JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2019 Accessible as of 25 January 2019 CONTENTS: 4th Directive on the Research Development Fund (in force as of 25 January 2019, in effect as of 26 January 2019) No. 4/2019 LJ REGULATION of 25 January 2019 on the Research Development Fund Rector of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno issues the following Directive: Art. 1 General Provisions (1) The Directive provides for the allocation and use of the resources of the allocated portion of the grant provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to JAMU as institutional support for long-term conceptual development of scientific, research and development activities (hereinafter referred to as “Support”). (2) As of the date of the Directive issue, these matters are governed by the following laws, regulations and documents a) Act No. 218/2000 Coll., on Budgetary Rules and Amendments to Certain Related Acts (Budgetary Rules), as amended, b) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendment to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, c) Act No. 130/2002 Coll., on Support of Research and Development from Public Funds and on the Amendments to Certain Related Acts (the Act on Support of Research, Experimental Development and Innovations), as amended. (3) The JAMU Research Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as RDF) is intended for funding the projects of JAMU employees (hereinafter referred to as “researchers”) supporting the development of JAMU by their scientific, research, development or innovation activities. Art. 2 Allocation of Support (1) From the total grant volume for institutional support of long-term conceptual development of JAMU from MEYS, every year within 10 days of the receipt of the information from MEYS on the support amount, the Rector allocates a portion to be distributed and used as support of RDF grants. (2) The distribution and use of the RDF funds is governed by this Directive and by the annual JAMU Research Development Fund Announcement for the following calendar year (hereinafter referred to as “the Announcement”) issued by the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities by 30 June every year. (3) Based on the Announcement, the researchers submit the research development projects for the following calendar year by the deadlines set in the Announcement. The projects may be scheduled for one to three years, must take place between 2 January of the first execution year and 10 December of the last execution year. 27 No. 4/2019 LJ Art. 3 Competition of the JAMU Research Development Fund Projects (1) Each year, only the projects that succeed in the competition based on the Announcement published at www.jamu.cz are financed. (2) The researchers register in the competition by delivering a project proposal to the Dean’s Office of the respective Faculty in writing and simultaneously in a digital form to the e-mail address of the Faculty. The project proposal is submitted as a form which is filled in and signed by a recognized electronic signature. The binding form template will be attached to the Announcement. (3) The projects in the competition are evaluated by a nine-member committee consisting of three sections a) the first section, which includes the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities, the Vice-Rector for Development and the Bursar b) the second section, which includes the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities and two other members appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Theatre c) the third section, which includes the Vice-Dean for Scientific and Research Activities and two other members appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Music. (4) If a member of the committee is or is supposed to be a researcher or a member of the research team, a substitute shall be appointed, for the first section by the Rector, in other cases by the responsible Dean; the substitute’s appointment shall be communicated to the committee chairperson in writing. (5) The committee chairperson is the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities who convenes and manages the committee meetings and issues the decision on the final order of the projects and their financing. The committee is quorate if at least 5 members are present, at least 2 of them representing the first section, and at least one representing each of the remaining sections. (6) The Faculty section is quorate solely of all members are present. (7) The submitted projects are evaluated in two rounds a) in the first round, the projects of the Faculty are evaluated by the second or third section, based on the Faculty membership of the researcher, b) in the second round, the whole committee discusses and decides on the final order and financing of the projects. (8) The aim of project evaluation in both rounds is to assess their professional level, viability, topicality (in particular the possibility of publishing the result in an impacted or reviewed journal or a book), financial effectiveness and economy and the degree of impact on the development of the scientific, research, development or innovation activities of JAMU. Each of the above criteria is evaluated on a scale of 0 to 10 points. For projects submitted under Article 5(1)(b), the support correspondence to the interests of JAMU and the possibility of success of the supported employee in the procedure is evaluated. (9) A written appeal may be lodged against the committee decision to reject a project with the Rector within 8 days of the publishing of the competition results on the JAMU website. Art. 4 Researcher’s Rights and Responsibilities (1) The researcher whose project has been accepted for financing is responsible for due and timely project execution and for economical and effective use of the allocated funds in accordance with the generally applicable and internal legal regulations. 28 No. 4/2019 LJ (1) If the project execution is terminated prematurely (e.g. upon termination of employment), the researcher is obliged to draw up a final report or, in cooperation with the researcher’s manager, arrange for continuation of the project execution. (2) A request for a change of the project (content or budgetary) shall be filed by the researcher through the Dean of the Faculty to the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities. Without the Vice-Rector’s approval, the change is not allowed. (3) Upon completion of the project execution (for each calendar year for projects lasting more than one year), the researcher shall draw up a “Final/Interim Report” in the required form, which is included in the Announcement. The Final Report shall be submitted within 15 days of the project execution completion or the year end, however, no later than by 15 January of the following year, through the responsible vice-dean to the respective section under Article 3 (3). The Interim Report shall be submitted in the same way by 20 December of the first or second year of project execution. (4) Together with the Final/Interim Report, the researcher shall also submit the study text or another project output. (5) The published studies must state they are an “Output of institutional support for longterm conceptual development of scientific, research and development activities of JAMU”, the project number and year of execution. Art. 5 Use of Support (1) From the allocated support, only the following costs may be paid: a) projects focused on the researcher’s own scientific, research, development or innovation activities, b) support of a JAMU employee in habilitation proceedings or proceedings for the appointment of professors; the support may be provided to the employee as a lump sum. (2) The eligible costs only include the costs allowed in the Announcement for the respective project areas; the above shall not apply if the support under par. 1(b) is provided as a lump sum. (3) In accordance with the Act on Accounting and the JAMU Statute, JAMU keeps separate records of expended costs for each project in the economic system of JAMU. Art. 6 Project Evaluation (1) The final/interim project evaluation must be completed by 28 February of the year following the year when the project execution was to be completed (after each year of execution for projects scheduled for more than one year). (2) The final/interim project evaluation is performed before a committee constituted under Article 3(3) and is public. The evaluation is carried out based on the assessment of the researcher’s “Final/Interim Report” and the opinion of the respective section on the report, and based on the overall content and financial result of the project execution. The researcher or a research team member authorized by the researcher is entitled and, on request of the committee, obliged to attend the project evaluation. (3) The committee votes on the final/interim project evaluation and draws up a report of the result. 29 No. 4/2019 LJ Art. 7 Final and Interim Provisions (1) This Directive repeals Directive No. 35/2018 LJ, on the Research Development Fund. (2) This Directive comes into effect on the day following the date of coming to force. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, m.p. The Rector 30