JAMU JOURNAL Year 2019 part published on 10 April 2019 CONTENTS: 3. Internal Wage Regulation (valid as of 28 March 2019, effective as of 1 May 2019) No. 9/2019 LJ INTERNAL REGULATION OF JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 11 March 2019 Internal Wage Regulation The Academic Senate upon the proposal of the Rector approved this internal regulation of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PART ONE General Provisions Art. 1 Subject of Regulation (1) The Internal Wage Regulation is an internal regulation of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as “JAMU”) under Section 17(1)(d) Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on amendments and modifications to other acts (Higher Education Act), as amended by subsequent regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”), and under Section 305 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labor Code, as amended by subsequent regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Labor Code”). (2) The Internal Wage Regulation determines wages through wage rates, conditions for stipulating a contractual wage and in Annex No. 6 the amounts and conditions for stipulating compensation based on agreements on work performed outside employment, provided by JAMU to its employees for the work performed. (3) The Internal Wage Regulation does not determine the wage of the Rector, which is determined by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports under Section 10(5); if the Rector’s wage is not determined in this manner, he/she shall be entitled to a wage in the twofold amount of the highest wage rate. Art. 2 Employee For the purposes hereof, an employee means a natural person who has an employment contract with JAMU or an employee performing work for JAMU based on an agreement on work performed outside employment. Art. 3 Performance of Office A separate employment contract is always concluded for the offices of the Rector, ViceRector, Bursar, Dean, Vice-Dean or Secretary. No. 9/2019 LJ PART TWO Wage Based on Employment Contract Chapter I Wage Determined by Internal Wage Regulation Art. 4 Wage (1) Employees are entitled to wages for the performed work. At JAMU, a wage means monetary fulfillment. Employees are entitled to wages in the amount and under the conditions stipulated by the Labor Code.1) (2) A wage shall not mean compensatory wage, severance pay, travel expenses, standby duty pay, rewards for long service or important birthdays, remuneration for the provision of emergency assistance and adequate financial compensation. Art. 5 Wage for Shorter Working Hours In case shorter working hours have been stipulated,2) the employee is entitled to a wage corresponding to such shorter working hours. Art. 6 Wage Rate Employees are entitled to wages according to wage rates listed in Annex No. 1, depending on the inclusion of an employee into a wage category. Art. 7 Inclusion into Wage Categories (1) On the basis of work type agreed in the employment contract and the most demanding work required from the employee within that type of work (hereinafter referred to as the “agreed work type”) and based on qualification requirements met by the employee, the employee is included into a wage category in accordance with Annex No. 2. Work activities performed seldom or exceptionally are disregarded. (2) Employees are included into wage categories under this regulation and its Annexes; in the case of doubt, the annex to Government Regulation No. 567/2006 Coll., on a minimum wage, on minimum levels of guaranteed wage, on defining arduous working environment, and on the amount of premiums for work in arduous working environment, as amended by subsequent regulations, shall be consulted. 1) Sections 111 and 112 Labor Code, and Government Regulation No. 567/2006 Coll., on a minimum wage, on minimum levels of guaranteed wage, on defining arduous working environment, and on the amount of premiums for work in arduous working environment, as amended by subsequent regulations. 2) Section 80 Labor Code No. 9/2019 LJ Art. 8 Qualification Requirements (1) Qualification requirements necessary for the performance of work in the individual wage categories are listed in Annex No. 2. A qualification requirement must be met in the specialization or a field necessary for the performance of the work type concerned. (2) Qualification higher than necessary is disregarded. Enhancement of qualification during employment as the only reason does not constitute the right of an employee to be included in a different wage category. Art. 9 Exceptions from Qualification Requirements JAMU may exceptionally include an employee into a wage category even though qualification requirements have not been met in case a) the employee has proved the ability to perform the required work in the field concerned for the minimum period of 5 years, b) the employee has begun studies whereby he/she will complete the required education and duly continues in studying, c) the employee has been included into the sixth wage category at the maximum, in case the due performance of his/her work requires only basic education, secondary education or secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate, or d) the employee has been included into the seventh and higher wage category, and completed secondary education finished with the school-leaving examination or higher vocational education or higher education in a Bachelor’s degree program, in case the completion of higher education in a Master’s degree program is required. Art. 10 Wages for Other Work In case an employee has been transferred to different work than agreed, to which a lower wage applies, he/she is entitled, if stipulated by the Labor Code,3) to a surcharge up to the amount of average earnings he/she received before the transfer. Chapter II Contractual Wage Art. 11 Eligible Employees (1) Employees who are excellent specialists or bear high level of responsibility for the operation and development of JAMU may be stipulated a contractual wage on an individual basis. (2) The contractual wage may only be stipulated a) for the performance of office of members in JAMU bodies, of the Vice-Rector, members in faculty bodies or Vice-Dean, 3) Section 139 Labor Code No. 9/2019 LJ b) with academic employees who will hold the posts of associate professors or full professors, c) with other employees in case they perform activities corresponding to the ninth or tenth wage category, or d) with visiting experts working in JAMU workplaces. Art. 12 Terms of Stipulation (1) The contractual wage is always stipulated for a definite period. The provisions of Art. 6 to 9 shall not apply to the contractual wage. (2) The contractual wage shall be stipulated to the maximum extent permitted by law, while potential overtime work compensation is included in the contractual wage. Employees who receive the contractual wages shall not be entitled to a performance reward, management premium or deputy’s premium. (3) The contractual wage and conditions of its provision shall be approved, negotiated and checked by the Dean at the faculty level and by the Rector for other workplaces. Art. 13 Variable Component The entitlement to the variable component of up to 40 % of the contractual wage may depend on the achievement of agreed results (in particular completion of an assignment within a defined period, achievement of the expected result). Regular evaluation of fulfillment of these indicators, usually performed once in three months, is a basis for the payment of the contractual wage in the basic amount or in the amount increased by the variable component. PART THREE Premiums and Bonuses Chapter I Statutory Premiums and Bonuses Art. 14 Wage and Compensatory Leave for Overtime Work (1) An employee is entitled to the wage and a premium of 25 % of average earnings for overtime work, unless the employer and the employee agree on compensatory leave corresponding to overtime work instead of the premium. (2) In case the employer fails to provide compensatory leave to the employee within 3 calendar months after the overtime work or within another period agreed, the employee shall be entitled to the premium under paragraph 1 on top of the wage. (3) Overtime work for an employee with shorter working hours means work exceeding the stipulated weekly working hours. (4) In case an employee has a contractual wage, he/she shall not be entitled to the wage plus premium or the compensatory leave for overtime work in the extent that was taken into account when stipulating the contractual wage. No. 9/2019 LJ Art. 15 Wage, Compensatory Leave or Wage Compensation for Public Holidays (1) An employee is entitled to the wage and compensatory leave in the extent of work done on a public holiday, which shall be provided by JAMU no later than by the end of the third calendar month following the work done on a public holiday, or within a period agreed otherwise. The employee is entitled to compensation for wage during the period of compensatory leave in the amount of average earnings. (2) Instead of providing compensatory leave, JAMU may agree with the employee on the provision of a premium on top of the wage, amounting to average earnings. (3) In case a public holiday falls on a business day, employees are entitled to compensation for wage in the amount of average earnings or their part for the wage or part of the wage lost in consequence of the public holiday. Art. 16 Wage and Night Work Premium An employee who works at night4) is entitled to the wage plus a premium of 25 % of average earnings per hour of such work. Art. 17 Wage and Weekend Work Premium An employee is entitled to the wage and a premium of 25 % of average earnings for the time of work on a Saturday or a Sunday. Art. 18 Standby Duty Pay (1) JAMU shall provide an employee a standby duty pay in the amount of 10 % of the average earnings per hour of the agreed standby duty. (2) An employee is entitled to the wage for work during the standby duty; the pay under paragraph 1 shall not apply for such period. Work during the standby duty exceeding the weekly working hours is considered overtime work. (3) In case an employee does not work during the standby duty, its period shall not be included into the working hours. Art. 19 Premium for Graduates from Doctoral Degree Program An academic employee in the seventh or eighth wage category who duly completed a doctoral degree program is entitled to a premium of CZK 1,500 per month. Art. 5 shall apply accordingly. 4) An employee working at night is an employee who, during night time, works at least 3 hours of his/her working time within 24 consecutive hours on average at least once a week in the period referred to in Section 94(1) of the Labor Code. Night work is work performed between 10 pm and 6 am No. 9/2019 LJ Art. 20 Management Premium (1) A senior employee is entitled to a management premium corresponding to the management level, demands of management work and economic situation and personnel policy of JAMU; the amount of the premium shall be determined in accordance with Annex No. 4. (2) The amount of the management premium may change in the event of a change in the conditions under which it was stipulated. The employee must be informed in advance of the reasons for a change in the amount of the stipulated premium. Art. 21 Premium for Degree Program Guarantors (1) An academic employee who has been appointed the degree program guarantor shall be entitled to a premium of CZK 3,000 to 5,000 per month for the performance of the office. (2) The premium amount shall be determined at the time of the appointment by the person who appoints the guarantor; in case he/she fails to do so, the lowest amount of the premium under paragraph 1 shall apply. Art. 22 Deputy’s Premium (1) In case an employee acts as a deputy in place of a senior employee at a higher management level in the full extent of his/her management activities for an uninterrupted period longer than four weeks and such representation is not part of the employee’s responsibilities ensuing from employment, such employee shall be entitled to a deputy’s premium since the first day of representation. It is not decisive for the provision of the premium whether the employee is or is not a senior employee. (2) The deputy’s premium shall not be provided for representation shorter than four weeks. Periods of representation shorter than four weeks are not cumulative, however, the employee may be awarded a bonus for the fulfillment of an extraordinary working task. (3) The amount of the deputy’s premium shall be determined by JAMU within the range of the management premium of the senior employee concerned. Art. 23 Special Premium A special premium of CZK 100 to CZK 500 per month is provided to an employee for work performed in a two-shift, three-shift or continuous operation, where the employee alternates in the morning, afternoon or night shift; the amount of the special premium is decided by the head of the relevant unit. No. 9/2019 LJ Chapter II Non-Mandatory Premiums and Bonuses Art. 24 Performance Reward (1) Employees who have excellent work results in the long-term run or fulfill a larger number of working tasks than other employees in high quality may be awarded a performance reward by JAMU, amounting up to 100 % of the wage rate. (2) Employees with shorter working hours are also entitled to a performance reward. Art. 5 shall apply accordingly. Art. 25 Amount of Performance Reward (1) The amount of the performance reward, its changes or withdrawal is decided by JAMU based on the fulfillment of conditions stated in Art. 24(1), its economic situation and personnel policy. The performance reward may be decreased or withdrawn regardless of the fulfillment of conditions stated in Art. 24(1), in case JAMU has not sufficient funds, changes its remuneration system or if there are other reasons. (2) The amount of the performance reward is determined in advance before the work performance as a fixed amount or as the maximum amount, and the concrete amount of the performance reward is determined or provided within this range each month. Art. 26 Bonuses (1) JAMU may provide a lump-sum bonus in particular for: a) successful completion of an extraordinary or particularly significant working task or for extraordinary quality of the fulfilled working task, b) provision of assistance in the prevention of fires or natural disasters, their fighting or removing the consequences, or during other emergencies that may threaten life, health or property, in the amount specified in Annex No. 5. (2) A bonus may be exceptionally granted by JAMU to acknowledge professional merits of an employee on the occasion of an important service anniversary or birthday and on the first termination of employment after being granted the disability pension or entitlement to the old-age pension. No. 9/2019 LJ Chapter III Common Provision on Premiums and Bonuses Art. 27 Concurrence of Premiums In case an employee is entitled to more premiums for work performed within the same period, the premiums may cumulate; if there are more premiums for management or acting as a deputy, the employee is entitled to only one premium – the highest one. Art. 28 Sabbatical Leave (1) An academic employee of JAMU shall be provided a sabbatical leave upon request, in the period of six months once in seven years, unless such leave is prevented by serious circumstances ensuing from the fulfillment of educational tasks at JAMU. (2) An academic employee is entitled to wages corresponding to his/her wage rate for the period of the sabbatical. PART FOUR Joint, Temporary and Final Provisions Art. 29 Regular Pay Date The regular date for the payment of wages is stipulated in the collective agreement. Art. 30 Transitory Provisions (1) Claims arisen prior to the effective date hereof shall be assessed in accordance with the regulation effective at the time of their origination. (2) JAMU is not obliged to transfer the employee who was included into a wage category prior to the determination of his/her specialization or field of education or another requirement for due performance of the agreed type of work to another wage category in the situation where he/she fails to meet such requirements but his/her professional expertise guarantees high-quality performance of the agreed work type. Art. 31 Repealing Provision Internal regulation No. 22/2018 LJ, Internal Wage Regulation, registered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (hereinafter referred to as the “Ministry”) under ref. No. MSMT-9821/2018 on 11 April 2018 is hereby repealed. No. 9/2019 LJ Art. 32 Validity and Effectiveness This internal regulation enters into force as of the day of registration with the Ministry and into effect as of the first day of the month following the registration, however, no earlier than on 1 May 2019. prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý Rector doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. AS JAMU Chair No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 1 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Wage Rates Wage categories (CZK) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13,350 14,000 15,000 16,600 18,300 20,500 23,400 26,800 30,900 36,500 No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 2 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Overview of Wage Categories According to Working Demands and Qualification Requirements 1. Workers 1 The simplest works provided by workers. E.g. porter, cleaning, room service. Minimum education required: basic. 2 Uniform works with framework assignment and precisely defined outputs, range of possibilities to choose different approaches; general links to other processes (hereinafter referred to as the “simple skilled work”). Work with units and sets of several individual elements (objects) and logical (utilitarian) arrangement with partial links to other units (sets). The work requires simple working relationships. Long-term repetitive strain on large muscle groups. Slightly increased mental requirements connected with independent solution of a set of homogeneous operations performed at a fixed time. E.g. security guard, boiler attendant, assistant warehouse worker. Minimum education required: basic. 3 – 4 Varied, generally defined work with assignment in accordance with usual procedures, with determined outputs, procedures and links to other processes (hereinafter referred to as the “skilled work”). Work with self-contained units composed of many elements with partial links to a small group of other systems. Coordination of work in variable groups. Directing simple routine and handling work and processes in variable groups, teams and other changeable organizational units, without the subordination of a group of employees associated with liability for damage that cannot be remedied through their own resources and in a short time. Increased mental requirements resulting from independent solution of tasks with varied features and processes, involving imagination and predictability, ability to compare, attention and flexibility. Considerable sensory demands. Considerable strain on large muscle groups in arduous working conditions. E.g. decoration builder, car driver, locksmith-maintenance operator, costume mistress, operator of complex systems of heaters and heat exchangers. Minimum education required: secondary. 5 Skilled work with independent self-contained units, potentially composed of partial subsystems, with links to other systems. Provision of a large set of skilled work with generally defined procedures and methods and predefined outputs that form an integral part of wider processes (hereinafter referred to as the “specialized skilled work”). Directing and coordinating simple skilled work. Work within complex systems with internal division into self-contained subsystems, with close links to other systems and with internal division also outside the framework of the organization. Mental strain resulting from independent solution of tasks, where concrete and abstract features of varied nature are equally represented. Demands for application No. 9/2019 LJ abilities and adaptation to various conditions, logical thinking and a certain level of imagination. High demands for identification of very small details, signs or other visually important information; increased demands on the vestibular system. Excessive strain on large muscle groups in extreme working conditions. Any demanding work performed by workers. E.g. tailor-wardrobe mistress, electrician-maintenance operator, tuner, plumber. Minimum education required: secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate. 2. Administrative and technical staff 1 Performance of auxiliary work in accordance with precise procedures and instructions. E.g. carrying mail and handling documents Minimum education required: secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate. 2 Uniform works with framework assignment and precisely defined outputs, range of possibilities to choose different approaches and general links to other processes (hereinafter referred to as the “simple skilled work”). Work with units and sets of several individual elements (objects) and logical (utilitarian) arrangement with partial links to other units (sets). The work requires simple working relationships. Long-term repetitive strain on large muscle groups. Slightly increased mental requirements connected with independent solution of a set of homogeneous operations performed at a fixed time. E.g. auxiliary administrative work, mail room and registry operation. Minimum education required: secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate. 3 – 4 Varied, generally defined work with assignment in accordance with usual procedures, with determined outputs, procedures and links to other processes (hereinafter referred to as the “skilled work”). Work with self-contained units composed of many elements with partial links to a small group of other systems. Coordination of work in variable groups. Directing simple routine and handling work and processes in variable groups, teams and other changeable organizational units, without the subordination of a group of employees associated with liability for damage that cannot be remedied through their own resources and in a short time. Increased mental requirements resulting from independent solution of tasks with varied features and processes, involving imagination and predictability, ability to compare, attention and flexibility. Considerable sensory demands. Considerable strain on large muscle groups in arduous working conditions. E.g. assistant financial accountant. Minimum education required: secondary education with the school-leaving examination. No. 9/2019 LJ 5 Skilled work with independent self-contained units, potentially composed of partial subsystems, with links to other systems. Provision of a large set of skilled work with generally defined procedures and methods and predefined outputs that form an integral part of wider processes (hereinafter referred to as the “specialized skilled work”). Directing and coordinating simple skilled work. Work within complex systems with internal division into self-contained subsystems, with close links to other systems and with internal division also outside the framework of the organization. Mental strain resulting from independent solution of tasks, where concrete and abstract features of varied nature are equally represented. Demands for application abilities and adaptation to various conditions, logical thinking and a certain level of imagination. High demands for identification of very small details, signs or other visually important information and increased demands on the vestibular system. Excessive strain on large muscle groups in extreme working conditions. E.g. sound engineer, lighting technician, computer technician. Minimum education required: secondary education with the school-leaving examination. 6 – 7 Specialized skilled work, whose object is a complex independent system composed of several other coherent units, or the most complex independent units. Coordinating and directing skilled work. Provision of a complex of activities with generally defined inputs, generally determined outputs, considerable variety of methods and procedures and specific links to a wide range of processes (hereinafter referred to as the “system work”). The object of the work is a complex system composed of independent varied systems with fundamental determining internal and external links. Coordinating and directing specialized skilled work. Mental strain resulting from independent solution of a set of tasks, where abstract features and processes are represented, with demands on learning, understanding and interpreting features and processes. High demands on memory, flexibility, and analytic, synthetic and general comparative abilities. High demands on the vestibular system. Exceptional strain on the nervous system. E.g. specialized organizational and management employee, computer technician, accountant, librarian, sound master, light master, set designer. Minimum education required: higher education in a Bachelor’s degree program. 8 System work whose object is sub-fields of activities with wide range of application. Complex of system activities with variant general inputs, generally determined outputs and methods and processes that are not specified in advance, with wide links to other processes (hereinafter referred to as the “specialized system work”), whose object is fields of activities composed of systems with extensive internal and external links. The performance of the work involves considerable mental strain resulting from the complexity of cognitive processes and high degree of abstract thinking, imagination, generalization and necessity to decide according to different criteria. E.g. library director, publishing house director, heads of departments, No. 9/2019 LJ Rector’s assistant. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. 9 Specialized system work whose object of activities is a set of fields or a field with an extensive internal structure and external links. Complex coordination and direction of system work. Activities with non-specified inputs, methods of solution and only generally defined outputs with very broad links to other processes; creative development and conceptual work and system coordination (hereinafter referred to as the “creative system work”). The object is a set of fields or a field with extensive internal division and numerous links to other fields and with application and impact on a wide range of public, or an aggregate of otherwise complex fields. Coordinating and directing specialized system work. Discovering new procedures and methods and searching novelty solutions. Transfer and application of methods and practices from other industries and disciplines. Decision-making within the framework of highly combinable features and processes from varied industries and fields, whose nature tends to be abstract. Large mental strain resulting from high demands on creative thinking. E.g. Vice-Dean, faculty secretary, director of Astorka Halls of Residence, director of Divadlo na Orlí (Orlí Street Theatre), head of a department or employee with university-wide competence, internal auditor. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. 10 Creative system work whose object is an industry as a set of interrelated fields, or the most demanding fields of fundamental importance. Activities with non-specified inputs, methods of solution and outputs with potential links to a whole range of other activities, whose object is individual disciplines and fields of science and other broadest and most complex systems. Extremely large mental strain resulting from high demands on creative thinking at a highly abstract level with highly variable and combinable features and processes, and on the abilities of unconventional systemic thinking in the broadest context. E.g.: Vice-Rector, Bursar, Dean. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. 3. Academic and research staff Academic staff Research and development staff 7 Instructor. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. Research and development employee. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. No. 9/2019 LJ 8 Assistant professor. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program. Specialized research and development employee. Minimum education required: higher education in a doctoral degree program. 9 Associate professor. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program and appointment as an associate professor. Research and development employee – associate professor. Minimum education required: higher education in a doctoral degree program and appointment as an associate professor. 10 Professor. Minimum education required: higher education in a Master’s degree program and appointment as a professor. Research and development employee – professor. Minimum education required: higher education in a doctoral degree program and appointment as a professor. No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 3 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Job Description of Academic Staff General job description of an academic employee Regardless of their offices, academic staff perform the following generally defined activities within the framework of their employment: a) Teaching and development of degree programs, including in particular: 1. direct teaching (lectures, seminars and other forms including practical instruction) and its preparation (in particular preparing or selecting study materials), 2. participation in the development of a degree program and its evaluation, 3. providing consultations to students, 4. monitoring and evaluating students’ compliance with their obligations (in particular preparation and organization of examinations and other forms of verifying knowledge and skills achieved during study), 5. tutoring and reviewing degree theses and projects, 6. review work (preparing external examiner’s reports for research works, teaching materials and textbooks, results of basic or applied research, etc.), 7. administration using JAMU electronic systems (in particular independent work with information systems, use of university e-mail boxes); b) Artistic activities, research and development including in particular: 1. creation of author’s works, artistic performances and their documentation, 2. basic or applied research or development, 3. publication or other forms of mediating the research and development results, 4. application of research, development and innovation results through consultations or in similar ways, 5. membership in academic or professional organizations in the relevant areas of expertise, 6. activities aiming at securing the funding of research, development and innovations from third parties (in particular search for grant opportunities or possibilities of contractual cooperation), 7. record-keeping of own artistic and research activities and of their results in the relevant databases; c) Participation in the autonomy of JAMU, including in particular: 1. participation in the establishment or activities of autonomous academic bodies, 2. preparation and performance of administrative and related acts in the admission procedure for accredited degree programs, 3. holding offices of senior employees in the direct management competence of autonomous academic bodies of JAMU or a faculty, to which such employees are appointed under the Act (Vice-Rector, Vice-Dean), 4. participation in meetings and sessions of committees and boards according to the needs of departments, studios, faculties or JAMU; d) Community service, including in particular: 1. support for transfer of knowledge and technology, 2. dissemination of findings of a field of study to general public. No. 9/2019 LJ Framework job description of academic staff and research and development staff (1) Instructor participates mainly in teaching practical courses in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs and in the related research, development and innovation. Cooperates in the implementation of artistic outcomes of students as a consultant in the area of his/her specialization. (2) Assistant professor participates mainly in teaching courses in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs (theoretical and practical). Assistant professor supervises and reviews degree theses and projects in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs and exceptionally supervises students in doctoral degree programs. Participates in artistic, specialized, research and publication activities as a team member or individually, contributes to the implementation of artistic, specialized and research projects as a leader or a member of the project team. Works to meet the conditions for being appointed an associate professor. (3) Associate professor participates mainly in teaching in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs (lectures, seminars and teaching profile courses), and as the case may be, in doctoral degree programs. Associate professor supervises and reviews degree theses and projects in all types of degree programs and supervises students in doctoral degree programs. Contributes to research, development and innovation, initiating and leading artistic, research and development or innovation programs and projects as a project leader or a project team member. Works to meet the conditions for being appointed a professor. (4) Professor contributes to directing the educational, artistic, research, development, and innovation activities in the discipline concerned and participates in teaching in all types of degree programs and in artistic work, research, development and innovation mainly through formation of their focus and initiating and leading major creation, research, development and innovation programs and projects. (5) Academic researcher participates in research, development and innovation, through initiating and leading research, development or innovation programs or projects; may participate in teaching in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs or as a supervisor in doctoral degree programs. (6) Specialized academic researcher performs similar activities as a professor and his/her teaching is closely related to research, development and innovation, or works as a supervisor in doctoral degree programs. An academic employee (in particular associate professor and professor) participates in teaching courses in a foreign language in his/her own workplace and abroad within short-term internships at partner universities (individual lectures) or lectures during exchange stays (Erasmus etc.) or longer placements (mainly associate professor and professor). No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 4 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Management Premium (1) The following senior employees are entitled to a monthly management premium: a) Vice-Rectors, Deans and Bursar in the amount determined by the Rector, ranging from CZK 9,000 to 16,000, b) Vice-Deans and faculty secretaries in the amount determined by the Dean, ranging from CZK 8,000 to 13,000, c) heads of JAMU units except for the Rector’s Office – in the amount determined by the Rector, ranging from CZK 4,000 to 10,000, d) other senior employees – in the amount determined by unit heads; at the Rector’s Office determined by the Rector or the Bursar for subordinate employees, ranging from CZK 1,500 to 7,000. (2) Entitlement to the management premium is not affected by the number of subordinate employees; the number is taken into account in setting the amount of the premium. The management premium is not applicable to the methodological guidance. (3) A proportionate amount of the premium pertains to a senior employee who starts to work on the senior post in the course of a month or to an employee who performed the management work only for a part of the month (and received compensation for wages or sickness benefits for the rest). (4) Internal regulations or standards of JAMU (in particular the Statutes or Organizational Regulations) must define the position of a senior employee, the scope of authority and liability. No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 5 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Bonuses (1) A bonus for successful completion of an extraordinary or particularly significant working task or for extraordinary quality of the fulfilled working task is provided in the amount corresponding to the difficulty of the task and results achieved. (2) A bonus for the provision of emergency assistance is provided in the amount corresponding to the assistance, however at the maximum of 100 % of the highest wage rate in the employee’s wage category. (3) The bonuses under paragraphs 1 and 2 are determined by the Rector or the Bursar for subordinate employees, and by unit heads within their powers. No. 9/2019 LJ Annex No. 6 to the Internal Wage Regulation of JAMU Agreements on Work Performed Outside Employment (1) JAMU shall secure the fulfillment of its tasks primarily through employed staff. If convenient, it may also conclude agreements on work performed outside employment (agreement to complete a job, agreement to perform work)5) with natural persons in order to secure the fulfillment of tasks or needs. (2) An employee who has an employment contract is not allowed to perform work for JAMU pursuant to agreements on work performed outside employment that is of the same kind or that should be performed in the regular working hours. (3) The remuneration for work pursuant to agreements on work performed outside employment is based on the gross hourly earnings for comparable activities of employed staff, except for teaching, where the hourly remuneration also includes the preparation for classes. The JAMU units are informed of the amounts of gross hourly earnings by the Bursar. 5) Section 74 et seq. Labor Code No. 9/2019 LJ Contents PART ONE General Provisions Art. 1 Subject of Regulation Art. 2 Employee Art. 3 Performance of Office PART TWO Wage Based on Employment Contract Chapter I Wage Determined by Internal Wage Regulation Art. 4 Wage Art. 5 Wage for Shorter Working Hours Art. 6 Wage Rate Art. 7 Inclusion into Wage Categories Art. 8 Qualification Requirements Art. 9 Exceptions from Qualification Requirements Art. 10 Wages for Other Work Chapter II Contractual Wage Art. 11 Eligible Employees Art. 12 Terms of Stipulation Art. 13 Variable Component PART THREE Premiums and Bonuses Chapter I Statutory Premiums and Bonuses Art. 14 Wage and Compensatory Leave for Overtime Work Art. 15 Wage, Compensatory Leave or Wage Compensation for Public Holidays Art. 16 Wage and Night Work Premium Art. 17 Wage and Weekend Work Premium Art. 18 Standby Duty Pay Art. 19 Premium for Graduates from Doctoral Degree Program Art. 20 Management Premium Art. 21 Premium for Degree Program Guarantors Art. 22 Deputy’s Premium Art. 23 Special Premium Chapter II Non-Mandatory Premiums and Bonuses Art. 24 Performance Reward Art. 25 Amount of Performance Reward Art. 26 Bonuses Chapter III Common Provision on Premiums and Bonuses Art. 27 Concurrence of Premiums Art. 28 Sabbatical Leave PART FOUR Joint, Temporary And Final Provisions Art. 29 Regular Pay Date Art. 30 Transitory Provisions Art. 31 Repealing Provision Art. 32 Validity and Effectiveness List of Annexes 1. Wage Rates 2. Overview of Wage Categories According to Working Demands and Qualification Requirements 3. Job Description of Academic Staff 4. Management Premium No. 9/2019 LJ 5. Bonuses 6. Agreements on Work Performed Outside Employment