INTERNAL REGULATION OF JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO of 16 May 2018 Rules for Studies and Examinations The Academic Senate has approved upon the Rector’s proposal this internal regulation of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno: PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Aim of the rules The Rules for Studies and Examinations within the limits of Act no. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and Amendment to Other Acts (Act on Universities), as amended by later regulations, sets forth a) the rules for study in the degree programmes held at Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter as “JAMU”), b) the procedures for decision-making on the rights and obligations of JAMU students, c) the rights and obligations of academic staff, other employees and persons connected to the implementation of the degree programmes at JAMU. Article 2 Implementing regulations (1) To implement this internal regulation, faculties may issue implementing regulatory instruments only where they are authorized to do so by this internal regulation. (2) Implementing regulations must not impose new duties on students or expand the scope of the duties or limitations beyond those ensuing from legal regulations, a given degree programme and this internal regulations. Article 3 Credit system (1) JAMU uses the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (hereinafter as “ECTS”).1) (2) ECTS credits (hereinafter as “Credits”) express the work load necessary for a student to achieve the expected learning outcomes, where a) the learning outcomes describe the knowledge, skills and competences of a student after successful completion of the learning process, 1) European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; see guide/docs/ects-users-guide_en.pdf. - 2 b) the work load expresses the time usually needed by a student to complete all learningrelated activities which are necessary for the achievement of the expected learning outcomes. (3) The work load of a student according to the recommended study plan for one academic years ranges within 1.500 to 1.800 hours and corresponds to 60 credits. Article 4 Information system For study-related matters JAMU uses its electronic information system which is available at (hereinafter as “IS”). Article 5 Publication of final theses (1) Bachelor’s, diploma and doctoral theses (hereinafter as "final thesis") submitted for defence are published by JAMU at least five working days before the date of the defence for inspection by the public at Office for Studies of the relevant faculty. Everybody may use the published theses to make extracts, copies or reproductions at their own expenses. (2) Final theses that have already passed through the defence will be published by JAMU, including the opponent’s evaluation and the report on the course and result of the defence, via the database which is publicly accessible through the IS. JAMU does not publish doctoral thesis if it was already published in a different way. (3) JAMU may postpone the publication of a final thesis or a part thereof for the time of the existence of the obstacle for the publication, however, no more than for 3 years. Information on the postponement of the publication must be published together with the reasons at the same place where the final theses are published. JAMU shall without undue delay after the defence of the final thesis affected by the postponement of the publication under the first sentence send one copy of the thesis for archiving to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter the “Ministry”). Article 6 Grade point average (1) The grade point average GPA for a year or the entire studies is calculated using the following formula (2) Where Z is a set of n point valuation of exams and graded credits which equals {z1,…, zn} and the corresponding number of credits K which equals {k1,…, kn}. (3) Included in the grade point average are all final valuations of registered study subjects (hereinafter the “subject”) completed with an examination or graded credit in a given period including failed and transferred subjects. - 3 Article 7 Serious reasons Serious reasons for the purposes of this internal regulation means health, family, social or other reasons precluding the fulfilment of obligations and the existence of which is claimed in a credible manner and substantiated with proper evidence by the person claiming such reasons. PART TWO ORGANIZATION OF STUDIES Article 8 Instructors and examiners (1) The instructors and examiners for the individual subjects and their obligations are approved by the dean on the basis of a proposal of the head of the department conducting the instruction of the subject (hereinafter as “guaranteeing department”); where a subject has only one instructor, the instructor is the examiner at the same time. (2) The instructors and examiners in doctoral degree programmes are professors, associate professors or practitioners. Article 9 Forms of instruction (1) The instruction is carried out primarily in the form of lectures, seminars, exercises, projects, practical training, internships, workshops, individual consultations and the preparation of the final thesis and the graduation performance; the meaning of these terms is the following a) a lecture is a form of instruction when the instructor clarifies predominantly in a monologic manner a certain topic to the students, b) seminar is a form of instruction based on the active participation of students in the instruction with the aim to develop the relevant knowledge, skills and methods of scientific work or also scientific discussion on a given topic, c) exercise is a form of instruction enabling a controlled performance by a student of a certain activity, involving instructions clarifying the manner of the performance, and its goal is to strengthen knowledge, skills and develop habits, d) project is a form of instruction when students are encouraged to independently complete certain assignments and gain experience through practice and experimenting, which may have the form of integral topics, practical issues or practical activity leading to the creation of a result, e) practical training is a form of instruction which takes place in cultural institutions, school facilities or workplaces of other persons as part of the instruction, regularly or in blocks, as a rule for entire weeks f) internship is a longer stay, as a rule for one semester, at a specialized workplace and its aim is to acquire practical knowledge and skills, expand competence and supplement the theoretical and practical instruction at school, - 4 g) workshop is a form of instruction in a work group when the participants, under their own management, compare their opinions and experience, practice skills and cooperate in searching for and finding solutions which come from the participants themselves, h) individual consultation is a form of instruction when the instructor gives students explanations, advice, recommendations and directions at various stages of the studies. (2) Students have the duty to engage in self-study and independent creative work to the extent determined by the instructors or to the extent adequate to the requirements for the completion of a subject according to its syllabus. Article 10 Academic year (1) Academic year is divided into the winter semester and the summer semester. Overlap of academic years must not be longer than 14 days and is not possible during the instruction period, the examination period or the state examination period for the previous academic year. (2) A semester consists of the instruction period, examination period and holidays; it also consists of the registration period, credit period, state examination period and the entrance examination period. The instruction period in each semester lasts for the minimum of 10 weeks and the maximum of 14 weeks. Article 11 Schedule of academic year (1) Each year the rector shall by the end of February schedule the start of the following academic year and the division of the individual semesters; the beginning and the duration of the individual parts of the semesters may also be scheduled for individual types of degree programmes. (2) Each year the dean shall by the end of April prepare the schedule of the academic year of the faculty in compliance with the schedule of the individual semester prepared by the rector. Article 12 Schedule of instruction during semester (1) The instruction during the semester is organized according to the schedules prepared by the dean. The dean shall ensure the publication of the weekly schedules in the IS within no later than one week before the start of the instruction period. If there is a reason, the dean shall alter the instruction schedule after its publication to the necessary extent. (2) The instruction of the subjects specified in the syllable takes place under a special schedule determined by the instructor. - 5 PART THREE STUDY IN BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 13 Division of studies The studies are divided into years. A year is divided into two semesters. Article 14 Commencement of studies An applicant becomes a student and commences the studies on the day of his or her enrolment for the study. TITLE II STUDY PLAN Article 15 Recommended study plan (1) The recommended study plan defines the list of the subjects that need to be or should be completed in the individual years and semesters of the study. By completing the subjects as per the recommended study plan students will acquire 60 credits in each year of the study. (2) The faculty shall publish the recommended study plan and its changes, if any, in the public section of its website at least 2 months before the beginning of the academic year; the plan may not be changed during the academic year. If the recommended study plan changes student’s obligations for a study period for which the student has already created his or her personal study plan, the obligations under the recommended study plan shall be deemed fulfilled upon the fulfilment of the obligations under the personal study plan. Article 16 Exceptions from the recommended study plan (1) Exceptions from the recommended study plan may only be permitted by the dean under the conditions set forth by this internal regulation. (2) The dean may upon student’s request permit the registration of subjects which according to the recommended study plan fall in a) one year to two years (division of the year), or b) two years into one year (merger of years). - 6 Article 17 Personal study plan (1) For each year of study the student creates by selecting and registering subjects a personal degree programme and is responsible for its composition. The student is obligated to the register required subjects and required elective subjects in accordance with the recommended study plan. (2) If the student meets the prerequisites for their registration, he or she may register subjects offered at JAMU up to the total of 80 credits in one academic year; in justified cases the dean may permit students to register subjects above this limit. TITLE II IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDY Division 1 Organization of study Article 18 Participation at instruction (1) Student participation at the instruction is obligatory, except for lectures, unless stipulated otherwise by the subject syllabus. If the student was not able for serious reasons to be present at the instruction to the prescribed extent, the instructor shall, where possible, assign obligations to the student the fulfilment of which will substitute the student's participation at the instruction. (2) If the student is not able to participate at the instruction due to JAMU approved mobility, the instructor shall upon the student’s request assign obligations the fulfilment of which will substitute the student's participation at the instruction. Article 19 Fulfilment of study obligations (1) The student is obligated to endeavour to complete all the registered subjects in each year. Where stipulated by law, the dean may upon student’s request extend the time limit for the fulfilment of the study obligations. 2) (2) The student has the right to a) twice per the studies request the cancellation of the registration of an elective subject, b) twice per the study request the transfer of a registered required or required elective subject to the next year; the transfer does not restore the number of regular and remedial examinations. (3) The permission for the cancellation of registration or transfer of a registered subject enables the enrolment in the next year but does not substitute the fulfilment of the prerequisites for the registration of subjects. 2) Section 54a of Act on Universities. - 7 Article 20 Prerequisites for enrolment in a year (1) The prerequisite for the enrolment to another year of the study is the completion of all the subjects registered in the previous years of the study or the cancellation of their registration or their transfer to the next year under the conditions laid down by this internal regulation. (2) Where the student in connection with care for a child asks for the extension of the time limits for the enrolment into the next year of the study, the dean shall grant the request and extend the time limit, however, at the maximum up to the time for which the mother of the child for which the student cares would be allowed to use maternal leave. Article 21 Enrolment for years (1) The student applies for the enrolment for study years via the IS during the relevant period planned by the faculty’s schedule of academic year. Enrolment at some other time is only possible in cases defined by law or an internal regulation. (2) If the student was prevented from the enrolment for the year by a serious reason and the student excuses himself or herself within no later than 3 days from the end of the period for enrolment for the year or the disappearance of the obstacle preventing the submission of the application for the enrolment, the dean may forgive the missing of the time limit and perform the enrolment at a later time. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the dean and this decision is final. (3) The fulfilment of the prerequisite for the enrolment for a year is checked and the enrolment of students for years performed by the Office for Studies of a faculty. Where the required registration is in conflict with the recommended study plan, internal regulations or legal regulations, the Office for Studies will not perform the registration and will inform the person who asked for the registration of the reasons via the IS and will ask this person to remove the defects of the application within an adequate time limit. Article 22 Maximum length of study (1) The maximum length of the study is the time limit within which the student must complete the studies in a regular manner. The maximum length of study equals the standard length of study as per the accreditation of the degree programme plus two years; the maximum length of the study does not include the time of interruption of studies. (2) If the dean recognizes the completion of subjects with the total credit value of 30 and more, the maximum length of study is shortened by six months for each 30 credits recognized. - 8 Division 2 Study subject Section 1 General provisions Article 23 Subject and its guarantor (1) The basic unit of study is a subject. (2) The head of the guaranteeing department shall nominate the guarantor of the subject. Article 24 Credit value of subject (1) In accordance with the ECTS each subject has been awarded a certain number of credits which expresses the volume of study activity necessary for completion of the subject. (2) The student may gain credits for a required elective or an elective subject only once in the course of one study. Article 25 Subject syllabus (1) Subject is characterized by a syllabus which defines, as a minimum a) the goals of the subject articulated either as threshold requirements (minimum requirements for the completion of the subject) or as referential points describing the usual results (the expected level of results of successful students); the wording must make it clear which approach has been applied, b) study outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences), c) summary of the subject, d) study literature, e) manner, methods and scope of instruction, f) evaluation methods, g) requirements for completion of the subject, h) prerequisites for registration of the subject, i) number of awarded credits, j) language of instruction. (2) Responsible for the content of and compliance with the subject syllabus and its publication in the IS is the guarantor of the subject. The guarantor of the subject shall publish the subject syllabus in the IS before the start of the semester; after its start it may not be changed. - 9 Article 26 Subject classification (1) A subject is classified in the recommended study plan as required, required elective or elective. (2) A required subject is one the completion of which is prescribed by the recommended study plan. A required elective subject falls within the group of subjects for which the recommended study plan prescribes the achievement of a certain number of credits or completion of a certain number of subjects. The other subjects are elective. Section 2 Registration of subjects Article 27 Registration of subject (1) The student is obligated to register the subjects he or she is interested in via the IS during the registration period. (2) If the student is prevented from the registration of a subject by a serious reason and the student submits an excuse within no later than 3 days from the expiry of the registration period, the dean may upon the student's request permit the registration within 7 days from the expiry of the period, at the latest. Within the same time limit the dean may permit the cancellation of the registration of a subject for a serious reason. Article 28 Subject registration prerequisites (1) Where there are prerequisites defined for the registration of a subject, the student may only register such subject after the fulfilment of the prerequisites. (2) Students who may register such subject may be limited as to their number or the degree programme. In the case of required elective and elective subjects, the registration prerequisite may also be a minimum number of students who register for the subject and who fulfil the other registration prerequisites. Article 29 Registration of a subject After the expiry of the registration period, the student is enrolled via the IS for the subjects for which he or she has registered and where the registration prerequisites have been met. - 10 Article 30 Changes in registered subjects (1) Within two weeks from the start of the instruction period the student may make a change in the registered required elective and elective subjects via the IS, provided such change is not in conflict with the recommended study plan. If after the expiry of the period under the previous sentence the student’s personal study plan is not in compliance with this internal regulation, the changes made by the student shall be disregarded. (2) The dean may change registered subject without student’s request where justified by a serious reason for which the student is not responsible; the dean shall inform the student on the change. Section 3 Completion of subject Sub-section 1 Joint provisions Article 31 Manners of completing a subject (1) The student completes a subject by being granted credit, graded credit, taking an examination, colloquium or by being granted credit and taking an examination. The manner of completing a subject is defined in the recommended study plan. If the completion of a subject requires gaining credit and taking an examination, gaining credit is a prerequisite for admission to the examination. (2) Upon the request of the instructor or the examiner the student is obligated to submit student’s card for inspection and verification of his or her identity. Article 32 Record of completion of subjects (1) The instructor shall record the completion of a subject in the IS without undue delay, within no later than 3 days from the day of the completion. (2) The instructor shall enter into the IS information on whether the subject has been completed and possibly also with what grade. Article 33 Gaining credits Upon the completion of a subject the student gains the number of credits allocated to the subject. - 11 Sub-section 2 Course-unit credit and graded course-unit credit Article 34 (1) By granting credit or graded credit the instructor confirms student’s active participation in the instruction and the fulfilment of other requirements for granting the credit specified by in the instructor in accordance with the subject syllabus. (2) The student is obligated to acquire the credit or graded credit at the latest by the end of the examination period of the semester in which he or she is supposed to acquire it according to the personal study plan. (3) The student may not repeat a course-unit credit or graded course-unit credit. Article 35 Evaluation of course-unit credit and graded course-unit credit (1) The granting of a credit is recorded in the IS as “Z” – credited, or “N” – not credited. (2) A graded course-unit is classified under Article 42. Sub-section 3 Examination Article 36 (1) Examination tests student’s knowledge of a given subject and his or her ability to apply it in the relevant field. The student is obligated to take the examination in person, honestly and in compliance with the rules of the examination. (2) Examinations may be written, oral, practical, combined or advancement comprehensive. The form of the examination is defined by the subject syllabus. Article 37 Examination date announcement (1) For each subject ended with an examination the examiner shall schedule at least one regular examination date and two remedial dates in each examination period. (2) The examiner shall announce the examination dates for a subject within no later than 3 days before the start of the examination period depending on the number of the students who have registered the given subject in a given semester and have not completed it yet so that each of these students has an opportunity to take the examination. The examiner may announce additional examination dates within or outside of the examination period. (3) All examination dates are announced in the IS with the specification of the place and time. - 12 Article 38 Regular and remedial examination dates (1) The student is obligated to take examination on the regular date, that is, in the first examination period immediately following the moment when the student has gained the opportunity to take the exam. If the student fails to complete the subject on the regular date, he or she has the right to take the examination on a remedial date. There are two remedial examination dates. (2) If the student does not register in the examination period for any examination date and, at the same time, has not taken the examination, it is assumed that he or she did not appear for the examination. Article 39 Registering and deregistering examination date (1) The student registers for and deregisters from an examination data via the IS. The examiner may set a date for which registration via the IS is not necessary. (2) The examiner has the right to set a deadline within which students may register for or deregister from an examination date, however, this may be done 5 days before the examination date at the latest. Article 40 Loss of examination date (1) If the student fails to appear for or has withdrawn from the examination after its registration or breached the rules of the examination, he or she loses the examination date. (2) Where the student is prevented from taking the examination or timely deregistration from the examination date for a serious reason, the date is not lost if the student excuses himself or herself within 3 days from the examination date or after the disappearance of the obstacle precluding the excuse. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the examiner and this decision is final. Article 41 Examination before a board If an examination does not take place before a board, the dean may decide in legitimate cases upon the request of the student, the examiner or the head of the guaranteeing department that the examination shall take place before a board nominated by the dean; the examiner shall always be a member of the board. Article 42 Evaluation of examination (1) The student's performance at the examination is evaluated by a score on the scale from 0 to 100. To pass an examination the student must score at least 50 points. - 13 (2) Depending on the score the following grades will be awarded a) F for 0 to 49 points, b) E for 50 to 59 points, c) D for 60 to 69 points, d) C for 70 to 79 points, e) B for 80 to 89 points, f) A for 90 to 100 points. (3) A student who does not appear for the examination, has cancelled the examination after being enlisted or has breached the examination rules, is evaluated with character “-”. Article 43 Announcement of examination result (1) The examiner shall notify the student of the result of the examination within no later than 3 working days from the day when the last part of the examination took place. If the examination is oral only, the examiner shall inform the student of the result of the examination immediately after its completion. (2) If any part of the examination is written, the student has the right within 10 days from the date of the last part of the examination to inspect the reviewed written part. Article 44 Review of the course of examination (1) The student has the right to apply to the dean for the review of the course of the examination. In the application the student shall state which subject, examiner and date the application relates to, which rights of the student have in his or her opinion were violated and what kind of remedy the student seeks, otherwise the dean shall dismiss the application. (2) The dean shall hand over a copy of the student's review application to the examiner and ask the examiner to give a statement on the application. The dean may order an oral hearing at which the examiner and the student must always be invited. (3) If the dean finds out that the student’s rights have been violated to the extent that such violation had or might have an impact on the course or the result of the examination, the dean shall grant the application to the justified extent, otherwise it will be dismissed. The dean’s decision is final. Sub-section 4 Colloquium Article 45 Colloquium means an examination in the form of discussion of several students and the examiner, the prerequisite of a colloquium may be a prior written essay dealing with a certain topic covered by the subject. - 14 Article 46 Colloquium date (1) Colloquium takes place during a lesson of the subject as per the instruction schedule; unless specified otherwise by the examiner, colloquium takes place during the last lesson of the instruction. (2) The student has the obligation to appear for colloquium. No remedial dates are admissible for colloquium. Article 47 Evaluation of colloquium (1) Passing the colloquium is recorded in the IS with letter “P – passed”, unsuccessful participation is recorded with letter “N – failed”. The examiner shall inform the student on the evaluation of his or her participation in the colloquium immediately after its end. (2) A student who was evaluated by “N – failed” or who did not appear for the colloquium, shall end the subject with examination which is evaluated pursuant to clause 1. There is only one remedial date for such examination; if the student was prevented from participating in the colloquium by a serious reason, there are two such remedial dates provided that the student excuses himself or herself within no later than 3 days from the colloquium date or the disappearance of the obstacle precluding the excuse. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the examiner and this decision is final. Section 4 Recognition of the completion of subject Article 48 (1) Upon student’s application the dean may recognize the completion of a registered subject which was completed at some other university, during other studies at JAMU or under the conditions laid down by law for the life-long education programme. (2) The dean shall ask for a statement from the guarantor of the subject the completion of which is to be recognized. This shall not apply if the subject was completed at the faculty whose dean decides on the recognition. Article 49 Application for recognition of subject (1) To the application for the recognition of the completion of a subject the student shall attach documents proving the completion of the subject, its evaluation, scope and content. The documents proving the scope and content do not have to be attached if the subject was completed at JAMU. (2) The student shall submit the application within no later than 1 month from the day of the registration of a subject, the day when the student has completed the subject to be recognized in other studies or from the day of the return from mobility; otherwise the dean shall dismiss the application. - 15 Article 50 Obstacle for recognition of completion of subject The completion of a subject may not be recognized if the subject was completed more than 5 years ago. Article 51 Evaluation of subject the completion of which was recognized The recognition of the completion of a subject means also the recognition of the evaluation of the subject. If the evaluation does not comply with this internal regulation, the dean shall in compliance with this internal regulation ensure that the evaluation corresponds as much as possible to the evaluation achieved by the student upon the completion of the subject. Division 3 Mobility Article 52 (1) Before the start of mobility the faculty specifies the scope of student’s study obligations during the mobility and his or her participation in the instruction (Article 18). (2) JAMU shall ensure the transfer of the subjects completed by the student under a signed study contract during his or her presence at some other university. A subject completed by the student at a university using the ETCS shall be transferred including credits and evaluation. In the case of the subjects completed at other universities the number of the credits acquired and the evaluation shall be determined by the dean with approval by the guarantor of the subject. TITLE IV INTERRUPTION OF STUDIES Article 53 Interruption at student’s request (1) Upon student’s application the dean shall interrupt his or her studies if a) the student has filed the application for interruption of the studies before the start of the academic year for the term of which the studies are to be interrupted, b) the interruption of the studies will not result in exceeding the maximum total length of interruption of studies, and c) the interruption does not apply to the first year of studies. (2) Studies may be interrupted for one or several academic years. - 16 Article 54 Interruption upon student’s application in special cases (1) Regardless of the conditions and the length of interruption under Article 53 the dean shall always grant a student's application for the interruption of the studies in connection with pregnancy, childbirth or parenthood, for the entire recognized parental leave pursuant to the Act on Universities. The student also has the right to interrupt the studies in connection with the taking of a child into foster care on the ground of the decision of a competent body. (2) For serious reasons upon student’s application the dean may interrupt his or her studies for the necessary time even if the conditions specified in Article 53 clause 1 except for letter (b) have not been satisfied. Article 55 Interruption without student’s application The dean may interrupt student’s studies for an adequate period even without student's application if a) the student fails the state examination, b) the student does not pay the study-related fees, or c) a procedure is in progress on the action against the decision of the dean or the rector on the rights and obligations of the student or a procedure on appeal against court's decision on such action or a procedure on a constitutional complaint against judicial decision in such matters and the student is in his or her last year of studies. Article 56 Maximum total length of interruption of studies (1) The maximum total length of the interruption of studies is 2 years. For serious reasons the dean may decide on the interruption of studies for a longer period, but not for more than 5 years. (2) The period of interruption of studies for the recognized parental leave or period of interruption of studies for a reason under Article 55 clause (c) shall not be included in the maximum total length of interruption of studies. Article 57 Reenrolment for studies (1) A person whose studies have been interrupted is obligated within 5 days after the expiry of the interruption period reenrol for the studies. If such person is prevented from reenrolling for the studies by a serious reason and submits an excuse within no later than 3 days from the expiry of the deadline for the reenrolment or the disappearance of the obstacle preventing the reenrolment, the dean may pardon the failure to meet the deadline and specify a date for extraordinary enrolment. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the dean and this decision is final. (2) Reenrolment for studies before the expiry of the period for which the studies were interrupted is possible for - 17 a) a person whose studies were interrupted under Article 55 clause (a), b) a person during a recognized parental leave if before the start of an academic year such person asks for reenrolment for the studies as of the first day of the academic year, unless the studies were interrupted under Article 55 clause (c). TITLE V TERMINATION OF STUDIES Division 1 Ways of terminating the studies Article 58 (1) The studies are regularly terminated by graduation in the relevant degree programme. (2) The studies may also be terminated upon a) leaving the studies, b) student’s non-fulfilment of the requirements ensuing from the degree programme under this internal regulation, c) withdrawal of accreditation for a degree programme, d) expiry of the accreditation of a degree programme, 3) or e) expulsion from studies. 4) Division 2 Graduation Article 59 State examination (1) The state examination consists of these parts a) examination in the subjects defined by the study plan, b) qualification thesis defence, and c) graduation performance defence. (2) State examination or any of its parts may not be recognized. Article 60 Time limit for taking state examination The student is obligated to take the state examination at the latest by the end of the second academic year following the academic year in which the student has satisfied the requirements for admission to the state examination. Where stipulated by law, the dean may upon student’s request extend the time limit for the taking of the state examination. 5) 3) Section 80(4) of Act on Universities. 4) Section 47e(3), Section 65(1)(c), Section 67 of Act on Universities. 5) Section 54a of Act on Universities. - 18 Article 61 Admission to the state examination (1) The prerequisite for admission to the state examination prescribed for the end of the studies is a) fulfilment of all the obligations according to the personal study plan for the year of the studies when the state examination or any part thereof takes place, as well as for the previous years, b) submission of the student’s qualification thesis, and c) achievement of the minimum number of credits equivalent to the product of 60 and the number of the year in which the state examination or any part thereof is supposed to take place according to the recommended study plan. (2) If according to the recommended study plan a certain part of the state examination prescribed for the end of the studies is scheduled to take place sooner than in the last year of the studies, only the conditions of clause 1(a) and (c) shall apply to the admission to such part of the state examination. Article 62 Graduation performance (1) In the graduation performance the student proves the level of his or her artistic or professional work by creating one's own artwork, artistic performance or a specialized project. The graduation performance involves its preparation, implementation, documentation or a written review and, possibly, presentation. The documentation on the graduation performance must always contain the name, annotation and key words in the Czech and the English language. (2) The graduation performance is assigned by the head of the guaranteeing department with view to the student’s proposal, if any. The assignment contains the name of the graduation performance, its brief characteristic, the name of the performance supervisor and the date of the performance itself. The assignment is entered into the IS within 6 months, at the latest, before the deadline for the submission of the documentation on the graduation performance. (3) The graduation performance takes place in compliance with student’s personal study plan at some of the JAMU departments. Exceptionally, the graduation performance may take place outside JAMU, after a prior approval by the graduation performance supervisor and the dean of the relevant faculty. The student shall insert the documentation of and the written review and possibly also presentation of the graduation performance into the IS. Article 63 Qualification thesis (1) The qualification thesis in Bachelor’s degree programmes and the Master’s degree programmes is the Bachelor’s thesis and the Master’s thesis, respectively. By the qualification thesis the student proves that he or she is able to solve a given problem, present the solution in writing and defend it at oral defence. The minimum admissible number of standard pages of the qualification thesis is determined by the dean. - 19 (2) The qualification thesis is assigned by the dean with view to the student's proposal, if any, upon the statement of the head of the guaranteeing department. The assignment contains its name and a brief characteristic of the goals to be achieved, the basic sources and literature, the name of the supervisor and the deadline for the submission of the thesis. A qualification thesis may also be supervised by a professional who is not a JAMU employee. The assignment is entered into the IS within 6 months, at the latest, before the deadline for the submission of the qualification thesis. (3) The qualification thesis is submitted in the Czech language, unless in a degree programme with instruction in a foreign language. With the consent of the thesis supervisor the dean may permit the submission of the qualification thesis in another language. The qualification thesis must always contain the name, annotation and key words in the Czech and the English language. The dean shall define the scope and form of the qualification thesis and shall make accessible to the students templates for writing the thesis with predefined format styles in the IS. (4) The qualification thesis is submitted via the IS. The student shall also hand over to the Office for Studies of the relevant faculty two copies of the qualification thesis in hardback, if prescribed for students by the dean of the faculty. Article 64 Evaluation (1) The opponent of the graduation performance and the opponent for the qualification thesis are nominated by the dean. (2) The opponent and the qualification thesis supervisor and the graduation performance opponent prepare a written evaluation and make it accessible to the student via the IS within no later than 3 days before the date of the defence; if any evaluation is made accessible at a later time, the student has the right to demand a new date for the state examination. Article 65 Examination board (1) The state examination takes place before an examination board with the minimum of three members who are appointed, including its chair and vice-chair, by the dean from among professors, associate professors and professionals approved by the relevant artistic board. (2) The activity of the examination board is managed by its chair, or in the absence of the latter, by its vice-chair. To adopt a decision, the examination board needs the approval of the majority of its members. If a member does not express his or her approval, such member is assumed to be against the decision. Article 66 State examination date (1) In each state examination period the dean shall announce via the IS at least one date for the state examination and shall do so within 2 weeks at the latest before the start of the - 20 state examination period. The individual parts of the state examination may take place on different days. (2) The dean schedules the state examination dates with view to the number of the students who may be admitted in a given examination period to the state examination so that each of such students has the opportunity to register for at least one examination date. (3) All state examination dates are announced in the IS with the specification of the place and time and the composition of the board. Article 67 Regular and remedial state examination dates (1) The student has the obligation to take the state examination in the first state examination period after he or she has been admitted to the state examination (regular date). (2) If the student fails the state exam at the regular date, he or she has the right to take the state examination or any part thereof on a remedial date. There are two remedial examination dates. If the defence of the qualification thesis is evaluated on the regular as well as the remedial date as “failed”, the examination board may decide that the prerequisite for the repetition of the defence is the elaboration of a new qualification thesis. (3) If a student who is admitted to the state examination does not register during the state examination period for any state examination date and, at the same time, has not taken the state examination yet, it is assumed that such student has not appeared for the state examination. Article 68 Registering and deregistering a state examination date (1) The student registers for and deregisters from a state examination date via the IS. (2) The dean may limit the time when students may register for or deregister from a state examination date, however, not to more than 1 month before the state examination date at the latest. Article 69 Failure to appear for the state examination (1) If the student does not appear for the state examination, he or she loses the opportunity. (2) Where the student is prevented from taking the state examination or timely deregistration from the examination date for a serious reason, the date is not lost if the student excuses himself or herself within 3 days from the examination date or after the disappearance of the obstacle precluding the excuse. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the dean and this decision is final. - 21 Article 70 Course of state examination (1) The entire course and the announcement of the results of the state examination are public; the consultation of the examination board is non-public. (2) At the defence of his or her qualification thesis as well as the graduation performance the student at first states the main results of his or her work and subsequently gives a statement on the comments contained in the evaluation of the supervisor and the evaluation of the opponent. This is followed by discussion. Article 71 State examination report (1) The examination board shall draw a report on the course of the state examination describing the course and evaluation of the individual parts of the state examination and the overall evaluation of the state examination and in the case of failure with a brief statement of the reasons. Attached to the report are the evaluations of the qualification thesis supervisor and the opponents. (2) The examination board shall hand over the report and its attachments to the Office for Studies via the IS and in the documentary form within no later than 3 days from the date of the state examination. The Office for Studies shall check the formal aspects of the report and its attachments and enter the state examination results in the IS. Article 72 State examination evaluation (1) Each part of the state examination is evaluated separately. Applicable to the evaluation of the parts of the state examination is the scale under Article 42; the graduation performance is evaluated with either granting or not granting a completion of studies certificate. (2) The state examination as a whole on each date is evaluated as a) not passed, if any part of the state examination was evaluated with F or the completion of studies certificate was not granted, b) passed, c) passed with honours, if the completion of studies certificate is granted and if all other parts of the examination are evaluated with A or not more than one part is evaluated with B. Article 73 Overall evaluation of studies (1) Regularly completed studies as a whole are evaluated as follows a) graduated with honours, if the student’s overall grade point average is no less than 95 points and if he or she has passed the state examination with honours, or b) graduated. - 22 (2) A graduate who has graduated with honours is entitled to special treatment as per academic usage during the graduation ceremony. Article 74 Day of termination of studies by graduation The day of termination of the studies by graduation is the day when the state examination prescribed for the end of the studies or its last part is passed. Division 3 Provisions on some other ways of terminating the studies Article 75 Leaving the studies (1) The student has the right to leave the studies. The declaration to leave the studies must be written and may not be taken back. (2) The day of the termination of the studies by leaving the studies is the day when the student’s declaration to leave the studies is delivered to the relevant faculty. Article 76 Termination of studies for non-fulfilment of requirements (1) If the student fails to fulfil the requirements ensuing from a degree programme under this internal regulation, the dean shall decide on the termination of such student’s studies. (2) Student’s studies shall be terminated in particular if a) he or she does not fulfil the study obligations in any year of the studies and was not allowed to transfer or register a subject again, b) exceeds the maximum length of studies, c) does not enrol for the studies within the prescribed time limits, d) has used up without success all regular and remedial examination dates for the completion of a subject or the state examination, e) has not taken the state examination within the prescribed time limit. Article 77 Date of termination of studies for non-fulfilment of requirements The day of the termination of the studies for non-fulfilment of the requirements ensuing from the degree programme under this internal regulation is the day of the entry into legal force of the decision on the termination of the studies. - 23 PART FOUR STUDY IN DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAMMES TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 78 Doctoral board (1) Study in a doctoral degree programme is supervised and evaluated by the doctoral board. The doctoral board in particular a) proposes to the dean 1. the composition of the examination boards for entrance examinations for a given degree programme, 2. instructors for individual students, 3. the chairs and members of the boards for doctoral theses defence and the examination board for the state doctoral examinations, 4. doctoral thesis opponents, b) comments on 1. the conclusions made by the examination boards in admission procedures before their submission to the dean, 2. on the topics of scientific research and the follow-up independent theoretical and creative activities of the student in arts (hereinafter “topic of studies”) and their changes before their submission to the dean, 3. the individual study plans of the students of a doctoral degree programme and their changes, if any, 4. the recommended study plan and its changes, c) discusses student evaluations submitted by instructors, d) evaluates 1. after discussion with the student and the instructor, the fulfilment by the student of his or her individual study plan and submits the conclusions to the dean, 2. the performance of instructors and submits the conclusions to the dean, 3. at least once in a year, the standards of the implementation of a degree programme and submits the conclusions to the dean, e) initiates proposals for alterations of a degree programme. (2) Universities or their parts may create on the basis of agreement a common doctoral board for degree programmes from the same field of studies. Article 79 Doctoral board composition The doctoral board is set up pursuant to an internal regulation of the faculty on which the degree programme is implemented. The chair of the doctoral board is the guarantor of the doctoral degree programme. - 24 Article 80 Doctoral board rules of procedure The rules of procedure of the doctoral board are issued by the dean after an affirmative statement of the artistic board of a faculty. Article 81 Instructor (1) Instructor is a figure in the scientific and artistic domain that constitutes the subjectmatter of a degree programme. Instructors may only be selected from among the associate professors or professors or other specialists with a scientific degree approved by a faculty’s artistic board; students in artistic doctoral degree programmes may also be instructed by specialists with the appropriate artistic erudition. (2) The instructor is appointed and removed by the dean upon the proposal of the doctoral board. The dean shall appoint the instructor without undue delay after student’s enrolment for studies. (3) The instructor directs student’s education by a) helping the student with the creation of his or her study plan, b) guiding the student in the preparation of the doctoral thesis and in the follow-up independent theoretical and creative activities in arts, c) supervising the fulfilment by the student of his or her study obligations, including pedagogical obligations, d) offers consultations to the student, e) reviews the fulfilment by the student of his or her study obligations under the individual study plan and notifies the student of any deficiencies discovered, f) each year performs the evaluation of the studies and other activities of the student and submits it to the doctoral board. Article 82 Division and commencement of studies The provisions of Articles 13 and 14 apply mutatis mutandis to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes as well. TITLE II STUDY PLAN Article 83 Recommended study plan (1) The recommended study plan defines a list of the subjects that have to be completed during the studies. By completing the subjects as per the recommended study plan the student will acquire a number of credits for the studies which is equivalent to the product of 60 and the standard length of the study in a degree programme according to accreditation. - 25 (2) The faculty shall publish the recommended study plan and its changes, if any, in the public section of its website at least 2 months before the beginning of the academic year; the plan may not be changed during the academic year. Article 84 Individual study plan The individual study plan in particular defines a) the topic of studies, b) the requirements for scientific research and independent theoretical and creative activity of the student in arts, including his or her own artwork, professional publishing activity and participation at conferences, seminars, festivals, contests, performances or summer schools, c) the list of the subjects and other study obligations which the student must fulfil and estimates as to the time of the fulfilment. Article 85 Approval of individual study plan (1) The student creates his or her individual study plan; responsible for preparation of the individual study plan is the student. (2) The individual study plan and its changes are approved by the dean upon student’s proposal and after the statement of the doctoral board. Article 86 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Article 16(1) apply mutatis mutandis to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes as well. TITLE III IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDY Division 1 Organization of study Article 87 Course of studies (1) The studies progress according to the student’s individual study plan; the course of the studies is directed by the student’s instructor. (2) The condition for the continuation of the studies is that the student has the opportunity to complete the studies in a regular manner, in particular with view to the prerequisites for registration of the subjects which the student is supposed to complete under the recommended study plan. - 26 Article 88 Fulfilment of obligations (1) The student is obligated to fulfil within the standard length of studies all the obligations under the recommended study plan, except for the state doctoral examination and the doctoral thesis defence. (2) Where stipulated by law, the dean may upon student’s request extend the time limit for the fulfilment of the study obligations. 6) Article 89 Check of fulfilment of individual study plan In relation to the fulfilment of the student’s obligations under the individual study plan the student and the instructor submit via the IS always within 30 from the end of the year, at the latest, the following a) the student submits a written statement to the instructor and the doctoral board, b) the instructor submits an evaluation to the doctoral board. Article 90 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Article 18, Article 21 and Article 22 apply mutatis mutandis to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes as well. Division 2 Study subject Section 1 General provisions Article 91 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Articles 23 to 26 apply mutatis mutandis to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes as well. Section 2 Registration of subjects Article 92 Registration of subject On the basis of the individual study plan approved by the dean the Office for Studies shall enlist the student for the subjects therein specified via the IS. 6) Section 54a of Act on Universities. - 27 Article 93 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Article 28 apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in doctoral degree programmes. Section 3 Completion of subject Article 94 Examination date (1) Where the completion of a subject requires the examination of the student’s knowledge, the time and place of the examination shall be determined by the examiner upon agreement with the student. Upon student’s application the examiner shall schedule in the examination period an examination date via the IS, with the specification of the place and time. The examiner may announce additional examination dates within or outside of the examination period. (2) If the student fails to complete the subject on the regular date, he or she has the right to take the examination on a remedial date. There are two remedial examination dates. Article 95 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Articles 31 to 33, Article 34(1) and (3), Article 35, Article 36, Article 38(3) and Articles 39 to 47 apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes. Section 4 Recognition of the completion of subject Article 96 Special provision of recognition of completion of subject The decision on the recognition of the completion of a subject is made by the dean based on a statement of the doctoral board; in other respects the provisions of Articles 48 to 51 apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in doctoral degree programmes. Division 3 Mobility Article 97 The provisions of Article 52 apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in doctoral degree programmes. - 28 TITLE IV INTERRUPTION OF STUDIES Article 98 Special provision on interruption of studies (1) The interruption of studies is subject to a prior statement of the student’s instructor. (2) The dean may also interrupt student’s studies for an adequate time without student's application if the student fails to defend his or her doctoral thesis. Article 99 Maximum total length of interruption of studies The maximum total length of the interruption of studies is 3 years. Article 100 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Articles 53 to 57, except for Article 56(1), first sentence, apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in doctoral degree programmes. TITLE V TERMINATION OF STUDIES Division 1 Ways of terminating the studies Article 101 (1) The studies are regularly completed by a public defence of the doctoral thesis and the state doctoral examination in which the student proves the ability and readiness to engage in independent activity in research or development or in independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. (2) The studies may also be terminated in the manners specified in Article 58(2). Division 2 Graduation Section 1 Doctoral thesis defence Article 102 Doctoral thesis The doctoral thesis is student’s independent written specialized work with the minimum of 120 standard pages which is the result of the solution of an artistic, scientific, research or combined assignment in accordance with the topic of studies. - 29 Article 103 Contents of doctoral thesis The doctoral thesis contains in particular a) introduction, in which the reasons for choosing the topic of the doctoral thesis are given, b) solemn declaration on authorship and compliance with scientific and academic traditions, c) theoretical basis, including the current state of knowledge in the Czech as well as foreign context, d) the goal and the propositions of the doctoral thesis, e) the applied scientific or artistic methods of research, f) the body of the doctoral thesis, g) the conclusion with the summary of the results and contributions of the doctoral thesis and recommendations, if any, for further research, h) summary of the doctoral thesis in the Czech, English and potentially some other global language, as a rule, to the extent of one standard page, i) the list of used sources and literature, j) the original and published results and their reception or the original results admitted for publication. Article 104 Formal requirements (1) The doctoral thesis is submitted in the Czech language; with the consent of the instructor and after discussion by the doctoral board the dean may permit the submission of the doctoral thesis in other language. (2) The dean shall define the form of the doctoral thesis and the manner of its submission and shall make accessible to the students templates for writing the thesis with predefined format styles in the IS. Article 105 Doctoral thesis defence (1) The defence of the doctoral thesis is a public discussion between the student and the members of the defence committee; the evaluation of an absent opponent shall be read aloud. (2) The defence of the doctoral thesis may not be recognized. Article 106 Admission to defence The prerequisite for admission to the defence of the doctoral thesis (hereinafter as “admission to defence”) is the fulfilment of all other obligations under the individual study plan, except for the state doctoral examination. - 30 Article 107 Registration to defence (1) The student registers for the doctoral thesis defence by its submission in a regular manner. The submission of a doctoral thesis by a student who has not been admitted to the defence shall not be considered. (2) The doctoral thesis shall be submitted in the electronic form by uploading it to the IS, including all attachments. Further, the student shall submit to the Office for Studies of the relevant faculty three copies of the doctoral thesis in hardback. (3) Attached to the doctoral thesis are the student’s curriculum vitae and the summary of his or her scientific research, independent theoretical and creative activity and pedagogical experience. Article 108 Formal review of doctoral thesis The instructor shall check that the doctoral thesis has the prescribed formal essentials and attachments and shall notify the student if this is not the case. Article 109 Defence committee and opponents (1) The doctoral thesis defence takes place before a doctoral thesis defence committee with a minimum of five members (hereinafter “defence committee”) the members of which are appointed by the dean upon the proposal of the doctoral board. (2) The activity of the defence committee is managed by its chair, who may authorize another member with the management. To adopt a decision, the defence committee needs the approval of the majority of its members. If a member does not express his or her approval, such member is assumed to be against the decision. (3) Upon the proposal of the doctoral board the dean appoints two opponents of the doctoral thesis. Article 110 Composition of defence committee and requirements for opponents (1) The members of the defence committee must be selected from among professors, associate professors and specialists approved by the relevant artistic board. (2) Student’s instructor or a former instructor, student’s direct supervisor or a direct subordinate or persons whose relationship to the content of the doctoral thesis or the persons involved in the defence give rise to doubts as to their impartiality may not a member of the defence committee or an opponent. (3) At least one of the opponents must be - 31 a) an associate professor or a professor, b) a person other than a member of the JAMU academic society or a JAMU employee. Article 111 Evaluations of opponents (1) The opponents shall prepare evaluations of the doctoral thesis in which they will a) give a statement in particular on 1. the fulfilment of the requirements for the content for the doctoral thesis, 2. the fulfilment of the requirements for the scope and form of the doctoral thesis, 3. the procedure of the solution of the defined assignment, 4. the results of the doctoral thesis and its contribution, b) specify their questions, if any, for the student regarding the defended doctoral thesis. (2) The evaluations of the opponents shall be made available to the student by the Office for Studies via the IS within no later than 7 days before the date of the doctoral thesis defence; if any evaluation is made available at a later time, the student has the right to demand a new defence date. Article 112 Regular and remedial defence date (1) The regular date for the defence of the doctoral thesis shall be scheduled by the dean via the IS with the specification of the place, time and composition of the defence committee so that it takes place at the latest within 6 months from the registration for the doctoral thesis defence. (2) If the defence of the doctoral thesis on the regular date was not successful, the student is entitled to a remedial date for the defence of the doctoral thesis. There are two remedial examination dates. The student may register for a remedial date at the earliest after 1 month from the previous doctoral thesis defence date. Article 113 Failure to appear for defence (1) If the student does not appear for the defence of the doctoral thesis, he or she loses the opportunity. (2) If the student is prevented from appearing for the defence of the doctoral thesis by a serious reason, the student does not lose the opportunity if he or she submits and excuse within 3 days from the doctoral thesis defence date or the disappearance of the obstacle precluding the excuse. The decision on the recognition of the excuse is made by the dean and this decision is final. Article 114 Course of defence (1)The entire course and the announcement of the results of the doctoral thesis defence are public; the discussion of the defence committee is not public, and the vote is secret. Where - 32 the opponents are not members of the defence committee, they participate at the discussion, including the non-public parts, and have advisory capacity. (2)As a rule, the course of the doctoral thesis defence, which usually does not take more than two hours, is the following a) the chair opens the defence, introduces the student, the topic of the student's studies and makes the defence committee familiar with the summary of his or her scientific research, independent theoretical and creative activity and pedagogical experience, b) the student explains the gist and the major results of the doctoral thesis, c) the instructor makes the defence committee familiar with his or her statement on the scientific research, independent theoretical and creative activities and pedagogical experience of the student and on the defended doctoral thesis, d) the opponents present the basic content of their evaluations, e) the student makes a statement on the evaluations of the opponents, especially their objections, comments and inquiries, f) the chair opens the discussion; and may also give the floor to the representatives of the public. Article 115 Defence progress report (1) The chair or a member of the defence committee authorized by the latter shall draw up a report on the progress of the doctoral thesis defence, which report shall cover the course and evaluation of the defence and, in the event of failure, briefly state the reasons and recommendations, if any, as to the adjustments in the doctoral thesis for publication. (2) The chair of the committee shall submit the report within 3 days from the doctoral thesis defence date at the latest to the Office for Studies which will check the formalities of the report and enter the report and the result of the defence in the IS. Article 116 Defence evaluation On each defence date the doctoral thesis defence is evaluated either as defended or not defended. Section 2 State doctoral examination Article 117 The discussion during the state doctoral examination examines whether the student has mastered a broader scientific basis of the field, knowledge from the field of focus of the doctoral thesis, whether the student has mastered the methods of scientific work and proved during the studies the ability to acquire, assess and creatively apply new knowledge. - 33 Article 118 Prerequisite for state doctoral examination The prerequisite for the state doctoral examination is the fulfilment of all other obligations according to the individual study plan except for the defence of the doctoral thesis. Article 119 Registration for state doctoral examination The student registers for the state doctoral examination by submitting the doctoral thesis in a regular manner. Article 120 Examination board The state doctoral examination takes place before an examination board with the minimum of five members who are appointed, including the chair, by the dean from among professors, associate professors and professionals approved by the relevant artistic board upon the proposal of the doctoral board. Article 121 State doctoral examination dates (1) The regular date for the state doctoral examination shall be scheduled by the dean via the IS with the specification of the place, time and composition of the examination committee so that it takes place at the latest within 6 months from the registration for the state doctoral examination. (2) If the student fails the state exam at the regular date, he or she has the right to take the state examination or any part thereof on a remedial date. There are two remedial dates, which are scheduled by the dean via the IS with the specification of the place, time and composition of the examination committee. Article 122 Report (1) The chair of the examination board or a member authorized by the latter shall draw up a report on the progress of the doctoral examination covering its course and evaluation and, in the event of failure, stating briefly the reasons. (2) The chair of the examination board shall submit the report and its annexes within 3 days from the state doctoral examination date at the latest to the Office for Studies which will check the formalities of the report and enter the report and the result of the state examination in the IS. - 34 Article 123 Evaluation On each date the state doctoral examination is evaluated either as passed or failed. Section 3 General provisions Article 124 Overall evaluation of studies Regularly completed studies as a whole are evaluated with “graduated”. Article 125 Day of termination of studies by graduation The day of the termination of the studies is the day when a) the last part of the state doctoral examination was passed, if the examination took place after a successful defence of the doctoral thesis, or b) the doctoral thesis was successfully defended, if the defence took place after passing the last part of the state doctoral examination. Article 126 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Article 59(2), Article 65(2), Article 69 and Article 70(1) apply mutatis mutandis also to the studies in doctoral degree programmes; the examination board’s vote is secret. Division 3 Provisions on some other ways of terminating studies Article 127 Application of provision of part three The provisions of Article 75, Article 76(1) and Article 77 apply mutatis mutandis to the studies in the doctoral degree programmes as well. - 35 PART FIVE DECISION-MAKING ON RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENT TITLE I DECIDED MATTERS AND PROCEDURE Article 128 Principles (1) The basic principles of the activity of administrative bodies shall also apply to the procedures on the rights and obligations of the student. 7) (2)The body which decides on student’s rights and obligations must make its decisions in compliance with legal regulations, internal regulations and previous case law. (3)Where law or an international regulation stipulates how JAMU is supposed to decide, without giving any space for deviation, the relevant JAMU body must not deviate from this stipulation. (4)Where law or an internal regulation does not admit any remedial measure, the decision by the first-instance body on the rights and obligations of the student is final and may not be appealed. Article 129 Subject-matter and form of procedure (1)JAMU decides on the rights and obligations of the student in the matter of a) interruption of studies, b) recognition of examinations or fulfilment of other study obligations and prescribing equivalency examinations, including recognition of examinations taken during studies in a degree programme held at a university or a faculty and recognition of examinations or other study obligations or a subject or other comprehensive parts of study accomplished by studies in an accredited educational programme on a college, c) awarding scholarships, d) assessing a study-related fee, e) non-fulfilment of the requirements ensuing from the degree programme under the rules for studies and examinations (hereinafter as “non-fulfilment of requirements”) f) disciplinary offence, g) expulsion from studies for the admission of the student to studies in the consequence of his or her fraudulent conduct. (2)In procedures on the matters specified in clause 1 JAMU proceeds according to this part of the Rules for Studies and Examinations, except for procedures for a) awarding scholarships, which is provided for by the scholarships rules, b) assessment of a study-related fee which is provided for in the JAMU statutes, c) disciplinary offence, which is provided for in the relevant disciplinary rules, 7) Sections 2 of 8 of Administrative Procedure Code. - 36 d) expulsion from studies due to the admission of a student to studies in the consequence of fraudulent conduct, which is subject to the mutatis mutandis application of the provisions on disciplinary procedure in the relevant disciplinary rules. Article 130 Participant in procedure Only the student is the participant in the procedure on the rights and obligations of a student. Article 131 Bias of officers (1) Each person directly participating in the exercise of authority at JAMU (hereinafter as “officer”) in respect of whom there is a reason to assume that such person with view to his or her relationship to the matter, to the participant in the procedure or his or her representatives has an interest in the result of the procedure for which there are doubts at such person’s impartiality, is excluded from all procedural acts during which such person might influence the result of the procedure. Also excluded is an officer who participated in the procedure in the same matter on some other instance. (2) The student may object to the bias of an officer; if the student fails to do so without undue delay after he or she has learnt about the bias, the objection shall be disregarded. The officer who learns about any circumstances indicating that he or she should be excluded is obligated to inform the head of the unit of such circumstance without delay. The decision on the bias of an officer shall be made by the head of the unit without delay by resolution; before the decision is made and the necessary acts performed, the officer concerned may only perform acts that cannot be postponed. (3) The head of unit shall without delay appoint another officer instead of the excluded officer. The resolution to this effect shall only be noted in the file. Article 132 Management of procedure (1) The individual acts in the procedure are in principle performed in writing; where the student is personally present they may be performed orally and their content recorded in the file. (2) The language used in the procedure and written documents is Czech. During the procedure the participants may also use and written documents may also translated into the Slovak language. Article 133 Report The discussions or facts that are relevant for the procedure and are not recorded in other documents are included in a report. - 37 Article 134 General provisions on delivery (1) The decision in the procedure on student’s rights and obligations may be delivered to the student in person. If the student has reported a data box address, the decision shall be delivered to the data box. If the student has reported a postal address only, the decision shall be delivered for his or her attention to the postal address. (2) If a written communication in the procedure on student’s rights and obligations is not delivered because the student failed to fulfil the obligation to report his or her postal address or data box address or if the written communication is not delivered to the postal address reported by the student, the written communication shall be delivered in the form of a public announcement; JAMU is not obligated to appoint a custodian for the student. (3) Non-fulfilment by the student of the obligation to report a postal address or a data box address gives rise to such student's obligation to compensate JAMU for the costs incurred by the non-fulfilment. Article 135 Special provisions on delivery (1) Delivered via the IS are decisions granting student’s application in the matters specified in Article 129(1)(b). (2) Regarded as the day of the delivery and announcement of the decisions under clause 1 is the first day after the decisions are made accessible to the student in the IS. TITLE II FIRST-INSTANCE PROCEDURE Article 136 Motion for opening procedure (1) The procedure on student’s rights and obligations is opened upon motion, unless stipulated otherwise below. (2) The motion must clearly specify a) the first name, surname, date of birth and the place of permanent residence of the student, b) the matter concerned, especially the studies, c) what the student asks or seeks. Article 137 Filing motion The motion is filed to the JAMU body competent to decide in the first instance by electronic means via the IS. Evidence may be submitted in documentary form to the filing office of the relevant JAMU unit. - 38 Article 138 Opening of procedure (1) The procedure is opened on the day when JAMU received the student’s motion for opening the procedure on student's rights and obligations. If the motion is vitiated by errors, JAMU shall ask the student to remove the errors and grant him or her adequate time limit for that purpose. (2) The procedure for interruption of studies and procedure for non-fulfilment of requirements may be opened by JAMU of its own motion. Article 139 Legal act by JAMU in procedure The legal act by JAMU in the procedure for a) the interruption of studies of its own motion is the issue of a decision, b) non-fulfilment of requirements is a request for statement on the materials for the decision. Article 140 Materials for decision (1) Where law does not specify that a certain material is binding on JAMU, JAMU shall assess the materials, especially evidence, at its discretion, considering carefully all findings in the procedure, including statements made by the student. (2) JAMU is not obligated before rendering the decision on the merits to inform the student on the opportunity to make a statement on the materials for the decision and the student has the right to inspect the file only after the announcement of the decision; this does not apply to the procedure for non-fulfilment of requirements. Article 141 Termination of procedure (1) The relevant body shall terminate the procedure upon application by resolution if a) the applicant has withdrawn the application, b) the submitted application clearly was not legally admissible, c) the applicant failed to remove within a prescribed time limit material defects of the application that preclude the continuation of the procedure, d) another procedure already opened in the same matter for the same reason is pending or has been decided, e) the applicant has died. (2) The relevant body shall terminate a procedure instituted of its own motion by resolution if the reason for the procedure has ceased to exist, in particular in the event of the death of the participant. The resolution shall only be noted in the file. - 39 Article 142 Decision (1) Decision is given in the written form with the stamp of JAMU and the signature of the person who made the decision. The decision contains the operative part, the grounds and instruction on the possibility of filing for appeal. (2) The operative part shall state how the matter was decided, specify the legal provisions based on which the decision was made and the first name, surname, date of birth and the permanent residence of the student. (3) The grounds shall contain the reasons for the verdict of the decision, the materials for such verdicts, the reasoning during the assessment of the materials and the interpretation of the legal and internal regulations and information on how the body decided on the proposals of the student. No grounds for the decision are required if the first-instance body fully upholds the student’s proposal. (4) The instruction shall state that the decision may be appealed within the time limit of 30 days from the day of its announcement, that the decision on the appeal is made by the rector and that the appeal is submitted to the rector through the dean. The suspensive effect of the appeal may not be ruled out. TITLE II APPELLATE PROCEDURE Article 143 Filing appeal (1) The student may file an appeal against the decision within 30 days from the announcement of the decision unless he or she has waived this right in writing after the announcement of the decision. The appeal has suspensive effect. (2) The appeal may contest the operative part of the decision. An appeal against the grounds for the decision only is inadmissible. (3) The appeal must state a) the first name, surname, date of birth and the place of permanent residence of the student, b) the matter to which it relates, c) the decision which is appealed, the scope to which the decision is contested and why the decision is deemed to be in conflict with legal or internal regulations or why the decision or the prior procedure is considered incorrect. If the appeal does not specify the scope to which the decision is contested, it is assumed that the appellant seeks the cancellation of the entire decision. Article 144 Appeal filing procedure (1) The first instance body may cancel or change the decision challenged by the appeal if the appeal is fully upheld by such procedure. This decision may be appealed. - 40 (2) If the first-instance body does not find that the conditions for the procedure under clause 1 have been satisfied, the first-instance body shall pass the file with its statement to the appellate body within 30 days from the day of the delivery of the appeal. Article 145 New facts New facts or proposals for producing new evidence specified in the appeal or in the course of the appellate procedure shall be taken into account only if the student was not able to use such facts or evidence earlier. Where the student objects that he or she was not allowed to perform a certain act during the first-instance procedure, such act must be made together with the appeal. Article 146 Appellate body The appellate body is the rector. Article 147 Scope of review The rector shall review the compliance of the contested decision and the procedure preceding the issue of the decision with legal and internal regulations and its correctness. Procedural errors which may not be reasonably believed to have influenced the compliance of the contested decision with legal and internal regulations or its correctness shall not be taken into account. Article 148 Decision on appeal (1) The rector shall issue the decision on the appeal within the time limit of 30 days. The time limit starts to run on the day when the file is delivered to the rector for decision. The rector may not change the contested decision to the detriment of the appellant. (2) If the rector reached the conclusion that the contested decision is in conflict with law or an internal regulation or is incorrect, a) the rector shall cancel the contested decision or part thereof and 1. shall stay the procedure, or 2. refer the matter back for new decision; in the grounds of this decision the rector shall specify the legal opinion by which the dean is bound during the new decision in the matter, or b) the rector shall change the contested decision or part thereof. (3) If the rector finds out that there exists a fact which gives reason for termination of the procedure, the rector shall automatically cancel the contested decision and terminate the procedure. Late or inadmissible appeal shall be dismissed by the rector. - 41 (4) If the rector does not find any reason to proceed pursuant to clause 2 and 3, he shall dismiss the appeal and uphold the contested decision. If the rector changes or cancels the contested decision partially, he shall uphold the remaining parts of the decision. (5) Applicable to a decision in an appellate procedure is Article 142(1) and (3). The operative part shall specify the manner in which the decision was reached and the instruction shall state that there is no appeal admissible against the decision in an appellate procedure. Article 149 Follow-up measures If necessary, bodies of JAMU or its unit shall in connection with the rector's decision adopt measures to ensure that the student’s rights are restored and the consequences caused by an erroneous decision are removed or at least mitigated. PART SIX JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 150 Joint provisions (1)Relevant faculty means the faculty where the relevant degree programme is held. (2)If a faculty does not have the Office for Studies, the Office for Studies means the dean's secretary's office or, where no such office exists either, the dean of the relevant faculty. Article 151 Interim provisions (1) Final theses that have been assigned before the effectiveness of this internal regulation may be submitted in the language admissible under the regulations valid so far. (2) The provision of Article 83(1) second sentence shall not apply to the studies of the students in doctoral degree programmes held a) at the Faculty of Theatre whose first year of study occurred prior to the academic year 2012/2013, b) at the Faculty of Music whose first year of study occurred prior to the academic year 2013/2014. Article 152 Repeal provisions The Rules for Studies and Examination of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno of 21 August 2017, registered by the Ministry on 1 September 2017 under ref. no. MSMT 24266/2017 are hereby abolished. - 42 Article 153 Validity and effectiveness This internal regulation becomes valid on the day of its registration by the Ministry and effective on 1 October 2018. prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý Rector doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. Chair of the JAMU Academic Senate - 43 - Contents PART ONE GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 Aim of the rules Article 2 Implementing regulations Article 3 Credit system Article 4 Information system Article 5 Publication of final theses Article 6 Grade point average Article 7 Serious reasons PART TWO ORGANIZATION OF STUDIES Article 8 Instructors and examiners Article 9 Forms of instruction Article 10 Academic year Article 11 Schedule of academic year Article 12 Schedule of instruction during semester PART THREE STUDY IN BACHELOR’S AND MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMMES TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 13 Division of studies Article 14 Commencement of studies TITLE II STUDY PLAN Article 15 Recommended study plan Article 16 Exceptions from the recommended study plan Article 17 Personal study plan TITLE III IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDY Division 1 Organization of study Article 18 Participation at instruction Article 19 Fulfilment of study obligations Article 20 Prerequisites for enrolment in a year Article 21 Enrolment for years Article 22 Maximum length of study Division 2 Study subject Section 1 General provisions Article 23 Subject and its guarantor Article 24 Credit value of subject Article 25 Subject syllabus Article 26 Subject classification Section 2 Registration of subjects Article 27 Registration of subject Article 28 Subject registration prerequisites Article 29 Registration of a subject Article 30 Changes in registered subjects Section 3 Completion of subject Subsection 1 Joint provisions Article 31 Manners of completing subject Article 32 Record of completion of subjects Article 33 Gaining credits Subsection 2 Course-unit credit and graded course-unit credit - 44 Article 34 Article 35 Evaluation of course-unit credit and graded course-unit credit Subsection 3 Examination Article 36 Article 37 Examination date announcement Article 38 Regular and remedial examination dates Article 39 Registering and deregistering examination date Article 40 Loss of examination date Article 41 Examination before a board Article 42 Evaluation of examination Article 43 Announcement of examination result Article 44 Review of the course of examination Subsection 4 Colloquium Article 45 Article 46 Colloquium date Article 47 Evaluation of colloquium Section 4 Recognition of the completion of subject Article 48 Article 49 Application for recognition of subject Article 50 Obstacle for recognition of completion of subject Article 51 Evaluation of subject the completion of which was recognized Division 3 Mobility Article 52 TITLE IV INTERRUPTION OF STUDIES Article 53 Interruption at student’s request Article 54 Interruption upon student’s application in special cases Article 55 Interruption without student’s application Article 56 Maximum total length of interruption of studies Article 57 Reenrolment for studies TITLE V TERMINATION OF STUDIES Division 1 Ways of terminating the studies Article 58 Division 2 Graduation Article 59 State examination Article 60 Time limit for taking state examination Article 61 Admission to the state examination Article 62 Graduation performance Article 63 Qualification thesis Article 64 Evaluation Article 65 Examination board Article 66 State examination date Article 67 Regular and remedial state examination dates Article 68 Registering and deregistering for state examination date Article 69 Failure to appear for the state examination Article 70 Course of state examination Article 71 State examination report Article 72 State examination evaluation Article 73 Overall evaluation of studies Article 74 Day of termination of studies by graduation Division 3 Provisions on some other ways of terminating studies - 45 Article 75 Leaving the studies Article 76 Termination of studies for non-fulfilment of requirements Article 77 Date of termination of studies for non-fulfilment of requirements PART FOUR STUDY IN DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAMMES TITLE I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 78 Doctoral board Article 79 Doctoral board composition Article 80 Doctoral board rules of procedure Article 81 Instructor Article 82 Division and commencement of studies TITLE II STUDY PLAN Article 83 Recommended study plan Article 84 Individual study plan Article 85 Approval of individual study plan Article 86 Application of provision of part three TITLE III IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDY Division 1 Organization of study Article 87 Course of studies Article 88 Fulfilment of obligations Article 89 Check of fulfilment of individual study plan Article 90 Application of provision of part three Division 2 Study subject Section 1 General provisions Article 91 Application of provision of part three Section 2 Registration of subjects Article 92 Registration of a subject Article 93 Application of provision of part three Section 3 Completion of subject Article 94 Examination date Article 95 Application of provision of part three Section 4 Recognition of the completion of subject Article 96 Special provision of recognition of completion of subject Division 3 Mobility Article 97 TITLE IV INTERRUPTION OF STUDIES Article 98 Special provision on interruption of studies Article 99 Maximum total length of interruption of studies Article 100 Application of provision of part three TITLE V TERMINATION OF STUDIES Division 1 Ways of terminating the studies Article 101 Division 2 Graduation Section 1 Doctoral thesis defence Article 102 Doctoral thesis Article 103 Contents of doctoral thesis Article 104 Formal requirements Article 105 Doctoral thesis defence Article 106 Admission to defence Article 107 Registration for defence - 46 Article 108 Formal review of doctoral thesis Article 109 Defence committee and opponents Article 110 Composition of defence committee and requirements for opponents Article 111 Evaluations of opponents Article 112 Regular and remedial defence date Article 113 Failure to appear for defence Article 114 Course of defence Article 115 Defence progress report Article 116 Defence evaluation Section 2 State doctoral examination Article 117 Article 118 Prerequisite for state doctoral examination Article 119 Registration for state doctoral examination Article 120 Examination board Article 121 State doctoral examination dates Article 122 Report Article 123 Evaluation Section 3 General provisions Article 124 Overall evaluation of studies Article 125 Day of termination of studies by graduation Article 126 Application of provision of part three Division 3 Provisions on some other ways of terminating studies Article 127 Application of provision of part three PART FIVE DECISION-MAKING ON RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF STUDENT TITLE I DECIDED MATTERS AND PROCEDURE Article 128 Principles Article 129 Subject-matter and form of procedure Article 130 Participant in procedure Article 131 Bias of officers Article 132 Management of procedure Article 133 Report Article 134 General provisions on delivery Article 135 Special provisions on delivery TITLE II FIRST-INSTANCE PROCEDURE Article 136 Motion for opening procedure Article 137 Filing motion Article 138 Opening of procedure Article 139 Legal act by JAMU in the procedure Article 140 Materials for decision Article 141 Termination of procedure Article 142 Decision TITLE III APPELLATE PROCEDURE Article 143 Filing appeal Article 144 Appeal filing procedure Article 145 New facts Article 146 Appellate Body Article 147 Scope of review Article 148 Decision on appeal - 47 Article 149 Follow-up measures PART SIX JOINT, INTERIM AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 150 Joint provisions Article 151 Interim provisions Article 152 Repeal provisions Article 153 Validity and effectiveness