JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2019 Accessible as of 19 December 2019 CONTENTS: 26th Directive of the Rectorate – Rules of Organization (valid as of 19 December 2019, effective as of 1 January 2020) No. 26/2019 LJ REGULATION OF THE RECTORATE OF THE JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 19 December 2019 Rules of Organization Under Art. 111(2) and (3) of internal regulation No. 1/2018 LJ, the JAMU Statute, the Rector issues this Directive: PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 Subject Matter of the Directive The Directive governs the activities, management and organization of the Rectorate of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as “the Rectorate”). Art. 2 The Rectorate (1) The Rectorate 1) ensures a) The operation of JAMU, including but not limited to the execution of the decisionmaking, organization, coordination, consultation, registration and monitoring activities in the areas of 1. accreditation, 2. studies, 3. creativity, 4. external relations, 5. foreign contacts, 6. economics, 7. human resources, 8. compliance and organization, 9. administration, 10. information technology, and 11. investments b) of the JAMU bodies and vice-rectors in terms of resources and administration. (2) The Rectorate uses the premises in the JAMU headquarters and manages their operation. Art. 3 Types of Management (1) Direct management includes all the management activities, powers and responsibilities of a superior in relation to their subordinates. 1) Art. 94 of the JAMU Statute 177 No. 26/2019 LJ (1) Methodical management is based on the management of professional activities arising from the division competence, on processing of work procedures and internal standards, their interpretation and monitoring of compliance. (2) Project management is the management of activities of project team members in order to achieve the project objectives under the set conditions. Art. 4 Division Management (1) Each department is directly managed by its head responsible for due operation of the division to their superior. (2) Delegating responsibilities to subordinate employees shall not relieve the senior member of staff of the responsibility to their superior. PART TWO RECTORATE ORGANIZATION CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Part 1 Organizational Structure and Division Competence Art. 5 Rectorate Divisions (1) The Rectorate is divided into sections. A section includes at least 7 posts, including a minimum of 2 department head posts. (2) Sections are divided to departments. A department includes at least 3 posts. Art. 6 Organizational Structure (1) The organizational structure of the Rectorate consists of the following divisions a) Rector’s Section, divided to 1. the Studies and Quality Department, and 2. the External Relations Department, b) Bursar’s Section, divided to 1. the Economic Department, 2. the Department of Computing and Information Services, 3. the HR and Payroll Department, 4. the Legal and Organization Department, 5. the Project Office, and 6. the Technical and Investment Department. (2) The Rectorate organization chart is included in the Annex hereto. 178 No. 26/2019 LJ Art. 7 Division Competence (1) Each division executes its general competence consisting of a) Activities arising from laws and regulations and directives of JAMU, b) Ensuring correct, economical, efficient and effective performance of activities and use of allocated resources, c) Conceptual activities, d) Expressing opinions on directives and documents related to its activities, their flaws and proposing their changes, e) Cooperation with other divisions, including the provision of information required for the performance of their activities, f) Ensuring due records and storage of documents, g) Cooperation with supervisory authorities, h) Evaluation of audit results and implementing or proposals of corrective actions, i) Verification of documents drawn up, approved or otherwise completed by the division, j) Participation in activities within work groups and advisory boards, k) Preparing the division budget and monitoring of compliance, l) Arranging supplies, services and construction work for the division from its budget, m) Fulfilling the obligation to ensure occupational health and safety and fire protection, n) Cooperation in and supervision of stocktaking of the assets used by the division, and o) Activities conditioning the fulfilment of the division tasks that do not fall within the professional competence of another division. (2) Each division executes the professional competence entrusted to the division including the drafts of directions entrusted to the division and care for their correctness and effectiveness. The professional competences are assigned to the divisions in order to cover a complex agenda. If it is impossible to ensure the professional competence execution by the division employees, the head of the division shall arrange the competence execution through a supplier using the resources allocated to the division; the department head shall do so with the prior approval of the division head. Part 2 Senior Rectorate Staff Section 1 General Provisions on Senior Staff Art. 8 Senior Staff Responsibilities (1) A senior member of staff makes independent decisions in matters within the competence of the managed division, except for matters delegated to their subordinate employees or matters taken over by their superior. (2) A senior member of staff is obliged to define the scope of the work duties (job description) of their subordinate employees upon the start of employment or a transfer; the job description is not included in the employment contract or agreement on work performed outside the employment relationship. 179 No. 26/2019 LJ (2) A senior member of staff shall be responsible for the correctness of any information about their directly subordinate employees and the managed division in the JAMU databases accessible to the senior member of staff and on the JAMU website. Art. 9 Senior Staff Member Deputy (1) A senior staff member is obliged to appoint their deputy in writing who takes their place at the time of the senior staff member’s absence or busyness; if there is no employee with sufficient professional qualification to serve as a deputy of the head at the division, a superior employee shall stand in for the senior member of staff on their request. (2) The deputy shall inform the senior member of staff about the status of the matters dealt with and any other important circumstances. The deputy may postpone a decision on extremely important matters until the senior member of staff returns, as long as the nature of the matter allows such a postponement and there is no impending damage; otherwise the deputy shall ask the superior of the senior member of staff to make the decision. (3) The senior member of staff is obliged to make sure that their subordinate senior managers have appointed their deputies, otherwise the senior member of staff shall be responsible for the functions of their subordinate managers at the time of their absence or busyness. Section 2 Special Provisions on Senior Staff Art. 10 Rector The Rector manages the Rectorate. Art. 11 Vice-Rectors (1) The vice-rectors represent the Rector as a body to the extent assigned to them by this Directive or otherwise. The vice-rectors are subordinate to the Rector and are responsible to the Rector for due performance of the activities within the entrusted area. (2) JAMU vice-rectors are a) Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development, b) Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality, c) Vice-Rector for Creative Activities, d) Vice-Rector for External Relations. Art. 12 Representation by Vice-Rectors (1) The Rector as an administrative authority in administrative proceedings is represented by a) the Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality in the admission procedure, procedure on student’s rights and responsibilities and recognition of education, b) the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities in the habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors. (2) In legal proceedings on behalf of JAMU, the Rector is represented by 180 No. 26/2019 LJ ) the Vice-Rector for External Relations in cases with foreign partners, a) the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development in other cases. (3) In relation to the directors of the Publishing Centre and the Library, the Rector is represented by the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities. (4) At times when no Rector is appointed, the Rector shall be represented by the most senior of the vice-rectors to the extent of all the competences not assigned. Art. 13 The Bursar (1) The Bursar manages the economic activities and internal administration of JAMU and performs other tasks in accordance with the Statute2) and other directives of JAMU. The Bursar is responsible to the Rector for due performance of the activities in the entrusted area. (2) The Bursar represents JAMU in matters a) related to investment funds, b) long-term real estate leases, c) common operational issues of JAMU. Art. 14 Head of Section The head of the section a) executes legal acts on behalf of JAMU in labour matters related to the section and the respective departments within the section; in matters of the department, the head of the section shall deviate from the opinion of the department head solely for serious reasons that the head of the section shall disclose to the department head, b) manages their directly subordinate employees, c) assigns work to subordinate employees, evaluates their results and proposes their salaries, d) formulates the concept of the section development, and e) accounts for the use of any entrusted assets. Art. 15 Head of Department (1) The department is managed by the head of department, subordinate to the head of section. (2) Head of the department a) assigns work to subordinate employees, evaluates their results and proposes their remuneration, b) formulates the concept of the department development in line with the section development concept, c) accounts for the use of any entrusted assets. 2) Art. 77(2) of the JAMU Statute 181 No. 26/2019 LJ CHAPTER II RECTOR’S SECTION Art. 16 Management and Responsibilities of the Rector’s Section (1) The Rector’s section is managed by the Rector. (2) The Rector’s section executes the agenda of a) Rector’s support in his role, b) activities of the JAMU bodies and vice-rectors in terms of resources and administration, and c) habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors before the bodies of JAMU in terms of administration and supervision of their due execution before the Faculty bodies. (3) The following directives are entrusted to the Rector’s section a) Directive on the JAMU Rector Awards, b) Directive on the Rudolf Firkušný Grants, c) Directive on the Programme Council and Play Schedule of the Na Orlí Theatre, and d) Directive on the internal control system. Art. 17 Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development (1) The Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development a) is responsible for the strategy and development of JAMU, b) is responsible for fundamental strategic documents of JAMU, including but not limited to 1. the strategic aim of education and creative activities of JAMU and the annual plan of its execution, 2. the institutional plan, 3. the grant strategy of JAMU, c) is responsible for evaluation of the execution of fundamental strategic documents of JAMU, in particular the preparation of the Annual Report on JAMU activities, d) is responsible for the design, processing and evaluation of centralized development projects, EU projects and other similar projects and grant competitions at JAMU, except for projects and grant competitions in the field of science and research, and e) coordinates the dislocation solution of JAMU needs and the technical equipment in premises used by JAMU. (2) As for directions, the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development is entrusted with the Directive on the Education and Arts Development Fund. Art. 18 Studies and Quality Department (1) The Studies and Quality Department is managed by the Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality. (2) The Studies and Quality Department executes the agenda of a) study programme accreditation, habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of professors and study programme approvals, b) the admission procedure, procedure on student’s rights and responsibilities and recognition of education, unless they are executed by the Faculty bodies, and 182 No. 26/2019 LJ c) quality assurance and evaluation. (3) The following directives are entrusted to the Studies and Quality Department a) Rules of Procedure of the Council for Internal Evaluation, b) Study and Exam Rules, and c) Quality Assurance System rules governing education, creative and other related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of these activities at JAMU. Art. 19 Vice-Rector for Creative Activities (1) The Vice-Rector for Creative Activities a) is responsible for the development and evaluation of science and research at JAMU, b) supervises projects and grant competitions in the field of science and research, c) in the field of specific university research, is responsible for data evaluation and submission to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministry"), d) supervises artistic activities and records of artistic outputs at JAMU, e) is responsible for submission of the data to the Artwork Register and the Register of Information about Results, f) is responsible for the development of JAMU publishing activities, and g) is responsible for the library and information services provided by JAMU. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the Vice-Rector for Creative Activities a) Rules of Habilitation Proceedings and Proceedings for the Appointment of Professors, b) Directive on Editing, c) Directive on the Research Development Fund, d) Directive on the Artistic Documentation Fund, e) Directive on the Library Board, f) Directive on the International Evaluation Panel, and g) Directive on specific university research. Art. 20 External Relations Department (1) The External Relations Department is managed by the Vice-Rector for External Directives. (2) The External Relations Department executes the agenda of a) public relations and methodical leadership in the area, b) cooperation of JAMU with foreign institutions and its coordination, c) monitoring of the activities of international institutions in art, d) support of mobility at JAMU, in particular within Erasmus+ and the Ministry programmes, in terms of processes, e) visual style and concept of the JAMU website, f) supervision of the agenda of protection of information and personal data in particular. (3) As for directives, the External Relations Department is entrusted with the Directive on Unified Visual Style. 183 No. 26/2019 LJ CHAPTER III BURSAR’S SECTION Art. 21 Management and Responsibilities of the Bursar’s Section (1) The Bursar’s section is managed by the Bursar. (2) The Bursar’s section provides support to the Bursar in the performance of the Bursar’s function. (3) The Bursar’s section is entrusted with rules of management in the Statute and regulations not entrusted to another division or a vice-rector. Art. 22 Economic Department (1) The Economic Department executes the agenda of a) the JAMU budget, b) accounting, except for activities executed by the HR and Payroll Department, c) taxes, d) payments, e) cash services. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the Economic Department a) Directive on Travel Expenses, b) Directive on Additional Activities, c) Directive on Additional Costs, d) Directive on Stocktaking, e) Directive on Non-Economic and Economic Activities, f) Directive on Circulation of Accounting Documents, except for documents for the payment of salaries, remunerations under agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship and sickness insurance, g) Directive on Evaluation of Assets and Liabilities in Foreign Currencies, h) Directive on Principles of Accruals and Deferrals of Income and Expenditure. Art. 23 Department of Computing and Information Services (1) The Department of Computing and Information Services executes the agenda of a) the JAMU backbone data network operation including hardware, b) internet connection, c) operation of the JAMU information systems and their connection to other information systems, d) security of computers, phones and other similar equipment, including the necessary computer programmes and their operation, used by the JAMU administration, e) protection of data and security of JAMU data networks, f) data storage and back-up, g) compliance with computer programme copyrights. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the Department of Computing and Information Services a) Directive on the Rules of JAMU Data Network Utilization, b) Directive on the JAMU Web Portal Administration. 184 No. 26/2019 LJ Art. 24 HR and Payroll Department (1) The HR and Payroll Department executes the agenda of a) employment, b) human resources, c) labour medical services, d) labour, e) remuneration for work and work emergency and deductions of income from basic employment relationship including the preparation of payroll statement and submission of the complete and correct data within the agenda to the Economic Department for recording, f) social security, g) pensions, and h) employment of foreigners. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the HR and Payroll Department a) the University Staff Recruitment Policy, b) the Internal Salary Directive, c) Directive on Circulation of Accounting Documents, in relation to documents for the payment of salaries, remunerations under agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship and sickness insurance, d) Directive on Career Structure, e) Directive on Contributions to Employees’ Supplementary Pension Scheme with State Contributions. Art. 25 Legal and Organization Department (1) The Legal and Organization Department executes the agenda of a) legal matters, b) representation of JAMU to the extent of authorization or a power of attorney in negotiations with third parties or in judicial or administrative proceedings, c) monitoring of laws and regulations published in the Collection of Laws and the case law, d) preparation of internal regulations and other directives in terms of legislation and technical matters in cooperation with the respective divisions, vice-rectors and other parties, e) JAMU Journals, f) filing room, g) filing services and archive, h) free access to information, i) the trade register. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the Legal and Organization Department a) internal regulations of JAMU not entrusted to another division or a vice-rector, b) Directive on Data Protection, c) Directive on Filing Services and Archive, d) Directive on Free Access to Information. 185 No. 26/2019 LJ Art. 26 Project Office (1) The Project Office executes the agenda of a) processing fundamental strategic documents of JAMU in terms of administration and financing, b) coordination, control and methodical management of preparation of projects and project applications and their submissions, c) project management, d) preparation, execution and evaluation of projects carried out at the Rectorate, e) supervision of drawing from budgets allocated to the parts within projects financed from grants, f) preparation of materials for review and evaluation of the implementation of the strategic documents of JAMU. (2) As for directives, the Project Office is entrusted with the Directive on Project Administration. Art. 27 Technical and Investment Department (1) The Technical and Investment Department executes the agenda of a) occupational health and safety and fire protection, b) investments, c) extensive maintenance and repairs, d) Rectorate operation, e) property management in terms of methodology and management of property and areas used by the Rectorate, f) public contracts in terms of methodology, administration of award procedures and public contracts of the Rectorate, g) service vehicles and drivers of the Rectorate, h) Register of Contracts in terms of methodology and at the Rectorate. (2) The following directives are entrusted to the Technical and Investment Department a) Directive on Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Protection, b) Directive on the Register of Contracts, c) Directive on Property Management, d) Directive on Public Contracts, e) Directive on the Rectorate Operating Rules. PART THREE JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 28 Job Handover (1) A job is handed over at the presence of the employee handing the job over and the employee taking the job over. If there is no employee to hand the job over, the job is handed over at the presence of the superior employee and the employee taking the job over. 186 No. 26/2019 LJ (1) The employee handing the job over shall draw up a report of the job handover as of the handover date, including a list of the submitted documents, a list of workplace equipment handed over, the agenda status, an overview of unfinished matters and tasks scheduled for the next 30 days. The report shall be signed by the employee handing the job over and the employee taking the job over, who is entitled to express their reservations thereto. If there is no employee to hand the job over, the report shall be drawn up by the employee taking the job over. (2) The report on the job handover shall be confirmed by the superior employee, if any, otherwise the Bursar or the Rector. Art. 29 Competence Disputes In the event of a dispute concerning competence between several divisions or a dispute in which all the divisions claim the matter does not fall within their competence, a decision shall be made by the head of the section on the division to deal with the matter; if the dispute has arisen between the divisions of several sections, a decision on the division to deal with the matter shall be made by the Rector after a consultation with the Bursar. Art. 30 Conflict of Rector’s Provisions In the event of any conflict of this Directive and another provision of the Rector determining the extent of their representation by a vice-rector, or under which the Bursar manages the economic activities and internal administration of JAMU and represents JAMU, the latter of the above shall apply. Art. 31 Interim Provisions (1) The existing appointments of vice-rectors remain unchanged; however, the extent of representation of the Rector by the respective vice-rectors shall be governed by this Directive. (2) The Bursar shall issue a) by 31 March 2020, based on a proposal submitted by the respective department by 1 March 2020, 1. the Directive on Property Management, 2. the Directive on Stocktaking, b) by 31 July 2020, based on a proposal submitted by the respective department by 1 July, 2020 1. the Directive on the Register of Contracts, 2. the Directive on the Rules of JAMU Data Network Utilization, 3. the Directive on the JAMU Web Portal Administration, c) by 30 September 2020, based on a proposal submitted by the respective department by 1 September 2020, 1. the Directive on Filing Services and Archive, 2. the Directive on Free Access to Information, d) by 31 December 2020, based on a proposal submitted by the respective department by 15 November 2020, the Directive on Project Administration. (3) The JAMU grant strategy shall be prepared by the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development and submitted to the Rector by 15 November 2020. (4) The Vice-Rector for External Relations shall submit a draft of the Directive on Unified Visual Style to the Rector by 15 January 2020. 187 No. 26/2019 LJ Art. 32 Effectiveness This Directive comes into effect as of 1 January 2020. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, m.p. The Rector 188 No. 26/2019 LJ Annex No. 1 to the Rules of Organization of the Rectorate Organizational Structure of the Rectorate Rector Rector’s Section Internal Auditor Bursar’s Section Vice-Rector for Studies and Quality Vice-Rector for Creative External Relations Economic Department of HR and compliance and organization, Project Office Technical and Computing and Strategy and Development Department Activities Department Department Payroll Department Departme nt Investment Department Information Services 189 No. 26/2019 LJ Contents PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 Subject Matter of the Directive Art. 2 The Rectorate Art. 3 Types of Management Art. 4 Division Management PART TWO RECTORATE ORGANIZATION CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Part 1 Organizational Structure and Division Competence Art. 5 Rectorate Divisions Art. 6 Organizational Structure Art. 7 Division Competence Part 2 Senior Rectorate Staff Section 1 General Provisions on Senior Staff Art. 8 Senior Staff Responsibilities Art. 9 Senior Staff Member Deputy Section 2 Special Provisions on Senior Staff Art. 10 Rector Art. 11 Vice-Rectors Art. 12 Representation by Vice-Rectors Art. 13 The Bursar Art. 14 Head of Section Art. 15 Head of Department CHAPTER II RECTOR’S SECTION Art. 16 Management and Responsibilities of the Rector’s Section Art. 17 Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development Art. 18 Studies and Quality Department Art. 19 Vice-Rector for Creative Activities Art. 20 External Relations Department CHAPTER III BURSAR’S SECTION Art. 21 Management and Responsibilities of the Bursar’s Section Art. 22 Economic Department Art. 23 Department of Computing and Information Services Art. 24 HR and Payroll Department Art. 25 Legal and Organization Department Art. 26 Project Office Art. 27 Technical and Investment Department PART THREE JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 28 Job Handover Art. 29 Competence Disputes Art. 30 Conflict of Rector’s Provisions Art. 31 Interim Provisions Art. 32 Effectiveness 190