JAMU JOURNAL Volume 2019 Accessible as of 27 June 2019 CONTENTS: 12th Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards of the Faculty of Music (in force as of 27 June 2019, in effect as of 1 July 2019; note: with regard to the effect as of 1 July 2019, the membership of the existing Doctoral Study Boards members shall terminate on the said day) No. 12/2019 LJ INTERNAL REGULATION OF THE FACULTY OF MUSIC OF THE JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 13 May 2019 Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards Based on the proposal of the Dean, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Music approved this internal regulation of the Music Faculty, and based on the proposal of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Music, the Academic Senate of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno approved this internal regulation of the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PART ONE DOCTORAL STUDY BOARDS Art. 1 Regulations and Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards (1) In accordance with Section 47(6) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), the Doctoral Study Board monitors and evaluates studies in the doctoral study programme. (2) The Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards governs the establishment of the Doctoral Study Boards.1) Art. 2 Number of Doctoral Study Boards For each doctoral study programme run by the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as “the Faculty”, “JAMU”) a separate doctoral study board is established; if the doctoral study programme with the same content in Czech and a foreign language has the same supervisor, one doctoral study board is established for these study programmes. PART TWO DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD MEMBERS Art. 3 Number of Members A doctoral study board has 7 members; the Doctoral Study Board of the Music Production doctoral study programme has 5 members. 1) The competence of Doctoral Study Boards is summarized in and their operation governed by the Dean’s Direction. 77 No. 12/2019 LJ Art. 4 Member and Composition Requirements (1) The Doctoral Study Board consists of both members of the academic staff and possibly other professionals working at JAMU under employment or several employments with the aggregate weekly working hours corresponding to at least one half of the weekly working hours under Section 79 of the Labour Code, and external professionals. (2) Only those who, in the last 5 years, have performed a creative activity related to the area(s) of education which a given doctoral study programme is supposed to focus on may become members of the Doctoral Study Board. (3) At least 2 members of the Doctoral Study Board are external professionals. Art. 5 Incompatibility of Functions The membership in the Doctoral Study Board is incompatible with the function of the Faculty Dean and Vice-Dean. Art. 6 Chairperson A chairperson of the Doctoral Study Board is the supervisor of a given doctoral study programme. Art. 7 Appointment of Other Members Other members of the Doctoral Study Board are appointed and removed by the Dean after a consultation with the Doctoral Study Board chairperson. Art. 8 Membership Establishment The membership of other members is established on the day of appointment, unless a later date is stated. Art. 9 Membership Expiration The membership of other members expires on the day of a) resignation, b) death, c) removal from the office. 78 No. 12/2019 LJ PART THREE INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 10 Interim Provision Persons who were members of the Doctoral Study Boards at the Faculty as of the effective date hereof remain members; their membership in the Doctoral Study Boards terminates on 30 June 2019, unless they terminate the membership earlier. Art. 11 Effectiveness This internal regulation comes into force on the day of its publication in the JAMU Journal and into effect on the first day of the calendar month following the month when it came into force. Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš, m.p., Dean of the JAMU Faculty of Music Prof. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D., m.p. Chairperson of the Academic Senate of the JAMU Faculty of Music doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D., m.p. Chairperson of the JAMU Academic Senate 79 No. 12/2019 LJ Contents PART ONE DOCTORAL STUDY BOARDS Art. 1 Regulations and Statute of the Doctoral Study Boards Art. 2 Number of Doctoral Study Boards PART TWO DOCTORAL STUDY BOARD MEMBERS Art. 3 Number of Members Art. 4 Member and Composition Requirements Art. 5 Incompatibility of Functions Art. 6 Chairperson Art. 7 Appointment of Other Members Art. 8 Membership Establishment Art. 9 Membership Expiration PART THREE INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Art. 10 Interim Provision Art. 11 Effectiveness 80