JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2019 Accessible as of 4 July 2019 CONTENTS: 15th Direction of JAMU FT – Rules of Procedure of the Doctoral Study Board (in force as of 4 July 2019, in effect as of 1 August 2019) No. 15/2019 LJ DIRECTION OF THE FACULTY OF THEATRE OF THE JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 28 June 2019 Rules of Procedure of the Doctoral Study Board Based on a favourable opinion of the Arts Council of the Faculty of Theatre, the Dean of the Faculty of Theatre, in accordance with Art. 80 of the Study and Exam Rules, issues the following Directive of the Faculty of Theatre of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PART ONE DOCTORAL STUDY BOARDS CHAPTER I LEGISLATION Art. 1 Nature, Regulations and Rules of Procedure (1) A doctoral study board operates under Section 47(6) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendment to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended. (2) The Rules of Procedure of the Doctoral Study Board summarize its competence and govern its operation.1) CHAPTER II DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD COMPETENCE Art. 2 The Doctoral Study Board monitors and evaluates the doctoral studies, in particular by a) making suggestions to the Dean concerning 1. composition of the exam committees for entrance exams to a given study programme, 2. tutors for individual students, 3. chairpersons and members of committees for dissertation defences and the exam committees for state doctoral exams, 4. dissertation opponents, b) expressing opinions 1. on the conclusions of exam committees in the admission procedure prior to their submission to the Dean, 2. on scientific research subjects and the following individual theoretical and creative activities of the student in the field of art and their changes prior to their submission to the Dean, 3. on individual study plans of students of doctoral study programmes and their changes, if any, prior to their approval by the Dean, 4. on the recommended study plan and its changes, 5. on subject completion recognition prior to the Dean's decision, c) discusses 1. student evaluations submitted to the supervisor, 1) Establishment of the Doctoral Study Boards is governed by the Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards. 103 No. 15/2019 LJ 1. dissertation submission in a language other than Czech before its permission by the Dean, d) evaluates 1. after consultation with the student and the supervisor, compliance with the individual study plan, and presents the conclusions to the Dean, 2. work of the supervisors, and presents the conclusions to the Dean, 3. at least once a year, the level of the study programme operation, and presents the conclusions to the Dean, e) initiates proposals to adjust the study programme, f) gives recommendations for the doctoral bursary award. PART TWO DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD MEETINGS CHAPTER I PROCEDURE Part 1 General Provisions Art. 3 Form of Meetings (1) The Doctoral Study Board holds discussions at the meeting and outside the meeting (per rollam). If at least one third of the Doctoral Study Board members ask the chairperson to discuss a matter at a meeting designated by the chairperson to be discussed per rollam, the matter shall be discussed at a meeting. (2) The meetings of the Doctoral Study Boards are not open to the public. The Dean or a vice-dean representing the Dean is entitled to attend the meeting of the Doctoral Study Board. Art. 4 Period Shortening If a matter must be discussed without delay, the chairperson shall shorten the period for convening the meeting or for a response within a per rollam meeting. Art. 5 Member Notification An invitation to the meeting, the meeting agenda and materials, meeting record and other documents and information related to the activities of the Doctoral Study Board shall be sent to the Doctoral Study Board members to their most recent e-mail addresses; a message sent by e-mail shall be considered delivered at the moment of sending. 104 No. 15/2019 LJ Art. 6 Secretary The chairperson of the Doctoral Study Board may appoint a Secretary from the members of the Doctoral Study Board to assist the chairperson with the administrative and technical tasks of the Doctoral Study Board. Part 2 Meetings Art. 7 Convening Meetings (1) Meetings of the Doctoral Study Board are convened by the chairperson from time to time, usually once every half a year, including the proposed meeting agenda. (2) If at least one third of the Doctoral Study Board or the Dean request, the chairperson shall convene an extraordinary meeting of the Doctoral Study Board so that it is held within 3 weeks from the day when the request was delivered. If the chairperson fails to do so, the meeting of the Doctoral Study Board may be convened by the Dean without undue delay. Art. 8 Invitation to Meeting (1) The chairperson shall inform the Doctoral Study Board members and the Dean of the meeting date no later than 2 weeks before the meeting date, stating the day, place and time as well as the proposed meeting agenda and shall provide the necessary materials. In justified cases, the materials may be provided at the start of the meeting. (2) A member or the Dean may propose an item to be included in the Doctoral Study Board meeting agenda. If the matter in question requires written materials, these shall be provided to the chairperson well in advance in order for the chairperson to prepare materials for the Doctoral Study Board meeting. Art. 9 Meeting Attendance (1) The members of the Doctoral Study Board are obliged to be present at the meetings in person, unless serious reasons prevent them from doing so; presence by proxy is not allowed. For the purposes of this Directive, the meeting participants are solely the members of the Doctoral Study Board and the Dean, if they are present at the meeting. (2) If required by the matter to be discussed, the chairperson may invite other persons to attend the meeting. Art. 10 Course of Meetings The chairperson opens the meeting by announcing whether the meeting has been convened properly, verifies the Doctoral Study Board quorum, appoints a minute taker and presents the meeting agenda for changes and amendments. The Doctoral Study Board is obliged to discuss the items of the agenda presented by the Dean. 105 No. 15/2019 LJ (1) The respective items of the agenda shall be presented one by one by the chairperson or a person authorized by the chairperson as a rapporteur. Then a discussion is opened to a given item, which any meeting participant may join be registering in advance or before its end. Art. 11 Meeting Closing (1) At the end of the meeting, the chairperson shall read the wording of the adopted decisions and any other significant items of the minutes; any objections of the meeting participants against their wording that have not been withdrawn after the discussion shall be included in the minutes. (2) The meeting shall be closed by the chairperson's closing announcement. Part 3 Per Rollam Meetings Art. 12 (1) If a matter is discussed per rollam, the chairperson shall appoint a minute taker and through the minute taker, sends the required materials to the matter as well as any questions that need to be answered to resolve the matter to the Doctoral Study Board members and the Dean. Meetings per rollam are usually held by the Doctoral Study Board on a) suggestions of chairpersons and members of committees for dissertation defences and the exam committees for state doctoral exams (Art. 2(a)(3)), b) suggestions of dissertation opponents (Art. 2(a)(4)), c) changes of scientific research and follow-up independent theoretical and creative activities of the student in the field of art (Art. 2(b)(2)), d) opinion on subject completion recognition prior to the Dean's decision (Art. 2(b)(5)). (2) The members of the Doctoral Study Board shall answer the questions through the minute taker within the set period, which shall be no shorter than 1 week, and may also make other comments concerning the discussed matter. The Dean has the right to give their opinion on the matter discussed per rollam. CHAPTER II DECISION-MAKING Art. 13 Quorum The Doctoral Study Board is quorate if a majority of all its members are present at the meeting or make their statements in a per rollam discussion. Art. 14 Conflict of Interests If there are grounds to believe, regarding the relationship of any member of the Doctoral Study Board to a discussed matter or to persons affected by the matter, that the member is in conflict of interests, the member of the Doctoral Study Board is obliged to report such a fact immediately at the meeting or in the first reply at a per rollam meeting. 106 No. 15/2019 LJ Art. 15 Procedure before Adopting a Decision (1) The vote is taken on draft decisions in the order in which they were presented. The vote on an amendment is taken before the amended decision. If any of the adopted decisions excludes any other decision, no vote is taken on such other decision. (2) Draft decisions are presented by the chairperson. Art. 16 Adopting Decisions (1) For the Doctoral Study Board to adopt a decision, the approval of the majority of all the members is required at a per rollam meeting, otherwise of all the meeting participants. (2) If a member does not express their approval, they are considered not to have agreed with the proposal. (3) The chairperson shall announce whether a decision has been adopted immediately after ascertaining the result. Art. 17 Voting The voting of the Doctoral Study Board is public. CHAPTER III MEETING MINUTES Art. 18 Minute Taking (1) The minutes of each meeting of the Doctoral Study Board are taken by the minute taker and the same are then sent by the minute taker for verification and signature to the chairperson of the meeting without undue delay after the meeting ends or, in the event of a per rollam discussion, after the last day for an answer. (2) The chairperson shall send the minutes to the members of the Doctoral Study Board and the Dean. Art. 19 Minutes Particulars (1) The minutes shall include the following information a) who and how convened the meeting, b) where and when the meeting took place, c) who was present at and who chaired the meeting, d) what was the approved meeting agenda, e) the result of the individual votes, f) the exact wording of the adopted decisions, and g) the date of drawing up the minutes. 107 No. 15/2019 LJ (1) Minutes of a per rollam meeting shall include a) the questions asked, b) votes of the individual members, c) the result of the individual votes, and d) the date of drawing up the minutes. (3) The members of the Doctoral Study Board and the Dean have the right for their opinion to be included in the minutes. PART THREE FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 20 Effectiveness This Directive comes into force on the day of its publication in the JAMU Journal and into effect on the first day of the calendar month following the month when it came into force. doc. Mgr. Petr Francán, m.p. Dean of the JAMU Faculty of Theatre 108 No. 15/2019 LJ Contents PART ONE DOCTORAL STUDY BOARDS CHAPTER I LEGISLATION Art. 1 Nature, Regulations and Rules of Procedure CHAPTER II DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD COMPETENCE Art. 2 PART TWO DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD MEETINGS CHAPTER I PROCEDURE Section 1 General Provisions Art. 3 Form of Meetings Art. 4 Period Shortening Art. 5 Member Notification Art. 6 Secretary Section 2 Meetings Art. 7 Convening Meetings Art. 8 Invitation to Meeting Art. 9 Meeting Attendance Art. 10 Course of Meetings Art. 11 Meeting Closing Section 3 Per Rollam Meetings Art. 12 CHAPTER II DECISION-MAKING Art. 13 Quorum Art. 14 Conflict of Interests Art. 15 Procedure before Adopting a Decision Art. 16 Adopting Decisions Art. 17 Voting CHAPTER III MEETING MINUTES Art. 18 Minute Taking Art. 19 Minutes Particulars PART THREE FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 20 Effectiveness 109