on the Stay Within 14 days of the end of the stay, the student is obliged to report to the Rector of JAMU in writing on the stay and its results. The report may include an attachment with a recording of an artistic performance that was the stay output, etc. Art. 5 Repeal and Final Provisions (1) Directive No. 5/2008, on the Rudolf Firkušný Grants, of 14 October 2008, is repealed. (2) This Directive comes into effect as of 1 January 2019. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, m.p. The Rector 595