JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2019 Accessible as of 6 November 2019 CONTENTS: 22nd Directive on Specific University Research (in force as of 6 November 2019, in effect as of 7 November 2019) No. 22/2019 LJ DIRECTIVE of 5 November 2019 on Specific University Research. Rector of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno issues the following Directive: PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 General Provisions (1) The Directive provides for the details of distribution and use of targeted support funds for specific university research (hereinafter referred to as “support”) at JAMU and the student grant competition procedure. (2) As of the date of the Directive issue, these matters are governed by the following laws, regulations and documents a) Act No. 130/2002 Coll., on Support of Research and Development from Public Funds and on the Amendments to Certain Related Acts (the Act on Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovations), as amended (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), b) Government Directive No. 397/2009 Coll., on the Information System for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation, c) government approved rules for providing targeted support for specific university research under Section 7(6) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules of Support”).1) (3) The student grant competition principles are laid down in the Annex, and for the sake of transparency, they are repeated in the relevant parts of the Directive, as noted in the footnote by reference to the respective provision of the Rules of Support. Art. 2 Specific University Research Specific university research is research carried out by students within the performance of accredited doctoral or master study programmes which is directly related to their education.2) Art. 3 Vice-Rector’s Responsibilities The Vice-Rector for Creative Activities (hereinafter referred to as “the Vice-Rector”) is responsible for the activities hereunder including, without limitation, the Vice-Rector is obliged to supervise and ensure that JAMU fulfils the applicant’s obligations under the Rules of Support, submits proposals of the Directive amendments to the Rector in time, decides on acceptance of a student project and approval of its overall grading and provides methodical assistance for the student grant competition committees (hereinafter referred to as “committees”). 1) Government Resolution No. 697 of 30 September 2019; the Rules of Support are available at www.msmt.cz/vyzkum-a-vyvoj-2/pravidla-pro-poskytovani-ucelove-podpory-na- specificky-1 2) Section 3(2)(c) of the Act 143 No. 22/2019 LJ Art. 4 Eligible Costs Eligible costs3) include costs and expenses in research, development and innovations that may be spent by the recipient on activities within the research, development and innovations or in relation thereto, including but not limited to a) personal costs and expenses including bursaries for research, development and innovations under the Higher Education Act, b) costs or expenses on the purchase of tangible and intangible property, c) other operating costs or expenses, d) costs or expenses on services, e) additional costs or expenses. Art. 5 Permitted Use of Support (1) JAMU may use the support solely4) for a) payment of eligible costs of student projects selected by JAMU in the student grant competition, b) payment of eligible costs related to organization of student scientific conferences, however, not exceeding 10% of the support granted to JAMU, or c) payment of eligible costs related to the student grant competition organization, including the costs of student project evaluation and checks and the evaluation of achieved results, however, not exceeding 2.5% of the support granted to JAMU. (2) The proportion of personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) related to the doctoral or master study programme students’ participation as researchers or other members of the research team in the student project execution to the overall personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) paid within the eligible costs of the student project, is at least 75%.5) (3) From the student project support, eligible costs of specific university research conducted by JAMU or another student project participant may be paid. Costs of a student project executed at a research facility of a legal person other than JAMU may be paid from the support solely if, based on an agreement of the legal person with JAMU under Section 81 of the Higher Education Act, JAMU runs an accredited study programme at the facility, studied by students who are members of the research team.6) Art. 6 Support Distribution to Faculties (1) The support granted to JAMU will be distributed to the Faculties evenly, by the end of February of a given calendar year. Then the Faculty is allocated a portion of the support corresponding to the sum of the student project support, which the Vice-Rector was notified of by one delivered copy of a concluded agreement. 3) 4) 5) 6) Section 2(2)(k) of the Act Art. 3(d) of the Rules of Support Art. 3(c) clause 9 of the Rules of Support Art. 3(c) clause 10 of the Rules of Support 144 No. 22/2019 LJ (1) The Vice-Rector shall decide on the use of support not allocated to faculties, taking into account the committee’s proposals, so that the support is duly used by the end of the calendar year and the obligation to return it to the state budget does not arise. Art. 7 Separate Records In accordance with the Act on Accounting, JAMU keeps separate records of the expenses or costs for each student project and for every other activity in research, development and innovations paid from the support, by using a separate structured project feature (SPP), and within the records, JAMU monitors the costs and expenses paid from the support.7) Art. 8 Publication of Information (1) The Vice-Rector shall arrange the publication of information about the supported student projects and the data of the use of support under Art. 5(1), in the open data format, by 31 March of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the support was granted.8) (2) By 31 March of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the support was granted, the Vice-Rector shall evaluate the results achieved from the support granted in a way specified by the Ministry, and publish the evaluation in a form allowing remote access.9) (3) The Vice-Rector is responsible for submission of data on behalf of JAMU to the Information System of Research, Development and Innovations.10) PART TWO STUDENT PROJECTS Art. 9 Student Project Definition A student project is a project of specific university research executed by students of a doctoral or master study programme run by JAMU or its faculty. Art. 10 Researcher (1) A student project researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme run by JAMU or a member of the JAMU academic staff.11) (2) A student of a master study programme run by JAMU shall apply for the acceptance of their student project researcher position with the responsible JAMU academic staff member or a student of a doctoral study programme run by JAMU. 7) Section 8 of the Act 8) Art. 3(d) of the Rules of Support 9) Art. 4(3) of the Rules of Support 10) Sections 30 to 32 of the Act and Government Directive No. 397/2009 Coll., on the Information System for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation 11) Art. 3(c) clause 3 of the Rules of Support 145 No. 22/2019 LJ (2) The researcher is responsible for due and timely execution of the student project and economical and effective use of the granted support in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the internal standards of JAMU. Art. 11 Research Team (1) The research team consists of the researcher, who manages the team, and other members. The number of students of a doctoral or master study programme in a research team is at least equal to the number of the other research team members. The research team may consist of a maximum of 50 persons.12) (2) Other research team members are students of a doctoral or master programme run by JAMU or members of the academic, scientific, research or innovation staff of JAMU; for a student project whose researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme run by JAMU, the researcher’s supervisor is always a member of the research team.13) (3) If the research team composition and personal cost proportion conditions are met, other members of the research team include members of the scientific, research or development staff of the legal person with whom an agreement has been concluded under Section 81 of the Higher Education Act.14) Art. 12 Execution Period The period of student project execution is 12 to 36 calendar months.15) Art. 13 Maximum Support Amount The maximum support amount for one student project per for one calendar year is CZK 3,000,000 if the researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme, or CZK 5,000,000 if the researcher is a member of the academic staff of the applicant,16) generally it does not exceed CZK 200,000. Art. 14 Student Project Results (1) The student project results must comply with the valid Result Definitions under the Annex to the Methodology of Evaluation of Research Organizations and Targeted Support Programmes in Research, Development and Innovations. 17) (2) A secondary result of the student project execution may be a work of art (e.g. a theatre production, audiovisual work, art and teaching project, music piece composition, 12) Art. 3(c) clauses 5 and 6 of the Rules of Support 13) Art. 3(c) clause 4 of the Rules of Support 14) Art. 3(c) clause 10 of the Rules of Support 15) Art. 3(c) clause 7 of the Rules of Support 16) Art. 3(c) clause 8 of the Rules of Support 17) e.g. a specialized monograph, scientific article published in a journal, conference paper published in the conference collection, chapter in a collective monograph. The student grant competition also supports student projects of the so-called artistic research, so the student project result may also be an artistic research report. 146 No. 22/2019 LJ music piece interpretation within a significant concert performance, sound medium record, musical direction result). Art. 15 Dedication of Results (1) Each student project result must include the student project dedication worded as follows: “This text [output, essay, etc.] originated at [The Faculty of Theatre/Music] of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno within the project [project title] supported from the funds of targeted support for specific university research, granted by MEYS for [year].”. (2) When justified by the circumstances, the dedication may be in a foreign language. PART THREE STUDENT GRANT COMPETITION Art. 16 Student Grant Competition Definition The student grant competition is a competition to support student projects taking place at the level of JAMU.18) The student grant competition shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the Act19) on Public Tenders in Research, Development and Innovations.20) Art. 17 Commission (1) A commission is established as an advisory board of the Vice-Rector for evaluation of student project proposals from each JAMU faculty. The commission must consist of three members at least, and is chaired by the responsible vice-dean. Other commission members are appointed and removed by the Vice-Rector based on a proposal of the responsible dean. The commission constitution must ensure professional and independent evaluation of student projects, their execution and results. (2) The commission is quorate if the chairperson plus at least two thirds of the members are present. A decision is adopted by a majority of the present commission members. The Rector or the Vice-Rector are entitled to attend the commission meeting. Art. 18 Commission Responsibilities The commission is responsible for, without limitation a) due process of the student grant competition, b) providing assistance to student project researchers, c) due process of the student project assessment proceedings, d) drawing up a report on the use of the support and evaluation of results achieved from the support in the previous calendar year, 18) 19) 20) Art. 3(c) clause 1 of the Rules of Support Section 17 et seq. of the Act Art. 3(b) of the Rules of Support 147 No. 22/2019 LJ d) student project records and documentation submission to the archive. Art. 19 Student Grant Competition Announcement (1) The student grant competition is announced by the commission by 15 November of the year preceding the year when the student project execution is to start. The student grant competition announcement includes a) a reference to this Directive, b) the deadline to submit student project proposals, c) e-mail address for the submission of proposals, sending the interim, partial and final reports and the opponent’s assessments, d) contact for consultation with the commission chairperson, e) contact of the employee responsible for the support administration (usually the faculty project manager), f) formulation of the result dedication, g) forms for the student project proposal, interim, partial and final report and the opponent’s assessment. (2) The student grant competition announcement shall be published by the commission chairperson in the public part of the faculty website. Art. 20 Student Grant Competition Registration (1) A student project may be registered in the student grant competition by the prospective researcher (hereinafter referred to as “the proposer”) by sending the student project proposal before the deadline to the e-mail address stated in the student grant competition announcement (hereinafter referred to as “the announcement”). (2) The student project proposal is submitted on a form attached to the announcement. Art. 21 Proposal Assessment Criteria (1) The aim of the student project proposal assessment is its comparison to other submitted student project proposals based on the following criteria a) originality of the student project and its expected contribution to the development of knowledge, b) professional level of the project proposal and concept and execution methodology, c) suitability of the project objectives to the professional qualities and existing experience of the proposer, d) legitimacy and proportionality of support requirements, e) adequacy of the project execution with regard to its demandingness. (2) The criteria under paragraph 1 are evaluated during the student project proposal assessment on a scale of 0–5 points, 5 being the best possible evaluation. Each student project proposal is assessed individually. Art. 22 Project Proposal Opponent (1) The commission chairperson appoints an opponent of the student project proposal from specialists in a given field. The opponent of the student project proposal may not be a person who participated 148 No. 22/2019 LJ in the proposal preparation or is to be a member of the research team of the proposed student project.21) (2) In the assessment, the opponent shall comment on the student project proposal, in particular based on the individual criteria listed in Art. 21 (1). The opponent’s assessment of the project proposal is submitted on a form attached to the announcement. The opponent’s assessment must be sent to the e-mail address stated in the announcement no later than 3 days before the assessment of the proposed student projects by the commission. Art. 23 Assessment by the Commission (1) The commission may ask the proposer of the student project to introduce their proposal briefly in person. (2) The commission shall assess the proposed student projects based on the proposal assessment criteria and with regard to the conclusions of the opponent’s assessment, propose their order, propose the student projects to be accepted and the amount of support and its conditions for each student project separately, including its distribution for each year of the project as a part released at the start of execution and a part released based on the evaluation of the interim report on the student project execution. If the request for support is inadequate, the commission shall propose the adequate amount of support. (3) The commission chairperson shall notify the proposers whose projects have been proposed for acceptance, what amount and conditions of the support the commission proposed. Art. 24 Objections to the Commission Proposal If the proposer disagrees with the amount and conditions of support proposed by the commission, the proposer shall inform the commission chairperson about their objections within 5 days from the day when the commission chairperson sent the proposal information. If the commission chairperson and the proposer fail to reach an agreement on the conditions of the student project acceptance, the student project in question shall be eliminated from the competition. Art. 25 Record of the Proposal Assessment (1) A record of the final assessment of the student projects and the commission proposals shall be drawn up by the commission, delivered by the commission chairperson to the ViceRector and notified to the responsible dean; the student project proposals and opponent’s assessments shall be attached to the record. (2) Every proposer is entitled to inspect the final record with the commission chairperson. Art. 26 Student Project Acceptance (1) A student project is accepted if the Vice-Rector approves the commission’s proposal of acceptance. The Vice-Rector shall approve the commission’s proposals, unless a) the student grant competition had a fault that may have substantially affect its result, 21) Art. 3(c) clause 2 of the Rules of Support 149 No. 22/2019 LJ a) the approval of the commission’s proposal would mean a violation of the regulations. (2) The Vice-Rector informs the student project proposer proposed for acceptance whether the proposed student project was accepted. The proposer of the accepted student projects will be asked to conclude an agreement on the student project execution. Art. 27 Agreement Conclusion The proposer of an accepted student project becomes a researcher upon the conclusion of an agreement of the student project execution with JAMU. PART FOUR STUDENT PROJECT EXECUTION Art. 28 The researcher and the research team members proceed in line with the approved student project proposal so that the student project is executed duly and timely. Art. 29 Interim Report (1) By 31 August of every year of the student project execution, the researcher is obliged to present the commission chairperson with an interim report on the student project execution. The interim report form is attached to the announcement. (2) Based on the interim report, the commission chairperson shall decide on the release of the second portion of the support granted for the student project execution. Art. 30 Partial Report (1) For student projects scheduled for more than one year, the researcher is obliged to present a partial report on the student project execution in a given calendar year by 31 December of each year of the student project execution to the commission chairperson. The partial report includes detailed requirements for support for the next year of the student project execution. The partial report form is attached to the announcement. (2) Based on the partial report, the commission chairperson shall decide on the release of the first portion of the support granted for the student project execution in a given year. Art. 31 Student Project Changes (1) Student project changes are insignificant, with the exception of a) budget item transfers within the accepted student project with the total volume exceeding 15% of the budget, b) changes of the student project results, c) changes of the student project researcher. 150 No. 22/2019 LJ (1) In the event of a significant change, the researcher shall always apply for the change with the chairperson of the evaluation commission. The decision of the evaluation commission chairperson is final. (2) The researcher is not obliged to apply for insignificant changes; however, they are obliged to mention them including the reasons in the interim, partial and final report. Art. 32 Premature Termination If the student project execution is terminated prematurely, the researcher is obliged to draw up the final report and publish the achieved partial results of the student project execution. PART FIVE STUDENT PROJECT EXECUTION EVALUATION Art. 33 Final Report (1) Upon completion of the student project execution, the researcher shall draw up the final report, including at least a) the procedure and method of the student project execution, b) student project changes, c) project results and their presentation, d) use of support. (2) Written results of the student project or the documentation of other student project results shall be attached to the final report. (3) The final report shall be sent to the address stated in the announcement no later than 7 days from completion of the project execution; however, no later than 7 days from the student project execution deadline. The final report shall be submitted on the form attached to the announcement. Art. 34 Final Report Opponent (1) The commission chairperson appoints an opponent of the student project final report from specialists in a given field. A person who participated in the proposal preparation or execution of a given student project may not be the opponent of the student project final report. (2) The opponent’s assessment of the final report is submitted on a form attached to the announcement. In the opponent’s assessment, the opponent shall assess the procedure and method of execution, effectiveness of use of the support, fulfilment of the objectives and the quality of the student project results. The opponent’s assessment shall be sent to the e-mail address stated in the announcement no later than 7 days before the final assessment proceedings. Art. 35 Final Assessment Proceedings (1) The final assessment proceedings of the student project and its results is carried out by the commission based on the final report and the opponent’s assessment within 60 days of completion of the student project execution, unless the commission chairperson allows the period to be extended. 151 No. 22/2019 LJ (1) The researcher, the research team members and the Vice-Rector are entitled to be present at the final assessment proceedings; the researcher is entitled to defend the project execution and its results. The researcher is obliged to attend the final assessment proceedings on request of the commission. (2) The materials for the final assessment proceedings must be provided to the commission members and the researcher no later than three days before the commission meeting. Art. 36 Overall Evaluation (1) The commission decides on the proposal of the overall evaluation of the student project execution and results as a) satisfactory, b) satisfactory with factual reservation, c) satisfactory with management reservation, or d) unsatisfactory. (2) The commission chairperson shall present the overall evaluation proposal to the ViceRector for approval. The Vice-Rector shall approve the overall evaluation, unless the approval of the commission proposal would mean a violation of the regulations. Art. 37 Final Assessment Proceedings Record (1) The final assessment proceedings record must include, in particular, the name of the student project, the names of the commission members and the opponent and their workplaces, conclusions of the opponent’s assessment, commission opinion on the student project results and their application, commission opinion on additional processing of the student project results, if any, or on further steps, and the date and place of the final assessment proceedings; the final report and the opponent’s assessment of the final report are attached to the record. (2) The final assessment proceedings report shall be sent by the commission chairperson to the researcher, the Vice-Rector and the commission chairperson shall notify the responsible dean. Art. 38 Report on the Use of Support By the end of February of the year following the year in which the execution of at least one student project took place or was supposed to take place, the commission shall present the Vice-Rector with a report on the use of support. For each project, the report on the use of support includes a) student project name, b) names of the student project researcher and other members of the research team with the specification if they are students of JAMU, c) the amount of support used based on the budget items, d) total personal costs or expenses (including bursaries), e) proportion of personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) related to the doctoral or master study programme students’ participation as members of the research team in the student project execution to the overall personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) paid within the eligible costs of the student project, f) any expenses above CZK 40 thousand, g) the amount of support not drawn. 152 No. 22/2019 LJ Art. 39 Evaluation of Results Achieved from the Support By 24 March of the year following the year in which the execution of at least one student project took place or was supposed to take place, the commission shall draw up and present to the Vice-Rector the evaluation of results achieved from the support. PART SIX JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 40 Communication (1) Unless stated otherwise, communication is carried out by e-mail, from an e-mail address within the @jamu.cz domain to e-mail addresses within the @jamu.cz domain. (2) Communication with an opponent who is not a student of a study programme run by JAMU or a member of JAMU staff is carried out through an e-mail address given by the opponent to the commission chairperson. Art. 41 Interim Provision Student projects accepted prior to the effectiveness hereof shall be completed under Directive No. 36/2018 LJ. Art. 42 Repeal Provision Directive No. 36/2018 LJ, on Specific University Research is repealed. Art. 43 Effectiveness The Directive comes into force on the day following its publication in the JAMU Journal and shall first apply to the support granted for 2020. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, m.p. The Rector 153 No. 22/2019 LJ Annex to the Directive on Specific University Research Student Grant Competition Principles The following student grant competition principles apply 1. the student grant competition takes place at the level of the applicant or its parts that carry out a doctoral study programme or a master study programme (hereinafter referred to as “a part of the applicant”); if the student grant competitions take place at the level of the individual parts of the applicant, the same student grant competition principles apply, 2. a student project presented in the student grant competition is assessed by at least one opponent who has not been involved in the preparation of the assessed student project proposal and who is not a member of the research team of the assessed student project proposal, 3. a student project researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme of the applicant or a member of the academic staff9) of the applicant, 4. other research team members are students of a doctoral or master programme of the applicant or members of the academic, scientific, research or innovation staff of the applicant; for a student project whose researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme of the applicant, the researcher’s supervisor is always a member of the research team. 5. the research team may consist of a maximum of 50 persons, 6. the number of students of a doctoral or master study programme in a research team is at least equal to the number of the other research team members, 7. the period of student project execution is 12 to 36 calendar months, 8. the maximum support amount for one student project per for one calendar year is CZK 3,000,000 if the researcher is a student of a doctoral study programme, or CZK 5,000,000 if the researcher is a member of the academic staff of the applicant, 9. the proportion of personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) related to the doctoral or master study programme students’ participation as researchers or other members of the research team in the student project execution to the overall personal costs or expenses (including bursaries) paid within the eligible costs of the student project, is at least 75%, and 10. costs of a student project executed at a research facility of a legal person other than the applicant may be paid from the support solely if, based on an agreement of the legal person with the applicant under Section 81 of the Higher Education Act, the applicant runs an accredited study programme at the facility, studied by the students who are members of the research team. If the conditions under clauses 5, 6 and 9 are met, other members of the research team also include members of the scientific, research or development staff of a given legal person. 154 No. 22/2019 LJ Contents PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 General Provisions Art. 2 Specific University Research Art. 3 Vice-Rector’s Responsibilities Art. 4 Eligible Costs Art. 5 Permitted Use of Support Art. 6 Support Distribution to Faculties Art. 7 Separate Records Art. 8 Publication of Information PART TWO STUDENT PROJECTS Art. 9 Student Project Definition Art. 10 Researcher Art. 11 Research Team Art. 12 Execution Period Art. 13 Maximum Support Amount Art. 14 Student Project Results Art. 15 Dedication of Results PART THREE STUDENT GRANT COMPETITION Art. 16 Student Grant Competition Definition Art. 17 Commission Art. 18 Commission Responsibilities Art. 19 Student Grant Competition Announcement Art. 20 Student Grant Competition Registration Art. 21 Proposal Evaluation Criteria Art. 22 Project Proposal Opponent Art. 23 Assessment by the Commission Art. 24 Objections to the Commission Proposal Art. 25 Record of the Proposal Assessment Art. 26 Student Project Acceptance Art. 27 Agreement Conclusion PART FOUR STUDENT PROJECT EXECUTION Art. 28 Art. 29 Interim Report Art. 30 Partial Report Art. 31 Student Project Changes Art. 32 Premature Termination PART FIVE STUDENT PROJECT EXECUTION EVALUATION Art. 33 Final Report Art. 34 Final Report Opponent Art. 35 Final Assessment Proceedings Art. 36 Overall Evaluation Art. 37 Final Assessment Proceedings Record Art. 38 Report on the Use of Support Art. 39 Evaluation of Results Achieved from the Support PART SIX JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 40 Communication Art. 41 Interim Provision Art. 42 Repeal Provision Art. 43 Effectiveness 155