Annotation of the FoM’s results in clause 3.7 A selective list of institutions that FM staff members have cooperated with: Czech Philharmonic, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Prague Spring International Music Festival, etc. Moreover, they are also active as tutors, not only at universities but also at lower level schools (music schools, conservatories, international interpretation courses, etc.) where they contribute substantially to the development of the youngest talents, as well as the development of national culture awareness in general. In the narrow-viewed research area, regardless of our specifics, we have also been successful in establishing cooperation with companies focused on the development of technologies – at the Department of Composition, Conducting and Opera Direction, consultations with Audified representatives ( were taking place in the monitored period, however, without any relation to a particular application (economic) output or establishment of a contractual relationship. As a concrete example of an interaction outside the academic sphere of extraordinary quality, we can mention the participation of FM as the main organizer in the realization of the Leoš Janáček International Competition – a prestigious event attended by tens of leading interpreters from all over the world each year. Furthermore, the creative activities of FM also reach outside the academic sphere within the renowned International Masterclasses of Interpretation, where the FM tutors share their experience with people interested in the study of a musical instruments from all over the world (see the link below for details). The same applies to festivals held by JAMU FM, which also allow the creative experience of our tutors to be shared with both national and international artists, and serve as platforms for presenting the achieved results to the general cultural public. These include the Meeting of New Music Plus – international festival of contemporary music and multimedia projects, the Festival of Percussion Instruments and the Symposium: Arts/Music/Management. In the field of scientific creative activities (often going beyond, to the artistic research area), the interactive connection between the FM activities and the non-academic sphere is represented by specialized conferences, namely the “JAMUsica” International Music Conference and the International Conference of Doctoral Studies of JAMU FM in Brno. Both events (apart from the natural focus on the professional public) are also open to the general cultural public so that it can be continuously introduced to the latest results of the current scientific and artistic research, including the implementation of the popularization factor.