Annexes B University Documents (strategy and evaluation) No. Title Format B01 Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 documented B02 Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 documented B03 Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 documented B04 Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 documented B05 Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 documented B06 Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 documented Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 LONG-TERM PLAN OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES OF JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO (JAMU) FOR THE PERIOD OF 2016-2020 Considered by the Management Board of JAMU on 2 October 2015 Considered by the Arts Council of JAMU on 13 October 2015 Approved by the Academic Senate of JAMU on 14 October 2015 1/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 BASES OF THE LONG-TERM PLAN The Long-Term Plan of Educational and Creative Activities of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (JAMU) is the key strategic document defining the main objectives and planned actions in the period of 2016-2020. The Long-Term Plan of JAMU is based on:  The Long-Term Plan of JAMU for the period of 2011-2015,  The long-term plan of educational, scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic and other creative activities of universities for the period of 2016-2020 (the MEYS),  The findings and recommendations of the individual implemented national projects, in particular Q-RAM, KVALITA (QUALITY), KREDO and EFIN. The Long-Term Plan is based on the vision and mission of JAMU as an art university and on the assessment of realistic possibilities of JAMU in the field of personnel, material, space capacity and financing of its activities. The bases for the preparation of the Long-Term Plan of JAMU at international level were, in particular, the following documents:  Tuning Document Theatre Education (Prospero, the Theatre Section of the ELIA, European League of Institutes of the Arts in the framework of the inter artesthematic network, strand 2),  Documents of AEC (Association Européenne de Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen etc.),  Documents of the OP EU for the new programming period both in the area of the ESF and the ERDF, especially OP3V. MISSION OF JAMU JAMU is responsible for the development of the tradition of art university education in the Czech Republic through its teaching, artistic, research and development activities. It is the bearer of values – ethical as well as aesthetic – and is able to pass them on to all those who are willing to listen. The main mission of JAMU is education in the field of music and dramatic arts via accredited study programmes. JAMU contributes to the forming of standards of art education in the Czech as well as international environment and actively participates in research and development processes. Together with other art universities in the Czech Republic, it strives for the recognisability of outcomes of artistic creation as activities equal to research activities. JAMU values its associates, graduates, students and its reputation, and respects all rights and freedoms arising from the principles of academic education. 2/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 JAMU stimulates and supports the artistic and research activities of its students and teachers, and places emphasis on experiment, the individual personality of the artist and the team nature of music and theatre work fulfilled only at the moment of communication with the audience. It promotes the quality of art, culture and life in the region and the entire Czech Republic in direct connection to the environment of the European Union. It is aware of its essential role in the development of individual creativity and promotion of the artistic level and ethics of creative activities. It is open to cooperation with a broad spectrum of partners and itself can be a reliable and stable partner. JAMU as an art university develops the artistic abilities and talent of its students and interconnects art education, artistic creation and research of art as well as research through art as various forms of the process of getting to know the world and cultivating the society. It does so, among other things, through the activities of its teachers, who are actively involved in the artistic sphere, and through the creative activities of its students. JAMU aims to educate top art personalities who will co-determine the form of Czech, European and global music and dramatic arts in a broad scope of application – from working at official professional art institutions to free types of creative expression in the spirit of free artistic creation across art types and genres. Education at JAMU is available to all applicants; however, the prerequisite for admission is a demonstrable talent for the chosen field of study and personality requirements for its development. The numbers of admitted students are also affected by the need to ensure the conditions for a highly specialised individual education on the one hand and team creative activities during the studies on the other. The objective of education at JAMU is to train students to be able to seek opportunities in the labour market on various creative positions after graduation and enter into many kinds of employment and copyright relationships as currently enabled and required by the diverse scope of activities in the area of artistic creation. In addition to education, artistic and other creative activities, another, no less important, role of JAMU is its direct social involvement. JAMU contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and values in the society in many different ways and pursues expert activities in the field of its work. Together with other personalities and partners, it co-creates an environment for public debate and significantly contributes to its openness, seriousness, professionality and cultivation. The exclusive position of JAMU is due to the fact that it is the only art university providing education in all fields of music and dramatic arts in a three-tier system of study in Moravia and, at the same time, is one of two art universities in this area in the Czech Republic. JAMU also promotes an equal position of arts in general elementary and secondary education and secondary vocational education also in the area of informal education. 3/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 KEY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF JAMU IN THE PERIOD OF 2016-2020  Maintain and develop high standards of quality of all education, artistic and other creative activities with the objective of preparing graduates as well as possible for the needs of art and teaching practice, artistic creation and research. Maintain and further develop the high-quality standard of education and creative activities.  When planning the number of applicants admitted, use the demographic evolution and needs of education and teaching practice as well as the financial situation of JAMU in order to ensure that the quality of the activities performed will be maintained and developed. Communicate with key actors from among potential employers with the objective of predicting their requirements for field-specific focus.  In the education offer, reflect the needs, interests and possibilities of all talented students regardless of their social and economic backgrounds, age and nationality and, where the nature of the study fields permits it, also special needs caused by disabilities.  Support, by all means possible, teachers as the key prerequisite for high-quality education.  Support continuous generation variation of teachers, focus on acquiring new teachers from among graduates of doctoral studies and personalities from the art practice.  Promote the openness of education in all forms: long-term and short-term reciprocal mobility of students and academic employees, study programmes taught in foreign languages, especially English, permanent positions of guest professors and experts from practice, international festivals, national and international competitions and exhibitions, workshops, national and international summer schools, interpretation courses, doctoral and scientific international conferences, internships abroad etc. Promote openness towards potential employers of graduates as well as the academic sphere and the general public, seek other forms of that openness.  Strive for the recognition of arts as a full-fledged method of getting to know the world besides science, support the idea of equality and further improvement of the quality of art education as part of general elementary and secondary education and secondary vocational education. Support all levels and forms of education in the field of art.  Conceive creative activities as the content and objective of education and consider the presented artistic, artistic-teaching and artistic-managerial outcomes of teaching as the main quality indicators.  Be in close and mutually open contact with partners (art, academic and science institutions, institutions of lower levels of education, the non-profit and private sectors, public administration etc.) at all levels and in various forms of cooperation.  Promote the presentation of education and creative activities to the public. 4/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020  Support international cooperation in a broad scope of possibilities offered, seek new options and forms.  Focus on an effective management of JAMU so that it complies with the requirements for institutional accreditation.  To secure the budget of JAMU, use all possibilities of multi-source financing including funds from operational programmes (OP3V). Strive for an analogous form of institutional support of art such as the institutional support of research.  Maintain and develop the existing infrastructure (including the school stage and faculty concert halls and stages) and, in the development of technology needed for teaching and artistic and research creative activities, keep the implementation of current trends. PRIORITY OBJECTIVES OF THE LONG-TERM PLAN OF JAMU FOR THE PERIOD OF 2016-2020 I. Education JAMU is an art university that provides a comprehensive offer of study fields in music and dramatic arts in a wide range of fields from fundamentally artistic to artistic-technical, artistic-managerial and artistic-teaching. The thematic scope of education includes the basic theoretical knowledge and skills of the relevant art fields and related art and scientific disciplines, utilisable in the theory and practice of music or dramatic arts. The practical and conceptual basis for education within the individual fields is separate and distinct and at the same time mutually interconnected. Dramatic and music arts are not defined as a fixed and unchanging system of knowledge and skills. Respecting the variety, diversity and dynamics is the basic prerequisite for free artistic creation and free development of the students’ talent. The area of education and artistic creation can be found in the range between conventional methods and traditional procedures on the one hand and continuous updates and seeking new forms on the other. Objective 1: JAMU is a sought-after art university, offering a comprehensive range of fields and providing practical as well as theoretical knowledge necessary for the performance of the occupation. Activities 1. According to the developments in art practice, expand the offer of study fields. 5/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 2. In the area of teaching and research, develop various forms of cooperation across fields and faculties and utilise the possibilities of inter-university cooperation. 3. Attend to the development of the theoretical basis of education, also in terms of improving the students’ soft skills. Develop study plans using OP3V so that they, in cooperation with activities in the field of art research and research through art, follow and reflect the latest trends in all areas of professional activities including the training of teachers in arts. 4. Further support joint inter-field and inter-faculty student creative projects. 5. Promote the development of study fields and courses and use other sources of financing including OP3V in order to update the contents and methods of education and increase their quality. Objective 2: JAMU admits students on the basis of their talent and study abilities. Activities 1. Keep the admission procedure (talent entrance exams) as specifically focused on the chosen field of study, based on personal contact with the applicant and assessment of his/her individual talent and study abilities by committees composed of renowned teachers in the field. 2. In the number of students admitted, use the actual assessment of personnel, spatial, material and financial capacities of the faculty and the entire school in order to guarantee a high quality of all activities. Take into account the fact that individual form of teaching the basic courses is predominant in many fields. 3. Respect the limits of the number of financed students resulting from the rules of financing art universities as agreed with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic as the maximum total numbers of students. 4. In addition to the existing forms of support, prepare other forms of consultations for study applicants (lifelong education courses, summer schools, lectures, workshops etc.) that will enable the recognition of the specific talents in the applicants, the maximum utilisation of their potential and their preparation for a successful admission procedure. 5. At all levels of study, ensure availability for all talented students regardless of any social limitations and, where the nature of the study field permits it, health limitations etc. 6. Consider the possibilities of the graduates’ opportunities in art practice, trends of demographic development and the need for professional cooperation in the course of the study (team nature of art projects). 6/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 7. Develop the scholarship system that will help students in a poor personal economic situation to continue in their studies. Objective 3: The content and aim of education at JAMU is creative artistic, artisticmanagerial and artistic-teaching activities. Activities 1. Promote the introduction of principles of education focused on the student, promote an individual approach to students and create conditions (financial, material, technological, spatial, teaching-related) for the development of their talents. 2. Prepare and acquire the accreditation of new study fields that will reflect the everexpanding and deepening issue of some existing accredited fields and that will be required by the practice in the future. At the same time, respect the real possibilities of the school given by the personnel, financial, material and technological capacities. 3. Transform some already established fields from the current model of Bachelor’s and follow-up Master’s studies into the so-called model of long Master’s studies (5 years), as it is manifested that it will thus be possible to more effectively use the talent of individual students. 4. Increase the share of alternative forms of teaching and make the artistic outcomes as teaching results as similar as possible to the actual art and teaching practice. 5. Introduce new technologies as production and auxiliary tools to increase the quality of the teaching processes and the presentation of results. On the basis of an analysis of the existing experience and following its rapid development, for example in the area of information and communication technology, adjust the content and form of teaching theoretical subjects, create and update teaching aids, lecture notes and other teaching tools. The creation of a set of e-learning courses to support the theoretical part of the teaching that will be used by foreign as well as Czech students seems universally usable. Use the funds under OP3V for that. 6. Create conditions for student creative (art, art-teaching and research) projects as an effective form of teaching in the field of artistic creation, art research and research through art. 7. Respond to new international trends and demand, interests, needs and possibilities of exceptionally talented foreign students. 8. Continue supporting, maintaining and expanding international contacts, carried out at the level of art universities in the area of student and teacher exchange stays, international projects, participations in conferences, symposiums, competitions, festivals and exhibitions and work and study internships. 7/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 9. Provide the JAMU students and teachers with the possibility of long-term foreign mobility – systemisation as part of study and career plans and connection with contracts concluded according to the principles of selective strategy. Use programmes for that mobility (Erasmus+ etc.). 10. Develop programmes for foreign students (such as Bridging East and West etc.). As part of those programmes, continue integrating foreign students into the JAMU community. 11. Provide the JAMU students and teachers with the possibility of short-term foreign mobility associated with either active participation (presentation of artistic outcomes, participation in international competitions, workshops and conferences etc.) or passive participation (education in the form of observation, analysis of the watched artistic outcomes etc.). In both cases, the participation is always subject to the teacher’s or supervisor’s feedback. As a priority, use the OP3V framework or the Institutional Programme for these forms of short-term mobility. 12. Develop openness in terms of the teaching staff – use the opportunity presented by OP3V and expand the portfolio of subjects taught in foreign languages by foreign teachers or experts. Check the possibilities of systematic work with the status of a guest professor, or create the conditions for the establishment of positions and their regular occupation by experts from the practice and from abroad. 13. Acquire and accept know-how for the introduction of the so-called “joint degree” or other forms of joint integrated study with another university. JAMU will analyse the interest and preparedness of the individual departments for the introduction of such forms of education. In the event of interest of foreign partner institutions, commence negotiations concerning this form of cooperation (e.g. at the Faculty of Music: Royal Academy of Art, The Hague – cooperation in the area of learned interpretation of old music). 14. Give considerable support, especially via the OP3V project, to all meaningful forms of cooperation with the practice (continue fulfilling the practice in the form of specialised internships in art and education institutions and in the form of independent art and artteaching practice according to the needs of the individual fields as part of their study plans). 15. Maintain the level of education at the Methodical Centre of the Faculty of Music for teachers of elementary art schools in the field of playing the piano and create a similar form of education for other fields as well. 16. Support student activities beyond the framework of standard education that are oriented at cooperation with the practice. 17. Increase the volume of specialised courses taught in foreign languages (especially English) for students of fields accredited in Czech, for foreign students and for joint teaching of our and foreign students as part of the OP3V project. 8/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 18. Differentiate and profile the concept of teaching foreign languages according to the specific needs of the individual study fields, use the possibilities of the OP3V project for that. Objective 4: There is a reliable method of evaluating the quality of teaching at JAMU. Artistic outcomes of courses as the results of teaching are considered the main indicators of the quality of teaching. Activities 1. Continue striving for keeping the excellent position of JAMU as a unique education and research institution in the area of art at university level in the Czech as well as international environment. 2. Strive for building a functional system of ensuring and assessing the quality in accordance with the requirements of the amendment to the Act on Higher Education Institutions and the related Government Regulation so that it is possible to achieve, during the term of validity of the present Long-Term Plan, the fulfilment of the requirements for acquiring an institutional accreditation if provided for in the amendment to the Act. 3. Consult the procedures when creating the system with experts from abroad. Implement these activities under OP3V. 4. Create a hierarchically structured map of key processes executed in the individual parts of JAMU as the fundamental platform for ensuring and assessing quality. 5. To secure the functionality of the system, establish a Board for Ensuring and Assessing Quality at JAMU and define its embedding in the system of school management. Determine and codify the powers of the Board. 6. Complete and implement the existing methodologies of management and continuous quality assessment. 7. Create a methodology of education quality assessment on the basis of the evaluation of learning outcomes and carefully apply it as a means of internal quality assurance. Use the peer review principles in the evaluation of individual processes. 8. Determine the parameters for evaluating the students’ artistic outcomes and create a feedback for the transfer of findings from the evaluation of that creative activity back into teaching. 9. Determine the rules for the preparation of an internal assessment report. Elaborate the system of ensuring and assessing quality at JAMU into individual phases and continuously reflect it in annual updates of the Long-Term Plan and the three-year Institutional Programme. Integrate the specifics of an art university, where artistic 9/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 teaching outcomes are also evaluated by professional critics and the public, into the evaluation system. 10. Ensure competitiveness on an international scale using an analysis of the assessment of the study quality at JAMU and on the basis of an analysis of student and teacher mobilities. 11. Continue being a member of international organisations (AEC, ELIA etc.), which enables cooperation between member institutions also in the area of ensuring and assessing quality, or apply for new memberships in other networks (such as the Society for Artistic Research). Expand the institutional and personnel engagement in those organisations and, where possible, use their network for a more active participation in various forms of strategic partnerships. 12. Set and maintain high standards of quality of all activities at JAMU including those that will lead to an increase in the number of foreign applicants with the perspective of successful studies at JAMU. 13. Constitute a system (or systems) of internal evaluations in terms of key stakeholders for individual parts. 14. On the basis of all partial activities, analyses and actions, prepare an auto-evaluation report in a structure corresponding to the requirements of institutional accreditation if it is part of the Czech accreditation system. 15. Perform an external evaluation of the quality of education at both faculties of JAMU by chosen international institutions. Determine a plan of regular internal as well as external evaluations. 16. Use the possibilities of the cross-sectional ESF project under OP3V to create and execute the quality assessment system and gradually create the conditions for its future sustainability. 17. Create a system of regular publication of data and outcomes of the process of ensuring and assessing quality at the faculties and for the entire JAMU. II. Creative Activities Creative activities at JAMU are closely related to teaching and form the content and objective of teaching. The main mission of JAMU is to develop the artistic talent of its students and interconnect art education, artistic creation and art research and research through art as different forms of the process of getting to know the world and cultivating the society. Artistic creation at JAMU must be aimed at including its graduates among top art personalities who will co-determine the form of Czech, European as well as global music and dramatic arts in a wide range of applications – from working at official professional music and theatre institutions to free types of creative expression in the spirit of free artistic creation. 10/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Although JAMU is an art school, it considers research and development to be an important and integral part of its activities and, in this respect, wants to be included among research schools of university type. Research will be focused, in particular, on the area of reflection of creative activities in a number of fields of music and dramatic arts. Research and development at JAMU will take place at several levels. Research involves basic and applied research, as well as a specific field known as artistic research. Objective 1: JAMU places emphasis on quality, development and new forms of art projects, and encourages students to seek their own artistic styles that will be a unique manifestation of their art generation. Activities 1. Maintain high quality and continue developing the content and keep the time frame of international events in the area of artistic creation – the SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER International Festival of Theatre Schools, the Leoš Janáček International Competition, the Meeting of New Music Plus International Music Festival, international interpretation courses, the Festival of Percussion Instruments etc. Use these major international events to gain new partners for cooperation in all areas. 2. Actively keep in touch with stakeholders and motivate them for a further development of activities referred to above and prestigious for the City of Brno and the South Moravian Region. Systematically seek partners for the implementation of objectives in artistic activities in the form of strategic partnerships. 3. Organise regular public presentations of partial results of artistic creation and accompany them with a sophisticated evaluation by teachers of the relevant fields, other teachers at the school and external experts. 4. Continue supporting the presentations of artistic outcomes of JAMU as part of the culture offer of the region and the Czech Republic. Sufficiently medialise especially graduate projects of students of all fields. 5. Enhance and emphasise the self-concept of JAMU as a laboratory of new art. Promote new art procedures and seeking new ways. Annually award the best-quality and most inspirational artistic outcomes. 6. Allow the presentations of more advanced creative activities of students at nation-wide as well as international levels and thus subject them to a challenging confrontation. 7. In order to maintain the current high-quality artistic outcomes and continuously improve their quality, ensure that excellent art personalities continue to be active at JAMU as teachers – maintain and increase the high level of these teachers. Focus on the support, appraisal and rewarding of exceptionally high-quality performance and results. 11/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 8. Complete the functional system of planning, recording, implementing, presenting and evaluating the artistic activities of students and teachers. Objective 2: JAMU is a major research institution, presenting the results of its research activities at the national as well as international level and developing its prestige in the field of research. Activities 1. Newly structure, specify and deepen the activities of research teams. Ensure continuity with the previous research activities of major employees of JAMU. 2. Get involved in inter-faculty as well as inter-university research cooperation at nationwide level. Strengthen the theoretical support for projects and strategy formulations, in particular for projects with a supra-national reach implemented in cooperation with partner institutions in Czech and international environment. Also get involved in international research projects. 3. Prepare and hold international science conferences with topics related to the school programming (e.g. for the area of the individual fields etc.) and international conferences of doctoral studies. Ensure high-quality domestic and foreign expert participation in those conferences and develop their prestige. Publish collections from those conferences in printed or electronic form. 4. Continuously seek ways to enhance the international significance and prestige of conferences held by JAMU. 5. Search for and, according to the topics, involve foreign experts in joint research projects. Seek partners for the achievement of objectives in research activities in the form of strategic partnerships. 6. Promote the work of JAMU teachers in expert associations abroad, international evaluation bodies and projects with foreign partners and their publishing and conference activities in foreign languages. Strive for an international impact of publishing activities. 7. Develop new topics of research as well as the expert profile of new research and development employees of the school and promote their involvement in domestic as well as foreign conferences and publishing in domestic and foreign periodicals and support them in aiming for independent expert publications. 8. Continuously improve the quality of the electronic publishing platform of JAMU so that it becomes not only a place for archiving specific research studies but also an edited collection that will present the outcomes of the research activities of students and teachers alike. 12/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 9. Stimulate the expansion and increase of the number of publishing activities of other teachers and arrange reviews of those publications as well as translations of foreignlanguage résumés. 10. Continue applying for grants in basic as well as applied research. On average, at least one such application should be prepared and submitted each calendar year. Focus, in particular, on grants from the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) but also actively seek other domestic as well as international research grant opportunities. 11. Offer studies by researchers as well as teachers to foreign journals and collections. Objective 3: JAMU develops new research procedures and methods that can be characterised as artistic research. Activities 1. Support and develop this specific area of research in teachers and doctoral students, interconnecting research and artistic creation; the process of the research conducted as such is decisive. The outcome is generally the work of art as well as its reflection performed especially using qualitative methods. Evaluate this activity regularly and publish its results. 2. Develop activities in permanent examination of traditional and new creative procedures and research in the area of use of new technology and material possibilities in the production and presentation of works of art. All that in an effort to interconnect creation and research activities as one of the manifestations of artistic research. The outcomes are, at the same time, naturally used in education processes and they gradually fulfil various research plans. 3. Support experimenting and laboratory music and theatre projects developing the possibilities of using new technology procedures. Objective 4: JAMU involves students of the follow-up Master’s and doctoral studies in research. Activities 1. Develop specific research of students of the follow-up Master’s and doctoral studies through an internal grant competition. Place emphasis on clearly formulating research questions and naming research methods and properly editing and evaluating outcomes and regularly using them in the relevant registers. 2. The results of individual projects will be presented at conferences or published in journals and collections as well as electronically. 13/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 III. Direct Social and Expert Activities of JAMU (“Third Role”) Given the fulfilment of the strategic objectives of JAMU until 2015, international activities (internationalisation) and the university’s third role can no longer be separated. JAMU is active in international context both in terms of teaching and artistic and research activities (internal activities) and in terms of offering the outcomes of art or research projects – this offer having an international impact. JAMU graduates and in some cases also students are active globally and as part of top art institutions; very often, they represent potential employers on managerial positions. The involvement of JAMU in the creation of room for public debate is a part of the school’s mission. JAMU will continue in the selective strategy for the development of a portfolio of cooperating institutions. The intention is to acquire partners whose focus of teaching (cooperating institutions) or focus of the art practice or research (professional institutions) corresponds to the direction of JAMU and is compatible with the outcomes of teaching at JAMU, can develop and enrich them, or can participate in ensuring and assessing quality at JAMU. This selective approach also pertains to offers of joint projects of different types – their benefit will always be evaluated in terms of the benefit of the outcomes of the considered projects for the faculty’s educational, artistic or research activities. JAMU is actively striving for the inclusion of art subjects in general education at the level of elementary and secondary schools. JAMU will further participate in the preparation of national school documents – Framework Education Programmes and their specification (concretisation of teaching outcomes) and in training teachers for art and teaching fields in full-time study programmes as well as programmes of lifelong education. As part of lifelong learning, JAMU traditionally focuses on applicants, increasing professional competencies especially in the field of art education and the general public (University of the Third Age). Objective 1: JAMU enhances its external presentation as an excellent art school where leading art personalities meet young talents and further develop those talents in a creative environment. Activities 1. For communication with the public, use all available and applicable tools with the aim of sharing ethical and aesthetic values and the quality of outcomes of teaching, research and especially artistic activities with the society. 2. Present the outcomes of the creative activities of JAMU to the public on the school stages and at the school concert hall (the Marta Theatre Studio, the Orlí Street Theatre / Musically Dramatic Lab, the Chamber Opera of the Faculty of Music of JAMU, the Janáček Academic Stage) and outside them as part of the faculties, at domestic and foreign festivals and when performing outside the faculties as guests. 14/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 3. Fundamentally innovate the international presentation of JAMU on the website with the objective of increasing the international awareness of the school and thus acquire possible new partners for cooperation. 4. Keep cooperating with the local government and state administration authorities at the regional and nation-wide levels. Get actively involved in the strategy of presentation of the South Moravian Region, whose priority is to build the region as a centre of learning and excellence in research. 5. Promote and expand internships at culture and public institutions (theatres, orchestras, agencies, the Czech Television, the Czech Radio etc.). 6. Keep cooperating with foundations, endowment funds and associations. 7. When promoting the school externally (especially abroad), use the name of Leoš Janáček more, for example by emphasising the link to the direct Janáček tradition, opening specialised courses thematically focused on the area of accredited study programmes etc. 8. Improve the building of good relations with employees. The school’s employees’ attitudes and behaviour in public and their loyalty are also important to a positive image of the school. 9. Finalise a solution of copyright matters in relation to creative projects of students and teachers being implemented at the faculties. 10. Through methodological support, be involved in the development of creativity of children and youth using research results in the area of applying the principles of music improvisation and composition on study programmes of lower levels of schools and in the broad offer of further education in the region. 11. Interlink the area of PR at JAMU with the quality management system and building JAMU’s corporate identity. 12. In relation to JAMU’s corporate identity, continue developing the objectives of PR at JAMU and newly create the means to their achievement – the school’s promotional materials (e.g. brochures, leaflets), a uniform visual style of the school (e.g. logo, building marking, business cards etc.), website, news in print (e.g. student successes, research results), information on the school’s activities beyond the framework of the academic ground, participation in fairs focused on the offer of higher education (e.g. Gaudeamus), press conferences, press releases (e.g. statements on the current events at the university) etc. 13. Actively participate – in cooperation with the Statutory City of Brno, the South Moravian Region, the Leoš Janáček Foundation, the Moravian Museum and Masaryk University – in the foundation of the Leoš Janáček International Society. 15/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Objective 2: JAMU is developing a portfolio of cooperating institutions and acquires partners whose focus of teaching (cooperating institutions) or focus of the art practice or research (professional institutions) corresponds to the direction of JAMU and is compatible with the outcomes of teaching at JAMU, can develop and enrich them, or can participate in ensuring and assessing quality at JAMU. Activities 1. Monitor and evaluate the number and quality of contracts (concluded and terminated) with international partners (universities, professional institutions, networks etc.) and projects implemented together with international partners. 2. Participate in innovating the system of external relations of JAMU in the area of education, artistic, research and other related activities (in connection with other activities of the school), including relations to the professional and business spheres and the school graduates. 3. Create a structured overview of the needs of potential employers and use the gained knowledge in planning the development of study fields. 4. Create a platform for communicating with principals of elementary art schools and conservatories and directors of art institutions. 5. Involve partners from the external environment of JAMU in the process of ensuring and assessing quality. 6. Stimulate the involvement of JAMU and its employees in Czech as well as international networks, associations, societies and equivalent institutions that deal with real problems of particular people and institutions at the local, regional, national and international levels. Promote the involvement of members of the academia in consulting activities associated with the work of the state administration or local government or with the activities of the employment sphere. 7. Continue building PR at JAMU as a strategic and systematic process of forming a good reputation and good relations with target groups (potential new and existing students, employees, the media, employers, state administration etc.), the academia and the general public. 8. Continue providing the reporting and servicing activities of JAMU experts that expand the offer in the area of highly specialised services of report, expert and guarantee servicing, often with a nation-wide or even supra-national impact (e.g. court expert’s reports, habilitating procedures and procedures of professorship awarding etc.). 9. Promote the interests of JAMU and higher education in the field of arts as part of representations of universities and advisory and consulting bodies at the level of state administration and local government. 16/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 10. Continue developing the long-term and intensive cooperation with the main partners of JAMU in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (especially the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava). Objective 3: JAMU cooperates with lower levels of the education system and is involved in lifelong learning. Activities 1. Offer of selected art projects (inscenations, concerts, inter-field artefacts etc.) and creative workshops for projects of Czech and foreign artists and experts at the Marta Theatre Studio and the Orlí Street Theatre / Musically Dramatic Lab to elementary and secondary schools. On this basis, try to create a platform for meetings of principals of conservatories and representatives of the Faculty of Music of JAMU and discussing the level and quality of education at conservatories and the resulting consequences. 2. Support for projects expanding various lifelong learning programmes focused on the applicants, offer of summer theatre and music workshops and courses to the secondary-school youth. 3. Offer of the outcomes of art-teaching projects to elementary and secondary schools and expanding the systematic as well as one-time practice of students of fields of teaching at elementary and secondary schools and elementary art schools. 4. Training teachers for art-teaching fields in formal education (elementary schools, grammar schools, secondary vocational schools, elementary art schools) and informal art education. 5. Continue in the successful project of the University of the Third Age and continuously develop study plans of the individual cycles. BACKGROUND OF THE ACTIVITIES IV. Effective Management JAMU strives for the establishment of an effective method of managing all processes directly relating to the area of education and creative activities. We do not perceive creative activities separately from education and consider them the content and objective of a large part of education. JAMU pays equal attention to processes that support these areas and their mutual functional connections. Objective 1: JAMU has a functional system of the main and supporting processes executed at the faculties and other parts of JAMU. 17/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Activities 1. Complete the analysis of the management processes at JAMU and implement changes arising from that analysis. 2. Following the analysis of the management processes, adapt the organisational structure and innovate the competences of the management of JAMU and its parts, academic as well as non-academic employees. 3. Verify the quality of JAMU management using methods recommended as part of the outputs of IPN Quality or other sources (EFQM etc.). Objective 2: JAMU has set strategic objectives, current goals and indicators of activity and quality. Activities 1. When preparing the Long-Term Plan of JAMU and its updates, the strategic objectives are annually revised on the basis of an analysis of the internal and external environment and the revisions are incorporated into the Long-Term Plan in order to ensure continuity. 2. Finalise the manner of creation of dramaturgical plans of the school stages and a system of evaluating art projects. Objective 3: JAMU has established a system of monitoring and managing the fulfilment of objectives, goals and indicators of activity and quality. Activities 1. Create a system of collection and evaluation of data relevant to the quality of own activities. Use the information kept in the RUV and RIV databases and make full use of the information system (IS). 2. Finalise the system of monitoring and managing the fulfilment of objectives and goals (Long-Term Plan, Update of the Long-Term Plan and the Institutional Programme). Transfer responsibilities to a greater extent to the middle level of management. 3. If necessary, use an external specialised system of evaluating activity and quality that has been created for the needs of evaluating art universities and faculties by one of the international networks or agencies. V. Personnel 18/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Education takes place at JAMU at departments or studios headed by exceptional art and teacher personalities. In order to ensure the good functioning of this system, it is necessary to continuously acquire and keep such personalities and motivate them for further development not only as teachers but also as art personalities. Teaching at JAMU is often considered prestigious by many art personalities; it is generally perceived as part of professional growth. When acquiring especially young teachers, however, low salaries of beginning teachers seem to present a problem. Objective 1: Teachers at JAMU are among leading art personalities with teaching skills and experience. Activities 1. Maintain a quality teaching background based on art and teacher personalities in fulltime employment relationship. 2. Continue in a regular generation variation of teachers including the involvement of students and doctoral graduates and personalities from the practice. 3. Continue enriching the offer of teachers in the form of workshops and inviting excellent Czech and foreign artists and teachers as well as the establishment of guest professor posts – all this under the support of OP3V. 4. Support the artistic creation of teachers and their own artistic development, and create conditions for the implementation of their own creative (art, research, teaching) projects. 5. Based on the career rules of JAMU, prepare personnel plans of all parts of JAMU and career plans of the academic as well as non-academic staff of JAMU, and keep those plans up-to-date. Promote the career growth of academic employees. 6. Maintain high expectations from the level of habilitating procedures and professorship award procedures. 7. Support the education of employees in the necessary areas, involve them in corresponding projects and activities at sites or in bodies subordinate to the heads of individual parts. Support continuous self-learning not only of academic staff and initiate regular foreign mobilities. Objective 2: JAMU has a functional and economic management team and a related functional operating apparatus. Activities 19/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 1. Clearly determine the competences of members of the management of JAMU and the faculties and operational staff, and describe the competences and links between the management members and operational staff and the method of their communication in a simple and functional scheme. 2. Strengthen the team of operational and administrative staff and develop their professional competencies in order to ensure professional support for teaching and creative activities through technical and technical-artistic jobs at teaching departments (e.g. school stages etc.). 3. Seek, develop and motivate suitable persons for management positions at JAMU and the faculties. VI. Financial and Material Background of Education and Creative Activities JAMU sees the continuing underfinancing of the area of higher education and the annual uncertainty as regards the amount of contributions and subsidies from the state budget as a direct threat not only to the quality but also to the very existence of the school. From the point of view of the art university, the absence of a real culture policy of the state, in particular in the area of live art, and a virtually non-functional act on the support of culture are just as negative. JAMU will continue promoting the application of qualitative indicators of financing public universities in the Czech Republic and, in the projection of changing principles of financing, take account of artistic outcomes as full-fledged indicators of performance and quality in addition to the outcomes of scientific and research activities of universities. Objective 1: JAMU applies the principles of effective financing. Activities 1. When formulating new principles of financing public universities, continue promoting the equality of RUV and RIV outcomes in all budgetary titles where these indicators of performance (quality) are used. 2. Actively promote addressing adequate support for arts at the institutional level as well (the equivalent of institutional support of a science and research institution). 3. At the level of the faculties, focus qualification papers on the expansion of the theoretical basis and practical resolution of the issue of culture policy at all levels of state administration and local government. 20/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Objective 2: JAMU ensures an effective and economic use of the obtained funds for education and creative activities in line with the fulfilment of general as well as specific standards of quality of the current study programmes. Activities 1. Every year, as part of the preparation of the budget, carry out a thorough analysis of the source part of the individual indicators of the contribution and subsidies allocated from the MEYS and ensure that they are mirrored in the budget breakdown. Given the increasing share of the quality indicator in the budget, the faculties, in particular, must pay special attention to the individual categories involved in the quality indicator and provide adequate support to teachers involved in this matter. 2. As part of the preparation of the Institutional Programmes and annual updates of the Long-Term Plan, carry out a thorough analysis of the development of the number of students in the individual study fields in light of the achievement of the field-specific standards in the area of their personnel, spatial and material background. 3. As part of the preparation of accreditation materials opening a new study field (within the framework of institutional accreditation or study programme accreditation), it is necessary to carry out thorough analyses of the school’s personnel, financial, spatial and material capacities, as the school’s capacity is full and the school is no longer able to absorb further growth. 4. Analyse the coverage of all study outcomes using the source records necessary for evaluating their quantitative and, if possible, also qualitative parameters; at the same time, consistently use the information system of JAMU as the basis of all data sources and records. Objective 3: JAMU continues creating an environment for the involvement of a wide range of financial sources in the income structure of finances supporting the maintenance and development of all activities of the school. Activities 1. In order to secure the necessary resources for the development of study fields at both faculties as well as to ensure further development of their cooperation on artistic outcomes, prepare a cross-sectional school-wide project under OP3V as part of the ESF call and at least one project as part of the ERDF call for the years 2016-2020. 2. Strive for the acquisition of science grants under the Czech Science Foundation (GACR), prepare a project as part of the TA CR Omega Programme and the NAKI (National and Cultural Identity) grant procedure at the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, as well as use the regional grant systems of the South Moravian Region or the City of Brno and grants from international agencies, for example Visegrad Fund. 21/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Objective 4: In the personnel area, JAMU focuses on qualitative development; the overall increase of the number of employees in all categories always depends on a pre-determined source coverage. The school aims at increasing the average salary (by 10 % by 2020) in relation to increasing the quality of the employees’ work. Activities 1. Annually evaluate the effectiveness of drawing salary funds from individual sources in relation to providing for the education and artistic activities of teachers and their support by the other school employees. Objective 5: JAMU responsibly provides for all its declared activities in material terms. Activities 1. Use the material, personnel and financial resources of the school with an accent on the development of education, artistic and research activities and with an emphasis on long-term goals of development of the individual study programmes while respecting the current development needs. The basis for strategic thinking in this area is to make the transition from quantitative towards qualitative development. Objective 6: JAMU responsibly addresses the spatial capacities for all its declared activities. Activities 1. Further increase of the spatial capacity of the school is not possible (operating costs), therefore it is necessary, on the basis of an analysis of the current situation, to ensure the space standards of teaching through a more effective and economic utilisation of all the existing space of the school. At the same time, it is necessary to deal with the property relations to leased premises. 2. Regularly update information on the actual structural and technical condition of all buildings of the school and perform especially normal maintenance in a timely manner. 3. Elaborate a more effective and economic model of utilising the premises of the Astorka Information and Learning Centre and execute the relevant structural and technological modifications of the premises with a change of usage in relation to teaching. 4. Arrange the purchase of the premises of the Marta Theatre Studio in Bayerova Street including the premises of the Scenography Studio at the same address. 5. Arrange the following reconstructions and revitalisations of real property: 22/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 a) Structural modifications and renovation of the listed building at Mozartova 647/1 This includes the renovation of the windows in the street facades, the reconstruction of the attic and a complete reconstruction of heavy-current and weak-current power distribution systems and the computer network including a reconstruction of the server room. Estimated costs: Window refurbishment CZK 9,700 thousand Reconstruction of the electrical installations and data network CZK 8,800 thousand Structural modifications of the attic CZK 4,350 thousand Total CZK 22,850 thousand Sources of coverage – approved action under the Reproduction Programme of the MEYS 2016-17 b) Structural modifications and modernisation of the building at Komenského náměstí 690/6 This includes the removal of dampness from the entire underground floor of the building, structural modifications of the sanitary facilities, the reconstruction of HVAC on the underground floor of the building and a modernisation of the fluorescent lighting in the building. Estimated costs: Dampness and structural modifications of the sanitary facilities CZK 3,000 thousand HVAC in the basement area (Sonáta) CZK 1,500 thousand Replacement of lighting CZK 1,700 thousand Total CZK 6,200 thousand Sources of coverage – FRIM CZK 3,200 thousand 2015/16 + new Reproduction Programme of the MEYS 2018 c) Structural modifications and repair of the building at Novobranská 691/3 This includes the repair of the accommodation units including sanitary facilities, the establishment of ventilation and air conditioning of the library depository on the underground floor and structural modifications of some of the accommodation units into teaching rooms on the basis of a revision of the possible and effective use of the school premises for teaching purposes. Estimated costs: Repair of accommodation units CZK 5,600 thousand 23/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Structural modifications of teaching rooms CZK 1,900 thousand Ventilation and air conditioning of the library depository CZK 1,600 thousand Total CZK 9,100 thousand Sources of coverage – FRIM CZK 2,000 thousand 2015/17 + new Reproduction Programme of the MEYS 2018; reconstruct the teaching rooms acquired through the change of usage in the framework of the possibilities given by the call of PA 2 of the ERDF under the OP3V project. d) Purchase of the premises of the Marta Theatre Studio and the Scenography Studio in the building at Bayerova 575/5 The student Marta Theatre Studio and the Scenography Studio of the Faculty of Theatre have been operated since 1952 in the non-residential premises of a rental residential building in Brno, Bayerova 575/5. The building is owned by the Statutory City of Brno. In 2004, JAMU and the Statutory City of Brno entered into an agreement on the establishment of an easement for the use of the non-residential premises until 31 December 2033. Given the fact that the owner of the building is considering the privatisation of the residential areas of the house, it is advisable to acquire the rented premises into the ownership of JAMU in order to ensure further stabilisation and development of the school. Estimated costs: Acquisition of the premises of Marta and Scenography into the ownership of JAMU CZK 50,000 thousand Sources of coverage – new requirement Reproduction Programme of the MEYS 2016-18 e) Structural modifications and repair of the Marta Theatre Studio and the Scenography Studio in the building at Bayerova 575/5 This includes a complete reconstruction of the premises of the Scenography Studio, repair of the adjacent structures to the Theatre Studio, removal of dampness and building a new transport and supply access to the Theatre Studio through the basement of the building, as the neighbouring building of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic is currently planning a reconstruction that will mean a considerable burden on the roads to the Theatre Studio and the Scenography Studio. Estimated costs: Scenography reconstruction CZK 6,000 thousand Repair of adjacent structures CZK 3,000 thousand Transport and supply access to the Studio CZK 3,000 thousand Total CZK 12,000 thousand 24/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020 Sources of coverage – new Reproduction Programme of the MEYS 2018 f) Modernisation of the premises of the Rector’s Office in the building at Beethovenova 650/2 The Rector’s Office of JAMU is based at non-residential premises of a rental residential house in Brno, Beethovenova 650/2. The building is owned by the Statutory City of Brno. In 1997, the JAMU and the Statutory City of Brno concluded an agreement on the establishment of an easement for the use of the non-residential premises for 30 years. Modernising the premises of the Rector’s Office involves dislocation shifts in the use of the individual rooms, especially the ground floor, and modernising the fluorescent lighting in the building. Estimated costs: Replacement of fluorescent lighting CZK 1,000 thousand Ground floor modification CZK 1,000 thousand Total CZK 2,000 thousand Sources of coverage – FRIM 2018 Objective 7: JAMU provides the relevant technologies for all areas of its activities. Activities 1. Maintain the current state of documents for decision-making on the necessary sustainability and development of the individual groups of technologies including the conceptual solution of the direction of their development needed to ensure the technology standards of the individual study fields with regard to the accredited graduate profile. 2. Address the competency and responsibility for these activities at individual parts. The basis is the plan of reproduction and development of JAMU technologies for 2016- 2020, which will be annually updated as part of budgeting of real funds of the individual budget titles for the given year. 3. Financially secure the updated plan of reproduction and development of JAMU technologies for 2016-2020 in line with the project rules of the following individual subsidy instruments by means of:  ERDF projects as part of PA 2 of OP3V – CZK 110 million  JAMU Institutional Programme – CZK 2.5-3 million annually  Existing Reproduction Programme of the MEYS – the total of CZK 12 million, 2016-2018 25/26 Annex B01: Long-term plan of JAMU 2016 - 2020  New Reproduction Programme of the MEYS – the total of CZK 45 million, 2018-2020  FRIM – about CZK 1 million annually, 2016-2020  CRP on the basis of cooperation, at least 13 public universities – the total of CZK 3.5 million, 2016-2020 4. As part of the preparation of the accreditation of new fields, prepare the link to the material, spatial and technology background and clarify the link in terms of resources in advance. 23 October 2015 [signature illegible] Stamp: [JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO, RECTOR’S OFFICE, Beethovenova 2] 26/26 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO ANNUAL REPORT ON ACTIVITIES ANNUAL MANAGEMENT REPORT JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS IN BRNO 2018 © Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, 2019 ISBN 978-80-7460-157-6 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Table of Contents Introduction Presenting the new Rector Studies at JAMU in a new structure Internal system of quality assurance Festivals and exhibitions School stages Science, research, publishing Internationalisation Congratulations Material and technological background of activities Those who left us… Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 2/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Introduction The year 2018 was an exceptional year for the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno in several spheres of activities of the university starting with its management. On 1 February 2018, the office of Rector of JAMU was assumed by prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, who chose as his closest colleagues prof. PhDr. Josef Kovalčuk as the governing representative and Vice-rector for Creative Activities, prof. PhDr. Silva Macková as Vice-rector for Studies and Quality and Vice-rectors prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., for strategy and development and doc. MgA. Vít Spilka for external relations. However, after less than six months, JAMU and the Rector’s team suffered a great loss. On the same day, 30 June 2018, Vice-rector Josef Kovalčuk and the most experienced teacher of acting at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU, prof. MgA. Nika Brettschneiderová, died. Therefore, the Rector had to reconstruct his team and appointed doc. Spilka the Governing Vice-rector and, upon consideration in the Academic Senate of JAMU, doc. MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. the Vice-rector for Creative Activities. The Bursar remains JUDr. Lenka Valová. The new President of the Academic Senate of the university is doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. In the spring months, the Management Board of JAMU was supplemented with three new members: Senator JUDr. Eliška Wagnerová, Ph.D., Director of the National Theatre Brno MgA. Martin Glaser and David Dittrich, Director of the Concentus Moraviae Festival. Following the amendment to the Act on Higher Education Institutions, it was necessary to revise both the formal sphere and especially the sphere of organising and planning the primary activity of the school, i.e. teaching, in terms of the institutional life of the school. All internal regulations of JAMU, beginning with the Statutes of JAMU and ending with – not in the sense of necessity for the day-to-day operations of the university – regulations and decrees of both faculties, were amended. The demanding revision process commenced in 2017 and was to a large extent completed in 2018. The teaching process needed to be revised in connection with the transition from study fields to study programmes and their specialisations as required by the new amendment to the Act. Work in this area was accelerated by the need to prepare and submit applications for new accreditations of several study programmes at both faculties in relation to the European OP RDE projects. After a very long period of time, since the 1990s, when the structure of the fields taught had been stable and only sometimes enriched with a newly established field, this constituted a major restructuring, bringing the opportunity to think about the entire complex of teaching and its division. Dozens of fields will be gradually transformed into fourteen study programmes at the Faculty of Music and six programmes at the Faculty of Theatre. After the completion of this process and accreditation of the individual study programmes, the basic structure of studies at JAMU will again be finalised and stabilised for a long time. For the time being, our university is not considering the submission of an application for institutional accreditation, the establishment of which goes beyond the scope and needs of the school; the newly created or revised programmes are thus gradually presented to the National Accreditation Bureau for accreditation. As part of the study internationalisation, preparatory work was completed, and a joint study programme of the Faculty of Music of JAMU and the Royal Conservatory Den Haag in the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 3/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 field of historical interpretation, which is the first programme with a full international reach, was submitted for accreditation. Steps were taken to support the main strategic objective of JAMU, i.e. a continuous increase in quality, in other areas as well. In particular, the Internal Evaluation Board was established, its Rules of Procedure prepared and approved, the Self-Evaluation Report of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno for 2017 elaborated, and the System of Internal Assurance and Evaluation of JAMU considered. In the practical area in terms of the priority increase in the quality of teaching and the closely related artistic outcomes of students, there was a major increase in the level of the school’s instrument and technology equipment, which was enabled by a successful European project OP RDE. Steps were also taken to prepare a new project, OP RDE II, which will be elaborated by the Faculty of Theatre and submitted in 2019. In the field of financing art universities, i.e. also the budget of our university, major progress was achieved in 2018. The MEYS respected the initiative of four public art universities in the Czech Republic (the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague and the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague) aiming to achieve the establishment of a system of support for artistic and creative activities, which – unlike science and research – do not have institutional support. For the time being, the MEYS has decided to aid these activities in the budget of 2019. Nevertheless, the ultimate goal of this initiative is to embed the system of permanent support for artistic and creative activities in the principles of financing universities as early as 2020. The year 2018 brought JAMU a number of successes in the art field, especially in terms of competitions and invitations for students to prestigious venues, but also in the artistic activities of the members of the academia, which was positively reflected in the Register of Artistic Outcomes (RUV). The focus and programming of JAMU in the field of art clearly indicates that artistic activities are the dominant creative activities; nevertheless, the fact that the school develops and consistently supports science and research was evidenced by the formation of the Science Development Fund of JAMU and a successful commencement of this internal grant competition of science and research projects. Two projects proposed by the Faculty of Music were submitted to the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and the Faculty of Theatre got involved in two TA CR projects (with the Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University) as co-author. JAMU pays great attention to this sphere, which is evidenced by the implementation of an international dramatic symposium with the topic of Tendencies in Contemporary Theatre Directing and Theatre-Directing Education at the Faculty of Theatre with broad foreign participation and the newly published specialised journal JAMUsica at the Faculty of Music. In 2018 – as, after all, every year – JAMU was a university visible in public thanks to more than two hundred concerts and more than a hundred theatre performances carried out in 2018, as well as renowned activities of international nature – the 28th Annual SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER International Festival of Theatre Schools, the 24th Annual Leoš Janáček International Competition, the 51st International Interpretation Courses and two international music festivals – the 21st Annual Meeting of New Music Plus and the 5th Annual Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 4/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Festival of Percussion Instruments. Events that form a regular part of the creation and activities of the Faculty of Theatre – the 25th Annual Salon of Original Creation and the 16th Annual Sítko Festival – were opened to the interested public and the academia. It is only natural that JAMU also reflected major anniversaries, in particular 100 years from the establishment of an independent Czechoslovak State. The theatre performance of a play by Václav Havel “Zítra to spustíme” (Tomorrow) studied by the actors of the Musical Studio of the Faculty of Theatre and two gala concerts of the Faculty of Music were dedicated to the anniversary. The anniversary of the establishment of JAMU, celebrated last year, was commemorated by the gala opening of the 70 Years of JAMU exhibition, which was opened by the Rector of JAMU prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý and the main author of the exhibition, prof. PhDr. Josef Kovalčuk, at the Moravian Library in Brno on 8 March. An exceptional event was a gala evening held at the Besední dům in Brno on 14 June – an organ and theatre concert dedicated to the life jubilees of the first two Rectors of JAMU after November 1989, prof. Alena Štěpánková-Veselá (95 years of age) and prof. Alois Hajda (90 years of age). Before the end of the year, a major act was the award of an honorary degree of doctor honoris causa to a leading Czech actress Vlasta Chramostová. In this case, JAMU showed a maximum organisation flexibility. The honorary doctorate that should have been presented at a gala ceremony also as part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the independent state on 26 October was given to Mrs Chramostová in the privacy of the sanatorium in PragueModřany on 15 December 2018 due to her long-term hospitalisation; this was done at the suggestion of the Rector and upon approval by the Arts Council of JAMU in a private ceremony attended by the Czech Television. I would like to thank, for everything that was done in 2018, the academic staff and employees of the school, who did a great deal of work for JAMU in 2018, as well as all students spreading the good reputation of our university in the Czech Republic as well as abroad thanks to their successes. Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 5/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Presenting the new Rector of JAMU The election of the new Rector of JAMU was made as early as October of the previous year but the new head of the school, prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý, accepted the appointment decree together with eleven new Rectors of universities appointed by President Miloš Zeman at the Prague Karolinum on the last day of January 2018. The President did this without the traditional ceremony that used to be held at the Prague Castle. Oslzlý thus received the instrument authorising him to perform the office from the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Robert Plaga. The Rector’s office lasts four years. The new Rector was inaugurated at the Orlí Street Theatre on the third of March in the presence of the heads or representatives of twenty domestic universities, senior academic dignitaries of JAMU, the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic Robert Plaga, Senator Eliška Wagnerová, Emeritus Rectors of JAMU Alena Štěpánková-Veselá, Alois Hajda, Václav Cejpek and Ivo Medek and dozens of honorary guests. Prof. Mgr. Petr OSLZLÝ (born in 1945) Dramaturgist, director, script writer, actor and theatre teacher. After overcoming the prohibition of studying a university in the field of humanities, he studied theatre science and history of art at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University (the then J. E. Purkyně University) in 1968-1973. In the same period, he attended a seminar of direction of Bořivoj Srba at JAMU. He was a protagonist of the experimental performing theatre group, Quidam, with which he performed at the Arts laboratory and International Theatre Club in London in November and December 1968. From 1972, he was the dramaturgist and one of the leading personalities of the Na provázku Theatre, i.e. Husa na provázku (Goose on a String) Theatre – in the years 1976-1980 and 1992-2001, he was also its artistic director. He created a number of original scripts, adaptations and dramatic performances for this theatre and was also a protagonist in a number of the plays. He was involved in the major profiling of the ensemble in the international movement of alternative theatre and in the movement of Czech studio ensembles. He was the co-author of major international and domestic theatre projects, the largest of which was an international theatre event – play Together – Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart in 1983. His scripts were also played at the National Theatre in Prague, the Drama Club and other theatres. In the years 1984-1990 in Brno, in cooperation with the British Jan Hus Educational Foundation and Charter 77, he organised a secret university flat-based seminar where leading philosophers, political scientists, writers, composers and artists from Great Britain gave lectures. He documented these activities in the book entitled Podzemní univerzita (Underground University) (CDK, 1993). Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 6/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 In November 1989, he was the first to announce a strike of Czech theatres on behalf of the Na provázku Theatre and the HaDivadlo Theatre, was a founding signatory of the Civic Forum, after the Velvet Revolution was an advisory and assistant to President Václav Havel and held the post of director of the Culture Section of the Office of the President of the Republic (1990-1992). He co-founded and, in the years 1993-2018, headed the Centre for Experimental Theatre in Brno including the Husa na provázku Theatre, the HaDivadlo Theatre and the U stolu Theatre. He received the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre Award (1992), the Brno Award in Dramatic Arts (2000), the “Living Treasure” Honorary Award under the Next Wave Festival, the Award of the Ministry of Culture for his contribution in the area of theatre (both in 2016) as well as other awards for his artistic creation. In 1982, he prepared (together with J. Kořán), for the Jazz Section, his first book on the cult theatre group of hippie culture Living Theatre: Divadlo života: 1951-1980 (1981) and, in addition to the aforesaid Podzemní univerzita, he also wrote a sculpture monograph Jan Šimek – Příběhy soch (Jan Šimek – Stories of Sculptures) (Atlantis, 1998) and a number of books reflecting the creation of Husa na provázku, of which the latest is an extensive publication LET HUSY z Brna až do Amsterodamu a Avignonu – Divadlo na provázku v letech 1972-1979/1980 (FLIGHT OF THE GOOSE from Brno to Amsterdam and Avignon – the Na provázku Theatre in the years 1972-1979/1980) (JAMU, 2017). Since 1992, he has been teaching at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU. In the years 1995-2018, he was the artistic director of the SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER International Festival of Theatre Schools organised by the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU. In 1997, he became Vice Dean for Foreign Relations, Science and Research there and held that post until 2008. In 2000, he was named professor of dramatic arts. Since 2003, he has headed one of three Studios of Direction and Dramaturgy. In the years 1992-2012, he also taught at the Department of Theatre Studies of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. In October 2017, he was elected Rector of JAMU and has held the post since 1 February 2018. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 7/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Studies at JAMU in a new structure for students The main activity of JAMU, which is also embedded in its vision, is educational activity. Virtually all other activities of the school are aimed at how to teach well. Over the decades, both faculties formed a system of study fields that has been gradually developing and supplemented with new fields since the 1990s, until it finally achieved the form of a standard European art school. Almost 30 years have passed since then – long enough to come out of the system for a while and view it from the outside, without the subjective plane. A good opportunity for this was the application of the amendment to the Act on Higher Education Institutions, which brought about a major change in the concept of study fields at universities. Related fields will be gradually – as their accreditation terms end – merged into study programmes with specialisations. Dozens of fields will thus be gradually transformed into fourteen study programmes at the Faculty of Music and six programmes at the Faculty of Theatre. The creation of new study programmes with specialisations opened up the possibility of critically assessing the composition of the existing study fields and newly conceiving the study programmes and their specialisations with regard to the current situation and developments in artistic, artistic-teaching and artistic-managerial professions in the area of theatre, music and audio-vision. This process and the gradual accreditation of the individual study programmes will, again, for a long time, stabilise the essential structure of studies at JAMU. It is also for this reason that JAMU is not considering institutional accreditation for the time being; it is also expected that the newly formed programmes will be gradually accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau and work in this structure for many years. JAMU has appointed guarantors of study programmes for the study programmes offered at both faculties from among its academic staff according to the rules set out by the Act on Higher Education Institutions and the internal regulations of JAMU. These guarantors, in particular, coordinate the content preparation of each study programme, supervise its quality and evaluate and develop the study programme. In line with the above, the Faculty of Theatre submitted an application for accreditation of these newly conceived study programmes in the follow-up Master’s studies in 2018: Scenography with the specialisations of Scenography and Lighting Design (the guarantor of the study programme is doc. MgA. Marie Jirásková, Ph.D.), Dramatic Creation and the Media with the specialisations of Radio and Television Dramaturgy and Script Writing and Audio-Visual Creation and Theatre (the guarantor is doc. Mgr. Petr Francán) and Theatre Production and Stage Technology with the specialisation of Theatre Production (the guarantor is doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková). These study programmes have already been granted the decision on accreditation for the maximum possible period of ten years. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 8/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 In 2018, the Faculty of Music submitted an application for accreditation of the study programme Historical Interpretation. This study programme will be executed as a joint programme in the follow-up Master’s studies in cooperation with the Dutch Royal Conservatory in The Hague (Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag), and the teaching language will be English. In 2018, the university started to prepare documents for the submission of applications for accreditation of other study programmes and their specialisations. The Faculty of Theatre is preparing for accreditation the study programme Dramaturgy and Direction with the specialisations of Direction and Dramaturgy in the Bachelor’s as well as follow-up Master’s studies. The programme is guaranteed by prof. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. A four-year Master’s study programme Acting with the specialisations of Drama Acting, Musical Acting and Physical Theatre is guaranteed by doc. MgA. Igor Dostálek. The Bachelor’s levels of study of study programmes that have already obtained accreditation for the follow-up Master’s studies are Dramatic Creation and the Media, Scenography and Theatre Production and Stage Technology. The submission of an application for the accreditation of the last study programme of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU with an artistic and teaching focus, Theatre and Education, with the specialisations of Theatre and Education, Theatre and Education for the Hearing Impaired and Dance and Movement Theatre and Education with the guarantor prof. Mgr. Veronika Broulíková will be the object of the project under ESF II “Increasing the quality of education at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU and its relevance to the practical needs”. The project will deal, in particular, with the work of students of the study programme with an artistic and teaching focus and cooperation with education institutions in conceiving and implementation. The Faculty of Music has prepared for accreditation the doctoral study programme Music Production in full-time and combined forms, guaranteed by doc. MgA. Ing. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. At both levels of study, an application for accreditation has been prepared for the study programme Playing Brass Instruments, guaranteed by prof. Milan Polák. There are newly conceived study programmes Conducting, Singing and Opera Direction (with specialisations of the same names and the guarantor doc. Mgr. et MgA. Monika Holá, Ph.D.) and Composition (with the specialisations of Composition, Scenic and Film Music, Electroacoustic Music and Multimedia Composition, and the guarantor doc. Mgr. et MgA. Ing. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D.). With the exception of the specialisation of Multimedia Composition (follow-up Master’s studies), these two study programmes and their specialisations will be transformed into five-year Master’s studies. This decision is based on long-standing experience of teachers of the programme with the necessary duration of the cycle in which students are trained for their art careers in these challenging artistic professions. The formation of new study programmes was supported by two multi-year projects under OP RDE: - Improving the quality of the infrastructure of the study programme Music Arts at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246) The objective of the project is to ensure an increase in the quality of teaching through the artistic creation of students of study fields at the Faculty of Music in the area of musical instruments and stage, lighting, video and audio technology. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 9/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 - Improving the quality of the infrastructure of the study programme Dramatic Arts at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469) The objective of the project is to ensure an increase in the quality of teaching through the artistic creation of students of study programmes at the Faculty of Theatre in the area of the spatial conditions and stage, lighting, video, audio and IT technology. … and for the public as well A number of activities in the area of education lie in the sphere of the so-called third role of the university and are not focused on students but rather on the public – whether the academia interested in further training, potential applicants or the general public interested in intriguing information. The beginning of the summer holidays at the Faculty of Theatre is traditionally associated with organising summer schools of acting and musical, which are intended for all those who want to develop their dancing, movement or acting skills. The announced courses were, again, completely full in 2018. The agenda of the musical summer school again included acting education this year, so those interested could try acting in addition to dance disciplines and individual singing. In November, another annual Theatre Seminar, which is organised primarily for those interested in studying at our school and always receives positive reactions, was opened. Most applicants also used the opportunity to attend a theatre performance of our students at the Orlí Street Theatre or the Marta Studio. Last year, the Theatre and Education Studio of the Faculty of Theatre offered to secondary schools a series of workshops relating to plays at the Marta Studio and the Orlí Street Theatre, inscenations of the Fórum Theatre and a play that had been created within the subject of theatre for children and youth, The Daughters of Maria Theresa. 25 secondary-school classes participated in these studio events. To pupils of elementary schools, the studio offered workshops related to the play Nutcracker of the National Theatre Brno and a cycle entitled How Theatre Is Created. The offer was used by seven classes of the first level of elementary school. At the Faculty of Music, especially two activities are aimed at wider expert public – the accredited Methodical Centre for teachers of the piano at elementary art schools that has a long-standing tradition and nation-wide recognition, and international interpretation courses held every summer in a number of fields, led by professors of the Faculty of Music of JAMU and open mainly to the most advanced students of elementary art schools and conservatories. In 2018, there were about 100 participants. The University of the Third Age at both faculties of JAMU is receiving more and more positive feedback. At the Faculty of Theatre, the aim of the programme is to provide the students with a way to learning the sources of the theatre art in different historical periods and link it to the issue of seeking and fulfilling the meaning of the theatre in a modern society. In 2018, a three-part cycle entitled How Theatre Is Created VII, VIII and IX, subtitled The Secret of the Creative Processes of Contemporary Theatre (key inspirations, major personalities, influence of related arts, historical sources) included thirty-three specialised lectures and seminars carried out by internal and external teachers of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU. It also offered three moderated lectures of personalities of the theatre art from the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 10/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 practice (doc. PhDr. Milan Uhde, dr.h.c., MgA. Martin Čičvák, prof. PhDr. Veronika Broulíková). At the faculty of Music in 2018, lifelong learning courses took place – the University of the Third Age – for the fourth year running. That year, the following courses were held: People Behind Music of the Department of Music Production, Madam Music Over Centuries of Development of the Department of Music and Humanities, Poets of the Piano II of the Department of Piano Interpretation, Human Voice – Source of Emotion, Powerful Instrument of the Department of Singing and Old Music Unlimited II of the Department of Organ and Historical Interpretation. The courses were led by leading experts – professors at the Faculty of Music at JAMU. Over 200 students have completed the University of the Third Age. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 11/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Internal system of quality assurance Based on the requirements for the quality system resulting from the amendment to the Act on Higher Education Institutions and in accordance with the Plan of JAMU for 2016-2020, JAMU prepared a methodology of ensuring and assessing quality of the teaching and creative activities and related activities, and set criteria at the faculties for the establishment of their own comprehensive quality systems. The basis was an updated formulation of the school’s mission and the related vision. JAMU also mapped the structure of main and supporting processes of ensuring and assessing quality of the teaching and creative activities and related activities performed at the faculties and other parts of the university. In 2018, the personnel background for the quality system was formed according to the requirements of the amendment to the Act on Higher Education Institutions. The Internal Evaluation Board of JAMU was appointed. The Board has 9 members and the representation of both faculties was taken into account in their appointment. In the area of ensuring and increasing quality, an internal regulation of JAMU entitled “Rules of the system of ensuring the quality of teaching, creative and related activities and internal evaluation of the quality of teaching, creative and related activities” was prepared in 2017. The activities of the Board are governed by an internal regulation of JAMU – the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Board. At JAMU, the creative outcomes of teaching are traditionally evaluated. A public assessment of graduate projects and performances at the Marta Studio, on the stages of the Faculty of Music and at the Orlí Street Theatre has proven to be important and meaningful. JAMU recognises the creative outcomes of teaching as an important criterion for evaluating the education process with a significant informative value and uses them as one of the key instruments for a further development of the quality system, activity evaluation and process setting. An electronic tool for the collection of data on the executed and presented school, employee and other artistic performances and study outcomes was established for recording and assessing creative activities. Under the designation of “Records of Works of Art”, it was launched as part of the JAMU information system. By consistently filling the tool with information, we will create an archive of the creative activities of JAMU, its parts and members of the academia. The Internal Evaluation Board was involved in the preparation of the document “System of internal ensuring and assessing the quality of teaching, creative and other related activities”. The document describes the main principles of evaluation specific for an art university, where the publicly presented and evaluated outcomes from most of the taught subjects are considered an indicator of the quality of the education process preceding those outcomes, as Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 12/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 well as an indicator of the quality of the creative activities that formed the content and objective of the given subject. The following annexes are attached to the document: - Field-specific accreditation standards In 2016-2017, the structure of documents describing the general and field-specific standards of activities at both faculties was reworked, especially for the needs of other activities oriented at the new accreditation system. On this basis, the following strategic documents were prepared in cooperation between the representatives of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno as one of the outputs of a joint CRP: “Standards for the accreditation of study programmes in the area of education of Art – thematic fields of Theatre Art, Music Art, Film and Television Art and Dance Art” finalised in November 2016. At the beginning of 2017, both documents were delivered to the National Accreditation Bureau. - Outcomes from learning for the individual study programmes and their specialisations for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral levels of studies (qualification framework) - Graduate performances that are, in addition to the Bachelor’s and diploma theses, an equal part of the graduation process. The graduate performances are described for the study programmes and their specialisations. The description includes the characteristics of the performance and professional skills, knowledge and abilities that the student demonstrates in his/her graduate performance. - Outcomes from the teaching of all subjects, where that outcome is presented. These are different types of outcomes from the presentation of skills to comprehensive works intended for the general public. In the overview, they are listed by the study programmes and their specialisations, levels and years of study, the subject where the outcome is presented and its type, to whom the presentation is given and who assesses the outcome quality. During the summer and autumn of 2018, a Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU for 2017 was elaborated on the basis of materials from the faculties. This was followed by the preparation of the Internal Evaluation Report of JAMU for 2017. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 13/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Festivals and competitions A continuous art-related communication among students, between students and leading world personalities in the field and between students and the public is an integral part of art education at JAMU. One of the important platforms involves international festivals at both faculties. The Faculty of Theatre has been organising the unique exhibition of theatre art universities from around the world SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER for more than twenty-five years. The festival connects all three of the aforesaid communication flows – the students present their performances to one another, to an expert panel as well as the public. In the main line-up of 2018, a dozen theatre ensembles literally from the entire world performed. According to the organisers, forty-six schools applied for participation in this year’s annual festival, which is the record in the history of this unique exhibition. In addition to the usual participants from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, art academies from Germany, Slovenia, Great Britain, Russia, Israel and Scotland came to Brno. First-timers included schools from the Republic of South Africa and Armenia. The director of the festival and Rector of JAMU, professor Petr Oslzlý, awarded a South-African student, Lunt Masiz, for his performance in the play The Island. The panel also recognised the scenography author Tereza Gsöllhoferová, who had designed the stage for the play Žranice (Beanfeast), performed by the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Success was achieved by the artistic design of the play It’s not that way, it’s over here performed by the students of the German Academy of Performing Arts Baden-Württemberg. The panel praised the authors of the scenography, Nele Bühler and Luise Ehrenwerth, and their stage in a play composed of single acts by the French-Romanian author Eugéne Ionesco. The last Marta statuette of the festival went to Israel for the best female acting performance of Michal Uziel in a performance by the students of the Yoram Loewenstein Acting School in Tel Aviv. The patron of the festival was a JAMU graduate from 1972 Jiří Bartoška. The Salon of Original Creation is a traditional two-day exhibition of the creative works of students of drama direction, theatre dramaturgy, drama acting, theatre management and stage technology. The jubilee 25th Annual Salon took place on 9-10 March 2018. The Salon gives the students room for script reading and play-acting the texts, thereby enabling beginning as well as established authors to present their unpublished and not yet played literary texts. The Faculty of Theatre of JAMU publishes a collection of all the student texts as part of the Salon. The annual “Salon” with the thematic focus of “Moloch” was accompanied by other concerts and performances. Over the two days, 10 inscenations from originally created texts were presented in the main programme, with 3 performances and 2 music concerts in the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 14/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 accompanying programme. 39 texts connected by an effort to find the justification or disproving of the mechanisms we use to measure the usefulness of our activities were entered in the selection procedure. Within the framework of the Theatre and Education Studio at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU, the Sítko Festival takes place annually. The latest XVI Annual was held at the premises of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU and the Orlí Street Theatre on 31 May – 3 June 2018. The aim of the festival is, in particular, a meeting of the current, former and future students of the Studio, during which the outcomes from the past year (Bachelor’s projects, Master’s inscenations and projects by the individual years and students) are presented. The festival also offers room for performances by amateur ensembles led by the graduates of our studio. Yet another objective is to bring students of other fields as well, both from our school and students of related fields from other universities. And, last but not least, the festival offers the opportunity for meeting, confrontation, sharing experience and discussion on issues closely related to theatre and education. The topic of the Sítko Festival 2018 was “This will touch you”: Just as a painter needs his brush and a writer his pen, we need our bodies. Our palms. Our fingers. Our touch. Stop being afraid to use these means fully. Because everybody wants to be touched, because not all touches are the same, and because people often pretend that it does not “touch” them. Other activities of the Faculty of Theatre that have the nature of a festival or exhibition include the new project entitled JAMŮví (a festival of student creation), focused on audiovisual and audio works, and a regular exhibition of the cooperation of the studios of acting, direction, dramaturgy and theatre production known as Monodramas. The Faculty of Music of JAMU co-organises one of the two international music festivals focused on contemporary music held in Brno – Meeting of New Music Plus. In 2018, the 21st Annual took place, again with the participation of major artists, who, in addition to their own performances, organised workshops and individual teaching of the students of the Faculty of Music of JAMU. This gives the students a unique opportunity to have their own “preconcerts” before the performances of the art personalities – whether from the Czech Republic or abroad – festival guests. They are thus immediately confronted on the same stage. The 2018 Meeting presented foreign artists in the field of interpretation, improvisation and multimedia. The most prominent performers included the multimedia artists Justin Bennett (GB), Geneviéve Murphy (SCT) and Christina della Giustina (CH/NL), members of the Madrid-based PluralEnsemble, Simon Desbruslais and Mark Slater (GB), as well as a number of top Czech interpreters including young artists (Mirror Ensemble, PeTMuse, Ištvan Quartett). The Faculty of Music of JAMU prepared a unique exhibition attended by leading percussionists from five countries in Brno. The international non-competition biennale Festival of Percussion Instruments, held by the Faculty of Music of JAMU for the fifth year running, took place at the Orlí Street Theatre from 7 to 9 December. Art academies and conservatories from Romania, Italy, Austria, Slovakia and naturally the host Czech Republic were represented. Excellent foreign guests came, too – major percussionists Dom Famularo (USA) and Emmanuel Séjourné (F). Unlike the previously mentioned activities of a festival nature, the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno is a “pure” competition. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 15/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 In the period of 8-15 September, Brno hosted young interpreters from around the world, who competed in the fields of the contrabass and the violoncello. The Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno in cooperation with the Statutory City of Brno, the South Moravian Region and the Leoš Janáček Foundation held the already 24th Annual of this prestigious interpretation competition. Young contrabass and violoncello players from around the world competed in three rounds that took place in the concert hall of the Faculty of Music of JAMU, at the Orlí Street Theatre and at the Besední dům. The contrabass field was won by Matis Eisaks (Latvia), a student of the Faculty of Music of JAMU, and Javier Huerta Gimeno from Spain won in the field of the violoncello. The winners of the contrabass played in the concert hall of the Faculty of Music of JAMU in cooperation with Ensemble Opera Diversa, conducted by a JAMU graduate, Gabriela Tardonová. The winners of the violoncello had a concert at the Besední dům with the accompaniment of the Czech Virtuosi Orchestra conducted by Petr Vronský. The second place in the contrabass was won by Maria Krykov from Finland and the third place by Yannick Adams (Spain), a student of the Faculty of Music of JAMU. The second place in the violoncello was achieved by Yoosin Park from the Republic of Korea and the third place was shared by Dora Hájková from the Czech Republic and Alexandra Kahrer from Austria. The ranking of the young interpreters was decided by leading Czech as well as foreign panel members. The seven-member panel in the field of the contrabass was presided over by Stefan Schäfer (Germany), his counterpart in the field of the violoncello being Maria Kliegel (Germany). The other contrabass panel members were: Donatas Bagurskas (Lithuania), Irena Olkiewicz (Poland), Gunars Upatnieks (Germany, Latvia), Peter Leerdam (Netherlands), Pavel Horák (Czech Republic) and Miloslav Jelínek (Czech Republic). The panel for the violoncello was as follows: Emil Rovner (Russia), Roland Pidoux (France), Miroslav Petráš (Czech Republic) and Miroslav Zicha (Czech Republic). The winner in each field received not only a prestigious award but also a financial reward of 100 thousand Czech crowns. The second and third places were rewarded with the amounts of 70 and 40 thousand Czech crowns, respectively. All the winners can now boast the title of “Laureate of the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno”. The competition was held under the patronage of the Governor of the South Moravian Region, JUDr. Bohumil Šimek, and the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno, Ing. Petr Vokřál. The competition took place with the financial aid of the Statutory City of Brno, the South Moravian Region, the Leoš Janáček Foundation, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Czech Music Fund Foundation, the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic and the Artist’s Life Foundation. The partner of the competition was the company Rengl and the media partner was Opus musicum this year. The competition covers several fields and a total of ten musical instrument fields are presented in it in five-year cycles (the piano, the organ, the violoncello, the contrabass, the flute, the clarinet, the violin, string quartet, the French horn and the bombardon). In 2019, flute and clarinet players will compete in Brno. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 16/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 School Stages of JAMU A characteristic feature of an art university is its ability to execute art projects at its own premises – in the case of JAMU drama, opera and musical theatres and concert halls with professional parameters. The oldest, but recently innovated, is the Marta Studio, which was established as early as 1952. On the contrary, the newest is the opera and musical Orlí Street Theatre bearing the “subtitle” of Musically Dramatic Lab, thereby expressing the aim of the facility including the main hall, studios and rooms for corepetition, costume manufacture, managerial rooms and also a top recording studio in the basement of the building. Performances that take the form of final exams or projects are usually given right in the buildings of both faculties. The Faculty of Music has three venues for concerts and other events – the Concert Hall, the Chamber Hall and the Vault Hall. Larger chamber concerts take place in the theatre hall of the Orlí Street Theatre, which can, in such cases, specially adjust the acoustics via the acoustic hull above the stage. The Chamber Opera of JAMU has more than a sixty-year tradition and gave – under several historical names – and still gives production of operas of the Faculty of Music for both the Orlí Street Theatre and its own small stage – the Devítka Studio. A scene for contemporary music is the Forum of New Music covering, among others, the Studio of Contemporary Music with more than fifty years of history, presenting especially new creation of students and teachers of the study fields of Composition and Multimedia Composition. The students of jazz interpretation often use the MusicLab premises – a music club located in the basement of the building of the Faculty of Music. In 2018, more than 100 theatre performances, 4 operas and more than 200 concerts took place on JAMU stages – all produced by the two JAMU faculties. The opening nights of dramas, operas and musicals were – as every year – among the most closely followed events in 2018. The Orlí Street Theatre opened the musical inscenation The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole in mid-February. The students of musical acting from the Faculty of Theatre were led by director and choreographer Martin Pacek in the stage performance of the cult book. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 17/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 A memorable dramatic text Zlatý drak (Golden Dragon) directed by Miroslav Lukačovič was offered in a new inscenation by the students of drama acting at the Marta Studio, presenting a post-dramatic play by the star of contemporary German theatre Roland Schimmelpfennig. Two short operettas in one evening were studied by the Chamber Opera of the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. On two opening nights on 17 and 18 March, the operetta Vdova Grapinova (Grapin’s Widow) by German composer Friedrich von Flotow was performed in the Czech Republic for the first time. It was complemented by the operetta Zasnoubení při lucernách (Betrothal Under Lanterns) by French composer of German origin Jacques Offenbach. The Orlí Street Theatre thus belonged to the operetta for the first time. The director was Natálie Gregorová. The students of the fourth year of the Musical Acting Studio presented a drama play in April. At the Orlí Street Theatre, the musical students performed the play YOU by the contemporary Russian author Olja Muchina, directed by Barbora Chovancová. From 15 to 19 May, the Marta Studio hosted the traditional Graduate Festival 2018. The event constituted an exhibition of the inscenations of the season 2017-2018. The first drama opening of the new season was the play Světová duše (World Soul). The script of the director Oxana Smilkova was studied by her students of this year’s graduate class of drama acting of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU at the Orlí Street Theatre. The students of musical and drama from the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU studied the play Zítra to spustíme (Tomorrow) by Václav Havel. The play directed by Ivo Krobot, involving at least thirty students of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU, thus celebrated the century of existence of our state. It premiered at the school Orlí Street Theatre on 18 October. At the Orlí Street Theatre, the Faculty of Music gave the premieres of contemporary operas by Jiří Najvar Falstaff and Daniel Šimek Neznámá (Unknown), directed by Natálie Gregorová, which also represented JAMU at the prestigious international music festival Janáček Brno 2018. The hit of the 2018/2019 season at the Orlí Street Theatre was a musical adaptation of the novel by Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, written by Aleš Kohout, a teacher at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU and director of the inscenation. It premiered in September 2018. November was indeed rich in premieres at the Marta Studio. The first was the graduate project ISBN by Martin Hodoň. In the second November premiere, Pierre Nadaud presented his specific view of Shakespeare’s famous drama in the play Hamlet a tma (Hamlet and Darkness). And, finally, the third premiere was prepared by the students of the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU at the end of November, namely an inscenation of Beckett’s famous drama Konec hry (Endgame), directed by Adam Steinbauer. Srdce v prachu, oči planoucí (Heart in the Dust, Blazing Eyes) – this was the name of an inscenation whose Czech premiere was held at the Marta Studio in December. It presented a graduate inscenation of the Studio of Educational Drama for the Hearing Impaired of Libor Máca, directed by the expert assistant Adéla Kratochvílová. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 18/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 In 2018, the Marta Studio held a total of 63 performances and 5 premieres. Another 3 inscenations presented by the Marta Studio had premiered in 2017. A total of 3,812 people came to see the performances, which means an average visitor rate of 94 %. The Orlí Street Theatre held a total of 49 performances on the big stage and another 13 performances (projects of the students of the Theatre and Education Studio and Bachelor’s projects of the students of direction and dramaturgy of the Faculty of Theatre) on stages of the theatre’s smaller studios. The inscenations were attended by a total of 4,867 people, which means an average visitor rate of 70.9 %. However, JAMU holds its events not only on its own stages but also intervenes in public spaces. An example may be the pilot year of a parade in Brno full of theatre, mysteries, legends and enchantments organised under the patronage of students of higher years and with the involvement of their freshly matriculated colleagues for the Brno public, which was held on the occasion of opening the academic year 2018/2019. At the Brno Besední dům at the end of March, a pair of young conductors from the Faculty of Music gave a joint orchestra concert. The students of conducting, Jiří Najvar and Jiří Habart, conducted sixty players of the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra Olomouc. On 29 October, the Faculty of Music held an exceptional gala concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia, which presented Czech and Slovak jazz music players, generally students or graduates from the Department of Jazz Interpretation of the Faculty of Music of JAMU. At the concert at the Orlí Street Theatre, the JAZZ ORCHESTRA big band – jazz orchestra of the host faculty – gave its performance. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 19/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Science, research and publishing The position of JAMU in the context of involvement in science and research activities is specific. This specificity is primarily based on the fact that the dominant creative activities are artistic activities. Artistic performance constitutes the immediate outcomes of teaching and the JAMU quality assessment system also focuses on them. However, a theoretical reflection of the artistic activities undoubtedly plays an irreplaceable role in this context. The reflection takes place on two basic levels – the first in the area of examining the objective aspects of the work in terms of the development of the individual art types – in the case of JAMU especially theatrology and musicology – i.e. in the concept of art sciences, and the second from the perspective of the creator – by examining the work during its creation – i.e. in the field of artistic research. Both the aforesaid approaches to examining artistic outcomes thus form a synergistically functioning backbone of research at JAMU. Despite the predominant artistic and creative activities, research is an integral part of JAMU’s activities, which is also evidenced by outcomes specific of the continuously evolving and richly structured art sphere. In the field of research, the year 2018 was significant for JAMU especially in connection with research projects aided by the two large national grant agencies. The projects under the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) were completed at the beginning of the year, by the publication of two exceptional works, the monograph by Petr Oslzlý LET HUSY z Brna až do Amsterodamu a Avignonu (FLIGHT OF THE GOOSE from Brno to Amsterdam and Avignon) reflecting and documenting the first period of professional activities of the Na provázku Theatre from the start of 1972 until the end of the 1979-1980 season, and the monograph by Marek Hlavica Dramatická tvorba ostravského studia Československé televize (1955-1991) (Dramatic Creation of the Ostrava Studio of the Czechoslovak Television (1955-1991)), which received the Josef Škvorecký Award for an exceptional literary work in the field of audio-visual creation from the Czech Film and Television Association FITES at the beginning of 2019. The high quality of research at JAMU is also evidenced by the acceptance of two projects in a tender of the programme Eta of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, which is Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 20/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 focused on the support for applied social science and humanities research. The four-year project entitled GIS Comprehensive Screening Diagnostic System will be implemented in cooperation with Masaryk University and its results will help searching for talented children and their further development. The three-year project entitled Artistic research of creation of theatre plays with actors with the Down syndrome as an efficient tool for social inclusion by a doctoral student of the Faculty of Theatre, Jitka Vrbková, will use progressive methods of artistic research to examine the possibilities of creative work with actors with the Down syndrome and will be a major contribution towards their inclusion in the society. Publishing activities were very successful as well; during the year, the JAMU Publishing House published twenty publications written mainly by members of the JAMU academia. Their complete list can be found further in this Annual Report. The academia also greatly appreciated the international conferences held by the Faculty of Theatre, of which the most important was the symposium called Tendencies in Contemporary Theatre Directing and Theatre-Directing Education, which was focused especially on theatre direction and education of young directors, as well as the annual doctoral conference of the Faculty of Music of JAMU, which regularly includes participants from a number of universities and institutions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The JAMU Research Development Fund, which started its activities in 2018 and which financially aids the research and publishing activities of our employees, will undoubtedly have a major benefit for the development of research at JAMU. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 21/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Internationalisation International exchanges of artistic as well as teaching experience are important aspects of increasing the quality of the study and related creative activities, and also form an important element in benchmarking. Mobilities of students and teachers are an integral part of studies at JAMU. In 2018, 53 students went abroad, and 42 students came here. It needs to be considered that, given the artistic outcomes, accompanying the completion of both the Bachelor’s and Master’s studies and requiring a year-long preparation, the option of studying abroad applies mainly to the 2nd year of the Bachelor’s studies and the 1st year of the followup Master’s level. For language reasons, it is also clear that students of music fields are predominant in the mobilities. Teacher mobilities enable to bring top world personalities – helped by the attention paid to the financing of these mobilities – collecting money from several sources – e.g. centralised development projects, projects of specific research, the Science Development Fund (FRVČ), the Teaching and Artistic Activity Development Fund (FRVUČ) and funds under the socalled D indicator. In 2018, 61 foreign guests came to JAMU and 33 JAMU teachers went abroad. Given the size of JAMU, this manifests a great interest in its teachers. Memoranda were concluded with art universities in Texas, California, Osijek and Tbilisi to support the mobilities as well as other forms of cooperation. Internationalisation – it does not mean only mobility, of course. In 2018, a bilateral agreement was entered into between the Faculty of Music of JAMU and the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, reflecting the willingness of both institutions to implement a joint study programme Historical Interpretation in the follow-up Master’s studies. Under that agreement, the accreditation application was submitted for the aforesaid joint study programme in 2018. In 2018, JAMU was also involved in international activities aimed at deepening the cooperation with non-European top art universities (e.g. memorandum of cooperation with UNT in Denton, Texas and with the Shanghai Conservatory) – based on these contacts, students of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 22/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Shanghai Conservatory gave an opera performance at the Orlí Street Theatre in January and representatives of JAMU then visited the Shanghai Conservatory, where the teachers of the Faculty of Music organised master classes and together with their students performed at two concerts as part of the prestigious international festival Shanghai Spring. During that visit – and as part of international cooperation by involving JAMU in 16+1 CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) and China Music Academies Union, master classes also took place at ZJEM – Zhejiang Conservatory of Music in Hangzhou. Another major activity of JAMU was a joint concert and learning project at the partner University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton, Texas, where the teachers and students of the Faculty of Music, in addition to several workshops, performed at concerts and multimedia performances. During the visit, a new version of the bilateral agreement on cooperation between UNT and JAMU was signed. In addition to the aforesaid resources, JAMU aids such extra student activities of international nature from the scholarship fund and the Rudolf Firkušný Fund. In 2018, grants from this source were awarded to a student of the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s study programme of the Faculty of Music in the field of the clarinet, Anna Sysová, for a study stay at the prestigious Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London in the class of Andrew Marriner, and to a student of the 2nd year of the doctoral studies at the Faculty of Theatre in the field of Dramatic Arts, MgA. Daniela Zarodňanská, to complete two highly specialised courses at the Central European University in Budapest. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 23/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Congratulations Awarding honorary doctorates to major theatre and music personalities is among significant traditions at JAMU and is followed by the general society. The university – unlike some other Czech universities – awards, and only exceptionally, those who are, in addition to their undoubted artistic greatness, somehow associated with the heritage of Leoš Janáček or directly with JAMU. This was also the case with awarding an honorary title of doctor honoris causa to the leading Czech actress and graduate from JAMU Vlasta Chramostová in December 2018, which was also reflected in most print. A gala concert at the Brno Besední dům held on 14 June was given on the occasion of significant life jubilees of the first two JAMU Rectors after November 1989. The gala evening was dedicated to the upcoming 95th birthday of professor Alena Štěpánková-Veselá and the 90th birthday of professor Alois Hajda. Both honourees and Emeritus Rectors attended the unique event. At the end of January 2018, two teachers from the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU received the Brno Award for the previous year. The prestigious award was given to professors Zoja Mikotová and Alena Blažejovská. It is a great pleasure to announce the annual successes of JAMU students. Let us list at least the most prominent ones – laureates of international and major national competitions: Pavel Zemen (piano) – 1st place and absolute win /Grand Prix (International Forum and 21st Century Art Competition Vienna) Vít Beneš (jazz) – award for the best Czech band (Central European Jazz Competition) Adam Sikora (jazz) – award for the best Czech band (Central European Jazz Competition) Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 24/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 Kristýna Burianová (guitar) – 1st place (Concorso Internationale Givani Promesse – Italy) Robin Červinek (singing) – 2nd place in the junior category – men (A. Dvořák International Singing Competition in Karlovy Vary); 1st place and absolute win (Prague Singer International Competition) Mattis Eisaks (contrabass) – 1st place (Leoš Janáček International Interpretation Competition Brno) Tadeáš Hoza (singing) – 1st place (junior category – men) (A. Dvořák International Singing Competition in Karlovy Vary); 2nd place of the Czech Music Fund (song category) (A. Dvořák International Singing Competition in Karlovy Vary) Martin Schubert (violoncello) – 2nd place (international competition in Poland); 1st place and the laureate title (K. Ditters von Dittersdorf Interpretation Competition in Vidnava) Material and technological background of activities Just as research universities cannot do without first-class laboratory equipment, musical instruments and audio, video and stage technologies are crucial for art schools. In order to keep up with the professional scene in the continuous development of technology, it is necessary to regularly invest in upgrading all these areas. JAMU uses the following funding: - The funds of the European Structural and Investment Funds under the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education - Centralised Development Project - Institutional Plan - Own investment resources, i.e. the Investment Asset Reproduction Fund The largest volume of sources was drawn from the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, under which JAMU implements two individual projects financed from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): - The project “Improving the quality of the infrastructure of the study programme Music Arts at JAMU” under registration number CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246 with a total amount of eligible costs of CZK 79,373 thousand enabled the purchase of almost thirty new pianos and other musical instruments including historical instruments, HW and SW equipment for electroacoustic music, stage, lighting, audio and video technologies for classrooms and halls and a mobile lending office at the Faculty of Music and for the Orlí Street Theatre. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 25/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 - The project “Improving the quality of the infrastructure of the study programme Dramatic Arts at JAMU” under registration number CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469 with a total amount of eligible costs of CZK 78,135 thousand enabled the funding of the completion of structural modifications in the Astorka building (teaching premises of the Faculty of Theatre), an overall modernisation of theatre, lighting, audio and video technologies at the Marta Studio, the lighting equipment of musical studios, audio technology at the Orlí Street Theatre, photography technology, digital archiving of artistic performances, powerful multimedia stations for processing 3D recordings, modernisation of multimedia technology and adding air conditioning for classroom 104 of the Faculty of Theatre. The above investments allowed for a significant innovation of the equipment of JAMU and ensured that, in the coming years, students will be able to work with top instruments and technologies of theatres and concert halls. Those who left us… JAMU, specifically the Faculty of Theatre, unfortunately had to say goodbye forever to two major personalities – professor Josef Kovalčuk and professor Nika Brettschneiderová. Saturday, 30 June 2018, when both of them – Josef Kovalčuk in Brno and Nika Brettschneiderová in Vienna – died, became a black day of the existing history of the entire Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. Josef Kovalčuk 5 August 1948 Trutnov – 30 June 2018 Brno A theatre dramaturgist, script writer and teacher, co-founder of the Prostějov, later Brno, HaDivadlo Theatre (originally under the name of Hanácké divadlo, i.e. Hanakia Theatre, 1974), artistic director of the Drama Section of the National Theatre in Prague in the years 1997-2002. He studied dramaturgy at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague in 1973-1979 and already at that time – 1974 – co-founded the HaDivadlo Theatre (originally under the name of Hanácké divadlo, i.e. Hanakia Theatre) in Prostějov, where he worked as dramaturgist until 1996, when he became the dramaturgist of the Drama Section of the National Theatre in Prague, where he subsequently held the post of artistic director in the years 1996-2002. In 2009-2013, he was also the dramaturgist of the Husa na provázku Theatre. Josef Kovalčuk was politically active for a brief period – from February 1990 until June 1990, he was a member of the Czech National Council and held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Culture Committee. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 26/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 He was the co-founder of the Faculty of Theatre and held the office of its Dean twice – from 1990 to 1996 and then from 2002 for another two terms. From 2017, he was the Vice-rector of JAMU for Creative Activities. At JAMU, he was involved in the establishment of the SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER International Festival of Theatre Schools and in the formation of the tradition of international science and doctoral conferences at the Faculty of Theatre, where he was active until his death as the head of one of the studios of direction and dramaturgy and Chairman of the Field Board of Doctoral Studies. He also headed the section for the research of theatre and drama. His papers relating to theatre activities debuted in local periodicals and then in Divadelní noviny (Theatre Newspapers) and the Amateur Scene. He contributed to the samizdat periodical collection O divadle (About Theatre). He worked on a joint project of Czech studio theatres as part of collective inscenations Cesty (Journeys) (1984) and Rozrazil (Forget-MeNot) (1988). Kovalčuk’s dramatised version of Švejda’s novel Havárie (Disaster) was studied by the Czechoslovak Radio (1978, directed by Jiří Valchař). In 1993, he prepared a cycle entitled Kabinet múz (Cabinet of Muses) for the Czech Television. After 1992, he prepared a number of dramatised versions – for example Dostoevsky’s Idiot, which was performed in various versions at the HaDivadlo (1993, directed by Arnošt Goldflam), at the National Theatre in Prague (2001, directed by Ivo Krobot) and at the Husa na provázku Theatre (2004, directed by Vladimír Morávek). At the time when he was active at the Drama Section of the National Theatre in Prague, he was involved in the preparation of several other adaptations of literary works. He mostly worked with director Arnošt Goldflam and at the National Theatre with Jan Antonín Pitinský and Ivo Krobot (Romance pro křídlovku 1997). In terms of dramaturgy, he cooperated on the inscenations Demons (1997, based on F. M. Dostoevsky, directed by Ivan Rajmont); Bloudění (Wanderings; 1998, adaptation of the novel cycle by Jaroslav Durych according to the literary script by Pavel Švanda, with Petr Štindl and J. A. Pitinský, directed by J. A. Pitinský); Markéta Lazarová (2002, based on Vladislav Vančura, with Marek Horoščák and J. A. Pitinský, directed by J. A. Pitinský). Josef Kovalčuk is also the author of a number of theoretical works on author and studio theatre, published in books and journals, later published as a collection in the book Téma: Autorské Divadlo (Topic: Author Theatre) (2009), which includes a detailed analysis of the features of author theatre and his specific dramatic texts. He focused mainly on studio stages of the (Husa) (N)na provázku Theatre, the Na okraji Theatre and especially the HaDivadlo Theatre in monographs Bylo jich pět a půl (They were five and a half) (2006), Hvězdy nad Kabinetem múz (Stars Above the Cabinet of Muses) (2010) and others. Nika Brettschneiderová 9 February 1951 Ostrava – 30 June 2018 Vienna, Austria Actress, theatre manager, director and signatory of Charter 77; she graduated from JAMU in the field of acting in 1973. She pursued her acting career – engagements at Studio Y, the Husa na provázku Theatre and the HaDivadlo Theatre. As a signatory of Charter 77, she was exposed to repressions and suffered existential difficulties. That was why she moved to Austria in 1977. She stayed there and together with Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 27/28 Annex B02: Annual report on activities, Annual management report of JAMU 2018 her husband Ludvík Kavín founded her own theatre – THEATER BRETT, which found its permanent seat in Vienna after several years of travelling in various European countries. Brettschneiderová acted there, directed plays and even co-wrote some of them. In 1981, she received the Kainz Award for her acting performance. The theatre became an informal centre of Czech cultural emigration. After 1989, she again acted in Brno as well – she was a guest actress several times under Vladimír Morávek in his inscenations at the Husa na provázku Theatre (Lásky jedné plavovlásky (Loves of a Blonde), Ze života hmyzu (Pictures from the Insects’ Life)). However, her teaching career was closely linked to JAMU. From 1990, she taught acting and movement at JAMU and, in 1997, she was successfully habilitated at the Faculty of Theatre, where she headed the Studio of Acting. In 2007, she was awarded professorship. In addition to regular work at the Faculty of Theatre of JAMU, she headed many long-term as well as short-term theatre workshops in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France and the USA from 1997. Director Jiří Střecha shot one episode of the five-episode document Vyhnáni po Chartě (Expelled after the Charter) with her for the Czech Television in 2017. Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno 28/28 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Self-Evaluation Report of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) in Brno for 2017 Discussed in the Internal Evaluation Board of JAMU on 10 Sep 2018 1/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Discussed in the Arts Council of JAMU on 25 Sep 2018 Approved by the Academic Senate of JAMU on Table of Contents JAMU Vision Statement .................................................................................................................................................. 4 JAMU Mission Statement ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope of activity of the JAMU bodies ........................................................................................................................ 6 JAMU bodies …………………………………………………................................................................................................... 6 Bodies of JAMU Theatre Faculty (DF JAMU) .......................................................................................................... 7 Bodies of JAMU Music Faculty (HF JAMU) .............................................................................................................. 9 Internal quality assurance system .......................................................................................................................... 11 Defining competencies and responsibilities for quality …….......................................................................... 11 Quality assurance subject matter and criteria for process evaluation at JAMU .................................. 11 Processes of preparation and modification of degree programmes ........................................................ 12 Principles and system of recognition of foreign education for admission to study ........................... 15 Qualification work guidance ………………………….................................................................................................. 16 Feedback processes in quality assessment........................................................................................................... 18 Monitoring success rates of study applicants, students and the graduates' employability …........ 20 Educational and creative activities .......................................................................................................................... 21 International dimension and application of the contemporary state of knowledge ......................... 21 Cooperation with practice in implementing degree programmes ............................................................ 22 Cooperation with practice in creating degree programmes ……................................................................. 24 Supporting resources and administration …………............................................................................................. 24 Information system ………………………....................................................................................................................... 24 Libraries and electronic resources …………........................................................................................................... 25 Study of students with specific needs ................................................................................................................. 26 Measures against unethical behaviour and intellectual property protection ……............................... 27 II. Degree programme ……………................................................................................................................................. 28 Compliance of the degree program with the mission statement of the higher education institution and the international dimension of the degree programme ………………………………….. 28 Compliance of the degree programme with the mission statement and strategic documents of the higher education institution ....................................................................................................................... 28 Connection with the creative activity of the higher education institution ...................................... 29 2/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Cooperation with practice …….................................................................................................................................... 30 Connection with the scientific/artistic activity of the higher education institution ...................... 30 International dimension of the degree programme …….................................................................................. 31 Profile of the graduate and content of the study ................................................................................................ 32 Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Bachelor’s degree …….............................. 33 Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Master’s degree .……….............................. 34 Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Doctoral degree …….................................. 35 Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Bachelor’s degree ……........................................ 36 3/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Master’s degree ………........................................ 37 Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Doctoral degree ……........................................... 39 Interest in study and admission to study - number of students ................................................................. 41 Language competencies ………………......................................................................................................................... 41 Rules and conditions of curricula development ..…..….................................................................................... 42 Specification of the career prospects of graduates ........................................................................................... 43 Standard length of study .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Consistency of the study content with study objectives and the graduate’s profile .......................... 43 Differentiation of doctoral degree programme from other types of degree programmes ............. 44 Structure and scope of study courses .……………................................................................................................... 45 Consistency of the curricula content, state exams and qualification works with learning outcomes and graduate’s profile ……….................................................................................................................... 46 Educational and creative activities in a degree programme ........................................................................ 47 Aim of educational activity at JAMU ........................................................................................................................ 47 Methods of teaching and evaluation study results …….................................................................................... 47 Creative activity related to a degree programme …………............................................................................... 50 Financial, material and other support provided to a degree programme .............................................. 51 Financial support to a degree programme …………………................................................................................. 51 Material and technical support to a degree programme ……........................................................................ 52 Professional literature and electronic databases corresponding to degree programmes ………... 54 Degree programme guarantor …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54 Powers and responsibilities of a guarantor ……….............................................................................................. 54 Evaluation of a guarantor in terms of meeting the standards ..................................................................... 56 Staffing of a degree programme ............................................................................................................................... 56 Evaluation of the overall degree programme staffing in terms of meeting the standards ……...... 56 Staffing of the profiling base courses ……………………………………….............................................................. 58 Qualification of practitioners involved in a degree programme teaching …………............................... 58 Doctoral student supervisors ……………………………............................................................................................. 59 Specific requirements for providing a degree programme ........................................................................... 59 4/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Realizing a degree programme in a combined and distance form of study ……................................... 59 Realizing a degree program in cooperation with a foreign university ……………….............................. 60 Realizing a degree programme in a foreign language ……….......................................................................... 60 Realizing a degree programme in cooperation with another legal entity ……………........................... 61 5/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 JAMU Vision Statement The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is a university-type higher arts education institution that carries out its degree programmes in the education area of Arts at two faculties - Theatre and Music, and offers its students and teachers a modern background for artistic activities at wellequipped university workplaces. At the same time, the faculty significantly fulfils the third role of university through its artistic activity, namely by a focused cultural offer for the general public in the region of South Moravia. The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as JAMU) provides the conditions for developing the artistic talents of its students and linking arts education, artistic creation and research in art and through art as various forms of learning and cultivating society. JAMU educates top artistic personalities who determine the form of Czech, European and world music and dramatic arts in a wide range of applications - from working in official professional music and theatre institutions to free types of creativity manifestations in the spirit of free artistic creation across art forms and genres. The JAMU representatives are active in the self-governing bodies of the Council of Higher Education Institutions (CHEI) and the Czech Rectors’ Conference (CRC). Through its activities, JAMU promotes the importance of higher arts education in the context of higher education system in the Czech Republic. JAMU Mission Statement JAMU is responsible for developing the tradition of higher arts education in the Czech Republic through its educational, art and scientific activities. It strives to contribute to the formation of standards of arts, especially theatre and music, education also in the international environment. JAMU advocates the recognition of artistic creative activity as equal to the outputs of scientific cognition and at the same time contributes richly to science and research in the Czech Republic. It stimulates and supports the artistic and scientific activities of its students and teachers, emphasizes experiment and boosts the quality of art, culture and life in the region and throughout the Czech Republic in direct relation to the EU environment. It is aware of its indispensability in developing creativity of individuals and in promoting artistic level and ethics of creative activity. It is open to co-working with a wide range of partners, and at the same time it can also be a reliable and stable partner itself. JAMU appreciates its employees, associates, graduates, students, its reputation and respects all the rights and freedoms arising from the principles of academic education. The artistic, pedagogical and scientific potential of JAMU teachers guarantees not only the quality of education (acquiring knowledge and skills, developing students' abilities and talents), but also educating students in the spirit of the right to free creation, education for responsibility and respect for professional ethics, awareness of the social mission and the importance of art. The exclusive position of JAMU is due to the fact that it is the only higher arts education institution providing education in all fields of the Dramatic Arts and Music Art degree programmes in a three-tier system of study in Moravia and one of two such institutions in the Czech Republic. JAMU is responsible for developing the tradition of higher arts education in the Czech Republic through its educational, creative and related activities. JAMU is a bearer of aesthetic and ethical values and is able to pass it on to all who are willing to listen. The main role of JAMU is education in the field of arts through accredited degree programmes in Music arts, Dramatic Arts and Dance Arts. JAMU participates in the formation of standards of artistic education in the Czech and international environment. It also actively participates in scientific, research and development processes. 6/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 JAMU develops the artistic talent of students who have undergone a demanding admission procedure. It uniquely combines artistic education, artistic creation (through the work of its teachers in the artistic sphere and through the creative work of its students) and research in art and through art. 7/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Art is one of the important parts of life of every society. The artistic, pedagogical and scientific potential of JAMU academic community guarantees not only the quality of education (acquiring knowledge and skills, developing students' abilities and talents), but also educating students in the spirit of the right to free creation, education for responsibility and respect for professional ethics. In addition to education and artistic and other creative activities, equally important role of JAMU is its direct social influence. JAMU contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and values in the society in many different ways and itself carries out professional activities in its scope of influence. Together with other personalities and partners, it creates space for public discussion and contributes significantly to its openness, criticality, expertise and refinement. Verification - JAMU Strategic Intent (JAMU Long-term intent for the period 2016–2020) - Statute of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno - Curricula of the existing fields of study at JAMU Evaluation JAMU has set a long-term and targeted focus both in the area of educational activities and creative (artistic and scientific) activities with a clear overlap to the area of arts and culture and other spheres of social life in the region within the Czech Republic, as well as overlapping abroad. 8/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Scope of activity of the JAMU bodies JAMU BODIES JAMU MANAGEMENT Rector Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. Pro-Rectors Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek – Pro-Rector for study, pedagogical and artistic activities (statutory deputy rector) Doc. Mgr Richard Fajnor – Pro-Rector for international relations and quality assurance and evaluation Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk – Pro-Rector for science, research, strategy and development Quaestor JUDr Lenka Valová ACADEMIC SENATE OF JAMU Teachers Prof. PhDr Silva Macková – the Chairwoman Doc. PhDr Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. – the Vice-Chairwoman Doc. Mgr Hana Halberstadt Doc. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. Prof. MgA. Martin Opršál Doc. MgA. Lukáš Rieger, Ph.D. Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka MgA. Petra Vodičková, Ph.D. Students MgA. Jonáš Konývka – the Secretary Stanislav Čaban BcA. Ivana Pavlů, DiS. Gabriela Vojtičková, DiS ARTS COUNCIL OF JAMU Prof. PhDr Jindřiška Bártová Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek Prof. Mgr František Derfler Doc. Mgr Pavel Drábek, Ph.D. (FF MU Brno)* Doc. Mgr Richard Fajnor Prof. PhDr Leoš Faltus Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Prof. Alois Hajda* Prof. Mgr Miloslav Klíma (DAMU Praha)* 9/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk Prof. MgA. Václav Kunt Doc. Juraj Letenay (VŠMU Bratislava)* Prof. PhDr Zuzana Martináková, Ph.D. (HUAJA Banská Štiavnica)* Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. Prof. MgA. František Novotný Prof. Petr Oslzlý Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Prof. PhDr Antonín Přidal (until 6 Feb 2017) Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka Doc. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. Prof. Adolf Sýkora Prof. PhDr Miloš Štědroň, CSc. (FF MU Brno)* Prof. Alena Štěpánková-Veselá* Mgr Miloš Vacek Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. Mgr Bohuš Zoubek (Brno Philharmonic)* (until 17 Sep 2017) Prof. Mgr MgA. Vít Zouhar, Ph.D. (UP Olomouc) *external members ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OF JAMU Mgr Václav Božek, CSc., Councillor of the South Moravian Region, Brno Ac. arch. Daniel Dvořák, Scenographer Ing. Jiří Kadrnka, Managing director of Moss logistics s. r. o. MgA. David Mareček, Ph.D., General Director of the Czech Philharmonic Prague ThDr. Ing. Lukáš Evžen Martinec, OSA, Roman Catholic priest Jiří Morávek, General Director of SNIP&CO, Brno Mgr. Stanislav Moša, Director of the Brno City Theatre Mgr. Jiří Nantl, LL.M, Operational director of CEITEC of the Masaryk University Brno Boleslav Polívka, actor, Director of the Bolek Polívka Theatre Mgr Zdeněk Prokeš, the National Theatre Prague Ing. Jana Říhová, Director of Department of Higher Education and Research Support, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Prague Ing. Martin Slezák, Deputy Director of ČNB Brno Ing. Michal Štefl, Vice President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia Prof. MVDr Vladimír Večerek, CSc., Pro Rector of Strategy and Development of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno BODIES OF JAMU THEATRE FACULTY (DF JAMU) MANAGEMENT OF DF JAMU Dean Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Pro-Deans Prof. MgA. Ivo Krobot – Artistic activity 10/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Doc. Ing. David Strnad – Study Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková – Development Doc. MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. – Research Secretary MgA. Ondřej Vodička 11/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 ACADEMIC SENATE OF DF JAMU Teachers Doc. MgA. Lukáš Rieger, Ph.D. Mgr Igor Dostálek Doc. Mgr Hana Halberstadt MgA. Jonáš Konývka Prof. PhDr. Miroslav Plešák Mgr Petr Svozílek Students Adam Steinbauer Stanislav Čaban Petr Theodor Pidrman ARTS COUNCIL OF DF JAMU (until 25 Jan 2017) Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek Prof. Mgr František Derfler Prof. Mgr Jan Gogola Prof. Alois Hajda (Professor emeritus of JAMU) Doc. Mgr Jan Hančil (external, AMU Praha) Doc. MgA. Jana Janíková, ArtD. (external, UTB Zlín) Prof. Mgr Miloslav Klíma (external, DAMU Praha) Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk Prof. MgA. Ivo Krobot Prof. PhDr Tatjana Lazorčáková, Ph.D. (external, UP Olomouc) Doc. Juraj Letenay (external, VŠMU Bratislava) Prof. PhDr Silva Macková Prof. Mgr Zoja Mikotová Mgr Art. Peter Mikulík (external, VŠMU Bratislava) Mgr Stanislav Moša (external, MdB) Prof. Petr Oslzlý Prof. PhDr Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D. Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Doc. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. MgA. et Mgr Doubravka Svobodová (external, DAMU Praha) Prof. Pavel Švanda (Professor emeritus of JAMU) Prof. Mgr. Ján Zavarský ARTS COUNCIL OF DF JAMU (from 25 Jan 2017) Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek Prof. Mgr František Derfler Prof. Mgr Jan Gogola Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Mgr Martin Františák MgA. Martin Glaser 12/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Doc. Mgr Jan Hančil (external, AMU Praha) Doc. MgA. Jana Janíková, ArtD. (external, UTB Zlín) Prof. Mgr Miloslav Klíma (external, DAMU Praha) 13/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk Prof. MgA. Ivo Krobot Prof. PhDr Tatjana Lazorčáková, Ph.D. (external, UP Olomouc) Doc. Juraj Letenay (external, VŠMU Bratislava) Prof. PhDr Silva Macková Prof. Mgr Zoja Mikotová Mgr Art Peter Mikulík (external, VŠMU Bratislava) Mgr Stanislav Moša (external, MdB) Prof. Petr Oslzlý Prof. PhDr Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D. Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Doc. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. MgA. et Mgr Doubravka Svobodová (external, DAMU Praha) Prof. Pavel Švanda (Professor emeritus of JAMU) Prof. Mgr Ján Zavarský *external members BODIES OF JAMU MUSIC FACULTY (HF JAMU) MANAGEMENT OF HF JAMU Dean Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš Pro-Deans: Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová – Study and pedagogical activity Doc. Jurij Likin – Foreign relations Doc. MgA. Mgr. Monika Holá, Ph.D. – Science, research and dislocation (until 1 Oct 2017) Mgr Petr Lyko, Ph.D. – Science, research and dislocation (from 1 Oct 2017) Mgr Jan Přibil, DiS. – Quality assurance system for educational, creative and related activities Secretary: Ing. Jana Vondráčková ACADEMIC SENATE OF HF JAMU Teachers: Doc. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. – Chairman Prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek MgA. Ivana Mikesková, Ph.D. Doc. Mgr Roman Novozámský Doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. Mgr. Helena Weiser Students: BcA. Ivana Pavlů, DiS. – Vice-Chairwoman MgA. Martin Hroch MgA. Jiří Najvar, DiS. 14/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 ARTS COUNCIL OF HF JAMU Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš prof. PhDr. Jindřiška Bártová Prof. PhDr Leoš Faltus Prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek Prof. MgA. Václav Kunt Prof. Ing. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. Prof. MgA. Martin Opršál Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. Prof. Mgr Jan Zbavitel Doc. MgA. Ing. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová Doc. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka Doc. MgA. Zdeněk Šmukař Mgr. Juraj Bartoš Doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. External members: Prof. Vlastimil Mareš (HAMU Praha) Prof. PhDr Miloš Štědroň, CSc. (FF MU Brno) Prof. PhDr Vladimír Tichý, CSc. (HAMU Praha) Prof. Alena Štěpánková-Veselá (Professor emeritus of HF JAMU) Doc. PhDr Jiří Zahrádka, Ph.D. (FF MU Brno) Mgr Marie Gajdošová (Brno Philharmonic) Mgr Pavel Maňásek (Director of Brno Conservatoire) MgA. David Mareček, Ph.D. (Director of Czech Philharmonic Prague) Verification - Internal regulations of JAMU - Internal regulations of DF JAMU and HF JAMU - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 Evaluation The scope of activity, competences and responsibilities of the bodies of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno for activities and actions concerning the development and realization of degree programmes including their evaluation by the higher education institution are defined in the JAMU internal regulations. Definitions are functional and the division of competences, powers and responsibilities of the institution’s bodies and components concerning the development and realization of degree programmes form a functional whole. Positions of members of the academic community, including students, are defined by JAMU internal regulations. The involvement of students in the operation of bodies of the institution’s components is functional. 15/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 NOTE: The following text evaluates the activities of JAMU as a whole, i.e. both of its faculties. If faculties apply a different approach mainly due to the specifics of the studied arts and their disciplines or fields, each faculty is described separately. 16/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Internal quality assurance system Defining competencies and responsibilities for quality The internal quality assurance and assessment system is being built at JAMU on a continuous basis by gradually introducing individual elements to form a set of interdependent principles, rules and procedures that aim at achieving excellence and continually improving activities of JAMU in the areas of education, art, research and related activities. At all levels of JAMU management, competencies and responsibilities are defined for the quality of educational, creative and related activities to form a functional whole. The quality assurance and assessment system covers all areas envisaged by the Higher Education Act, the Government Regulation on standards for accreditation in higher education, quality assurance directives in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the JAMU internal regulations In 2017, all internal regulations of JAMU were created and approved and internal regulations of faculties were prepared. Positions of staff members responsible for the area of internal quality assessment and assurance have been established at both faculties and in the JAMU management; training of these workers and other academic staff involved in assessing and assuring the quality of educational and other related activities has been carried out. On the basis of the new JAMU Statute, the JAMU Internal Evaluation Board will be established in 2018. Proposals for the composition of the Board were in accordance with the Higher Education Act submitted to the Rector of JAMU by the JAMU Arts Council and the JAMU Academic Senate. Standards for accreditation of arts degree programmes have been completed (Educational area 31: Arts; Thematic ranges: Theatre art; Music art; Dance art and Television art). In line with the JAMU's mission statement, the quality assurance system puts emphasis on educational activities. Teaching in arts degree programmes is closely connected with creative activity. It is both its content and objective. Quality indicators are, in particular, the artistic outputs of teaching as results of learning. Music and dramatic arts are not defined as a fixed and unchanging system of knowledge and skills. Respect for plurality, diversity and dynamism is a prerequisite for free artistic creation and unrestricted development of students’ talents. The field of education and artistic creation is found in a space between classical and traditional methods on the one hand and constant experimentation and updating in search of new forms on the other. Arts education is characterized especially by the form of individual teaching based on a personal relationship between a teacher and student, or in small groups of students. Given these specifics, it is not possible to use quantitative methods of evaluation at JAMU, but rather qualitative methods and, above all, evaluation of creative outputs of teaching as an indicator of the quality of educational activities that preceded them. Quality assurance subject matter and criteria for process evaluation at JAMU: Educational activity: - Degree programmes: - Consistency of the JAMU mission statement with targeting of degree programmes and strategic planning - Setting educational and creative processes - Admission to study and study conditions - Lifelong learning programmes Creative activity: - Artistic activity and individual student development - Research and scientific activities and editorial activities Related activities: 17/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Staffing of degree programmes: - Staff competences and development - Mobility of students and staff - Material and spatial provision of degree programmes and support for student life: - Individual student development - Library and information services - Material and technical support - Setting organizational and decision-making processes - Social responsibility of the university: - Systematic development of the third role of university and its activities in the region - Consulting services JAMU gradually creates a System of internal assurance and assessment of quality of educational, creative and related activities of JAMU, which will be reviewed during 2018 and finalized, based on experience. The System will fully respect the specifics of both types of arts taught at JAMU and both faculties have the opportunity to create their own concept within the System. Processes of preparation and modification of degree programmes Existing fields of study at JAMU DF JAMU Field of Study Bc. 3-year Mg. follow-up 2-year Mg. follow-up 3-year Mg. 4-year Mg. 5-year Ph.D. 4-year Dramatic Arts Audiovisual Creation and Theatre 31.7.2022 31.7.2022 Dramatic Acting 31.5.2020 Drama Directing 31.5.2020 1.3.2022 Theatre Dramaturgy 31.5.2020 1.3.2022 Theatre Management focusing on: Production Management Stage Management and Technology 31.5.2020 31.8.2019 Drama in Education (P, K) Theatre and Education (P, K) 31.8.2019 31.8.2019 Physical Theatre 31.5.2023 Musical Acting 31.5.2020 18/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Radio and Television Dramaturgy and Screenwriting 31.5.2020 31.8.2019 Scenography 31.5.2020 1.3.2022 Light Design 31.8.2019 Dance and Movement Theatre and Education (K) 31.8.2019 31.8.2019 Educational Drama for the Deaf 31.12.202 0 (P) 31.8.2019 (P,K) Dramatic Arts 31.3.2024 (P,K) Dance Art Dance Pedagogy 31.10.201 9 HF JAMU Field of Study Bc. 3-year Mg. follow-up 2-year Ph.D. 3-year Ph.D. 4-year Music Art Orchestral Conducting (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Choral Conducting (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Spiritual Music (N) 31.5.2020 Historical Interpretation 31.7.2020 31.7.2020 Percussion Instruments Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Bassoon Playing (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Flute Playing (A) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Oboe Playing (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Violin Playing (A,N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Clarinet Playing (A – Mg. follow-up) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Piano Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 19/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Piano Playing and Piano Pedagogy 31.7.2022 Double Bass Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Guitar Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 French Horn Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Trombone Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Trumpet Playing (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Tuba playing 31.7.2022 31.7.2018 Organ Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Cello Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Viola Playing (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Music Management 31.5.2020 31.10.201 8 31.8.2019 Music Production 31.7.2022 1.11.2019 Interpretation and Theory of Interpretation 31.3.2021 Jazz Interpretation (A-Bc.) 31.7.2022 31.7.2020 Piano Pedagogy (K) 31.7.2022 Composition (A, N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Composition and Theory of Composition 31.3.2021 Multimedia Composition 31.7.2022 31.8.2019 Opera Direction (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Singing (N) 31.5.2020 31.3.2022 Based on the changes brought by the amendment to the Higher Education Act to the degree programmes and on the basis of discussions held at both JAMU faculties across fields of study, departments and ateliers in 2016, draft degree programmes were created with specializations and guarantors of these programmes. 20/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Plan of JAMU degree programmes and their specializations DF JAMU Area of Education Typical Degree Programme Thematic Area Degree Programme Specialization Degree Programme Guarantors ARTS Dramatic arts Theatre art Direction and dramaturgy Direction Doc. Zbyněk SrbaDramaturgy Theatre art Acting Dramatic acting Doc. Igor Dostálek Musical acting Physical theatre Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. Marie Jirásková Light design Theatre art Radio art Television art Audiovisual art Dramatic production and media Audiovisual production and theatre Doc. Petr FrancánRadio and television dramaturgy and scriptwriting Theatre art Organization and management of artistic practice Theatrical production and stage technology Theatrical production Doc. Blanka Chládková Stage management and technology Theatre art Dance art Pedagogy and didactics of the arts Theatre and education Theatre and education Prof. Veronika Broulíková Theatre and education for the deaf Dance and movement theatre and education HF JAMU creates degree programmes gradually in accordance with the faculty's intention to submit applications for accreditation and in accordance with the project OP RDE – CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002245 Improving the quality of education at JAMU. The Theatre Faculty (DF) has prepared the Application for Accreditation of the following degree programmes and their specializations: Area of Education Typical Degree Thematic Area Degree Programme Specialization Degree Programme 21/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Programme Guarantors ARTS Dramatic arts Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. Marie Jirásková Light design Theatre art Radio art Television art Audio visual art Audio vision Audio visual creation and theatre Doc. Petr FrancánRadio and television dramaturgy and screenwriting Theatre art Organization and management of artistic practice Theatre management Theatrical production Doc. Blanka Chládková Stage management and technology 22/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The Music Faculty (HF) of JAMU prepares the Application for Accreditation of the following degree programmes and their specializations: Area of Education Typical Degree Programme Thematic Area Degree Programme Specialization Degree Programme Guarantors Arts Music art Music art Theatre art Organization and management of artistic practice Music production Scenography MgA. Ing. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D.Light design Music art Conducting and opera Orchestral conducting Doc. Mgr. MgA. Monika Holá Choral conducting Singing Opera direction Music art Flute playing Oboe playing Clarinet playing Bassoon playing French horn playing Trumpet playing Trombone playing Tuba playing Prof. Milan Polák Music art Multimedia creation Composition Composition Doc. Mgr. Ing. MgA. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D.Multimedia composition Music art Historical interpretation Accreditation in English as a joint programme with the Hague University Prof. Barbara Willi, Ph.D. The preparation of documents for accreditation is administered by pro-deans responsible for study issues, doc. Jana Goliášová (HF JAMU) and doc. Ing. David Strnad (DF JAMU) in cooperation with the newly nominated degree programme guarantors, heads of relevant departments and ateliers and individual teachers. The first application for accreditation will be submitted to the National Accreditation Bureau in the period of January-February 2018. JAMU has been involved in a discussion of procedural issues related to the transition from study fields to degree programmes with specializations, particularly in addressing the problem of completion of studies of existing students in the present fields of study. Principles and system of recognition of foreign education for admission to study 23/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Recognition of foreign education for persons admitted to study is governed by Section 48 (4) to (7) of the Higher Education Act and Section 52 of the Study and Examination Code of JAMU. The condition for admission to study is the successful completion of a talent test. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, new internal regulations of JAMU were created in 2017. The conditions for admission to the study of foreign students have been laid down in the Statute of JAMU in Article 47 of Part Five. Verification: - Statute of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno Evaluation: JAMU has established the conditions for recognition of studies abroad and the conditions for admission of foreign students. Qualification work guidance Due to the specifics of the studied art, the faculties of JAMU have their own rules for guiding the qualification theses and dissertations and performances of graduate students. DF JAMU The absolutorium at DF JAMU includes a bachelor’s thesis and bachelor’s degree graduate performance at the bachelor’s degree level, a master's thesis and a master's graduate performance at the master’s degree level and a doctoral dissertation at the doctor’s degree level. These are two completely different types of qualification works. By writing a thesis or dissertation, students demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities to theoretically reflect the process of creation and put the acquired knowledge into a wider theoretical and historical context. By their graduate performance they demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of creating an artistic, artistic-managerial or artistic-pedagogical work and the ability to present this work to a wider public. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, teachers of relevant degree programmes having a corresponding degree of education with specialization in theoretical teaching or practical work are entrusted with guiding these qualification works. However, in the personalities of key teachers at DF JAMU, both competencies meet. To evaluate the written qualification works, a model of evaluation was created, which teachers (supervisors and opponents of theses/dissertations) can use: Criteria for assessing a bachelor’s thesis: 1. Choice of problem with respect to the topic and fulfilment of set goals. The student's ability to formulate his/her own conclusions and interpret the results of his/her work. 2. The ability of the author to work with professional literature and to reflect own experience as collected, classified and interpreted work material; ability of the author to apply the knowledge gained in studying. 3. Fulfilment of formal requirements for the elaboration of a thesis in terms of stylistics, grammar, graphic layout and structure, i.e. whether the individual parts of the thesis, their scope, content and arrangement including the appendix apparatus are adequate to the key question of the work (minimum scope of the work set by the atelier's diploma seminar). 4. What is the main value of the work and contribution to the field of study or degree programme and what is its further theoretical or practical use. Criteria for assessing a master’s thesis: 1. Choice of problem with respect to the topic and fulfilment of set goals. The student's ability to solve the chosen problem and defend his/her own approach to the solution. 24/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 2. The ability of the author to solve the problem through deeper study of professional literature and through empirical or other research (ability to formulate hypotheses, to discuss professional sources within individual chapters, to prepare partial conclusions, etc.). 3. Fulfilment of formal requirements for the elaboration of a thesis in terms of stylistics, grammar, graphic layout and structure, i.e. whether the individual parts of the thesis, their scope, content and arrangement including the appendix apparatus are adequate to the key question of the work (minimum scope of the work set by the atelier's diploma seminar). 4. What is the main value of the work and contribution to the field of study or degree programme and what is its further theoretical or practical use. 25/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Summary evaluation: Content of the work * Corresponds with the title of work Corresponds, with a comment Corresponds, with a reservation Does not correspond with the title of work Structure of the work* Meets the requirements Meets, with a comment Meets, with a reservation Does not meet the requirements Methodology of the work* Excellent Very good Good Unsatisfactory Author's ability to formulate own conclusions and use knowledge and experience from the surroundings* Excellent Very good Good Unsatisfactory Quotations in the work * Meets the requirements Meets, with a comment Meets, with a reservation Does not meet the requirements Appendices to the work* Appropriately complement the topic Do not relate to the topic Are not appropriate for the topic Are not mentioned in the thesis List of literature* Corresponds with the topic Corresponds, with a comment Corresponds, with a reservation Does not correspond with the topic Number of pages of the work* Meets the requirements Meets, with a comment Meets, with a reservation Does not meet the requirements Benefits of the work for the discipline or practice* Highly beneficial work Beneficial work Standardly beneficial work Benefits cannot be defined Classification proposal* A B C D E F 90 - 100 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 50 – 59 0 – 49 Recommendation for the defence* I recommend and suggest the classification as follows: I do not recommend Evaluation of the graduate performance is part of the absolutorium in all degree programmes at DF JAMU. Each degree programme and its specializations have a defined type of project depending on the studied artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical profession and the requirements for professional knowledge, skills and competencies that the student is supposed to demonstrate by his/her performance. Based on the assessment of the performance by the opponent and the committee in defence of the performance at the final state examination the student is/is not awarded absolutorium (certificate of completion). HF JAMU The absolutorium at HF JAMU includes a bachelor’s thesis and realization of a bachelor’s degree graduate performance (in the form of a graduate concert, presentation of own work, production of an artistic project, performance of an opera role) at the bachelor’s degree level, a master's thesis and a master's graduate performance (in the form of a graduate concert, presentation of own work, production of an artistic project, performance of an opera role) at the master’s degree level and a doctoral dissertation and an artistic performance in a scope comparable to an all-evening artistic production in interpretation specializations at the doctor’s degree level. These are two completely different types of qualification works. The assessment and defence then take place within the final state examination. These are two 26/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 completely different types of qualification performances. By writing a thesis or dissertation, students demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities to theoretically reflect the investigated phenomenon or problem and put the acquired knowledge into a wider theoretical and historical context. By their graduate performance they demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills (or competencies in a broader sense) in the process of creating an artistic, artistic-managerial or artistic-pedagogical work and the ability to present this work to a wider public. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, teachers of relevant degree programmes having a corresponding degree of education with specialization in theoretical teaching or practical work are entrusted with guiding these qualification works. A model for assessment and opponent proceedings has been created for the evaluation of written qualification works. HF uses formalized assessments for this purpose. Criteria for assessing the bachelor's and master's thesis: The work is evaluated and classified: From the point of view of content intent, fulfilment of assignment and processing of prescribed literature From the point of view of language accuracy (grammar and other language mistakes) From the point of view of formalization requirements, required scope, adherence to citation standards, references and bibliography Comments, suggestions, questions for debate Verification - Qualification works published in the JAMU Information System (IS), assessments by supervisors and opponents Evaluation Both JAMU faculties have adopted sufficiently effective measures to guarantee the quality of qualification works in a long term and systematically pay attention to assessing and evaluating the quality of the defended final qualification works. Under their rules, faculties set requirements for the guidance of these works and qualification requirements for supervisors, consultants and trainers of qualification works. In 2018, new internal regulations will be created at both faculties, specifically regulations providing for the framework for qualification works and templates for qualification works. For theoretical bachelor’s and master’s theses or doctoral dissertations, the SW Theses is consistently used to check the content for originality and adherence to quotation regulations. The program can be used by students at any stage of the work preparation; its use by supervisors and opponents of the works is compulsory. This application is fully integrated in the electronic information system of JAMU. The criteria for evaluating graduate performances will be precisely defined in the JAMU's System of internal assurance and assessment of quality of educational, creative and other related activities. Feedback processes in quality assessment The framework for the assurance and internal evaluation of quality of educational and creative activities is laid down in the JAMU’s internal regulation ‘Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Quality Evaluation of Educational, Creative and Related Activities’. In 2018, the Quality Assurance and Evaluation System for Educational, Creative and Related Activities will be created at JAMU. Substantial and irreplaceable function in the evaluation activities has the Academic Senate of JAMU and the Arts Council of JAMU as well as senates and arts councils of faculties. JAMU is actively involved in a 27/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 systematic development and use of the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV), which is an important tool for recording the extent and significance of artistic creative activity at universities in the Czech Republic, and thus an appropriate form of evaluation of the activities of both faculties and their teachers. DF JAMU Most teaching at DF JAMU leads to the creative outputs being presented either internally within the faculty or to the wider public. The quality of creative outputs of teaching is considered to be an indicator of quality of the educational process that preceded these outputs. Therefore, their evaluation is at the same time the evaluation of teaching. Traditional evaluation methods, such as discussions on realized projects and stagings, are used to assess the quality of education. The measure of the quality of education is also the public's response to the outputs of artistic creation presented at the Marta Studio Theatre, Orlí Street Theatre1 , within the international festival SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER, Sítko festival of the Theatre and Education Atelier and regional and national presentations of DF JAMU projects. A unique measure of the quality of education for the arts high schools is also the public acceptance of the presented outputs, as well as reviews and write-ups of theatre publicists and the professional public in general. Students' evaluation of the quality of teaching takes place at the level of discussions with teachers and heads of ateliers. Students are systematically led to open dialogue with teachers. Substantial and irreplaceable function in the evaluation activities has the Academic Senate and the Arts Council of DF JAMU. DF JAMU participates in the project of the Register of Artistic Outputs, which it considers, among other things, to be a quantified form of evaluation of activities of the Faculty and its teachers. In 2017, the first attempt was made to capture the principles of assuring and assessing the quality of educational and creative activities in the ‘Methodology of assuring and assessing the quality of educational activities at the Theatre Faculty of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno’. We consider this attempt to be a starting point for the creation of the System of internal assurance and assessment of quality of educational activities at JAMU. HF JAMU Educational processes and teaching at JAMU lead to the production of creative outputs. Then, at HF, the presentation of these results leads to their public realization. The quality of creative outputs of teaching is considered to be an indicator of quality of the educational process that preceded these outputs. Therefore, their evaluation is at the same time the evaluation of teaching. Traditional evaluation methods, such as discussions on realized concerts, stagings, scenic projects and other realizations are used to assess the quality of education. A unique measure of the quality of education for the arts high schools is also the public acceptance of the presented outputs, as well as reviews and write-ups of theatre publicists and the professional public in general. Students' evaluation of the quality of teaching takes place at the level of discussions with teachers and heads of departments, alternatively in the form of surveys or questionnaires. Verification - JAMU Internal regulation Rules for assuring and evaluating quality of educational, creative and related activities of JAMU - JAMU Internal regulation Quality Council Rules of Procedure - Minutes of the meetings of Collegia of Deans and the Rector's Collegium - Minutes of the meetings of teachers of DF JAMU - Minutes of the meetings of DF management with heads of the ateliers 1 DF stagings in both theatres are evaluated by doctoral students in open discussions. 28/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Minutes of the meetings of HF management with heads of the departments DF JAMU The system for evaluating quality of educational and creative activities of DF JAMU is based on continuous evaluation at the level of fields of study - evaluation of creative outputs of teaching. At the same time, it represents the evaluation of individual study courses that present the output of teaching. For each course, the type of output, participants in the presentation and the output evaluators will be characterized in the description of the System of Internal Assurance and Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities. Basically, these are outputs presented within the DF (the participants in the presentation are teachers and students of the atelier, of the field, of DF) or a wider public (invited audience, school classes, audience in the school theatres, subscribers). The process of continuous evaluation of quality of educational activities takes place at the level of individual fields of study or individual levels of study or years. Ateliers keep documentation of it. HF JAMU Assuring and evaluating quality of educational, creative and related activities at HF JAMU relies on feedback processes, in particular inquiries and quantitative and qualitative surveys. These processes involve, on a representative basis, academic community, students, relevant professional chambers, fieldspecific associations or employers' organizations or other practitioners, taking account of the types and possible profiles of the degree programmes. Until now, individual departments of HF have undergone a traditional questionnaire survey. Monitoring success rates of study applicants, students and the graduates' employability The contact between teachers and students is very close; teachers are informed about the students’ study, creative activities and about possible study as well as personal problems. Every case where there is a risk of unsuccessfulness caused by extraordinary circumstances (health, social situation, etc.) is dealt with individually by the Dean's Collegium at the initiative of the Head of Department (HF) or Head of the Atelier (DF) so that the reasons for leaving the study are minimized and the student will continue studying. The employability of JAMU graduates depends on many factors, especially on the ability of the graduate himself/herself to become established in a professional environment and on the momentary demand from cultural institutions. Admitted applicants are not guaranteed any direct link between the profession being studied and a definite career. Even after graduation, departments and ateliers remain in contact with their graduates. Most of the graduates with whom they are in contact are currently receiving income from their main employment or self-employment, and their work is done in their field of study or relates to it. Arts education enables students to become creative art professionals. Students learn to develop the necessary imaginative, intellectual, theoretical and practical skills and dexterity to equip them for further personal development and professional career in arts. Students are required to become actively involved in their own education and to specify their own practical, theoretical and research spheres, including the relevant professional skills necessary for this practice. The PhD study builds on the issues of professional knowledge, deepens them, and consequently enables to complete the study of issues learnt through own artistic and creative work by systematic and focused theoretical and practical examination, generalization and written reflection. Skills include the ability to use the procedures of research, artistic and creative activities to evaluate the latest findings in dramatic and music arts. The graduates, equipped with this knowledge, skills and competencies, find their employment in artistic ensembles and institutions (orchestras, theatres, television, radio, film, schools with art disciplines, etc.); many of them act as freelance artists. Already during the course of their study, students' artistic outputs are regularly evaluated in the form of public presentations and the main competencies of graduates include the ability to cooperate and agree in the process of creation. 29/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 After completing their studies, career paths open up to graduates corresponding to their studied field or other jobs in music, theatre, radio, audiovisual production, multimedia and arts and culture in general. The so-called transferable skills that students acquire during studying are serious and appreciated in a number of other working contexts, especially in the creatively entrepreneurial and managerial contexts. Verification - Database of JAMU graduates Evaluation DF JAMU DF JAMU uses all opportunities to find out how the graduates get established in practice. In 2015, the Alumni Gathering was held at DF JAMU on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the restoration of the Theatre Faculty, attended by 365 graduates. During the gathering, contacts to graduates were updated and graduates were also asked to fill in a questionnaire on the site or later in electronic form. In connection with the Alumni Gathering, an overview was made of the most important awards and achievements of graduates, students and teachers of the Faculty over the recent years2 . A similar gathering took place in 2017 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of JAMU's foundation and was also used to establish further contacts with graduates and informally find out more about their career. Other platforms for meeting graduates include important events organized by the faculty: the international festival of theatre schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER, festival of authorial plays Salon of Original Creation, festival Sítko of the Theatre and Education atelier, graduate festivals and more. HF JAMU Setting of indicators in the field of educational and creative activities, through which HF JAMU monitors the success rate in admission procedure, study failure in a degree programme, the rate of duly completed study in a degree programme and the employability of graduates is recorded and corrected for the time being through teachers, particularly at the level of very strong informal personal ties in the study courses of the main subject. Even after graduation, intensive personal ties between the students and teachers remain decisive. On the basis of these records, the faculty can state that almost all graduates will find employment in the field after graduation. They are regularly successful in auditions for orchestras, opera stages, cultural and educational institutions. It is also a common practice to actively involve graduates in setting up their own artistic bodies or agencies. Most of the graduates with whom the teachers are in contact are currently receiving income from their main employment or self-employment and their work is carried out in the field of study or relates to it. Educational and creative activities International dimension and application of the contemporary state of knowledge 2 Based on the questionnaire, it was found that the vast majority (87.8 %) of respondents currently have an income from their main employment or self-employment. In addition, 90.7 % said that their work is in their field of study or relates to it. Respondents most strongly recommended to the faculty an even greater link between students and practice and practical skills that they think are the most valuable in practice. 30/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The spectrum of approaches to arts education is based on a number of period and territorial professional traditions of artistic skill, internationally proven knowledge of current strategies of artistic expression, and implies self-expression into an academic tradition based on controlled study with an emphasis on developing intellectual skills and individual competencies. Artistic disciplines do not represent any stable or solid set of knowledge and skills; they continuously rebuild and redefine themselves upon changing social, ethical and artistic values. The dynamic nature of this cultural practice is inevitably reflected in the methods, procedures, disciplines and areas of study. Through the processes of research, creation, reflection and permanent evaluation, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies takes place. Hence, the higher arts schools are institutions that provide the highest grade of academic education in arts degree programmes at all their workplaces, with an emphasis on high level of professional qualification of graduates in all three levels of study. DF JAMU DF JAMU creates an environment for realization of international contacts in creative, educational and scientific activities in order to present its outputs and projects, but also to gain new impulses, information and approaches to enrich and innovate its programme, disciplines and courses. Teaching at DF JAMU is regularly complemented by visiting foreign teachers (creative workshops, stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and at the Orlí Street Theatre - direction, scenography). This leads to a direct confrontation of professional practices and approach to our and foreign works, which are reflected directly in the content of study and in the creative activities of DF JAMU, but with full awareness of national cultural traditions and the specific social context of artistic creation. DF JAMU organizes three major international events, the International Conference of Doctoral Studies, the International Scientific Conference and the International Festival of Theatre Schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER. HF JAMU Procedures in the area of music art are subject to permanent comparison with the practice of organizing and performing concerts, performances and other scenic and multimedia projects, as well as benchmarking with similar trends abroad, for example, the rich participation of students in international competitions and international interpretation courses and workshops. The HF artistic production programme and constant contact with audience is ideal for realizing international contacts in the area of creative, educational and scientific activities. That is, not only for expanding the range of presentations of its outputs and projects, but also for gaining new impulses, information and approaches for enriching and innovating its creative and educational programme, structure and varied composition of courses. The composition of lecturers and personalities at HF is regularly complemented by visiting foreign teachers (creative workshops, master classes or opera stagings at the Orlí Street Theatre). Teachers and students of HF participate in foreign stays and placements at partner institutions (Erasmus Programme, etc.). This leads to a direct confrontation of approaches within the framework of educational and creative activities and to the reciprocal enrichment or refining contemporary state of knowledge. In order to develop its degree programmes, HF JAMU organizes major international events, such as the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno, the International Interpretation Courses and the International Festival New Music Encounters Plus, which significantly expands the range of similar events in the Czech Republic and participates directly in the current state of knowledge on a European scale. Verification 31/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - JAMU Strategic Intent (JAMU Long-term Intent for the period 2016–2020), Strategic Intents of both faculties - Plan of Implementation of the Strategic Intent for 2017, Plans for Implementation of Strategic Intents of both faculties - Project in OP RDE (Operational Programme for Research, Development and Education): Improving the quality of education at JAMU, No: CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002245 - Plans of seasons and repertoires of both JAMU theatres Evaluation The educational and creative activities of JAMU are backed up by regular comparisons with current events in the area of contemporary art production in a broader context. Many results have an international character, taking into account the type and profile of degree programmes. Activities are also carried out with the help of foreign mobility of both students and academic workers. JAMU tries to use numerous short-term and project activities to strengthen the internationalization strategy of programme development. The importance of this area is evidenced by the regularly implemented Centralized Development Project in the field of internationalization, including the standard process of its evaluation. Both faculties try to support the development of their environment and prepare new courses taught in foreign languages to be included in their curricula. This can contribute to the definitive launch of accredited degree programmes in foreign languages. International events organized by JAMU faculties, both regular and one-time, are of great importance. Cooperation with practice in implementing degree programmes JAMU carries out creative activities as an integral part of teaching and the students' own creative activities under the guidance of teachers are the basis of university education of this type in the region where it is established. High-quality artistic activity of teachers is one of the important conditions and prerequisites for their successful pedagogical work in arts disciplines. Own creative experience and knowledge are irreplaceable in recognizing and developing students' talent. The art achievements of JAMU teachers in other art institutions are recorded annually in the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV). Through the work of teachers directly in the professional sphere, contacts with cultural institutions are established which bring immediate findings of contemporary artistic practice to the faculties and relevant degree programmes, and also enable students to undertake professionally oriented placements. JAMU therefore acts as an artistic centre at its place of operation. Thanks to the necessary regular and institutional cooperation with the professional sphere, it fulfils the role of a cultural ambassador in the region and in the national context. It significantly enriches the offer of cultural events in the area and influences its further development. The above-mentioned direct dependence of educational processes on programme public presentation of study outputs, which must simulate the professional running of concert, theatre and gallery houses, and is thus a direct competitor of professional artistic operation - all this is no longer sustainable without cooperation and partnership. A good example of this is the participation of the Academy at the Janáček Brno Festival, which is currently organized by the National Theatre Brno and the production of HF JAMU is a regular part of its main programme, or cooperation with professional orchestras, especially in the presentation of contemporary music, and a significant contribution to the organization of festivals such as the Exposition of New Music and the like. Verification 32/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - JAMU Strategic Intent (JAMU Long-term Intent for the period 2016–2020) - Plan of Implementation of the Strategic Intent for 2017 - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 Evaluation JAMU is a school having a nationwide reach and even international overlap in many respects. This applies both to the diversity of students' origins and their activities, as well as to a wide range of professional partners and international contacts, without which it would not be possible to ensure the professional part of graduates’ preparation. In addition, there is of course an important and extensive regional and citylevel cooperation that can be defined at several levels: - International and nation-wide events (especially festivals, seminars, concerts, theatre performances and public space activities), which significantly contribute to the improvement of cultural and artistic programme offer in the region; - A direct cooperation at events held in Brno and within the South Moravian Region and significantly exceeding the national and international context of their impact, such as the Leoš Janáček International Competition, the International Festival SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER, the Festival of Theatre World, International Interpretation Classes, the International Festival of New Music Encounter Plus, TheatreTech and more. Both faculties of JAMU develop cooperation with practice taking into account the types and possible profiles of degree programmes. It includes, in particular, practical education, assignment of bachelor's, master's or dissertation theses, awarding scholarships and involving practitioners in the educational process. There is a close communication between the JAMU management and the city and region management, primarily as a mutual exchange of information and coordination of some activities. These strategic considerations are mostly linked to other Brno universities to achieve a maximum synergy in this area (city + region + higher education institutions). Such a co-operation brings satisfactory results. An integral part of the regional role is the regular repertoire activity of both JAMU faculties in the Orlí Street Theatre and the Marta Studio Theatre as well as their rich concert activity. The public (both urban and regional) has the opportunity to immediately see the creative outputs of teaching, i.e. concerts, theatre performances and other artistic performances and works in a varied offer that significantly complements the cultural offer of the city and the region. Cooperation with practice in creating degree programmes The described principle of linking school with practice through personalities working in both types of art is reflected in the creation of degree programs. On the one hand, the teachers directly bring from practice new knowledge, new procedures and approaches to creation, and on the other hand the feedback provided by the institution to the students' placements is always a reason to intervene in the curricula with the aim of adding to teaching a possibility of acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies whose lack was perceived by the institution as a lack of professional readiness of students. This is done through innovation of existing courses and the inclusion of new ones. At this moment of transition from fields of study to degree programmes and their specializations, the experience gained due to contacts with the professional sphere significantly influences the composition and content of study of the newly conceived degree programmes. 33/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 As the subject of art theories and sciences is the creative activity of a man whose origins go back far into the past, and the contemporary artistic creation is not bounded or predictable in its development, the study is characterized by special demands as it draws on many specific fields and disciplines (history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.). The essence of the requirement for uniqueness of such a way of interpretation and formulation of professional opinion also implies an exclusively individual form of mainly practical but also a large part of theoretical preparation of future artistic personalities. Therefore, at all levels, in addition to the necessary deep practical training, students are encouraged to gain a historical overview and awareness of the broader context, with an emphasis on independent qualified interpretation and an analytical-critical comparison of already closed forms and manifestations of contemporary art and the current state of informed historical interpretation. In the master's degree, these competencies should culminate to achieve a distinctive insight into the subject, with an overlap to other fields and a wider range of artistic disciplines. At the doctoral level, these practices are completed in an individual programme of a professional artist applied in all independent creative and academic activities and in an international context. Verification - Curricula of individual fields published on faculty websites and in the JAMU Information system (IS) Evaluation JAMU communicates with professional chambers, field-specific associations, employers' organizations and other practitioners to determine what are their expectations and requirements for graduates from degree programmes. Also important is the active approach of teachers to cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic by participating in its advisory bodies, roof organizations of the given types of art (e.g. the Czech Music Council) and foundations and endowment funds (e.g. in the form of membership in administrative boards) or strategic partners also at the level of their decision-making bodies (e.g. participation in expert councils and boards, juries of prestigious competitions). In order to further improve this cooperation, it is necessary to improve the coordination of strategies for communication with partners and presentation of outputs of individual components. There is no unified form and style for further building the school's name and brand. Outdated and inefficient tools are used for promotion and more systematic work with partners and media potentials of the faculty is missing. Supporting resources and administration Information system Computer network is available for students, teachers, administrative staff and faculty management. Students have at their disposal computers in the public spaces of the school and others at the relevant departments; appropriate spaces have wireless connection. JAMU uses an electronic information and study system that is continuously updated. 34/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 An infrastructure for teaching and learning is provided (adequate material and technical support, adequate and operational teaching and learning spaces, classrooms, rehearsal rooms, studios, halls and ateliers equipped with technology, technical devices, tools and instrumentation) that corresponds to the type and thematic profile of the art, degree programmes and courses taught and the number of students. The electronic system is used also for asset registration by means of bar code marking. The two faculties are developing a system for recording effective use of tools and instrumentation and the on-line rental system. The JAMU information system is operated and developed by the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. The system was developed and is operated in accordance with the current wording of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions. The system is operated under an outsourcing scheme, i.e. the operation and responsibility for operation is transferred to the provider. MU provides the operation directly in the form of hosting. The system: - Allows administering students with a low number of administrative staff and their increase without increasing the number of these administrative workers - Accentuates the possibilities for a broad academic public to work with it - Offers quality communication and presentation tools and electronic teaching support Verification - JAMU Information system (IS) Evaluation The JAMU has a functional information system and means of communication in place that provide access to accurate and comprehensible information about degree programmes, study rules and study-related requirements, information and counselling services, and systematic organizing of practical graduate and yearly performances and outputs. Libraries and electronic resources The JAMU Library is a specialist library and information centre providing access to information resources (database licenses, audio and audiovisual fund, music collection and professional literature corresponding to the Music, Theatre, Multimedia, Radio, Television Production thematic areas) and creates a necessary information background for studying, creative, artistic-research and scientific-research work also in the field of art. Through its collections and acquisitions it strives to satisfy the needs and focus of all departments and ateliers. The library has books, encyclopaedias, sheet music, CDs and DVDs, LP albums, periodicals and electronic resources, and allows students to work there on PCs and in listening boxes within their self-study. Collections are supplemented by urtext editions of older documents. It provides access to the most important foreign and domestic databases. The library fund is supplemented by donations and through student and research grants. The library keeps track of the number of teachers and students using it and organizes its own educational events. The library is a member of international professional organizations. Departments, ateliers and workplaces are equipped with their own information resources according to their focus. These resources are continuously updated. The structure and composition of library collections are consistent with current development and knowledge in the area of music and dramatic arts. Library funds are continuously supplemented in accordance with study, creative and research requirements as well as with regard to publishing activities 35/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 and the latest findings, creative methods and trends in the area of music and dramatic arts. The infrastructure for studying, creation and research includes a computer room, which provides access to electronic information resources, electronic materials and database licenses, enables their processing and serves for the needs of teaching and professional trainings. Verification - JAMU Library: Novobranská 3, 602 00 Brno - Catalogue Aleph: - Via IS: - Art online: - Music database of the Oxford University Press: - Music database of the Alexander Street Press, sound library, sheet music, encyclopaedias: Evaluation JAMU library services and other publishing resources used for teaching are, with regard to the type of JAMU degree programmes, sufficient and available to all students, academic and research workers and other staff. Students have access to traditional printed study materials (textbooks, university books, professional journals, other teaching texts) as well as interactive and multimedia forms (audio and audiovisual materials, e-learning, electronic materials, presentations) that correspond to the types and profiles of degree programmes in the education area of Arts and their requirements for supporting creative, i.e. artistic and research activities, which include, among others, recordings of concerts, opera performances, theatre performances, multimedia projects and sheet music. Study of students with specific needs DF JAMU At DF JAMU there is a field of Drama Education for the Deaf with bachelor's and master's degree and with both regular and combined form of study. The field has excellent results and is highly regarded in the Czech Republic and abroad. The artistic work of students and the work in the field of special pedagogy are appreciated. HF JAMU For applicants for study, students and other persons, there is an offer of information and counselling services at HF JAMU related to study and employment and career opportunities for graduates from degree programmes. Equal access to study is provided to all study applicants and students. Available services and other support measures are provided to balance university learning opportunities for students with specific needs. Verification - Curricula - Internal regulation Study and Examination Code of JAMU Evaluation JAMU provides accessible services, scholarships and other support measures for equalizing opportunities to study at a higher education institution for students with specific needs, based on a generally binding 36/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 legislation. It further ensures informed and human dignity respecting approach of all its employees to students and applicants. But it is always necessary to start from the talent prerequisites specified for the field in question. JAMU ensures and checks that the services and adaptations realized with the aim of achieving accessibility of academic life for students with specific needs do not lead to a reduction in study requirements. 37/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Measures against unethical behaviour and intellectual property protection JAMU has taken measures against intentional action against good morals during study and measures to protect intellectual property. Part of the JAMU information system, which is being developed by MU in Brno, is a special app called Theses for detecting potential plagiarisms. It is tied to a database of qualification works (theses) such as Repozitář and the like. The content of the files in the IS data storage (i.e. the objects available in the File Manager), for which a pure text version is available, is continuously analysed by machine. The system searches for similarities across the shared database of compared documents, which includes, in addition to the IS document server, the final works of schools participating in the system, seminar and other works in the system, scientific publications in the system and other documents in the JAMU-operated information systems. Similarity search includes an algorithm that analyses the document being compared and examines possible similarities also against sources across the Internet. Qualification works of all students of both faculties of JAMU must be checked by this application prior to their definitive submission. Verification - JAMU Code of Ethics - Minutes of the meetings of Disciplinary Committee of DF and HF JAMU Evaluation JAMU has taken sufficiently effective measures to protect intellectual property and against intentional action against good morals during study, especially against plagiarism and academic fraud. 38/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 II. Degree programme Compliance of the degree program with the mission statement of the higher education institution and the international dimension of the degree programme Compliance of the degree programme with the mission statement and strategic documents of the higher education institution DF JAMU DF JAMU has set its strategic objectives for 2016-2020 in line with the JAMU's strategic objectives and for each following year the plan is updated. In the area of education, DF JAMU has set the following priority goals: Goal 1: DF JAMU is a sought-after faculty of the university-type higher arts education institution offering a comprehensive range of fields and providing practical as well as theoretical knowledge needed for the profession, including career in academic pedagogical and research activities. Goal 2: DF JAMU admits students based on their talent and study prerequisites. Goal 3: The content and aim of education at DF JAMU are creative artistic, artistic-managerial and artisticpedagogical activities. Goal 4: There is a reliable way of evaluating teaching quality at DF JAMU. In the first place, artistic outputs of teaching are considered indicators of teaching quality. The proposed degree programmes and their specializations are conceived to cover the entire thematic area of Theatre Art with overlaps into thematic areas of Radio Art, Television Art, Audiovisual Art, Dance Art, Organization and Management of Artistic Practice, and Pedagogy and Didactics of the Arts. In the course of 2017, a new accreditation of degree programmes in audiovision, scenography and theatre management was prepared. In 2018, the remaining degree programmes and the follow-up master's degree programmes in audiovision, scenography and theatre management will be gradually prepared for new accreditation. New degree programmes build on - The tradition of teaching artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical fields of study at DF JAMU - The assessment of contemporary artistic managerial and pedagogical practice in the field of arts - The experience with traditional as well as new methods and forms of art education (project teaching, workshops, placements, practice in arts and pedagogical institutions) - The concept of key practical disciplines as a process of artistic creation leading to a presentable and evaluated result A qualifications framework was created for conceiving new degree programmes - generally for the Theatre Art thematic area, and specifically for all seven planned degree programmes and their specializations. For the creation of new degree programmes and their specializations, there are Standards for Accreditation of Degree Programmes in the Education Area of Arts, Thematic Area Theatre Art, created in cooperation of DF JAMU with DAMU. 39/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 HF JAMU Degree programmes carried out at HF JAMU within the framework of the Music Art study area are in terms of their type, form and possible profile in accordance with the mission statement and strategic longterm intent of JAMU's educational and other creative (artistic, scientific-research and artistic-research) activities and other strategic documents of the faculty. The offer of study fields covers not only the classic range of disciplines, common in other arts schools, but also bonuses in the form of Historical Interpretation and Jazz Interpretation. Openness to the demand for new fields of art is a hallmark of HF's aiming in recent years. HF takes into account social needs, monitors social feedback on its activities and communicates with chambers of commerce or employers' organizations in music and cultural institutions, or other practitioners, to determine their expectations and requirements for graduates from the degree programmes carried out within the thematic range of Music Art. JAMU monitors the indicators set by HF for educational and creative activities. HF always monitors rate of study failure, the rate of duly completed study, the success rate in admission procedure and the employability of graduates from degree programmes carried out in the framework of typical Music Art degree programmes. Verification - JAMU Strategic Intent (JAMU Long-term Intent for the period 2016–2020) - Plan of Implementation of the Strategic Intent for 2017 - Strategic Intents of both faculties and Plans for their Implementation for 2017 - Annual Report on JAMU activities - Annual Reports on activities of both faculties - Standards for the education area of Arts, thematic area Theatre Art Evaluation The aim of the study at JAMU within the thematic area of Arts is the development of an independent creative personality with complex psychophysical prerequisites for the performance of artistic profession in the area of music and dramatic arts and related professions. The degree programmes carried out in the thematic areas Music Art, Theatre Art, Radio Art, Television Art and Multimedia Art correspond to the current development and knowledge in arts, undergo regular comparisons within standard benchmarking methods with higher education institutions having adequate reputation in the Czech Republic and abroad with similar degree programmes of international parameters and levels and satisfy the professional demands of arts or educational institutions as well as the expectations of stakeholders. Connection with the creative activity of the higher education institution 40/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The specificities of JAMU are mainly that it - Uniquely combines artistic education, artistic creation (through the work of its teachers in arts and through the creative work of its students) and research in art and through art - Clearly signals to the general public its artistic view and concept of art as an equal way of human cognition and understands artistic creation as a manifestation of social commitment - provides education in all fields of music art, dramatic arts and theatre with an overlap into audiovisual fields that are related to music and dramatic arts and theatre - responds through accreditation of new fields directly to the development in music and dramatic arts - strives for high-quality pedagogical support of teaching, cooperation with prominent artistic personalities, encourages the entry of new generation into the pedagogical, artistic and research activities of faculties - creates conditions for developing students' talents and their independent creative activity - provides top-quality material support for pedagogical, creative and research activities - actively participates through pedagogical fields of study in the effort to expand the possibilities of formal and informal arts education including the support of inclusion in the education area of Arts and Culture at the level of primary and secondary education alongside the traditional disciplines of music education/field and fine art education/field also the fields of drama education/field, film and audiovisual education/field and dance and movement education/field and thus unfolds the idea of equality of scientific and artistic cognition and education Degree programmes of the profiling base are connected with the artistic or research activities of students in the area of arts and JAMU applies a methodology for evaluating results of creative activity based on established key performance indicators in creative activity (RUV, RIV or other register for keeping records on professional performance of the institution and its evaluation) and assesses its most important creative activities at regular intervals. Both faculties archive relevant qualification performances (recordings of concerts, theatre and opera stagings, projects, audio and video recordings, photographic documentation, printed outputs, etc.) so that they can present them to external evaluators. Registration and maintaining records of creative achievements is part of the internal system of quality assurance and corresponds to Section 77c of the Higher Education Act. Verification - RIV, RUV - Register of artistic projects in IS JAMU - Programme of the Marta Studio Theatre, Orlí Street Theatre, programmes of HF concerts The creative activities of both faculties are reflected in educational activities, international activities and cooperation with practice. Cooperation with practice is developed taking into account the types and profiles of degree programmes. This is mainly professional practice in orchestras, theatres, media, cultural and educational institutions and the involvement of practitioners in the educational process. Cooperation with practice Cooperation with practice takes place along two lines at JAMU, namely - through teachers who are simultaneously involved in the professional sphere, mostly in top art institutions, and their teaching and artistic practice is closely linked (findings from contemporary artistic practice are immediately transferred to teaching and vice versa, the results of students' creative work have an impact on their teachers' artistic practice). 41/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - in the form of work and professional placements and both short-term and continuous practice; students' practice and work placements are part of the curricula and are based on the needs of the profession being studied and the opportunities offered by the professional sphere. Students' practice is also considered to be their involvement in stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and Orlí Street Theatre, where they also gain experience in routine running of theatre, music and opera operations. Connection with the scientific/artistic activity of the higher education institution At JAMU, artistic and creative activities are a priority, on which the whole pedagogical process is based. We perceive artistic creation as a specific way of cognition and self-cognition of man and society, i.e. research through art, for which the term ’Artistic Research’ has become established. In addition to this, classical art-scientific research takes place at both faculties, with its own methodology, creating a theoretical and historical breeding ground for artistic creation. The research results are immediately reflected in the teaching of theoretical courses as well as courses focused on artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical work. In the ’Artistic Research’ concept, also professional reflection of all work at all levels of study generates research results. Verification - RIV, RUV - Register of artistic projects in IS JAMU - Programme of the Marta Studio Theatre, Orlí Street Theatre, programmes of HF concerts Evaluation The creative activity being reported relates to its degree programmes. JAMU's degree programmes are in line with the focus of the JAMU's creative activity. International dimension of the degree programme JAMU carries out creative activities with an international dimension, which corresponds to the thematic area of Music Art and Dramatic Art. Creative activity is artistic, artistic-research and scientific-research. JAMU in the whole range of accredited degree programmes is the investigator of artistic or research projects in the Czech Republic or abroad, which are professionally related to the thematic area of Music Art and Dramatic Art. DF JAMU In the strategic plan for 2016-2020, DF JAMU set out the following priority: ’In the accredited Dramatic Arts degree programme and its individual fields, DF JAMU strives to achieve a level comparable to the best European higher education institutions of the same focus’. DF JAMU creates an environment for the realization of international contacts in the area of creative, educational and scientific activities in order to present its outputs and projects, but also to gain new impulses, information and approaches to enrich and innovate its programme, fields and courses. DF JAMU further develops its contacts in the field of international mobility of students and teachers. It cooperates intensively with foreign teachers. Teaching at DF JAMU is thus regularly supplemented by 42/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 visiting foreign teachers (leading of creative workshops, stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and at the Orlí Street Theatre - direction, scenography). DF JAMU organizes three major international events, the International Conference of Doctoral Studies, the International Scientific Conference and the International Festival of Theatre Schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER. In 2016, the International Conference of Doctoral Studies on Politics and Community Engagement in Doctoral Theatre Research and the Festival SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER took place. DF is implementing a program for Erasmus and foreign students, Bridging East and West, in which the Erasmus students are integrated into the teaching of their disciplines and participate in creative projects with DF students. Part of the international student mobility is the public presentation of results of their creative activities (scenic projects). HF JAMU HF JAMU continuously confronts the results of its creative activities with comparable schools in the Czech Republic and abroad, in a form appropriate to the thematic area Music Art, within the festivals, shows, art competitions, concerts, etc. Within its budget, it regularly allocates funds for this purpose. Educational, creative and related activities of HF are of international character, taking into account the type and profile of degree programmes implemented within the thematic area Music Art. International mobility of students and academic workers takes place. Courses taught in a foreign language and study or work placements in a foreign language are offered. Other forms of involvement in international activities take place, such as joint concert projects, festivals with international participation, shows and conferences with international participation, international competitions, international summer schools and master classes and other international activities in music art. HF creates conditions for mobility of students, teachers and other employees and takes care of improving their language skills. It supports international artistic and other creative (scientific-research and artisticresearch) projects. It creates an open and accommodating environment for incoming students, teachers and practitioners. As part of the international student mobility, the students present results of their creative activities (concerts, festivals, shows, scenic projects) to public. Also students from abroad are involved in the institution's artistic activities and their public presentation (playing in orchestra, chamber play, joint scenic projects or concerts). Verification - Annual Report on JAMU activities - Annual Reports on activities of both faculties Evaluation The international dimension of JAMU degree programmes consists of the mobility of students, teachers and other employees, access to professional literature in foreign languages and its use in professional activities, teaching of courses in a foreign language, international cooperation in research or artistic activities and relates to the content and corresponds to the focus of the degree programme. The scope of international cooperation corresponds to the type of degree programme and the nature of study fields. JAMU is involved in international artistic, creative and research projects on an ongoing basis in which it can guarantee active participation and satisfy the interest of foreign partners. It actively uses its membership in international organizations (especially AEC, ELIA) for continuous cooperation, evaluation 43/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 and benchmarking in the area of music and drama education and cooperates with foreign partners also within the framework of international grants - Erasmus, Fulbright F., IVF, Creative Europe and the like. HF JAMU is intensively preparing for the possibility of sharing some degree programmes with foreign partners. Currently, it is bound by a long-term plan and ESF project implemented with the support of the Operational Program Research, Development and Education to try to accredit the degree programme Historical Interpretation under a new methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau during the next academic year. In the follow-up master’s degree it will be realized as a joint programme in cooperation with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag). Profile of the graduate and content of the study Compliance of the acquired professional knowledge, skills and competencies with the type and profile of the degree program Annotations in the structure were prepared for the existing study fields in 2016 - Professional career - Characteristics of the field of study - Graduate’s profile (knowledge, skills, competencies) - Rules and conditions for creating individual curricula - Conditions of passing and completion of study - Content and scope of the final examination - Prerequisites for admission to study 44/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 These annotations were published in the JAMU information system3 . Based on the comparison of annotations, future degree programmes and their specialization were proposed. In 2017, the Qualifications Framework for individual degree programmes and their specialization was made as a basis for preparing their accreditation. DF JAMU Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Bachelor’s degree After graduation, with respect to the studied field, the graduate is able to Professional knowledge - Understand key stages of theatre and drama history and apply this understanding to his/her own practice - have a wide knowledge of theories, concepts and methods of theatre and dramatic arts and the field and correlate theory and practice in his/her specific field of study - Understand dramatic literature in historical, ethno-social and artistic contexts - Understand essential elements of the theatrical language and contextualize them in the process of transition ’from page to stage’ through analysis of text, script or other sources for the stage form - Understand theatre in the widest sense as beyond reality, where various techniques, expressions and individual creativity are used in the staging Professional skills - Use basic terminology, methods and practices in the field to solve the problem within a creative process - Search, classify and interpret information, sources of inspiration and research procedures relevant to addressing a defined issue or artistic interpretation of a theme - Cooperate in communicating ideas and intentions expressed by a dramatic text or author's script and bring them to a concrete realization in a staging - Use techniques and material and the necessary technical equipment to complete the staging in his/ her specific area - Use the basic technologies of the field and ensure the presentation of artistic output in terms of copyright and technical and author’s supervision - Respond creatively to career opportunities offered by theatre, film, audiovision and other related forms Professional competencies - Collect, analyse and synthesize information in an effort to use a research approach - Capture attention by critical self-reflection, develop own ideas and give reasoned arguments - Be self-sufficient, self-motivated, able to manage himself/herself, but also support the interest of the theatre staging as a whole - Coordinate, upon a framework assignment and resources allocated within the field, the activities of a creative team in the realization of small-scale scenic work and be responsible for its results - Work with others harmoniously and effectively on projects and creation - Demonstrate teamwork skills, ability to discuss issues, organize task fulfilment and respect deadlines - Comprehensibly summarize the opinions of other members of the creative team, present teamwork in a clear and approachable way - Incorporate in problem solving a consideration of the ethical dimension of artistic creation - Communicate comprehensibly and convincingly to both professionals and lay people information on the nature of professional issues in the field of theatre and dramatic arts and his/her own opinion on their solution 3 45/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Demonstrate adequate skills to use information and communication technologies - Speak within his/her professional knowledge, skills and competencies at least one foreign language - Independently acquire additional professional knowledge, skills and competencies particularly based on practical experience and its evaluation, but also through self-study of theoretical knowledge of the field Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Master’s degree After graduation, with respect to the studied field, the graduate is able to Professional knowledge - Demonstrate a broad and profound knowledge and understanding of the subject and scope of the field corresponding to the current state of knowledge - Demonstrate a broad and profound knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and methods corresponding to the current state of knowledge in the field - Understand possibilities, conditions and limitations of the use of knowledge of related fields - Demonstrate a broad and profound knowledge of history of dramatic arts and theatre - Understand contemporary practices in the area of theatre and dramatic arts as well as in the field and assess them in a historical and sociocultural context and find fundamental bibliographic references - Demonstrate a broad and profound knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and methods in relation to artistic and research processes corresponding to the current state of development and knowledge in the area of theatre and dramatic arts - Understand and use related interdisciplinary elements in an informed way and apply knowledge, practice, concepts of other disciplines or artistic and scientific areas in an effective way - Understand the possibilities, conditions and limitations of the use of knowledge of related fields as well as creative or theoretical overlap into other areas Professional skills - Use expert knowledge to independently define and creatively solve a theoretical and practical problem in the area of theatre and dramatic arts - Solve a complex problem independently and creatively with the use of selected theories, concepts and methods of the field and critically reflect at an appropriate level both specific problems of the field and general problems of theatre and dramatic arts - Use some of the advanced research procedures in the field in a way that allows to acquire new original information - Participate in a diverse context of theatre staging as a dramaturge, director, scenographer, actor, technician, manager, etc. who present himself/herself as a creative professional, and demonstrate his/her technical maturity and artistic awareness tailored to the expression and realization of own ideas Professional competencies - Decide independently and responsibly and conceive a work of art in new changing contexts, taking into account wider social consequences - Recognize his/her individuality of an original co-creator in a team work 46/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Practice critical reflection and maintain originality in his/her work based on collecting, analysing and synthesizing information and developing own ideas and concepts - Make effective use of own imagination, knowledge and emotional understanding for creative work and for the purpose of problem solving - Manage and coordinate the work of a creative team within his/her field according to the evolving broader context in the realization of a complex scenic work of standard and larger size with a complicated structure and complicated links between individual means of expression and be responsible for its results. - Lead others and develop his/her leadership capabilities in a significant and creative way necessary for the completion of creative projects - Organize and administer own projects, adequately manage both human and material resources, as well as adhere to the required deadlines for successful project realization - Use information and communication technologies and adequate communication skills for the success of his/her projects and creative activities - Solve an ethical problem independently - Communicate his/her expert opinions to experts and the wider public in a clear and convincing way - Speak within his/her expertise, skills and competencies in at least one foreign language - Plan, support and manage, using theoretical knowledge of the field, the acquisition of additional professional knowledge, skills and competencies of other team members Students who prefer to apply their theatre education in a wider context (such as education and training, community and social context) are able to - Work in the educational and artistic area as teachers of theatre/drama education - Consolidate and develop methodological competencies and master control of didactic knowledge in terms of conceiving and using programmes with an artistic and educational content Learning outcomes – Education area: Dramatic Arts / Doctoral degree After graduation, with respect to the studied field, the graduate is able to Professional knowledge - Demonstrates a deep and systematic knowledge and understanding of the history, theory, practice, concepts and methods in the area of theatre and dramatic arts corresponding to the present state of knowledge at an international level. - Demonstrate mastery in understanding relevant research methods, techniques and strategies and their corresponding application in the field of artistic research and/or artistic practice - Demonstrate extensive understanding of the wider professional context in which their research is taking place and see their research results in context with peer reviews and published, presented and other public outputs Professional skills - Develop and evaluate theories, concepts and methods of the field, including the definition of fields and their inclusion in the area of theatre and dramatic arts - Work with relevant bibliographic data, use archives and other sources of information - Approach the research in a creative, innovative and genuine way, demonstrate flexibility and openness, while recognizing boundaries and drawing appropriate conclusions from sound sources and methodologically correct practices Professional competencies 47/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Evaluate new knowledge and ideas, design and use advanced artistic and research procedures and contribute innovatively to the development of contemporary theory and practice of theatre and dramatic arts in a way that enables to extend the knowledge and development of theatre and dramatic arts in a wider cultural and social context - Manage his/her own serious research project based on clearly-focused and reasonably substantiated research objectives and methodologies, and plan large-scale creative activities and raise resources to realize them - Develop and maintain a system of cooperation and working relationships with co-workers, colleagues and partners in cultural and artistic institutions and in broad research and artistic communities - Solve independently a complex ethical issue that has arisen in the creative activity or exploitation of its results - Communicate his/her findings in the area of theatre and dramatic arts to other members of professional community at an international level and to the general public in a comprehensive and convincing way - Speak within his/her professional knowledge, skills and competencies at least one foreign language, including oral and written presentation of creative activity results. - Acquire new expert knowledge, skills and competencies through his/her own creative activities, as well as discover new creative possibilities in the area of theatre and dramatic arts and influence the conditions and contexts of education of others HF JAMU Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Bachelor’s degree After graduation, with respect to the specifics of the field and genre, the graduate Practical results (based on skills) - Is able to realize, change, adapt, create or produce music within his/her discipline or genre for practical purposes in a particular environment - Has mastered an effective and professionally sound technique for further studying, rehearsing and examinations - Recognizes, realizes and interprets music material using sheet music or listening - Is engaged in a music ensemble - Is able to improvise, interpret or adapt music beyond the score - Examines, evaluates, applies and critically views existing research and artistic practice - Uses an appropriate spoken, digital, or other form to communicate information and ideas about music - Communicates information, opinions, problems and their solutions to professional and lay audiences using various media and presentations - Uses appropriate technology to learn, create, record, produce and dissemination of music material - Uses adequate media for promotion and dissemination, controls a range of communication, presentation and organizational skills associated with public appearances - Identifies a variety of artistic contexts and environments and responds to them accordingly - Realizes, reflects and develops his/her own learning style and the skills and strategies needed - Leads or supports the educational and creative processes of others, contributing to the development of learning environment - Develops artistic concepts and projects and is able to present them professionally to potential 48/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 clients and recipients (audience) - Identifies key issues of his/her artistic practice and practices an artistic self-reflection Theoretical results (based on knowledge) - Knows the practice, language, forms, materials, technologies and techniques in the area of music that are relevant to the field, knows related texts, sources and concepts - Has sufficient knowledge of theoretical and historical contexts in which music is practiced and presented, including a range of musical styles and corresponding artistic traditions; can explore and master new and challenging repertoires and styles - Has a comprehensive knowledge of the relevant representative repertoire in his/her music field and is able to create and provide comprehensive music experience and interpretation - Recognizes and has routine processes that are the basis of improvisation, is able to adapt music material in sound or in writing - Understand the means by which musicians can develop, conduct research and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes, using creative, critical and reflexive thinking and practice - Is able to collect and use relevant information found in libraries, Internet storage sites, museums, galleries and other relevant resources and knows the relevant institutions - Identifies a number of strategies for interpretation, communication and presentation of ideas, problems and arguments in an appropriate style for different audiences - Knows a variety of ways how to use technology to create, disseminate and produce music, including appropriate means of communication and their application - Identifies various professional work environments and contexts and recognizes the role of a musician in contemporary society - Knows the key financial, business and legal aspects of the music profession - Is familiar with the concepts and practice of pedagogy, especially with the strategies to motivate and convey music creativity and education - Is aware of legal and ethical frameworks related to intellectual property and is able to take appropriate measures to protect innovation General results - Masters systematic analytical and process skills, is able to follow them independently and systematically - Demonstrates strong self-motivation and self-discipline capability, including self-study ability in preparation for continuous, future-oriented education with a sustainable career path - Has the ability to listen, cooperate, express opinions in a constructive manner, and favours a common interest before asserting his/her own opinion - Is flexible and able to quickly acquire knowledge and propose alternative solutions in real time - Recognizes the relevance of previously acquired skills and is able to adapt them to a new context - Develops, examines and evaluates proposals, concepts and processes through creative, critical and reflective thinking and practice - Uses his/her imagination, intuition and emotional understanding, thinks and works creatively, flexibly and adaptively - Uses and applies various technical means in his/her own music creation and uses them to promote his/her professional profile 49/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Acts as a self-confident and trustworthy personality in an appropriate context, communicates effectively, presents his/her work in an accessible form and uses IT tools and other presentation skills as needed - Is familiar with various social, cultural and ethical issues and introduces various local, national and international views into his/her own artistic practice - Recognizes the needs of others, responds creatively and appropriately to the ideas and suggestions of others, works consistently and positively with verbal or written feedback. He/she engages in activities with other individuals and groups, demonstrates sensitivity to views and perspectives of others, and, where appropriate, proves teamwork, negotiation, leadership, project development and organization skills - Has a long-term (lifelong) perspective of individual artistic development, an open attitude towards the new and regularly evaluates and develops artistic and personal skills and competencies in relation to personal goals Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Master’s degree After graduation, with respect to the specifics of the field and genre, the graduate Practical results (based on skills) - Realizes, transforms, modifies and creates or produces music at a high professional level, expresses own artistic concepts corresponding to the level of a developed music personality - Has a command of sophisticated craft skills in relation to the repertoire, style, etc. his/her field or genre - Shows the breadth and depth of expert knowledge, in relation to his/her field of study, demonstrates proficiency in a number of different styles and has a distinctive and individual expression in one particular style - Has the ability to create, realize and express his/her own artistic concept; is able to ensure that any weaker areas related to artistic practice, exams, reading, auditory, creative and shaping skills are covered - Holds a leading role in an ensemble or leads other joint activities - Shows a high level of improvisation proficiency - Has the ability to develop, explore and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes in his/her discipline, genre, study area and/or his/her own artistic practice - Demonstrates excellent communication skills in the context of his/her own practice and during presentation for both professional and lay audiences - Has competencies in the use of technologies and their application - Takes responsibility for linking context, audience and music material, delivers ideas across a range of different contexts with proficiency and certainty - In the context of music education, he/she recognizes and identifies individual student needs and has the ability to differentiate and adapt activities to this - Practices a high level of critical self-reflection in relation to his/her own style of learning, skills and strategies - Has the ability to transfer theoretical findings into practical activities that allow the study of music and supports the creative process of others - Is sensitive to objects of his/her research, respects the diversity of character of individuals and contexts and takes into account the ethical dimension of work 50/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Has a deep insight into his/her field in relation to the relevant career path and opportunities and identifies and formulates strategies for developing cooperation on this basis Theoretical results (based on knowledge) - Has a profound knowledge of music practice, languages, forms, materials, technologies and techniques relevant to the field of study, and possibly to the related disciplines and texts, sources and concepts associated to them - Has a comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire in his/her area of music education and demonstrates a high level in creating and delivering coherent music experiences and interpretations; his/her repertoire includes well-known, lesser known and unknown works - Develops and expands his/her knowledge of the theoretical and historical context in which music is practiced and presented - Has a knowledge musical styles and a sophisticated and critical understanding of the related artistic traditions - Develops, presents and realizes artistic programmes that are coherent and suitable for different contexts - Has cultivated and routine knowledge of improvisation techniques and processes and has the ability to apply them freely in different contexts - Understands a number of sophisticated research techniques and knows how to use selected procedures in order to develop, contextualize, explore and evaluate ideas, concepts and processes as needed within his/her discipline, genre, study area, and/or artistic practice - Identifies and uses relevant literature and/or other sources related to his/her practice and development within the discipline, genre and/or field of study - Identifies and excellently uses research, study, communication and presentation techniques for self-development and expansion and/or deepening of the artistic project - Uses specific technologies to create, disseminate and/or produce music, with respect to the discipline, genre, field and/or artistic practice - Has a deep insight into pedagogical theories concerning music education in one or more specific educational contexts - Has a deep insight into the role of a musician in contemporary society, examines, deals with and considers specific relevant professional work environments and contexts General results - Demonstrates a high level of critical thinking and critical awareness skills - Demonstrates self-reliance in all aspects of learning, social interaction and opportunity recognition - Uses a variety of communication and social skills in appropriate contexts with confidence and competence - Demonstrates leadership, teamwork, negotiation and/ or coordination skills taking into account different artistic contexts - Is able to integrate knowledge gained from different contexts and perspectives - Demonstrates independent thinking supported by rational and empirical use of knowledge when carrying out tasks that can be: - extended and comprehensive - in new or unknown contexts - based on incomplete or limited information - Recognizes the correlation between theory and practice and uses this knowledge to support and strengthen his/her own artistic development 51/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Is able and willing to communicate knowledge and ideas in other ways than through scores, artistic performances and/or other music outputs (recordings, etc.) - Consistently analyses, examines, uses and responds creatively and appropriately to verbal and/or written feedback, ideas and suggestions from others - Initiates activities and projects and works with others through interaction or cooperation - Has suitable high-level presentation skills in all aspects of his/her practice and activities - Shows sensitivity to the different learning styles and needs of others and has the ability to support and motivate through creative activity and learning - Is active in cooperation with individuals and/or groups, as appropriate and in relation to his/her own and wider cultural contexts - Engages and shares information with professional and lay musicians and audiences across a wide social spectrum, is aware of individual and/or group responses to this information and is able to respond appropriately - Uses confidently his/her own psychological understanding - and the feeling of own success and satisfaction of others - to make decisions in situations related to professional practice - Has a positive attitude and is willing to engage in permanent (lifelong) personal and professional development Learning outcomes – Education area: Music Art / Doctoral degree On the basis of the skills acquired in the bachelor's and master's degree, the student after graduation is expected to be able to continue in seeking new knowledge, skills and general competencies: Practical results (based on skills) 52/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Identifies and contextualizes dynamic research questions from his/her artistic practice or music area to broaden understanding and discover new findings and research results - Defines, plans, manages and arranges research activities and projects, selects and justifies appropriate methodological processes and resources, including possible funding opportunities, while identifying, evaluating and minimizing risks or negative impacts - Encourages colleagues, cooperates with them and guides them using a variety of practical, facilitation and communication skills, thereby influencing practice and strategy in different environments - Systematically and critically analyses and evaluates own research results and that of others - Identifies the value of own research results from a social, cultural, ethical and economic perspective - Records and shows original perspectives and innovative solutions in realizing, reshaping, creating, adapting and/or producing within his/her own music activity/practice - Considers the impact of his/her research on different types of audience and convey its understanding to both professional and lay audiences - Seeks opportunities to exploit and further develop knowledge gained from own research Theoretical results (based on knowledge) - Recognizes excellence in his/her field and helps to maintain it - In his/her research and/or artistic practice, he/she seeks, discovers, accesses, acquires, classifies, interprets, analyses, evaluates, manages, retains and communicates knowledge from relevant literature and/or other sources - Identifies, selects and uses effective and appropriate techniques and methods to research and disseminate information, taking into account the needs of a wide range of target groups - Adheres to professional standards in research practice, and recognizes ethical, legal and health and safety implications of the research conducted, its national and international context, and the ownership rights of all persons associated with the research work General results - Applies and adheres to professional and ethical standards in his/her research, promotes the development of research and artistic practice - Identifies key issues related to the field of study, critically considers and innovatively addresses them - Engages in a wider community of researchers, experts and creators, sensitively shares the criticism of others' ideas and is receptive to criticism concerning his/her own work - Establishes and maintains cooperative relationships with colleagues, students, artistic co-workers and other parties, respects equality, diversity and cultural context - Engages in relevant research and communicates its results to a broad professional and lay audience, opening up the possibility of public understanding and/or broader artistic opinion - Approaches research tasks with enthusiasm, perseverance and conscientiousness, and develops strategies to unfold his/her own potential Verification - Standards for the education area of Arts, thematic areas Music art, Theatre art Evaluation Both faculties of JAMU participated in the preparation of teaching outputs on the accreditation standards for thematic areas of the education area of Arts. The outputs are the result of cooperation between HF JAMU and DF JAMU with DAMU and HAMU Prague. Based on this material, outputs for individual degree 53/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 programmes and specializations were prepared. The resulting material establishes a general framework for creation of degree programmes and their specializations and for conceiving their curricula as well as individual theoretical and practical courses and for preparing applications for accreditation of degree programs. Interest in study and admission to study - number of students The expected maximum number of admitted students in the individual fields of the degree programmes Music Art at HF and Dramatic Arts at DF is tied to: - The level of applicants' talent prerequisites, year-on-year variable diversity in the number and availability of persons interested in study between individual study fields - The number of graduates from each degree - Objective assessment of the faculty's capacity, personnel, spatial and financial capabilities with respect to the form of teaching - the focus in the individual teaching of fundamental courses of the field Thus, the determination of specific number of students for a given academic year is governed by: - The number of applicants enrolled in individual fields - The highest possible number of admissions, as laid down in the current Admission Procedure Directive and the limit tied to the agreements on the funding rules of the higher arts education institutions - Requirement of individual departments and ateliers reflecting on the number of enrolled and taking into account the number of graduates Verification - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 - Annual Reports on activities of faculties for 2017 - Internal regulation Study and Examination Code of JAMU - Rules for the Admission Procedure for the academic year 2018/2019 Evaluation Professional knowledge, skills and general competencies acquired by graduates from the JAMU degree programmes are in accordance with the given type or profile of the respective degree programme. Language competencies DF JAMU The curricula of all bachelor's degree programmes include teaching one foreign language at least four semesters, two hours per week. In the degree programmes of Theatre Management/specialization of Theatre production and Direction and Dramaturgy/specialization of Dramaturgy, the teaching of foreign languages is strengthened by another two hours per week. For some degree programmes, the knowledge of English is also the subject of admission procedure. Students of all degree programmes can choose additional foreign language as an optional course. DF JAMU has committed itself within the OP3V ESF project to prepare curricula and teaching in English for selected courses in certain programmes. 54/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 When conceiving degree programmes and their specializations, the extent of foreign language teaching is maintained; language teaching is placed in the first two years of the bachelor’s degree as a compulsory course of the common base of the degree programme and its specializations. For admission to doctoral studies, knowledge of languages is a prerequisite and is examined in the admission procedure. In the course of their studies, students are also required to pass an exam in which they demonstrate their ability to produce a professional text in a foreign language, present it at an international conference, and be able to hold a professional debate in a foreign language. HF JAMU The degree programmes of the Music Faculty are conceived in such a way that during their study the students must demonstrate their ability to use the acquired professional knowledge, professional skills and general competencies in at least one foreign language. In the curricula for the bachelor's degree, the foreign language teaching is a part of the compulsory quota of the field base in four semesters. The composition of the curricula allows the choice of additional foreign language as an optional course. For admission to the follow-up master's and doctoral degree studies, knowledge of a foreign language is a prerequisite and is examined during the admission procedure. Teaching of additional foreign language is then part of the curricula for doctoral studies. For foreigners to be admitted to degree programmes carried out in the Czech language, the passing of Czech language exam, which is part of the admission procedure, is essential. Verification - Study and Examination Code of JAMU - Rules for the Admission Procedure for the academic year 2018/2019 - Curricula for the given academic year Evaluation The degree programmes at both faculties of JAMU are conceived in such a way that during their study the students must demonstrate their ability to use the acquired professional knowledge, professional skills and general competencies in at least one foreign language. Rules and conditions of curricula development The rules and conditions of curricula development are part of JAMU's internal regulation ‘Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities’. DF JAMU DF creates rules for developing curricula based on the need to balance the students' practical and theoretical background with regard to their work in the artistic practice and the university nature of their study. An integral part of teaching is the artistic work itself, which in the field of theatre art takes on the form of teamwork. This fact is also decisive for the development of curricula that respect the need to link degree programmes and specializations in joint projects. HF JAMU 55/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 HF has set up functional rules and conditions for developing curricula so that, in particular, the acquisition of the necessary practical skills and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge prepare students for the chosen professions and enable their employment in other creative activity. Verification - Internal regulation Study and Examination Code of JAMU - Curricula for the given academic year - Internal regulation Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities of JAMU Evaluation JAMU has set up functional rules and conditions for developing curricula and length of teaching, including self-study; the curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire the necessary practical skills and theoretical knowledge needed for the pursuit of a profession, including career in creative activities. Part of the curricula is the artistic work itself and its public presentation. Specification of the career prospects of graduates Career prospects of graduates from the existing fields of study are stipulated in their annotations published in the JAMU Information System (IS). Gradually during the transition to degree programmes and their specializations, annotations of these programmes and specializations will be published in the IS, including the specification of career prospects of graduates Graduates, equipped with the abovementioned knowledge, skills and competencies, find their employment in artistic ensembles and institutions (orchestras, theatres, television, film, schools with art disciplines, etc.), many of them become freelance artists. Already during the course of studies, students' artistic outputs are regularly evaluated in the form of public presentations and the main competencies of graduates include the ability to cooperate and come to an agreement in the process of creation. After completing their studies, the future career paths are opened to graduates according to their field of study or other employment opportunities in culture. The so-called transferable skills that students acquire during their studies are also serious and appreciated in a number of other working contexts, especially in the creatively entrepreneurial and managerial contexts. Verification - Database of JAMU graduates Evaluation The career opportunities of JAMU graduates depend on many factors, especially on the ability of the graduate to assert himself/herself in a professional environment, on the momentary demand from cultural institutions. Admitted applicants are not guaranteed any direct link between the profession being studied and a definite career. Thanks to the work of teachers in the professional sphere, students get contacts with potential future employers as well as general awareness of career opportunities. Standard length of study 56/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The standard length of study for individual levels of degree programmes and their specializations is determined in accordance with Sections 45, 46 and 47 of the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of JAMU; three years for the bachelor’s degree programmes; two years for the follow-up master’s degree programmes and five years for the non-follow-up degree programmes (except for the fields of acting at DF JAMU, where the length of the non-follow-up master's degree study is set to four years due to a long-term experience in linking the personal professional development cycle and the necessary acquisition of practical and theoretical competencies of the field), and four years in the doctoral degree programme. Consistency of the study content with study objectives and the graduate’s profile The content of study is traditionally derived from the graduate’s profile at both faculties and continuously updated according to developments in the professional sphere. Teaching is regularly complemented by meetings with outstanding artistic and pedagogical personalities (lectures, seminars, workshops, classes). Meeting them provides students with valuable information about the situation in professional sphere and can influence their own professional aiming. Arts education enables students to become creative art professionals. Students learn to develop the necessary imaginative, intellectual, theoretical and practical skills and dexterity to equip them for further personal development and professional career in arts. Students are required to become actively involved in their own education and to specify their own practical, theoretical and research spheres, including the relevant professional skills necessary for this practice. Verification - Internal regulation Study and Examination Code of JAMU - Curricula for the given academic year - Internal regulation Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities of JAMU - Standards for the education area of Arts, Music Art and Dramatic Arts degree programmes. Evaluation When conceiving the transition of the existing fields of study to new degree programmes and their specializations, the professional career prospects are re-formulated. The content of study is thus gradually verified and adapted to the objectives of the study; it enables to attain the defined graduate’s profile in accordance with the established qualifications frameworks and is based on the application of contemporary knowledge and methods of creative activity in the given area of education. Differentiation of doctoral degree programme from other types of degree programmes Doctoral degree programmes are conceived as a platform connecting students of individual artistic professions and focus. They combine research with artistic creation and pedagogical activity of students. The PhD study builds on the issues of professional knowledge, deepens them, and consequently enables to complete the study of issues learnt through own artistic and creative work by systematic and focused 57/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 theoretical and practical examination, generalization and written reflection. Skills include the ability to use the procedures of research, artistic and creative activities to evaluate the latest findings in dramatic and music arts. Part of the doctoral study is the obligation to perform artistic, pedagogical and publishing activities. Research activities of doctoral students are also supported from the funds intended for a specific higher education research, which students apply for within an internal grant competition. DF JAMU organizes the International Conference of Doctoral Studies biennale. In 2017, this conference was held on the theme of ’Politics and Community Engagement in Doctoral Theatre Research’. Verification - Curricula for doctoral degree study - Agendas for the International Conference of Doctoral Studies - Proceedings from the International Conferences of Doctoral Studies Evaluation Compulsory specialist study courses of the doctoral degree programmes are not identical in content to the compulsory study courses of bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes, having a strong focus on research (traditionally conceived research as well as ’artistic research’), on the ability of theoretical reflection on one's own work and that of others, and on pedagogical activity within the faculties . As part of an individual degree programme, the students usually get involved in an international cooperation through various programmes to support mobility, for example by completing at least one month of study at a foreign institution or by participating in an international creative project or competition with results published or presented abroad. Structure and scope of study courses DF JAMU Study courses in existing fields of study are traditionally divided into courses of the field base and courses of personal specialization. Personal specialization courses are of two kinds - Courses offered across all fields of DF - Courses offered within individual ateliers to students of a particular field to complement the compulsory field base DF JAMU in all fields strives for a balanced ratio of theoretical and practical education. The specificity of studying artistic fields is blending theory with practice. Even in practically oriented courses (especially projects that lead to the creation of artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical output), inputs are necessarily included (continuously in process of creation or through inclusion of a seminar on performance) providing theoretical reflection (putting the work into a wider theoretical and historical context). A credit system (ECTS) has been introduced at DF JAMU. The calculation of credits for individual study courses is based on the student's hourly workload, including the hours of the student's expected selfstudy (the one-hour workload for one credit is 24 - 32 hours per semester). The number of hours, including the hours of student’s self-study, is given in the curricula for the given academic year. The courses are introduced in the information system (IS) and have been newly coded by the system in which the faculty, field, semester and year of study are displayed. Sample curriculum with course codes and credit calculation 58/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Course Winter semester Summer semester Teacher L4 E5 S6 Ex, mc, c7 CR8 L E S Ex, mc, c CR Field base: DRCZ10 1 DRCL101 Directing Basics 2 2 4 Ex 4 2 2 4 mc 4 Srba DRCZ10 2 DRCL102 Drama Theory I 2 1 5 Ex 4 2 1 6 Ex 5 Cejpek DRCZ10 3 DRCL103 Introduction to practical dramaturgy 1 1 3 c 3 1 1 3 c 3 Plešák DRCZ10 4 DRCL104 Acting education for directors 0 4 0 c 2 0 4 0 c 2 Bergman In 2017, the transition of existing fields of study to degree programmes with specializations began. In this way, all new degree programmes will be gradually being prepared for accreditation. In connection with this, there will be a change in the composition of study courses. Courses are newly divided into - Courses of a common degree programme base - Courses of degree programme specialization Within these categories they will then be divided into courses - Compulsory - Compulsorily optional - Optional With regard to the focus of degree programmes on academically oriented, the requirement for the inclusion of theoretical courses is maintained, but knowing the specifics of arts programmes, where the courses containing artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical creation are conceived as ’Artistic Research’ (Theatre based Research”) and are considered to be partly theoretical, providing theoretical and historical findings directly linked to the creation itself and teach students theoretical reflection and inclusion of creation in a broader theoretical, social and historical context. The method of establishing the scope of courses and the determined calculation of credits from the student's hourly workload has proved successful over the years and will remain unchanged. HF JAMU Study courses in existing fields of study are traditionally divided into courses of the field base and courses of personal specialization. Personal specialization courses are of two kinds - courses offered across all fields of degree programmes and courses offered within individual departments to students of a particular field to complement the compulsory field base. The specificity of studying artistic fields is blending theory with practice. Even in practically oriented courses, inputs are necessarily included continuously in the form of a lecture or seminar on the project, providing theoretical reflection enabling identification of a historical context and pertinence of the created output into a wider theoretical framework. 4 L = Lecture 5 E = Exercise, seminar 6 S = Self-study 7 Completion of the course (Ex = examination, mc = marked credit, c = credit) 8 CR = Number of credits 59/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Verification - Curricula for the given academic year - Study course syllabi Evaluation The degree programmes of both faculties have a clearly defined and reasoned structure of study courses, their scope and characteristics as well as conditions and requirements for their successful completion and evaluation. Consistency of the curricula content, state exams and quali&ca'on works with learning outcomes and graduate’s pro&le In all existing fields of study at both faculties of JAMU, students take state examination in theory and history of the relevant field. The content of the exam and the requirement for the student's ability to put theoretical and historical findings into a broader context of contemporary artistic creation and social context and relate them with his/her own work differs according to the degree of study. According to individual fields, this state examination base is supplemented by other disciplines, e.g. of managerial focus, examinations in pedagogy, psychology and didactics for pedagogically oriented fields, in courses focused on methods of artistic creation in the authorial fields. Qualification works at JAMU are of two kinds - Written work (bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, dissertation) - Graduate artistic, artistic-managerial, artistic-pedagogical performance (at the bachelor's and master's level, in the doctoral study the own creative projects are part of the dissertation research and the results are included in the dissertation) The study courses, the content of state exams and the requirements for qualification works are consistently based on qualification outputs formulated for individual fields and from specified accreditation standards for theatre and music arts. The content and scope of the final state examination and requirements for the qualification works are subject to a thorough analysis when conceiving degree programmes and their specializations Requirements for the graduate performances will be newly formulated in the System of Internal Quality Assurance and Evaluation. The type of performance will be determined, its characteristics and requirements for professional knowledge, skills and competencies to be demonstrated by the performance. Verification - Standards for the education area of Arts, Music Art and Theatre Art thematic areas - Outputs of teaching for individual fields of study of JAMU - Published qualification works and documentation of graduate performance - System of registration of artistic projects at JAMU Evaluation The content of the courses taught, teaching methods, practical training, method of assessment, content of the state final exams, and the topics and focus of the qualification works are consistent with the planned learning outcomes and the graduate’s profile in the given degree programme and create a logical whole. 60/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The content and scope of the final state examination and requirements for the qualification works are subject to a thorough analysis when conceiving the degree programmes and their specializations. Educational and creative activities in a degree programme Aim of educational activity at JAMU The aim of arts education is primarily to develop talent. In the pedagogical process, individual contact teaching is necessary, which develops the originality of personality, teaches it to master the creative procedures and techniques of the chosen field, acquire the ability of critical reflection and self-reflection, and follow and seek new ways of artistic creativity. The aim of undergraduate education in the arts is to provide theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills so that graduates find employment in the artistic ensembles and institutions (theatres, orchestras, television, radio, film, schools with arts disciplines, etc.) in artistic and artistic-operational positions and can become freelance artists. The main competencies of graduates include the ability to cooperate and come to an agreement in the process of creation; in the case of collective works of art they are able to manage a large creative team in the process of creation. In the field of arts education, the practice-based research degree (PhD) prevails at the doctoral level. There is a characteristic balanced ratio between artistic creative activity and its erudite critical theoretical reflection, i.e. between written work and artistic practice in the reporting of publishing activities. Studying the doctoral degree programme in a particular field is coordinated by a field-specific council, which in particular draws up the degree programme in the field, determines the content of the admission interview for applicants, suggests a supervisor for a doctoral student, approves topics of dissertations, evaluates the course of study, proposes the composition of committees for defence of dissertations and for the state doctoral examination. The study of each student is coordinated by a professional trainer who, in particular, prepares with the student his/her individual curriculum, performs a continuous check of how it is fulfilled and evaluates the student's study once a year. Methods of teaching and evaluation study results DF JAMU Methods of teaching are based on the following principles 61/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Individual approach to each student (recognition of his/her strengths and weaknesses and guidance in developing his/her talent) - Contact teaching in disciplines based on development of professional skills and techniques (continuous checking and correction of performance) - Leading students to independent creative work (continuous feedback and further direction of creation) - Mastering the principles of teamwork - Knowledge of the theory and history of the field as a prerequisite for creation and its reflection - Understanding the significance of artistic cognition of the world in addition to scientific cognition and the role of art in society - Importance of research through art (artistic research, theatre based research) The most commonly used methods are - Lecture, discussion, heuristic methods in theoretical disciplines - Methods of developing professional skills and techniques in practically oriented disciplines - Project methods, discussion methods, heuristic methods, problem solving, brainstorming, learning in life situations - creation and presentation of a theatre staging, creation and realization of an artistic-pedagogical and artistic-managerial project in the case of creative projects Teaching at DF most often takes form of individual teaching (development of professional skills and techniques, guiding independent creative activities of students) and group individualized teaching (especially for creative projects based on teamwork). Due to the gradual transition from fields of study to degree programmes with specializations, there is a greater interconnection of teaching and thus of methods and creative practices between the various professions studied and the principle of team creation is strengthened. HF JAMU The degree programmes realized within the thematic area Music Art use teaching methods appropriate to the individual needs of students and the development of their specific creative, talent, psychosomatic and possibly other (theoretical-critical, organizational, communication, etc.) prerequisites. Education at the Music Faculty is thus most often in the form of individual teaching (developing professional skills and techniques, guiding independent creative activities of students) and group teaching (especially in theoretical and historical subjects or in the development of teamwork focused on the realization of creative projects). The gradual transition from study fields to degree programmes with specializations, according to the requirements of new legislation and accreditation methodology, leads to greater interconnection of teaching and thus also methods and creative practices between the various professions studied, the principle of teamwork and sharing of good practice is strengthened. In the course of study process, student-centred approaches that support their active, individual creative activities and group cooperation are used. Given the specifics of the thematic area Music Art, a special emphasis is placed on direct/contact teaching immediately related to the development of individual talent, creative, psychosomatic and other prerequisites. Studying takes place according to the nature of the given programme and the course in the form of lectures, seminars, individual lessons (interpretative fields - playing the instrument, conducting, singing and composition), group lessons (chamber music, orchestral and opera projects, multidisciplinary projects), concert and opera practice , exercises, self-study and related artistic/ creative activities, as well as visits to concerts, shows and other artistic presentations or participation in professional excursions. 62/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 The ratio of direct teaching and self-study corresponds to the profile of the degree programme and teaching methods, with more than half of the teaching being done in the contact form. The development of methods of studying, teaching and evaluating results includes the use of study results as a positive learning tool that enables to engage students in critical peer review processes. There is a general shift towards a more responsible and transparent approach to teaching that focuses on students and study to support their personal profile. These methods can engage students right from the outset in the search for further direction and development of a personal artistic programme, and in negotiation about further professional career, taking into account the practical, social, ethical, health and safety implications for the career development of the future graduate. This inclusion or placement is discussed with teachers and the relevant experts or institutions are contacted. Students acquire direct experience with individual issues and procedures related to their inclusion. They document their experience and are evaluated for artistic performance, demonstration, presentation of work or project to their colleagues and teachers. In this way, the group of students gain valuable information and insight into the problem thanks to their colleagues' experience while developing their own presentation skills. The composition of the study literature and the composition of the study supports, which are included in the requirements of the study courses of the profiling base, reflect the current state of development in the area of music art. Students are provided with the availability of study literature and study support, which is stated in the requirements of study subjects of the profiling base The composition of study literature and that of study materials, which are included in the requirements of the profiling base courses, reflect the current state of development in the area of music art. Students are provided access to study literature and study materials, which is indicated in the requirements of the profiling base courses Verification - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 - Standards for accreditation of degree programmes in the education area of Arts, thematic area Music Art and thematic area Theatre Art - Curricula of the fields - Syllabi of study courses in IS JAMU Evaluation Providing for teaching Teaching at JAMU is conceived to provide sufficient space for student talent development. Individual approach of teachers to each student is ensured. Students have ample opportunities for independent creative activity, for which they are given expert guidance by experienced teachers, mostly simultaneously active artists. When carrying out degree programmes and their fields of study, modern teaching methods are used that correspond to the required and declared learning outcomes of the relevant programme and its fields, as well as approaches supporting the active role of students in the teaching process. The ratio of direct teaching and self-study corresponds to the degree programme and its fields, level and form of study. Credit system of study JAMU uses a complex electronic information system IS for the agenda of study processes and study duties and the unified European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) for the evaluation of study results. Diplomas are provided with Diploma Supplements made in English according to EHEA rules. Both faculties of JAMU have introduced the principles of qualification frameworks into the description of the study agenda and its published parts, and at the level of individual workplaces and specializations they are introducing descriptions of criteria that correspond to the study objectives and by which the students are evaluated. 63/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Teaching in professional courses Students are required to prepare an interpretation of their artistic performance, or presentation of a partial result of their work, or the resulting realization of the work in relation to other historical or contemporary examples and put it in a critical and theoretical context. Other forms of presentation include student assessments and analysis of a concert, artistic project, or discussion of a specific topic related to artistic practice. Presentations place demands on students in applying individual and cooperative research skills and understanding theory as an integral part of their study. A public presentation allows students to gain self-confidence in communicating different content to a group of listeners. It gives them an opportunity to test and improve presentation skills. Learning based on peer interaction or peer learning that includes mutual observation and analysing of student presentations is of great value and enables students to develop critical thinking and reflection skills. Verification of outputs in the process of teaching and when the course is completed by examination Students are involved in a wide range of study activities. Continuous assessment of outputs of teaching is used as a learning tool and the students are expected to play an active role in their evaluation. This evaluation can take place by means of group criticism, by writing critical evaluation reports on own study growth or through critical activity of colleagues. This form of assessment engages students in analysis, evaluation and discussion with their fellow-classmates and allows the assessment process to be transparent. In this way, students can assume greater responsibility for their own study. The purpose of the examination is to verify whether the student has theoretical knowledge or practical skills in the scope and form set for each course of study. Examinations must take place in a specified form (written test, theoretical examination and the like for theoretical courses, or presentation of artistic performance or realization of an author's work in the case of outputs of practical disciplines). The examination may have several parts and if the main course is evaluated in higher grades, the results of study are presented by a public presentation. Creative activity related to a degree programme The entire pedagogical process at DF JAMU is directed towards students' independent creative and artistic activities. First, under the guidance of teachers, there are exercises and minor works that are presented inside the atelier and then inside the school, which does not exclude the possibility of presenting the most significant achievements to a wider public. Some creative projects in the bachelor's degree are directed towards public presentation and confrontation with the audience. In the master’s degree, outputs are presented through public appearances. A special category is formed by graduate performances, which have the character of completed and publicly presented artistic, artistic-managerial, artistic-pedagogical work. Requirements for graduate performances will be newly formulated in the Methodology of Internal Assurance and Evaluation of Quality of Educational and Creative Activities of DF JAMU. At HF, students present their artistic activity at public concerts or within other artistic productions; works for final examinations are presented in the form of outputs at HF only within the relevant department. Graduate performances, which have the character of completed and publicly presented artistic, artisticmanagerial, artistic-pedagogical works, constitute a special category. A detailed list of realized and published creative projects from the degree programmes is contained in the annual report for the year in question. In 2016, a register of students’ artistic projects was introduced in the JAMU information system. Linking artistic activity with education is the principle on which the teaching is based and follows from the very nature, mission statement and main activity of the school. Teachers fulfil their roles - pedagogical, artistic 64/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 and some of them also research. A number of academic and research workers are members of renowned orchestral and chamber ensembles or theatres and are active even abroad. They are also members of juries of international competitions, lead master classes and seminars in the Czech Republic and abroad. Recording activity of students and teachers is also part of the artistic activity. The institution supports their artistic activities and regular presentations of students’ creative activities, joint projects of teachers and students, profile concerts of teachers, publication activity and the participation of teachers at international conferences. JAMU and its faculties act as a centre of artistic and research activities in the region. The institution's artistic activity and its performance in the area of creative activities and professional outputs can be monitored through the nation-wide RUV project (Register of Artistic Outputs), while the publishing and research activities through the RIV (Register of Results). The Arts Council of the faculty as an advisory body of the Dean is composed of representatives of the school, practitioners from the professional sphere and educational arts institutions. 65/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Verification - Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV) - Register of Students’ Artistic Projects - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 - Annual Reports on activities of faculties for 2017 Evaluation JAMU carries out scientific or artistic activity that is directly related to the thematic areas of Music Art, Theatre Art, Dance Art, Radio Arts and Television Art of the relevant education area of Arts, in which the fields of study of the faculty are realized. This is reflected in its outputs and their assessment with regard to the profile of fields of study. To keep records and as evidence of professional performance, the artistic and other professional performances of teachers and students, realized even outside the institution, are recorded through a special module in the school information system and in the National Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV) administered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The professional performance of both faculties is high in the performance characteristics of both teachers and students in most professions, often with an international dimension. To further develop the institution, it is essential to improve publicity, public formats of presentation and the overall communication style. The prerequisite for the public defence of the theses and dissertations is the submission of a summary of professional outputs of each student's creative activity. Regular and abundant concert, theatre, project and opera activity itself is an important evaluation parameter for the assessment of the faculty's professional activities. From the character of creative activities in the programme documents of the Orlí Street Theatre and the Marta Studio Theatre and the project and concert documentation contained in the annual reports as well as from the summary of topics of theses and dissertations, it is possible to judge the breadth of professional scope, and documentation of their opposition proceedings testifies on the level of creative activities of both faculties. It follows from the assignment that their elaboration requires independent creative efforts of each student. Even this activity is subject to opposition proceedings. Financial, material and other support provided to a degree programme Financial support to a degree programme The legal framework for the management of public higher education institutions was established in 2016 mainly by the full wording of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts, and the Rules for allocating contributions and subventions to the public higher education institutions by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter referred to as the ’Rules’) issued by the Ministry of Education for the relevant financial year. Contributions under the Rules are provided to the public higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as the ’higher education institution’), i.e. JAMU, by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports for implementation of accredited degree programmes and lifelong learning programmes and related scientific, research, development, innovation, artistic and other creative activities. The non-investment cost of undergraduate education per one student is based on the MEYS budget and the cost of specific research. The contribution to the doctoral education of one student is based on the cost per one student according to the MEYS budget and also on the cost supporting the institutional programme and other costs supporting the research of the institution at the level of obtained grants and other research projects. However, JAMU, like other Czech higher arts education institutions, lacks financial resources to ensure its own artistic activity, which would at least partly correspond to the support of 66/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 research activities in the form of support for long-term institutional development of research institutions. This financial handicap of arts education is particularly evident in the area of wages, where higher arts education institutions traditionally occupy the last places as far as average wages are concerned. 67/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 For lifelong learning, costs are paid directly by the course participants, while the costs are based on the demands of the course in question. The prevailing individual form of teaching and teaching in smaller groups so that the degree programmes are well-accomplished requires a larger number of teachers. The institution's wage costs therefore account for a larger portion (almost 80 %) of its budget. In 2017, JAMU implemented a long-time planned and necessary reform of wage tariffs, which eliminated the age criterion in determining the amount of wage and placed a great emphasis on the ability to individually assess quality and work intensity of each staff member. Music education is extremely demanding in terms of instrumentation and space, which implies a plan and provision of investments into space and instruments and a continuous coverage of higher operating costs. JAMU has prepared and annually updates a plan of material and technical development of the school, where the needs are defined in a five-year horizon both in terms of technologies and financial resources to cover them. Verification - Annual Report on JAMU economic activities for 2017 - Plan of material and technical development of the school for 2016-2020 and its updates Evaluation JAMU has ascertained and assessed the anticipated financial costs of the degree programmes realization, in particular the cost of instruments and their operation, the cost of material and technical equipment and its modernization, personnel costs, the cost of further training of academic workers and the cost of innovation, and has adequate resources to cover these costs. The non-investment cost of creative activities are based on the amount of resources for the institutional programme of the institution and other costs supporting the research of the higher education institution at the level of grants received. The faculty's investment actions are funded through a special subvention from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. JAMU has handled the public funds provided so as not to distort, or threaten to distort, competition in accordance with the EC/EU Rules for the Provision of Public Support. Detailed information on the meaningful spending of the Ministry of Education's contribution, as well as information on the programme or other financing for building an infrastructure for the material and technical support, utilization of profit from complementary activities, project activities within relevant programmes to support science and research, as well as information on financing from projects for development activities or activities beyond the scope of degree programmes (i.e. joint projects within the third role of university and international cooperation) can be found in the Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2016 ( and Annual Report on JAMU economic activities for 2016 ( Material and technical support to a degree programme The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts has spaces and material and technical equipment that fully satisfy the high demands placed on the scope and quality of teaching. Teaching in individual degree programmes takes place in spaces whose architectural design meets the specific needs of degree programmes. These are classrooms for acting classes, dance halls equipped with special floors, mirrors, pianos and sound systems; classrooms for theoretical teaching equipped with projection technology; classrooms for the fields of Audiovisual production and theatre and Radio and Television Dramaturgy and Scriptwriting with computer technology, editing rooms, cameras, etc. This year, foreign language classes were moved to the newly built premises on the 3rd floor of IVUC Astorka, whose renovation was financed under the DIFA Infrastructure Project JAMU CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/ 0002469. 68/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 JAMU also has two school theatres – the Marta Studio Theatre and the Orlí Street Theatre. These theatres are fully equipped for professional operation including shops and storage areas, complete technological background and dressing rooms for actors as well as rehearsal rooms with audio systems, light technologies and more. In the Orlí Street Theatre, there is a top equipped recording studio, dressmaker’s shop, accompanist’s room, etc. available. DF JAMU Equipment and technological background is continuously modernized. This includes, for example, a new sound system and projection technologies was funded under the DF Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469 for the atelier of Theatre Production and Stage Technology; new audio and video technologies and new lighting was funded under the DIFA JAMU Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469 for the acting classrooms; new velvet covers will be purchased from the DIFA JAMU Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469; reconstruction of floors in acting classrooms will be funded under the DIFA JAMU Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2/16_016/0002469; new velvet covers will be purchased from the DIFA JAMU Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469 for musical ateliers; new photographic technologies will be purchased for the needs of ATD students from the DIFA JAMU Infrastructure Project CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/ 16_016/0002469 and more. HF JAMU The Faculty of Music uses adequate spaces for teaching and operations, which it administers itself. It has spaces for both teaching and preparation for teaching, in which all educational activities are carried out, as well as spaces where students of all fields of study offered by the faculty can realize and present their performances and artistic projects (concerts, performances, scenic projects) that are the result of study. Thus, students and teachers can use an adequate number of classrooms and rehearsal rooms. Artistic and creative activity is part of the teaching process and is materially secured by the faculty. For artistic and teaching activities, there is a large and smaller concert hall and several spaces for chamber projects, a recording and sound studio for making recordings and a space for realization of scenic projects. Students can use all school premises for their projects. If necessary, when there are special requirements for the outputs of specific study courses for presentation of students' creative activities in the spaces which it does not have, it is also able to arrange rental of the corresponding rooms. Spaces used by the faculty, such as halls for concert and chamber music projects, are equipped with concert instruments and technical devices (recording system, sound system, etc.). Spaces for scenic projects are equipped with lighting and sound systems. Classrooms and rehearsal rooms are equipped with a piano park. Teaching of courses of the common base is ensured by theoretical courses taught at departments and courses taught by the Department of Music and Humanities, as well as by courses taught by the Department of Foreign Languages. The Faculty owns some musical and related instruments, which are used as needed and depending on the repertoire. Students can borrow some of them during their studies. Tool maintenance is provided by the faculty. Students can also use the Sound and Recording Studio. Some departments have other facilities to ensure teaching. Beyond the scope set by accreditation, students and teachers can carry out other creative and artistic activities, especially through grant programmes in the Czech Republic and abroad. Teachers and students can use the publishing house to present and publish their creative work. The institution may use the accommodation facilities near the school (student dormitory) and sports facilities. Verification 69/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 - Annual Report on activities of faculties for 2017 - Annual Report on JAMU economic activities for 2017 - Annual Report on economic activities of faculties for 2017 Evaluation JAMU has in place an infrastructure for teaching in degree programmes and their fields, has sufficient staffing, spatial, technical and financial capacities, in particular an adequate material and technical equipment, sufficient and operational teaching and study spaces, classroom equipment and teaching facilities that correspond to the type of degree programmes, the needs of each field and the number of students. Professional literature and electronic databases corresponding to degree programmes The JAMU Library strives to satisfy the needs and focus of both faculties with its collections and acquisitions. The library has books, sheet music, CDs and DVDs, LPs and periodicals, encyclopaedias, electronic resources, and allows students to work there on PCs and in listening boxes within their selfstudy. Collections are supplemented with urtext editions of older documents. It provides access to the most important foreign and domestic databases. The library fund is complemented by donations and through student and research grants. The library keeps track of the number of teachers and students using it and organizes its own educational events. The library is a member of international professional organizations. Departments, ateliers and workplaces are equipped with their own information resources according to their focus. These resources are continuously updated. Computer network is available for students, teachers, administrative staff and faculty management. Students have at their disposal computers in public spaces of the school and others at the relevant departments; appropriate spaces have wireless connection. Faculties use the capacity of the Publishing Centre to publish or print promotional materials or professional publications. Verification - Annual Report on JAMU activities for 2017 - Annual Report on activities of faculties for 2017 - JAMU Library: Novobranská 3, 602 00 Brno - Catalogue Aleph: - Via IS: - Art online: - Music database of the Oxford University Press: - Music database of the Alexander Street Press, sound library, sheet music, encyclopaedias: Evaluation Students have adequate access to professional literature and other information resources corresponding to the given degree programme and its fields. 70/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Degree programme guarantor Guarantor's powers and responsibilities Both faculties have established guarantors for future degree programmes based on the amendment to the Higher Education Act and the methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau on the specification, accreditation and implementation of degree programmes. 71/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 DF JAMU Degree Programme Specialization Degree Programme Guarantors Direction and dramaturgy Direction Prof. Zbyněk Srba Dramaturgy Acting Dramatic acting Doc. Igor DostálekMusical acting Physical theatre Scenography Scenography Doc. Marie Jirásková Light design Dramatic production and media Audiovisual production and theatre Doc. Petr FrancánRadio and television dramaturgy and scriptwriting Theatrical production and stage technology Theatrical production Doc. Blanka Chládková Stage management and technology Theatre and education Theatre and education Prof. Veronika Broulíková Theatre and education for the deaf Dance and movement theatre and education HF JAMU9 Degree Programme Specialization Degree Programme Guarantors Music production MgA. Ing. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. 10 Conducting, singing and opera direction Orchestral conducting Doc. Mgr MgA. Monika Holá Choral conducting Singing Opera direction Wind instruments playing Prof. Milan Polák Composition Composition Doc. Mgr Ing. MgA. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. Multimedia composition 9 In 2018, HF JAMU only determined guarantors for those degree programmes whose applications for accreditation will be submitted in 2018. 10 The habilitation procedure is scheduled for 2018 72/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Historical interpretation Prof. Barbara Willi, Ph.D. The selection criteria were: - The higher education qualification achieved - Undisputed quality of pedagogical and creative activities and long-term experience in pedagogy and arts - Reputation of a professionally and internationally recognized pedagogical and artistic personality - The assumption of further professional (pedagogical and artistic) growth - Experience in creating pedagogical documents - Last but not least, the age of the guarantor, which allows him/her to guarantee the degree programme throughout the accreditation. The guarantor's powers and responsibilities are set out in the JAMU's internal regulations and those of the JAMU faculties. When selecting a personality for the position of a guarantor, the higher education qualification and previous education were considered, as well as the undisputed quality of pedagogical and creative activities so far and long-term experience in pedagogy and arts, the assumption of further professional (pedagogical and artistic) growth, the experience in the creation of pedagogical documents and the introduction of new courses and the age of the guarantor allowing supervision of the degree programme throughout the period for which the accreditation was awarded. Verification - Internal regulation Rules of the Internal Assuring and Evaluating of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities of JAMU Evaluation JAMU has sufficiently specified powers and responsibilities of the future degree programme guarantor to ensure the quality of the degree programme. Powers and responsibilities are set by the JAMU's internal regulation. Evaluation of a guarantor in terms of meeting the standards The guarantor of the JAMU degree programme is the JAMU’s employee, who works at the faculty as an academic worker on the basis of an employment or service relationship with a total weekly working time corresponding to the set weekly working time pursuant to Section 79 of the Labour Code and who has been appointed professor or associate professor or has attained the education by completing the doctoral degree programme. The guarantor has a professional qualification relating to the given degree programme or a degree program of close or related content and has been performing artistic activities for the past five years corresponding to the area or areas of education within which the degree program is to be realized. Verification - Internal regulation Rules of the Internal Assuring and Evaluating of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities of JAMU - Personal records of teachers for accreditation procedure in IS JAMU 73/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Evaluation Degree programme guarantors meet the conditions as far as the maximum number of degree programmes is concerned. Their professional curricula are available in the JAMU information system11 . Staffing of a degree programme Evaluation of the overall staffing of a degree programme in terms of meeting the standards DF JAMU DF JAMU has two types of ateliers. The atelier is one year of study and the main teacher – the head of the atelier (usually an outstanding artistic and pedagogical personality) and his/her closest team leads students from the first year until absolutorium. Teaching is complemented by specialists from dance and movement and singing departments and theoretical disciplines from the DF offer. The second type is an atelier where all the years of the given field are merged and the team of teachers under the guidance of the head of the atelier carries out teaching across the years. Individual years have the so-called teacher of the year who ensures the organizational issues of studying (study stays, practices, professional placements, etc.) from the beginning of the relevant year's study until absolutorium. 11 Their professional curricula are published in the JAMU information system, 74/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Teaching of disciplines focused on professional skills and techniques is provided by sections (dance and movement section, singing section), laboratories (working with media lab). Language teaching is provided by the cabinet of languages. Theoretical study in the bachelor's and master's degree and doctoral degree study is provided by the section for theatre and drama research. Even after the transition from study fields to degree programmes with specializations and the establishment of degree programme guarantors, the character of atelier teaching, based on individual personalities and their pedagogical teams, remains unchanged. The current staffing of existing study fields and the proposed staffing of new degree programmes and their specializations12 fully meet the requirements for their professional (pedagogical and artistic) level. At the same time, most teachers are active in artistic practice and are recognized personalities in both the pedagogical and artistic spheres. DF JAMU pays great attention to supporting the career development of its teachers. The Dean of the faculty and the relevant Pro-Deans are taking a significant initiative to address potential candidates for starting habilitation and professorship procedures and provide them with all the support they need to prepare for the initiation of the procedure. The faculty management and the doctoral study council focus on the search for future young talented teachers, providing the doctoral students with the maximum space to acquire pedagogical experience directly in the bachelor's and master's degree courses and to carry out their own creative practice (the course of artistic, pedagogical and publishing practice is directly embedded in doctoral degree curricula). The transition from study fields to degree programmes and specialization is associated with the addition of staff of degree programmes, especially by young teachers. HF JAMU Among HF JAMU teachers, there are prominent artistic personalities with an international overlap, actively performing artistic practice in the field of music art. Staffing of academically oriented degree programmes also includes an adequate involvement of practitioners. Running of degree programmes is ensured by academic workers or by other professionals with appropriate qualifications to provide for individual courses. The overall structure of the degree programme academic staff corresponds in terms of qualification, age, length of weekly working time and experience in operating abroad or in practice to the structure of the curriculum, objectives and possible profile of the degree program specialization; academic workers perform creative activity that corresponds to this or related expertise. According to the law, the pedagogic positions are occupied on the basis of a successful selection procedure to which precise rules apply concerning its conditions and public announcement. Administrative, organizational and technical operations of the institution are ensured by non-academic staff. They are employees of the study, foreign, project, concert and production divisions. These workers also take care of the spaces that are used for public presentation of artistic and creative work of students. There are several research centres in the institution that are closely linked to the relevant departments, where both academic and non-academic researchers work. Verification - Personal records of teachers for accreditation procedure in IS JAMU 12 Their professional curricula are published in the JAMU information system, 75/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 JAMU academic staff provide teaching through pedagogical, artistic and research activities. Due to the mostly individual character of teaching, the number of teachers is high compared to the number of students, which is a specific feature of arts education. The faculties motivate teachers to pursue career development according to the career order of pedagogical staff. The institution supports teachers in artistic and creative activities with internal grants as well as development and research grants. Due to developments in music and dramatic arts and its internationalization, the institution has the tools to recruit new teaching staff whose qualification correspond to developments in the field. Staffing of the profiling base courses The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of the degree programme have their guarantors, who are significantly involved in teaching, for example by giving lectures. The degree programme is adequately staffed in terms of the period of validity of its accreditation and the prospects of its development, especially with regard to the length of weekly working hours of the guarantors of basic theoretical courses of the profiling base of the degree programme and the period for which the employment of these employees in the higher education institution is arranged or for which its arrangement is ensured. The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base are guaranteed by academic workers appointed by the professor or associate professor or academic workers with a scientific degree. At the same time, study courses of the profiling base of the degree programmes in the area of arts can also be guaranteed by academic staff with an appropriate artistic erudition. The guarantors of these courses participate in the teaching. The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of the master’s degree programme are guaranteed by academic workers appointed by the professor or appointed by the associate professor in the field that corresponds to the area or areas of education within which the master's degree program is to be pursued or in a related field. At the same time, the basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of degree programmes in the field of art can also be guaranteed by academic staff with an appropriate artistic erudition. Verification - Curricula - Personal records of teachers for accreditation procedure in IS JAMU Evaluation Traditionally, the courses of the profiling base of the fields of study are provided by key teachers of the field, mostly by the heads of individual departments, ateliers and degree programme guarantors. At DF, the theoretical courses of the common base of degree programmes are guaranteed by the Cabinet for Theatre and Drama Research. For the most part, their teaching is covered by the degree programme guarantors and cabinet scientific workers At HF, teaching in theoretical courses of the common base is guaranteed by the Department of Music and Humanities. Qualification of practitioners involved in a degree programme teaching DF JAMU Teachers at JF JAMU are, at the same time, renowned personalities in the artistic professional sphere. Thanks to their involvement in the profession and contacts to the professional sphere, also other 76/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 outstanding artists and teachers, both our and foreign, are involved in teaching in the form of one-off entries (lectures, seminars, workshops, projects). Their choice is driven by personal contacts, knowledge of their artistic opinion, the way they work and the awareness of the social overlap. HF JAMU Academic workers provide teaching through pedagogical, artistic and research activities. The close link in most profiling courses between teaching and the practice of professional ‘performance‘ of art requires a high level of professional commitment from the workplaces already at school. That is why such a great emphasis is placed on the fact that teachers working at the faculty are at the same time largely renowned and, if the character of the profession and health permits, active personalities in the artistic professional sphere. Thanks to their involvement in the profession and contacts to the current artistic operation, other outstanding artists and teachers from both the domestic and foreign scene are involved in the form of oneoff entries (lectures, seminars, workshops, projects). Their selection and active involvement in the educational process is effective thanks to personal contacts of faculty academics and knowledge of their artistic opinion, the way they work and awareness of the social overlap of art Verification - Curricula - Personal records of teachers for accreditation procedure in IS JAMU Evaluation Also at JAMU, that is the school with degree programmes in arts, at least a master's degree or its equivalent obtained at a foreign higher education institution is required for teachers realizing higher education. For practitioners, it is necessary to substantiate an adequate verifiable activity in the field over the last at least five years. Doctoral student supervisors The doctoral student supervisors are professors and assistant professors of JAMU with a great professional (pedagogical, artistic and research) experience13 . Verification - Doctoral curricula - Personal records of teachers for accreditation procedure in IS JAMU Evaluation Supervisors of JAMU doctoral students can only be appointed associate professors and professors, or other experts with a scientific degree or with an appropriate artistic erudition. They must be approved by the appropriate arts council. Specific requirements for providing a degree programme 13 Their professional curricula are published in the JAMU information system, 77/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Realizing a degree programme in a combined and distance form of study DF JAMU DF realizes two fields of the degree programme Dramatic Arts in a combined form (master's degree in the specialization Educational Drama for the Deaf and both levels of specialization Dance and Movement Theatre and Education). The reason for the introduction of the combined form of study is to offer the possibility of graduating to teachers already active in the practice of primary, primary arts and secondary schools and special schools in the area of arts-oriented courses lacking professional artistic-pedagogical education. HF JAMU HF JAMU offers the combined form of study in the specialization of Piano Pedagogy only in the bachelor's degree. Students have at their disposal good musical instruments, historical and latest piano schools, sheet music, literature, audiovisual documents and practical teaching aids. Teaching takes the form of both contact and e-learning and is appropriately linked to the practical checking of acquired knowledge and skills through pedagogical outputs. The study is not completed by a classical feature-length recital, but by checking the knowledge of instructive literature in the form of an interpretative performance, pedagogical output, the final state examination in vocational courses and the defence of the thesis. The bachelor's degree programmes in the combined form of study are designed to allow a minimum of 75 hours to be completed in the first year and a minimum of 80 hours of direct teaching in the second year of study, with the exception of the last semester of study devoted mainly to the elaboration of the qualification thesis. Evaluation The content of the combined form of study at JAMU fully corresponds to its full-time form. Calculation of credits, as with the full-time form, is governed by the student's hourly workload, but with the prevailing hours of self-study. The study is supported by methodological materials and specialized study texts. Adequate study materials are specified for each studied course conducted in this combined form, teaching takes place using the workplace's personnel and tools, as well as computer technology and the Internet, the method of contact with the teacher, including the system of consultations, supplementary teaching and methodological support is adequate to the requirements and the organization of the study provides for the possibility of regular communication between students. Realizing a degree program in cooperation with a foreign university In its ESF project realized with the support of the Operational Program Research, Development and Education, HF JAMU undertook to accredit under the new methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau during the next academic year the degree programme Historical Interpretation, which will be realized in the follow-up master’s degree in cooperation with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag), one of the leaders in teaching and research in historical interpretation. The Hague Conservatoire thus becomes a key partner school for the Faculty of Music. In addition, intensive cooperation is being developed with its other workplaces dealing in contemporary music composition and research in the area of electronic sound production and sound design (Institute of Sonology). 78/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Verification - JAMU long-term intent - OP RDE Project: Improving the quality of education at JAMU CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002245 Evaluation Based on its long-term intent, HF JAMU decided to implement the teaching in the specialization Historical Interpretation in the follow-up master's degree as a shared programme with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. The organization of the study will be built on the existing accreditation of these degree programme specializations of both schools. HF JAMU and the Royal Conservatoire signed a memorandum on mutual cooperation. Realizing a degree program in a foreign language At present, there is no foreign language teaching at JAMU, although HF currently has a valid accreditation for teaching the fields in a foreign language. The faculties are worried about the high cost before introducing a full run with students in all years of study. This burden requires a higher financial participation of students in the form of tuition fee, the amount of which will be significantly disadvantageous for the faculty compared to competing schools. Further postponing the opening of this study to candidates threatens the gradual declining performance of the institution in applying the principles of internationalization, which may be accompanied by the loss of attractiveness of the school for foreign partners. Gradually, the faculties are selecting courses for which the curriculum and teaching methods are prepared in a foreign language. These courses are used by DF to integrate Erasmus students from the Bridging East and West programme into their respective ateliers. At HF JAMU there is a long-term practice towards extremely talented, self-paying students, for whom the offer in a foreign language has already been created. Evaluation For studying in a foreign language, study materials in the relevant foreign language are gradually prepared. For studying in a degree programme realized in the foreign language, translation of the relevant internal regulations into the relevant foreign language is available. Students and academic workers have access to information resources and other, especially counselling, services in the foreign language in which the degree programme is realized. The elaboration of qualification theses in the degree programme realized in the foreign language is required in the language in which the degree programme is realized. Opponent reviews will be provided in the relevant foreign language and in English or Czech. HF JAMU expects that this disadvantageous situation will be solved by the prepared shared programme with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague in the area of historical interpretation. This strategy can raise awareness between foreign partners about the school’s level and the quality of education offered here. Realizing a degree program in cooperation with another legal entity In cooperation with other legal entities, teaching in two fields of study is currently taking place at HF JAMU. Since 2008, when the first student was enrolled in the study, the specialization in Multimedia Composition is offered. It has been accredited for the bachelor's degree as a field of study ensured upon the agreement on cooperation signed by three Brno universities. The curricula thus include specialized 79/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 courses selected from the original offer of both faculties of JAMU, the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Brno University of Technology (BUT) and the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. In 2012, teaching of Audio Engineering was launched in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of BUT, which is the holder of accreditation Verification - Curricula of Multimedia Composition and curricula of Audio Engineering Evaluation Multimedia Composition is an artistic specialization that builds on the creative way of recording, processing, transmitting and storing visual and audio material electronically in both analogue and digital form and in a particular time-space situation. The intention is to develop a future graduate's ability to integrate the means of expression into a complex work of art. In an action-environment relationship, it emphasizes new media: audio, video, computers, communications and information technology. The programme includes a free artistic work, which is presented in concert and theatre halls, galleries, museums and alternative spaces. For such a breadth of professional coverage, it is very convenient for students to meet experts from different workplaces. The interdisciplinary study of Audio Engineering is conceived as a technical and artistic discipline that enables university education for future audio engineers, music technology engineers and sound engineers. The curriculum was compiled from the courses of both faculties in accordance with the requirements of public service media, theatres, large recording studios and other organizations. Graduates are thus offered a wide range of applications. An important contribution is also the room for cooperation between students of art disciplines of JAMU and students of interdisciplinary studies with a focus on technical disciplines dealing primarily with acoustics, because the common practice of performers and audio engineers is becoming increasingly important and expanding. 80/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 List of links JAMU → Strategic intent Annual Report on JAMU activities Annual Report on JAMU economic activities → Strategic intent Strategic intent (Long-term intent concerning educational, creative and related activities of JAMU) Plan of implementation of JAMU strategic intent for 2017 IS JAMU DF JAMU Strategic intent (Long-term intent concerning educational, creative and related activities of DF JAMU) Plan of implementation of DF JAMU strategic intent for 2017 Annual Report on DF JAMU activities Annual Report on DF JAMU economic activities HF JAMU → Faculty of Music Strategic intent (Long-term intent concerning educational, creative and related activities of HF JAMU) Plan of implementation of HF JAMU strategic intent for 2017 Annual Report on HF JAMU activities Annual Report on HF JAMU economic activities Internal regulations: JAMU sheet Statute of JAMU 81/82 Annex B03: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2017 Study and Examination Code of JAMU Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Quality Evaluation of Educational, Creative and Related Activities JAMU Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of JAMU JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure JAMU Scholarship Rules JAMU Code of Ethics JAMU Disciplinary Code Statute of DF JAMU Statute of HF JAMU Rules of Procedure of DF JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure of HF JAMU Academic Senate Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of DF JAMU Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of HF JAMU DF JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure HF JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure 82/82 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Self-Evaluation Report of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) in Brno for 2018 1/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Table of Content s I. Institutions....................................................................................................................................5 JAMU Vision Statement.........................................................................................................................5 JAMU Mission Statement......................................................................................................................5 Scope of activity of the JAMU bodies.............................................................................................10 Composition of the JAMU bodies...................................................................................................10 Internal quality assurance system.................................................................................................15  Definition of authority and responsibility for quality.......................................................16  Processes in preparing and modifying degree programmes............................................17  Principles and system for recognition of foreign education for admission to study......17  Qualification work guidance...............................................................................................18  Feedback processes in quality evaluation.........................................................................19  Monitoring success rates of study applicants, students and the graduates’ employability 20 Educational and creative activities................................................................................................21  International dimension and application of the contemporary state of knowledge......21  Cooperation with practice in realizing degree programmes............................................22  Cooperation with practice in creating degree programmes.............................................23 Supporting resources and administration....................................................................................24  Information system.............................................................................................................24  Libraries and electronic resources....................................................................................24  Study of students with specific needs................................................................................25  Measures against unethical behaviour and intellectual property protection.................26 II. Degree programme.....................................................................................................................26 Compliance of the degree programme with the JAMU mission statement and the international dimension of the degree programme............................................................................................26  Compliance of the degree programme with the JAMU mission statement and strategic documents...................................................................................................................................26  Connection with the JAMU creative activity......................................................................27 2/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018  Cooperation with practice..................................................................................................28  Connection with the scientific/artistic activity of JAMU..................................................29  International dimension of the degree programme.........................................................29 Profile of the graduate and content of the study...........................................................................30  Compliance of the acquired professional knowledge, skills and competencies with the type and profile of the degree program.....................................................................................30  Language competencies......................................................................................................31  Rules and conditions of curricula development................................................................32  Specification of the career prospects of graduates...........................................................32  Standard length of study.....................................................................................................33  Consistency of the study content with study objectives and the graduate’s profile.......33  Differentiation of the doctoral degree programme form other types of degree programmes................................................................................................................................33  Structure and scope of study courses................................................................................34  Consistency of the curricula content, state exams and qualification works with learning outcomes and the graduate’s profile.........................................................................................34 Educational and creative activities in a degree programme........................................................35  Methods of teaching and evaluation of study results.......................................................35  Creative activity related to a degree programme.............................................................36 Financial, material and other support provided to a degree programme...................................37  Financial support to a degree programme........................................................................37  Material, technical and informational support to a degree programme.........................37  Professional literature and electronic databases relevant to a degree programme.......41 Degree programme guarantor.......................................................................................................41  Guarantor's powers and responsibilities..........................................................................41  Evaluation of a guarantor in terms of meeting the standards..........................................42 Staffing of a degree programme.....................................................................................................43  Evaluation of the overall staffing of a degree programme in terms of meeting the standards.....................................................................................................................................43  Staffing of the profiling base courses.................................................................................43  Doctoral student supervisors.............................................................................................44 3/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Specific requirements for providing a degree programme..........................................................44  Realizing a degree programme in a combined and distance form of study....................44  Realizing a degree programme in co-operation with a foreign higher education institution....................................................................................................................................44 Verification......................................................................................................................................45 I. 4/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 I. Institutions School JANÁČEK ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS (JAMU) IN BRNO, Beethovenova 2, 662 15 Brno Faculties THEATRE FACULTY – DF, Mozartova, 662 15 Brno MUSIC FACULTY – HF, Komenského náměstí 6, 662 15 Brno JAMU Vision Statement The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is a university-type higher arts education institution that carries out its degree programmes in the education area of Arts at two faculties - Theatre and Music, and offers its students and teachers a modern background for artistic activities at well-equipped university workplaces. At the same time, the school significantly fulfils the third role of university through its artistic activity, namely by a focused cultural offer for the general public in the region of South Moravia. The Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (hereinafter referred to as JAMU) provides the conditions for developing the artistic talents of its students and linking arts education, artistic creation and research in art and through art as various forms of learning and cultivating society. JAMU educates top artistic personalities who determine the form of Czech, European and world music and dramatic arts in a wide range of applications - from working in official professional music and theatre institutions to free types of creativity manifestations in the spirit of free artistic creation across art forms and genres The JAMU representatives are active in the self-governing bodies of the Council of Higher Education Institutions (CHEI) and the Czech Rectors’ Conference (CRC). Through its activities, JAMU promotes the importance of higher arts education in the context of higher education system in the Czech Republic. JAMU Mission Statement JAMU is responsible for developing the tradition of higher arts education in the Czech Republic through its educational, artistic and scientific activities. It strives to contribute to the formation of standards of arts, especially theatre and music, education also in the international environment. JAMU advocates the recognition of artistic creative activity as equal to the outputs of scientific cognition and at the same time contributes richly to science and research in the Czech Republic. It stimulates and supports the artistic and scientific activities of its students and teachers, emphasizes experiment and boosts the quality of art, culture and life in the region and throughout the Czech Republic in direct relation to the EU environment. It is aware of its indispensability in developing creativity of individuals and in promoting artistic level and ethics of creative activity. It is open to co-working with a wide range of partners, and at the same time it can also be a reliable and stable partner itself. JAMU appreciates its employees, associates, graduates, students, its reputation and respects all the rights and freedoms arising from the principles of academic education. The artistic, pedagogical and scientific potential of JAMU teachers guarantees not only the quality of education (acquiring knowledge and skills, developing students' abilities and talents), 5/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 but also education of students in the spirit of the right to free creation, education for responsibility and respect for professional ethics, awareness of the social mission and the importance of art. The exclusive position of JAMU is due to the fact that it is the only higher arts education institution providing education in all fields of the Dramatic Arts and Musical Arts degree programmes in a three-tier system of study in Moravia and one of two such higher arts education institutions in the Czech Republic. JAMU is responsible for developing the tradition of higher arts education in the Czech Republic through its educational, creative and related activities. JAMU is a bearer of aesthetic and ethical values and is able to pass them on to all who are willing to listen. The main role of JAMU is education in the field of arts through accredited degree programmes in Musical Arts, Dramatic Arts and Dance Arts. JAMU participates in the formation of standards of artistic education in the Czech and international environment. It also actively participates in scientific, research and development processes. JAMU develops the artistic talent of students who have undergone a demanding admission procedure. It uniquely combines artistic education, artistic creation (through the work of its teachers in the artistic sphere and through the creative work of its students) and research in art and through art. Art is one of the important parts of life of every society. The artistic, pedagogical and scientific potential of JAMU academic community guarantees not only the quality of education (acquiring knowledge and skills, developing students' abilities and talents), but also education of students in the spirit of the right to free creation, education for responsibility and respect for professional ethics. In addition to education and artistic and other creative activities, equally important role of JAMU is its direct social influence. JAMU contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and values in the society in many different ways and itself carries out professional activities in its scope of influence. Together with other personalities and partners, it creates space for public discussion and contributes significantly to its openness, criticality, expertise and refinement. JAMU has set a long-term and targeted focus both in the area of educational activities and creative (artistic and scientific) activities with a clear overlap to the area of arts and culture and other spheres of social life in the region within the Czech Republic, as well as overlapping abroad. 6/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF JAMU FROM APRIL 1, 2017 Akademický senát JAMU Academic Senate of JAMU Umělecká rada JAMU Arts Council of JAMU REKTOR RECTOR Správní rada JAMU Administrative Board of JAMU Sekretariát rektora Rector’s Secretariat Vnitřní audit Internal Audit Vnější vztahy External Relations Referát pro BO, PO a CO Office for BO, PO and CO Kolegium rektora Rector's Collegium Řízení kvality Quality Control Prorektor pro vědu, výzkum, strategie a rozvoj Pro-Rector for science, research, strategy and development 7/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Ediční středisko Publishing Centre Výzkumné centrum Research Centre Prorektor pro zahraniční styky a zajišťování a hodnocení kvality Pro-Rector for international relations and quality assurance and evaluation Zahraniční referát Foreign Office Referát pro kvalitu Office for Quality Prorektor pro studijní, pedagogickou a uměleckou činnost Pro-Rector for study, pedagogical and artistic activities Studijní referát Study Office Knihovna Library Kolej Astorka Astorka Hall of Residence Divadlo na Orlí Na Orlí Street Theatre Kvestorka Quaestor Sekretariát kvestorky Quaestor’s Secretariat Ekonomické oddělení Economic Department Technický a investiční odbor Technical and Investment Department Referát personální práce Office for Personnel Work Referát práce a mezd Office for Labour and Wages Referát právní Legal Office Referát organizační a archív Organizational Office and Archive Oddělení výpočetních a informačních služeb Computer and Information Services Section DIVADELNÍ FAKULTA THEATRE FACULTY HUDEBNÍ FAKULTA MUSIC FACULTY Projektová kancelář Project Office ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF JAMU THEATRE FACULTY AS DIFA JAMU Kolegium Collegium DĚKAN DEAN Umělecká rada Arts Council Tajemník Secretary Studijní oddělení Study Department Vnější vztahy External Relations Zahraniční oddělení Foreign Department Provozní oddělení Operations Department Správa budov Facility Management Sekretariát děkana Dean’s Secretariat Sekretariát pedagogických pracovníků Secretariat of Pedagogical Staff Proděkani Pro-Deans Ateliéry Ateliers Kabinety Departments 8/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Laboratoře Laboratories Divadelní studio Marta Marta Studio Theatre ORGANIZATIONAL CHART OF JAMU MUSIC FACULTY AS HF JAMU Kolegium Collegium 9/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 DĚKAN DEAN Umělecká rada Arts Council Tajemnice Secretary Studijní oddělení Study Department Koncertní oddšlení Concert Department Zahraniční oddělení Foreign Department Správa budov Facility Management Provozní oddělení Operations Department Informační systémy Information Systems Proděkani Pro-Deans Sekretariát děkana Dean’s Secretariat Sekretariát kateder Secretariat of Departments Katedry Departments Operní studio Opera Studio Nahrávací studio Recording Studio Scope of activity of the JAMU bodies Standards 1.1-1.2 Composition of the JAMU bodies JAMU management RECTOR Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. (until 31 Jan 2018) Prof. Mgr. Petr Oslzlý (from 1 Feb 2018) PRO-RECTORS Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek (until 31 Jan 2018) Pro-Rector for study, pedagogical and artistic activities (statutory deputy rector) Prof. PhDr Silva Macková (from 1 Feb 2018) Pro-Rector for study and quality Doc. Mgr Richard Fajnor (until 31 Jan 2018) Pro-Rector for international relations and quality assurance and evaluation Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka (from 1 Feb 2018) Pro-Rector for external relations Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk (until 30 June 2018) 10/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Pro-Rector for science, research, strategy and development Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. (from 1 Feb 2018) Pro-Rector for strategy and development Doc. MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. (from 11 Sep 2018) Pro-Rector for creative activities QUAESTOR JUDr Lenka Valová Academic Senate of JAMU TEACHERS Doc. PhDr Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. – the Chairwoman MgA. Petra Vodičková, Ph.D. – the Secretary Stanislav Čaban - the Vice-Chairman Doc. Mgr Hana Halberstadt Doc. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. Prof. PhDr Silva Macková (until 31 Jan 2018) Doc. MgA. Roman Novozámský (from 1 Feb 2018) Mgr Miroslav Ondra (from 1 Feb 2018) Prof. MgA. Martin Opršál Doc. MgA. Lukáš Rieger, Ph.D Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka (until 31 Jan 2018) STUDENTS MgA. Jonáš Konývka (until 30 Sep 2018) BcA. Libor Brzobohatý (from 8 Oct 2018) Hana Hána, DiS. (from 10 Sep 2018) BcA. Ivana Pavlů, DiS. (until 10 June 2018) Gabriela Vojtičková, DIS. (until 7 June 2018) Martina Watzková (from 12 Nov 2018) Arts Council of JAMU Prof. PhDr Jindřiška Bártová Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek Prof. Mgr František Derfler (until 31 Jan 2018) Doc. Mgr Pavel Drábek, Ph.D. (FF MU Brno)* (until 31 Jan 2018) Doc. Mgr Richard Fajnor (until 31 Jan 2018) Prof. PhDr Leoš Faltus (until 31 Jan 2018) Doc. Mgr Francán Petr (from 1 Feb 2018) Prof. Alois Hajda* (until 31 Jan 2018) Prof. Mgr Miloslav Klíma (DAMU Praha)* Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk (until 30 Jun 2018) Prof. MgA. Krobot Ivo (from 1. 2. 2018) Kučerová Marie, PhDr (from 1. 2. 2018) 11/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Prof. MgA. Václav Kunt Doc. Juraj Letenay (VŠMU Bratislava)* Macková Silva, Prof. PhDr (from 1. 2. 2018) Prof. PhDr Zuzana Martináková, Ph.D. (HUAJA Banská Štiavnica)* (until 31 Jan 2018) Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. Prof. MgA. František Novotný Prof. MgA. Petr Oslzlý Prof. MgA. Petráš Jindřich (from 1 Feb 2018) Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka Doc. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. Prof. Adolf Sýkora Prof. PhDr Miloš Štědroň, CSc. (FF MU Brno)* Prof. Alena Štěpánková-Veselá* Mgr Miloš Vacek (until 31 Jan 2018) Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. Prof. Mgr MgA. Vít Zouhar, Ph.D. (UP Olomouc)* *external members Administrative Board of JAMU Mgr Václav Božek, CSc., Councillor of the South Moravian Region, Brno MgA. Martin Glaser, Director of the National Theatre Brno (from 23 Mar 2018) Ing. Jiří Kadrnka, Managing Director of Moss logistics s.r.o. MgA. David Mareček, Ph.D., General Director of the Czech Philharmonic Prague ThDr, Ing. Lukáš Evžen Martinec, OSA, Roman Catholic priest Jiří Morávek, General Director of SNIP&CO, Brno Mgr. Stanislav Moša, Director of the Brno City Theatre Mgr. Jiří Nantl, LL.M, Operational director of CEITEC at the Masaryk University Brno Boleslav Polívka, actor, Director of the Bolek Polívka Theatre Ing. Jana Říhová, Director of Department of Higher Education and Research Support, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Prague Ing. Martin Slezák, Deputy Director of the Czech National Bank, Brno branch Ing. Michal Štefl, Vice-President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia Prof. MVDr. Vladimír Večerek, CSc., Pro-Rector for Strategy and Development of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno Wágnerová Eliška, JUDr., Ph.D., Senator for District No. 59 - Brno-město (from 23 Mar 2018) David Dittrich, Director of Concentus Moraviae, the International Festival of 13 Cities (from 21 May 2018) Internal Evaluation Board Chairman: Prof. Petr Oslzlý Vice-Chairman: Prof. PhDr Silva Macková Members: Doc. PhDr Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D., representative of AS JAMU Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková 12/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová Mgr Jan Přibil Doc. Ing. David Strnad  Stanislav Čaban, representative of JAMU students Doc. Světlana Waradzinová, external member THEATRE FACULTY Management of DF JAMU DEAN Doc. Mgr Petr Francán PRO-DEANS Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková – Development Prof. MgA. Ivo Krobot – Artistic activity Doc. Ing. David Strnad – Study Doc. MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. – Research (until 10 Sep 2018) Doc. Hana Slavíková, Ph.D. – Research (from 20 Sep 2018) SECRETARY MgA. Ondřej Vodička Academic Senate of DF JAMU TEACHERS Doc. MgA. Lukáš Rieger, Ph.D. – Chairman Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Doc. Mgr Hana Halberstadt Mgr Igor Dostálek MgA. Jonáš Konývka Mgr Petr Svozílek STUDENTS BcA. Stanislav Čaban – Vice-Chairman BcA. Petr Theodor Pidrman BcA. Adan Steinbauer (from 16 Oct 2018) BcA. Olivia Fantúrová (from 17 Oct 2018) Arts Council of DF JAMU Prof. PhDr Václav Cejpek Prof. Mgr František Derfler Doc. Mgr Petr Francán . Mgr Martin Františák (ND Brno) MgA. Martin Glaser (ND Brno) Prof. Mgr Jan Gogola 13/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Doc. Mgr Jan Hančil (DAMU Praha)* Doc. MgA. Jana Janíková, ArtD. (UTB Zlín)* Prof. Mgr Miloslav Klíma (DAMU Praha)* Prof. PhDr Josef Kovalčuk (until 30 Jun 2018) Prof. MgA. Ivo Krobot Prof. PhDr Tatjana Lazorčáková Ph.D. (UP Olomouc)* Doc. Juraj Letenay (VŠMU Bratislava)* Prof. PhDr Silva Macková Prof. Mgr Zoja Mikotová Mgr art. Peter Mikulík (VŠMU Bratislava)* Mgr Stanislav Moša (Brno City Theatre)* Prof. Petr Oslzlý Prof. PhDr Petr Osolsobě, Ph.D. (until 27 May 2018) Prof. PhDr Miroslav Plešák Doc. MgA. Lukáš Rieger (from 19 Sep 2018) Doc. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. MgA. et Mgr. Doubravka Svobodová (DAMU Praha)* Prof. Pavel Švanda Prof. Mgr Ján Zavarský *external members MUSIC FACULTY Management of HF JAMU DEAN Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš PRO-DEANS Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová – Study and pedagogical activity Doc. Jurij Likin – Foreign relations PhDr Petr Lyko, Ph.D. et Ph.D. – Science and research, dislocation Mgr. Jan Přibil – Quality assurance system SECRETARY Ing. Jana Vondráčková Academic Senate of HF JAMU TEACHERS Prof. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. – Chairman Prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek MgA. Ivana Mikesková, Ph.D. Doc. Mgr Roman Novozámský Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka (until 18 Apr 2018) Doc. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová (from 19 Apr 2018) MgA. Helena Weiser 14/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 STUDENTS MgA. Martin Hroch MgA. Jiří Najvar, DiS. BcA. Ivana Pavlů, DiS. (until 10 Oct 2018) Kamil El-Ahmadieh (from 11 Oct 2018) Arts Council of HF JAMU Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš Mgr Juraj Bartoš Prof. PhDr Jindřiška Bártová Doc. MgA. Ing. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. Prof. PhDr Leoš Faltus Mgr Marie Gajdošová (Brno Philharmonic)* Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová Prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek Doc. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. Prof. Ivan Klánský (Dean of HAMU Praha) (from 1 Nov 2018) Prof. MgA. Václav Kunt MgA. Pavel Maňásek (Director of Brno Conservatoire)* MgA. David Mareček, Ph.D. (Director of Czech Philharmonic Prague)* Prof. Vlastimil Mareš (Dean of HAMU Praha)* (until 31 Oct 2018) Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D. Prof. MgA. Martin Opršál Doc. Ing. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. Doc. MgA. Vít Spilka Doc. MgA. Zdeněk Šmukař Prof. PhDr Miloš Štědroň, CSc. (FF MU Brno)* Prof. Alena Štěpánková-Veselá* Prof. PhDr Vladimír Tichý, CSc. (HAMU Praha)* Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. Prof. Mgr Jan Zbavitel Doc. PhDr Jiří Zahrádka , Ph.D. (FF MU Brno)* *external members Internal quality assurance system Based on the demands on the system of quality resulting from the amendment to the Higher Education Act and in compliance with the JAMU Strategic Intent for the period 2016-2020, JAMU prepared a methodology for assuring and evaluating the quality of educational, creative and related activities and set partial criteria at the faculties for establishing its comprehensive quality system. The starting point was an updated formulation of the school’s mission statement and the related vision statement. JAMU has also mapped the structure of the main and supporting processes of assuring and evaluating of educational, creative and related activities carried out at faculties and other components. In 2018, the quality system staffing was provided according to the requirements of the amended Higher Education Act. The JAMU Internal Evaluation Board was appointed; it has nine members and their appointment will also take into 15/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 account the representation of both faculties. The internal regulation of JAMU on the quality assurance and enhancement was prepared in 2017. The activities of the Board are governed by the JAMU internal regulation, namely the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evaluation Board. At JAMU, creative outputs of teaching are traditionally evaluated. The public evaluation of graduate projects and performances in the Marta Studio Theatre, at concert stages of the Music Faculty and in the Orlí Street Theatre proved to be important and meaningful. JAMU recognizes creative outputs of teaching as an important criterion for evaluating the educational process having a significant informative value and uses it as one of the key tools for further building the quality system, evaluating activities and setting processes. To record and evaluate creative activities, an electronic tool was developed for collecting data on realized and presented school, academic staff and other artistic achievements and study outputs. It was launched as a part of the information system of JAMU under the name ‘Registration of Works of Art’. Its continuous filling will create an archive of creative activities of JAMU, its components and members of the academic community. The Internal Evaluation Board participated in the preparation of a document called ‘System for Internal Assurance and Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities’. The document describes the main principles of art-specific evaluation, where publicly presented and evaluated outputs of most of the study courses taught are considered both as an indicator of quality of the educational process that preceded them, as well as an indicator of quality of the creative activity that was the content and objective of the study course. Annexes are appended to the document, as follows: - Field-specific accreditation standards In 2016 - 2017, the structure of documents describing the general and field-specific standards of activities at both faculties was revised, especially for the needs of other activities aimed at a new system of accreditations. Based on this, the following strategic documents were produced in cooperation with the representatives of AMU and JAMU, as one of the outputs of the common Centralized Development Project: ‘Standards for Accreditation of Degree Programmes in the Education Area of Arts, Thematic Areas of Theatre Art, Music Art, Film Production and Television Production and Dance Art, finalized in November 2016. In early 2017, both documents were delivered to the National Accreditation Bureau. - Learning outcomes for individual degree programmes and their specializations for the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees of study (qualifications framework) - Graduate performances, which are in addition to the bachelor's and master's theses an equivalent part of the absolutorium. Graduate performances are described for degree programmes and their specializations. The description indicates the performance characteristics and professional skills, knowledge and competencies that the student demonstrates in his/her graduate performance. - Outputs of teaching of all study courses, where such output is presented. These are different types of outputs, from the presentation of skills to comprehensive works for a wider public. The summary provides a list of study courses where such output is presented, its type, to whom the presentation is intended and who evaluates the quality of such output, broken down by degree programmes and their specializations as well as grades and years of study. 16/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 During the summer and autumn of 2018, the JAMU Self-Evaluation Report for the year 2017 was compiled on the basis of documents from the faculties. The JAMU Internal Evaluation Report for 2017 then followed. • Definition of authority and responsibility for quality Standard 1.3 The system for internal assurance and evaluation of quality is being built at JAMU on a continuous basis by gradually introducing individual elements to form a set of interdependent principles, rules and procedures that aim at achieving excellence and continually improving activities of JAMU in education, arts, research and related areas. At all levels of JAMU management, the competencies and responsibilities for the quality of educational, creative and other related activities are defined so as to form a functional whole. The quality assurance and assessment system covers all areas envisaged by the Higher Education Act, the Government Regulation on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education, quality assurance directives in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the JAMU internal regulations. On the basis of the new JAMU Statute, the JAMU Internal Evaluation Board was established in 2018. Proposals for the composition of the Board were in accordance with the Higher Education Act submitted to the Rector of JAMU by the JAMU Arts Council and the JAMU Academic Senate. In line with the JAMU's mission statement, the quality assurance system puts emphasis on educational activities. Teaching in arts degree programmes is closely connected with creative activity. It is both its content and objective. Quality indicators are, in particular, the artistic outputs of teaching as results of learning. Music and dramatic arts are not defined as a fixed and unchanging system of knowledge and skills. Respect for plurality, diversity and dynamism is a prerequisite for free artistic creation and unrestricted development of students’ talents. The field of education and artistic creation is found in a space between classical and traditional methods on the one hand and constant experimentation and updating in search of new forms on the other. Arts education is characterized especially by the form of individual teaching based on a personal relationship between a teacher and student, or in small groups of students. Given these specifics, it is not possible to use quantitative methods of evaluation at JAMU, but rather qualitative methods and, above all, evaluation of creative outputs of teaching as an indicator of the quality of educational activities that preceded them. • Processes in preparing and modifying degree programmes Standard 1.4 Based on the changes brought along by the amendment to the Higher Education Act to the degree programmes and on the basis of discussions held at both JAMU faculties across fields of study, departments and ateliers in 2016, draft degree programmes were created with specializations and guarantors of these programmes. The preparation of documents for accreditation is administered by pro-deans responsible for study issues, Doc. Jana Goliášová (HF JAMU) and Doc. Ing. David Strnad (DF JAMU) in 17/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 cooperation with the newly nominated degree programme guarantors, heads of relevant departments and ateliers and individual teachers. The first applications for accreditation will be submitted to the National Accreditation Bureau in the period of January-February 2018. JAMU has been involved in a discussion of procedural issues related to the transition from study fields to degree programmes with specializations, particularly in addressing the problem of completion of studies of existing students in the present fields of study. • Principles and system for recognition of foreign education for admission to study Standard 1.5 Recognition of foreign education for persons admitted to study is governed by Section 48 (4) to (7) of the Higher Education Act and Section 52 of the Study and Examination Code of JAMU. The condition for admission to study is that a talent test is successfully completed. In accordance with the Higher Education Act, new internal regulations of JAMU were created in 2017. The application of the Study and Examination Code was postponed for a year, so it became effective from 1 January 2018. The conditions for admission to study of foreign students have been laid down in the Statute of JAMU in Article 47 of Part Five. • Qualification work guidance Standard 1.6 Due to the specifics of the studied art, the faculties of JAMU have their own rules for guiding the qualification theses and dissertations and performances of graduate students. DF JAMU DF JAMU prepared and submitted for approval a regulation on the guidance and layout of qualification works and realization of graduate performances. This regulation specifies formal details; the content of qualification works is guided and evaluated by knowledgeable supervisors of these qualification works. HF JAMU The absolutorium at HF JAMU includes a bachelor’s thesis and realization of a bachelor’s degree graduate performance (in the form of a graduate concert, presentation of own work, production of an artistic project, performance of an opera role) at the bachelor’s degree level, a master's thesis and a master's graduate performance (in the form of a graduate concert, presentation of own work, production of an artistic project, performance of an opera role) at the master’s degree level and a doctoral dissertation and an artistic performance in a scope comparable to an all- 18/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 evening artistic production in interpretation specializations at the doctor’s degree level. The assessment and defence then take place within a final state examination. These are two completely different types of qualification performances. By writing a thesis or dissertation, students demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities to theoretically reflect any investigated phenomenon or problem and put the acquired knowledge into a wider theoretical and historical context. By their graduate performance they demonstrate the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills (or competencies in a broader sense) in the process of creating an artistic, artistic-managerial or artistic-pedagogical work and the ability to present this work to a wider public. Teachers of relevant degree programmes having a corresponding degree of education with focus either on theoretical teaching or practical work are entrusted with guiding these qualification works in accordance with the amended Higher Education Act. With regard to the intention to continuously improve the quality of bachelor's and master's theses, the HF JAMU Dean's Decree on the organization of qualification works was created and the template for these works was updated. The bachelor's seminar was also strengthened by a prerequisite of opening a pro-seminar to give students better insight into the issue of writing theses. The whole process is professionally guaranteed by teachers from the Department of Music and Humanities. A model for assessment and opponent proceedings has been created for the evaluation of written qualification works. HF uses formalized assessments for this purpose. Criteria for assessing the bachelor's and master's thesis: The work is evaluated and classified: In terms of content intent, fulfilment of assignment and processing of prescribed literature In terms of language accuracy (grammar and other language mistakes) In terms of formalization requirements, required scope, adherence to citation standards, references and bibliography Comments, suggestions, questions for debate • Feedback processes in quality evaluation Standard 1.7 The feedback and quality evaluation processes are described in the internal regulation of JAMU Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Quality Evaluation of Educational, Creative and Related Activities (as of 21 August 2017). Further, the characteristics of graduate performances and their evaluation for all degree programmes are described in detail. In 2018, the System for Assuring and Evaluating Quality of Educational, Creative and other Related Activities at JAMU was created. Substantial and irreplaceable function in the evaluation activities has the Academic Senate of JAMU and the Arts Council of JAMU as well as the senates and arts councils of faculties. JAMU is actively involved in a systematic development and use of the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV), which is an important tool for recording the extent and significance of artistic creative activity at higher education institutions in the Czech Republic, and thus an appropriate form of evaluation of the activities of both faculties and their teachers. 19/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Educational processes and teaching at JAMU lead to production of creative outputs. Their presentation is aimed at their public realization. The quality of creative outputs of teaching is considered to be an indicator of quality of the educational process that preceded these outputs. Therefore, their evaluation is at the same time the evaluation of teaching. Traditional evaluation methods, such as discussions on realized concerts, stagings, scenic projects and other realizations in the public space, are used to assess the quality of education. For higher arts education institutions, a unique measure of the quality of education is also the public acceptance of the presented outputs, as well as reviews and write-ups of theatre publicists and professional public in general. Students' evaluation of the quality of teaching takes place at the level of discussions with teachers and heads of departments and ateliers, or in the form of surveys or questionnaires. DF JAMU Due to legislative changes, especially in the operation of higher education institutions, as well as changes in the content and structure (field versus programme), it is necessary to internally focus on redesigning the overall system. Nevertheless, the aim of the school-wide project Improving the quality of education at JAMU (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002245) launched in 2017 is also to complete the quality management system at JAMU. Due to the specifics of the higher arts institution and the experience that the Theatre Faculty of JAMU has in quality evaluation, we developed our own methodology to evaluate the quality of educational process based on the EFQM methodology obtained within the SCART project, which is subsequently refined according to the partial conclusions found in the framework of the joint Centralized Development ‘Quality’ Project of JAMU Brno and AMU Prague. The outputs of 2015 (Model System of Accreditation Standards of Education for the Area of Arts, specifically for the Dramatic Arts thematic area) and outputs of 2016 (Creation of the Internal Evaluation Report 2011–2015) were followed by the creation of the internal evaluation report in 2017. Once more, it was necessary to deal with the refining conditions of the internal evaluation report based on the methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau (NAB). The Faculty of Theatre recognizes creative outputs of teaching as a criterion for evaluating the quality of the educational process with significant information value and uses them as one of the key tools in quality evaluation. Therefore, the established system of public evaluation of graduate projects in the Marta Studio Theatre and Orlí Street Theatre continued. A number of measures aimed at strengthening quality were brought along by the reform of degree programmes at DF JAMU. In 2017, three newly conceived master's degree programmes with five specializations in total were prepared for accreditation. They were handed over to the National Accreditation Bureau during 2018. In this preparation, a number of principles for further quality management, such as conditions for the creation of a graduate performance, etc., were named. HF JAMU Assuring and evaluating quality of educational, creative and related activities at HF JAMU relies on feedback processes, in particular inquiries and quantitative and qualitative surveys. These processes involve, on a representative basis, academic community, students, relevant professional chambers, field-specific associations or employers' organizations or other 20/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 practitioners, taking account of the types and possible profiles of the degree programmes. Until now, individual departments of HF JAMU have undergone a traditional questionnaire survey. In 2017, a discussion was held at the HF management level on the meaningfulness of the current system of evaluations taking place at individual departments through questionnaires (usually at two departments per year). The result of this discussion was the decision to move away from the established evaluation model in 2018. In view of the ongoing modifications and changes to the internal regulations relating to the qualification works at HF JAMU, it was decided to focus in the evaluation on this important area, too. For 2018, therefore, a questionnaire survey among diploma students concerning the qualification works was prepared. • Monitoring success rates of study applicants, students and the graduates’ employability Standard 1.8 DF JAMU The Theatre Faculty systematically collects contacts among the ending years by means of an informed consent (in connection with the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR). Students give their email or telephone contact to the faculty at the graduation and confirm with their own signatures that a future contact is possible. In 2018, the faculty used its network of contacts for the research conducted by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport - see 4b). A year ago (in 2017), JAMU celebrated the 70th anniversary of its establishment. One of the most important events organized in that jubilee year was the gathering of graduates, current students and teachers of the faculty. Other platforms for meeting graduates include important events organized by the faculty: the international festival of theatre schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER (17 to 21 April 2018), festival of authorial plays Salon of Original Creation (9 to 10 March 2018), festival Sítko of the Theatre and Education Atelier (31 May to 3 June) and more. In the calendar year 2018, a survey of graduates was carried out by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The aim of this research was to better understand the problems of transition of current generation of graduates from school to the labour market and to improve the quality and usability of higher education. There were two research surveys: Eurograduate and Graduate 2018. The Theatre Faculty of JAMU also participated in the survey and addressed its graduates with a request to fill in the questionnaire. In the research part of Graduate 2018, a total of 209 graduates were addressed (graduates from 2013-2017 who are no longer continuing their studies), while in the research part of Eurograduate, 31 graduates were addressed by the faculty (graduates from 2013-2017 who are no longer continuing their studies). The faculty did not receive the final report until the Annual Report on Activities was finalized; it only has data on the return rate of questionnaires, which was 9.2 percent for JAMU as a whole. The survey of employment and employability of graduates was solved by a continuous feedback of the heads of ateliers, which the students graduated from. The findings can subsequently be reflected in the composition of curricula (in the past, for example, the courses of acting in front of the camera, dubbing/voice acting, dubbing direction, etc.) and may also be the starting point for the emergence of new disciplines (audio-visual production and theatre, light design, etc.). 21/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 The graduate employment survey is carried out through the communication of heads of ateliers with former students and using information from social media. HF JAMU At the Music Faculty, each main course teacher further keeps an eye on his/her former students during their professional careers, encounters with them in pedagogical cooperation if they are teachers at primary arts schools, conservatories or music gymnasiums, and observes their work in renowned musical ensembles or opera houses or art agencies. The employability of the Music Faculty graduates depends mainly on vacancies in orchestras, opera ensembles, primary arts schools, conservatories, music gymnasiums and art agencies. If such an institution announces a selection procedure, they have an opportunity to participate. It should be however emphasized that most HF graduates already gain such positions during their studies at HF JAMU. The faculty obtains data on employment through a questionnaire survey. Students who complete their studies submit a completed questionnaire with the place of their (in most cases planned or expected) work at the final state exam. Educational and creative activities • International dimension and application of the contemporary state of knowledge Standard 1.9 DF JAMU In 2018, the XXVIII International Festival of Theatre Schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER was held from 17 to 21 April 2018. This year’s theme was ‘Loosing ground’. The annual main organizer of the festival is the Theatre Faculty of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (JAMU). The Centre of Experimental Theatre, p.o. and MuseYou, z.s. also participate in the festival organization. The festival also enjoys the auspices of the JAMU Rector Mgr Petr Oslzlý; the Governor of the South Moravian Region JUDr Bohumil Šimek; the Mayor of the Statutory City of Brno Ing. Petr Vokřál; the Mayor of the Brno-střed District Martin Landa; the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic Mgr. Daniel Herman; the Czech Commission for UNESCO and the ENCATC (European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres). The 2018 festival ambassador was the actor and former JAMU graduate Jiří Bartoška. Since its inception, the festival aims to create a meeting place for students of art theatre schools, where they can inspire each other and get feedback on their work from prominent professionals from around the world. The SETKÁNÍ / ENCOUNTER festival is regularly organized by the bachelor’s degree students of the Theater Production and Stage Technology Atelier. These students form an organizational line-up, which is led by the so-called narrow organizational team, i.e. students of the 3rd year of Theater Production and Stage Technology, who take individual leadership positions. The narrow organizational team also includes a student coordinator who manages the entire team and an economist who takes care of the economic and contractual aspects of the festival. The team has an art section composed of participants of the Direction and Dramaturgy Atelier and Scenography Atelier. These are usually three students acting for the festival as its director, 22/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 dramaturge and scenographer. Among others, also the Audiovisual Production and Theatre Atelier is significantly involved in the festival; its students form the TV Encounter group, which brings daily festival edits as well as the final summarizing video. Students of this atelier are also in charge of filming video spots or all photo documentation. HF JAMU Procedures in the area of music art are subject to permanent comparison with the practice in organizing and performing concerts, performances and other scenic and multimedia projects, as well as benchmarking with similar trends abroad, for example, the rich participation of students in international competitions and international interpretation courses and workshops. The HF artistic production programme and constant contact with audience is ideal for realizing international contacts in the area of creative, educational and scientific activities. That is, not only for expanding the range of presentations of its outputs and projects, but also for gaining new impulses, information and approaches for enriching and innovating its creative and educational programme, the structure and varied composition of courses. The composition of lecturers and teaching personalities at HF is regularly complemented by visiting foreign teachers (leadership of creative workshops, master classes or opera stagings at the Orlí Street Theatre). Teachers and students of HF participate in foreign stays and placements at partner institutions (Erasmus Programme, etc.). This leads to a direct confrontation of approaches within the framework of educational and creative activities and to a reciprocal enrichment or refining contemporary state of knowledge. In order to develop its degree programmes, HF JAMU organizes major international events, such as the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno, the International Interpretation Courses and the International Festival New Music Encounters Plus, through which it significantly expands the range of similar events in the Czech Republic and is directly involved in the current state of knowledge on a European scale. • Cooperation with practice in realizing degree programmes Standard 1.10 Both faculties of JAMU develop cooperation with practice with regard to the types and possible profiles of the degree programmes. It includes, in particular, practical education, the assignment of bachelor's and master's theses or doctoral dissertations, the awarding of scholarships or involvement of practitioners in the educational process. There is a close communication between the JAMU management and the city and region management, primarily as a mutual exchange of information and coordination of some activities. These strategic considerations are mostly linked to other Brno universities to achieve a maximum synergy in this area (city + region + higher education institutions). Such conceived cooperation brings satisfactory results. An integral part of the regional role is the regular repertoire activity of both JAMU faculties in the Orlí Street Theatre and the Marta Studio Theatre as well as their rich concert activity. The public (both urban and regional) has the opportunity to immediately see the creative outputs of teaching, i.e. concerts, theatre performances and other artistic performances and works in a varied offer that significantly complements the cultural offer of the city and the region. JAMU carries out creative activities as an integral part of teaching and the students' own creative activities under the guidance of teachers are the basis of university education of this type in the region where it is established. 23/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 High-quality artistic activity of teachers is one of the important conditions and prerequisites for their successful pedagogical work in arts disciplines. Own creative experience and knowledge are irreplaceable in recognizing and developing students' talent. The art achievements of JAMU teachers in other art institutions are recorded annually in the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV). Through the work of teachers directly in the professional sphere, contacts with cultural institutions are established which bring immediate findings of contemporary artistic practice to the faculties and relevant degree programmes, and also enable students to undertake professionally oriented placements. JAMU therefore acts as an arts centre at its place of operation. Thanks to the necessary regular and institutional cooperation with the professional sphere, it fulfils the role of a cultural ambassador in the region and in the national context. It significantly enriches the offer of cultural events in the area and influences its further development. The above-mentioned direct dependence of educational processes on programme public presentation of study outputs, which must simulate the professional running of concert, theatre and gallery houses, and is thus a direct competitor to professional artistic operation - all this is no longer sustainable without cooperation and partnership. A good example of this is the participation of the Academy at the Janáček Brno Festival, which is currently organized by the National Theatre Brno and the production of HF JAMU is a regular part of its main programme, or cooperation with professional orchestras, especially in the presentation of contemporary music, and a significant contribution to the organization of festivals such as the Exposition of New Music and the like. The selected degree programmes of DF JAMU cooperate very closely with the practice and have practical activities included in their curricula. Qualification works very often deal with topics applicable in practice. DF has many teachers who are excellent practitioners and are able to provide their students with modern and usable information. • Cooperation with practice in creating degree programmes Standard 1.11 When opening up career opportunities for graduates and bringing students' knowledge and skills closer to the requirements of practice and subsequent developing and modifying the curricula, DF works closely with many professional associations, chambers, employers' organizations, schools, theatres and the like. The described principle of linking the school with practice through personalities working in both types of art is reflected in the creation of degree programmes. On the one hand, the teachers directly bring from practice new knowledge, new procedures and approaches to creation, and on the other hand the feedback provided by the institution to the students' placements is always a reason to intervene in the curricula with the aim of adding to teaching a possibility of acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies whose lack was perceived by the institution as a lack of professional readiness of students. This is done through innovation of existing courses and the inclusion of new ones. At this moment of transition from fields of study to degree programmes and their specializations, the experience gained due to contacts with the professional sphere significantly influences the composition and content of study of the newly conceived degree programmes. Since the subject of art theories and sciences is the creative activity of a man whose origins go back far into the past, and the contemporary artistic creation is not bounded or predictable in its development, the studying is characterized by special demands as it draws on many specific 24/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 fields and disciplines (history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.). The essence of the requirement for uniqueness of such a way of interpretation and formulation of professional opinion also implies an exclusively individual form of mainly practical but also a large part of theoretical preparation of future artistic personalities. Therefore, at all levels, in addition to the necessary deep practical training, students are encouraged to gain a historical overview and awareness of the broader context, with an emphasis on independent qualified interpretation and an analytical-critical comparison of already closed forms and manifestations of contemporary art and the current state of informed historical interpretation. In the master's degree, these competencies should culminate to achieve a distinctive insight into the subject, with an overlap to other fields and a wider range of artistic disciplines. At the doctoral level, these practices are completed in an individual programme of a professional artist applied in all independent creative and academic activities and in an international context. Supporting resources and administration • Information system Standard 1.12 The JAMU Information System (IS) is operated and developed by the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. The system was developed and is operated in accordance with the current wording of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions. The system is operated under an outsourcing scheme, i.e. the operation and responsibility for operation is transferred to the provider. The Masaryk University provides the operation directly in the form of hosting. The system allows administering students with a low number of administrative staff and their increase without increasing the number of these administrative workers; accentuates the possibilities of work for the general academic public; and offers quality communication and presentation tools and electronic support to teaching. • Libraries and electronic resources Standard 1.13 The JAMU Library provides public information services for students and teachers of the school in an extremely wide range due to the uniqueness of its library collection. The framework for the acquisition strategy of the JAMU Library is a systematic building and maintenance of a consistent specialized library collection, which has the function of providing information support for the needs of study, science and research at JAMU. The information profile of the library collection is based on accredited fields of study at the Theatre Faculty (Dramatic Arts) and Music Faculty (Musical Arts) and realized scientific and artistic intentions as stated in the Organizational and Operating Rules of the Library. The profile of the library collection consists of specialized Czech and foreign music, theatre and dance literature, including scenography, stage technology, art marketing and management and literature from related fields: fine arts, applied arts, clothing and textile industry, photography, architecture, design, aesthetics, film, television, radio, Czech and world literature (theory, choice of fiction), philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogy. At the same time, a universal collection 25/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 is being built - encyclopaedias, language and educational dictionaries, language textbooks, history, biographies, etc. The library collection includes the following types of supplemented information sources: book publications, including university textbooks (JAMU, AMU), theatre plays (various translations), theatre programmes, opera librettos, anthologies, periodicals (magazines), sheet music (printed scores), audio and audiovisual documents (CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, VHSs, phonograph records). In addition to newly published literature or updated editions, older editions are complemented as necessary. Furthermore, the library collection includes diploma, dissertation and habilitation theses of JAMU (since 2013 only in electronic version) and electronic information sources (EIZ specialized, licensed or freely available databases). Starting from the academic year 2015/2016, registration fees for JAMU-based users were cancelled for more comfortable access to library services. In 2016, the retrospective cataloguing of the older sheet music collection was completed, i.e. all the sheet music purchased since the library was founded can be found and ordered for lending in the Aleph online catalogue. In 2017, a subscription to the CitacePro licensed online manager began. The service helps the academic community to manage citations and texts, prepare seminar and diploma theses, materials for lectures or conference papers. In cooperation with the HF Concert Department, the Chamber Opera and the Orlí Street Theatre, the library provides the agenda for rental or purchase of operating orchestral materials for student artistic activities. The library provides information education lessons and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service. In the framework of dislocations at JAMU, two changes occurred in the JAMU Library in autumn 2017. The library recovered the original premises with an area of about 42 square metres for storing the sheet music collection. The total area is about 86 square metres, including a reserve space and facilities for a librarian. Subsequently, in the summer of 2018, a reorganization and revision took place in the sheet music collection, which was carried out for the first time using a barcode reader. • Study of students with specific needs Standard 1.14 DF JAMU There is a unique field of study at the Theatre Faculty - Educational Drama for the Deaf - with the bachelor's and follow-up master's degree in both regular and combined forms of study. This field boasts excellent results and is extremely highly rated in the Czech Republic and abroad. Both artistic work and activities in the field of special education are appreciated. In 2018, DF JAMU received a financial contribution of CZK 461,000 to support students with specific learning needs. HF JAMU There are currently two blind students at the Music Faculty, who are provided with all the conditions to study in the form of individual care so that their handicap is not an obstacle in their studying. 26/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 • Measures against unethical behaviour and intellectual property protection Standard 1.15 In 2018, JAMU prepared a new version of the JAMU Code of Ethics. Its final version is the result of extensive discussions across both faculties of JAMU JAMU has measures in place against intentional action against good morals during study and measures to protect intellectual property. Part of the JAMU information system, which is being developed by MU in Brno, is a special app called Theses for detecting potential plagiarisms. It is tied to a database of qualification works (theses) such as Repozitář and the like. The content of the files in the IS data storage (i.e. the objects available in the File Manager), for which a pure text version is available, is continuously analysed by machine. The system searches for similarities across the shared database of compared documents, which includes, in addition to the IS document server, the final works of schools participating in the system, seminar and other works in the system, scientific publications in the system and other documents in the JAMUoperated information systems. Similarity search includes an algorithm that analyses the document being compared and examines possible similarities also against sources across the Internet. Qualification works of all students of both faculties of JAMU must be checked by this app prior to their definitive submission. II. Degree programme Compliance of the degree programme with the JAMU mission statement and the international dimension of the degree programme • Compliance of the degree programme with the JAMU mission statement and strategic documents Standard 2.1 The aim of the study at JAMU within the thematic area of Arts is the development of an independent creative personality with complex psychophysical prerequisites for the performance of artistic profession in the area of music and dramatic arts and related professions. The degree programmes carried out in the thematic areas Music Art, Theatre Art, Radio Art, Television Art and Multimedia Art correspond to the current development and knowledge in arts, undergo regular comparisons within standard benchmarking methods with higher education institutions having adequate reputation in the Czech Republic and abroad with similar degree programmes of international parameters and levels and satisfy the professional demands of arts or educational institutions as well as the expectations of stakeholders. DF JAMU Due to the revision of all JAMU strategic documents in the course of 2018, the degree programmes of DF JAMU are fully in line with them. Similarly they comply with the main mission 27/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 of JAMU, which is to develop the artistic talent of its students and to interlink art education, artistic creation and research in art and through art as various forms of cognition and development of society. HF JAMU Degree programmes carried out at HF JAMU within the framework of the Music Art study area are in terms of their type, form and possible profile in accordance with the mission statement and strategic long-term intent of JAMU's educational and other creative (artistic, scientificresearch and artistic-research) activities and other strategic documents of the faculty. The offer of study fields covers not only the classic range of disciplines, common in other arts schools, but also bonuses in the form of Historical Interpretation and Jazz Interpretation. Openness to the demand for new fields of art is a hallmark of HF's aiming in recent years. HF takes into account social needs, monitors social feedback on its activities and communicates with chambers of commerce or employers' organizations in music and cultural institutions, or other practitioners, to determine their expectations and requirements for graduates from the degree programmes carried out within the thematic range of Music Art. JAMU monitors the indicators set by HF for educational and creative activities. HF always monitors rate of study failure, the rate of duly completed study, the success rate in admission procedure and the employability of graduates from degree programmes carried out in the framework of typical Music Art degree programmes. • Connection with the JAMU creative activity Standard 2.2 Degree programmes of the profiling base are connected with the artistic or research activities of students in the area of arts and JAMU applies a methodology for evaluating results of creative activity based on established key performance indicators in creative activity (RUV, RIV or other register for keeping records on professional performance of the institution and its evaluation) and assesses its most important creative activities at regular intervals. Both faculties archive relevant qualification performances (recordings of concerts, theatre and opera stagings, projects, audio and video recordings, photographic documentation, printed outputs, etc.) so that they can present them to external evaluators. Registration and maintaining records of creative achievements is part of the internal system for quality assurance and corresponds to Section 77c of the Higher Education Act. DF JAMU The Theatre Faculty of JAMU engages in teaching many artistic and pedagogical personalities of the Czech Republic and other countries, through workshops, courses, lectures and co-operation on graduate projects (e.g. directing, dramaturgy, scenography). Given that the faculty exclusively conducts studies in the educational area of Arts, the creative artistic activity is an integral part of the curricula and therefore is not considered to be ancillary or parallel to educational activity. Its results are presented in the annual report virtually everywhere. 28/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 HF The specificities of JAMU are mainly that it - Uniquely combines artistic education, artistic creation (through the work of its teachers in arts and through the creative work of its students) and research in art and through art - Clearly signals to the general public its artistic view and concept of art as an equal way of human cognition and understands artistic creation as a manifestation of social commitment - Provides education in all fields of music art, dramatic arts and theatre with an overlap into audiovisual fields that are related to music and dramatic arts and theatre - Responds through accreditation of new fields directly to the development in music and dramatic arts - Strives for high-quality pedagogical support of teaching, cooperation with prominent artistic personalities, encourages the entry of new generation into the pedagogical, artistic and research activities of faculties - Creates conditions for developing students' talents and their independent creative activity - Provides top-quality material support for pedagogical, creative and research activities - Actively participates through pedagogical fields of study in the effort to expand the possibilities of formal and informal arts education including the support of inclusion in the education area of Arts and Culture at the level of primary and secondary education alongside the traditional disciplines of music education/field and fine art education/field also the fields of drama education/field, film and audiovisual education/field and dance and movement education/field and thus unfolds the idea of equality of scientific and artistic cognition and education • Cooperation with practice Standard 2.2 DF JAMU The fields of study whose professional focus so requires have entered in their curricula practices that serve to gain practical experience. These include co-operation with primary schools, primary arts schools, higher education institutions, as well as co-operation with theatre institutions at home and abroad and the like. In the degree programmes the relationship with practice is also fulfilled directly in teaching. Many teachers are at the same time professionals who work in professional sphere in various positions and in various types of art institutions. HF JAMU Cooperation with practice takes place along two lines at HF JAMU, namely - through teachers who are simultaneously involved in the professional sphere, mostly in top art institutions, and their teaching and artistic practice is closely linked (findings from contemporary artistic practice are immediately transferred to teaching and vice versa, the results of students' creative work have an impact on their teachers' artistic practice). - in the form of work and professional placements and both short-term and continuous practice; students' practice and work placements are part of the curricula and are based on the needs of the profession being studied and the opportunities offered by the professional sphere. 29/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Students' practice is also considered to be their involvement in stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and Orlí Street Theatre, where they also gain experience in routine music and opera operations and in realization of orchestral concerts. • Connection with the scientific/artistic activity of JAMU Standard 2.2 At JAMU, artistic and creative activities are a priority, on which the whole pedagogical process is based. We perceive artistic creation as a specific way of cognition and self-cognition of man and society, i.e. research through art, for which the term ’Artistic Research’ has become established. In addition to this, classical art-scientific research takes place at both faculties, with its own methodology, creating a theoretical and historical breeding ground for artistic creation. The research results are immediately reflected in the teaching of theoretical courses as well as courses focused on artistic, artistic-managerial and artistic-pedagogical work. In the ’Artistic Research’ concept, also professional reflection of all work at all levels of study generates research results. Students of the doctoral degree programme report their activities within the Register of Artistic Outputs (RUV) and in the internal environment of the faculty their artistic outputs are a natural part of the doctoral degree programme study portfolio. • International dimension of the degree programme Standard 2.3 The international dimension of HF JAMU degree programmes consists of the mobility of students, teachers and other employees, access to professional literature in foreign languages and its use in professional activities, teaching of courses in a foreign language, international cooperation in research or artistic activities and relates to the content and corresponds to the focus of the degree programme. The scope of international cooperation corresponds to the type of degree programme and the nature of study fields. DF JAMU The ERASMUS+ is a widely used programme providing our students with an opportunity to study at foreign schools. In 2018, 19 DF JAMU students left for study abroad. The degree programmes of DF JAMU in Brno also became increasingly attractive for students from foreign universities. In 2018, 25 students from abroad studied at DF JAMU. Teaching through foreign teachers was also realized within the degree programmes. In 2018, five foreign teachers attended DF. Our teachers and staff also worked at foreign schools, five of them in 2018. Another important international dimension was the organization of the international festival of theatre schools, SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER 2018, in which students are involved both organizationally and artistically. HF JAMU HF JAMU continuously confronts the results of its creative activities with comparable schools in the Czech Republic and abroad, in a form appropriate to the thematic area Music Art, within the festivals, shows, art competitions, concerts, etc. Within its budget, it regularly allocates funds for this purpose. 30/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Educational, creative and related activities of HF are of international character, taking into account the type and profile of degree programmes implemented within the thematic area Music Art. International mobility of students and academic workers takes place. Courses taught in a foreign language and study or work placements in a foreign language are offered. Other forms of involvement in international activities take place, such as joint concert projects, festivals with international participation, shows and conferences with international participation, international competitions, international summer schools and master classes and other international activities in music art. HF creates conditions for mobility of students, teachers and other employees and takes care of improving their language skills. It supports international artistic and other creative (scientificresearch and artistic-research) projects. It creates an open and accommodating environment for incoming students, teachers and practitioners. As part of the international student mobility, the students present results of their creative activities (concerts, festivals, shows, scenic projects) to public. Also students from abroad are involved in the institution's artistic activities and their public presentation (playing in orchestra, chamber play, joint scenic projects or concerts). HF JAMU is involved in international artistic, creative and research projects on an ongoing basis in which it can guarantee active participation and satisfy the interest of foreign partners. It actively uses its membership in international organizations (especially AEC) for continuous cooperation, evaluation and benchmarking in the area of music and drama education and cooperates with foreign partners also within the framework of international grants - Erasmus, Creative Europe and the like. HF JAMU is intensively preparing for the possibility of sharing some degree programmes with foreign partners. Currently, it is bound by a long-term plan and ESF project implemented with the support of the Operational Program Research, Development and Education. In November 2018, it filed accreditation for the Historical Interpretation degree programme under a new methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau. In the follow-up master’s degree it will be realized as a joint programme in cooperation with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague (Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag). Profile of the graduate and content of the study • Compliance of the acquired professional knowledge, skills and competencies with the type and profile of the degree program Standard 2.4 In accordance with the National Qualifications Framework for Tertiary Education, JAMU has created a qualifications framework (Q-RAM) for its newly conceived degree programmes and their specializations. In their creation it starts from the previous qualifications frameworks for individual JAMU disciplines. When creating new accreditation files and thus preparing new curricula for the newly built degree programmes, Q-RAM is the default system for their creation. In all existing fields of study at both faculties of JAMU, students take a state examination in theory and history of the relevant field. The content of the examination and the requirement for the student's ability to put theoretical and historical findings into a broader context of contemporary artistic creation and social issues and relate them with his/her own work differs according to the degree of study. 31/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 According to individual fields, this state examination base is complemented by other disciplines, e.g. of managerial focus, examinations in pedagogy, psychology and didactics for pedagogically oriented fields, in courses focused on methods of artistic creation in the authorial fields. Qualification works at JAMU are of two kinds - Written work (bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, dissertation) - Graduate artistic, artistic-managerial, artistic-pedagogical performance (at the bachelor's and master's level, in the doctoral study the own creative projects are part of the dissertation research and the results are included in the dissertation) The study courses, the content of state exams and the requirements for qualification works are consistently based on qualification outputs formulated for individual fields and from specified accreditation standards for theatre and music arts. The content and scope of the final state examination and requirements for the qualification works are subject to a thorough analysis when conceiving degree programmes and their specializations Requirements for the graduate performances are newly formulated in the System for Internal Quality Assurance and Evaluation. The type of performance has been determined, its characteristics and requirements for professional knowledge, skills and competencies to be demonstrated by the performance. The content of the courses taught, teaching methods, practical training, method of assessment, content of the state final exams, and the topics and focus of the qualification works are consistent with the planned learning outcomes and the graduate’s profile in the given degree programme and create a logical whole. The content and scope of the final state examination and requirements for the qualification works are subject to a thorough analysis when conceiving the degree programmes and their specializations. • Language competencies Standard 2.5 The degree programmes at both faculties of JAMU are conceived in such a way that during their study the students must demonstrate their ability to use the acquired professional knowledge, professional skills and general competencies in at least one foreign language. DF JAMU A system of foreign language teaching has been established at the Theatre Faculty. Students are continually confronted with foreign teachers and incoming foreign students within the ERASMUS+ programme. HF JAMU The degree programmes of the Music Faculty are conceived in such a way that during their study the students must demonstrate their ability to use the acquired professional knowledge, professional skills and general competencies in at least one foreign language. In the curricula for the bachelor's degree, the foreign language teaching is a part of the compulsory quota of the field 32/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 base in four semesters. The composition of curricula allows the choice of additional foreign language as an optional course. For admission to the follow-up master's and doctoral degree studies, knowledge of a foreign language is a prerequisite and is examined during the admission procedure. Teaching of additional foreign language is then part of the curricula for doctoral studies For foreigners to be admitted to degree programmes carried out in the Czech language, the passing of Czech language exam, which is part of the admission procedure, is essential. • Rules and conditions of curricula development Standard 2.6 The rules and conditions of curricula development are part of the JAMU's internal regulation ‘Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities’. The system of study at JAMU is aimed at a total of at least 180 credits for all three years of study for the bachelor’s degree, at least 120 credits for two years of study for the follow-up master's degree and at least 240 credits for four years of study for the non-follow-up master's degree. We create it so that the student can achieve at least 30 credits per semester (60 credits for one year of study). The courses are divided into the specialization base courses and personal specialization courses. Personal specialization courses are optional and serve to complement and expand the students' knowledge and skills. • Specification of the career prospects of graduates Standard 2.7 JAMU has set up functional rules and conditions for developing curricula and length of teaching, including self-study; the curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire necessary practical skills and theoretical knowledge needed for the pursuit of a profession, including career in creative activities. Part of the curricula is the artistic work itself and its public presentation. DF JAMU As part of the creation of new accreditation files reflecting the curricula restructuring, the transition from study fields to degree programme and their specializations, analyses of the expected employability of graduates on the labour market were prepared for each degree programme. Due to the diversity of focus of individual degree programmes, there is a very wide range of options from acting engagements in theatrical ensembles to leading amateur and professional ensembles, theatre marketing manager and cultural project manager positions, head of artistic-technical operations, scenographer, costume designer, light designer, dramaturge, director, screenwriter, audio-video editor, teacher of art-oriented courses at primary schools, gymnasiums, secondary schools, primary arts schools and the like. HF JAMU HF has set up functional rules and conditions for developing curricula so that, in particular, the acquisition of the necessary practical skills and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge prepare students for the chosen professions and enable their employment in further creative activity. 33/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 • Standard length of study Standard 2.8 The standard length of study for individual levels of degree programmes and their specializations is determined in accordance with Sections 45, 46 and 47 of the Higher Education Act and the internal regulations of JAMU; three years for the bachelor’s degree programmes; two years for the follow-up master’s degree programmes and four and five years for the non-followup master’s degree programmes and four years in the doctoral degree programme • Consistency of the study content with study objectives and the graduate’s profile Standard 2.9 The content of study corresponds to the study objectives, enables to achieve the defined profile of the graduate and is based on the application of contemporary findings, scientific knowledge or artistic creation and methods of creative activity in the given area of education. At the same time the basic theoretical disciplines are a part of the study content. The content of study at both faculties is continuously updated according to developments in the professional sphere. Teaching is regularly complemented by meetings with outstanding artistic and pedagogical personalities from practice (lectures, seminars, workshops, classes). Meeting them provides students with valuable information about the situation in professional sphere and can influence their own professional aiming Arts education enables students to become creative art professionals. Students learn to develop the necessary imaginative, intellectual, theoretical and practical skills and dexterities to equip them for further personal development and professional career in arts. Students are required to become actively involved in their own education and to specify their own practical, theoretical and research spheres, including the relevant professional skills necessary for this practice. When conceiving the transition of the existing fields of study to new degree programmes and their specializations, the professional career prospects are re-formulated. The content of study is thus gradually verified and adapted to the objectives of the study; it enables to attain the defined graduate’s profile in accordance with the established qualifications frameworks and is based on the application of contemporary findings and methods of creative activity in the given area of education. • Differentiation of the doctoral degree programme form other types of degree programmes Standards 2.10-2.11 The doctoral degree programme at JAMU is realized in full-time or combined form, which differs significantly from the intensive contact teaching within the bachelor's or master's (whether follow-up or non-follow-up) degree programmes. Studying in the doctoral degree programme also emphasizes the pedagogical participation in teaching within the individual specializations of disciplines and according to the professional or artistic focus of the student and thus the preparation of potential young teachers. 34/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Doctoral degree programmes are conceived as a platform connecting students of individual artistic professions and focus. They combine research with artistic creation and pedagogical activity of students. The PhD study builds on the issues of professional knowledge, deepens it and consequently enables to complete the study of issues learnt through own artistic and creative work by a systematic and focused theoretical and practical examination, generalization and written reflection. Skills include the ability to use the procedures of research, artistic and creative activities to evaluate the latest findings in dramatic and music arts. Part of the doctoral study is the obligation to perform artistic, pedagogical and publishing activities. Research activities of doctoral students are also supported from the funds of the Specific Higher Education Research, which the students apply for within an internal grant competition. HF JAMU organizes a doctoral conference every year. Compulsory specialist study courses of the doctoral degree programmes are not identical in content to the compulsory study courses of bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes, having a strong focus on research (traditionally conceived research as well as ’artistic research’), on the ability of theoretical reflection on one's own work and that of others, and on pedagogical activity within the faculties. • Structure and scope of study courses Standard 2.12 The degree programmes of both faculties have a clearly defined and reasoned structure of study courses, their scope and characteristics as well as conditions and requirements for their successful completion and evaluation. DF JAMU The degree programmes have, through approved accreditation, set and precisely justified structure of study courses, their scope and characteristics. This information is available through the JAMU Information System. HF JAMU Study courses in the existing fields of study are traditionally divided into courses of the field base and courses of personal specialization. Personal specialization courses are of two kinds courses offered across all fields of degree programmes and courses offered within individual departments to students of a particular field to complement the compulsory field base. The specificity of studying artistic fields is blending theory with practice. Even in teaching practically focused courses, inputs are necessarily being continually included in the form of lectures or seminars on the project, providing a theoretical reflection, enabling identification of a historical context and allowing the generated output to belong to a wider theoretical framework. • Consistency of the curricula content, state exams and qualification works with learning outcomes and the graduate’s profile Standard 2.14 35/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Qualification works at JAMU are of two kinds - Written work (bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis, dissertation) - Graduate artistic, artistic-managerial, artistic-pedagogical performance (at the bachelor's and master's level, in the doctoral study the own creative projects are part of the dissertation research and the results are included in the dissertation) The study courses, the content of state examinations and the requirements for qualification works are consistently based on qualification outputs formulated for individual fields and specified accreditation standards for music arts. The content and scope of the final state examination and requirements for the qualification works are subject to a thorough analysis. Requirements for the graduate performances are contained in the syllabi of the main field course, where the type of performance, its characteristics and requirements for professional knowledge, skills and competencies proven by the performance are specified. DF JAMU The state examinations and qualification works are the culmination of several years of study, which is conceived at the theoretical and practical level so that the content of the courses taught logically fulfils the planned learning outcomes and the graduate’s profile in the given degree programme. HF JAMU In all existing fields of HF JAMU students take state examinations in methodology, history and literature of an instrument; depending on individual fields this base is complemented by other disciplines, e.g. of managerial focus, examinations in Pedagogy and Psychology and Philosophy of Art. The content of the examination and the requirement for the student's ability to put theoretical and historical findings into a broader context of contemporary artistic creation and social issues and relate them with his/her own work differs according to the degree of study. According to individual fields, this state examination base is complemented by other disciplines, e.g. of managerial focus, examinations in pedagogy, psychology and methodology with pedagogically oriented fields, and in courses focused on methods of artistic creation with the authorial fields. Educational and creative activities in a degree programme • Methods of teaching and evaluation of study results Methods of teaching are based on the following principles: - Individual approach to each student (recognition of his/her strengths and weaknesses and guidance in developing his/her talent) - Contact teaching in disciplines based on development of professional skills and techniques (continuous checking and correction of performance) - Guiding students to independent creative work (continuous feedback and further direction of creation) - Mastering the principles of teamwork 36/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 - Knowledge of the theory and history of the field as a prerequisite for creation and its reflection - Understanding the significance of artistic cognition of the world in addition to scientific cognition and the role of art in society - Importance of research through art (artistic research, theatre based research) The most commonly used methods are - Lecture, discussion, heuristic methods in theoretical disciplines - Methods of developing professional skills and techniques in practically oriented disciplines - Project methods, discussion methods, heuristic methods, problem solving, brainstorming, learning in life situations - creation and presentation of a theatre staging, creation and realization of an artistic-pedagogical and artistic-managerial project - in the case of creative projects Teaching at JAMU most often takes form of individual teaching (development of professional skills and techniques, guiding independent creative activities of students) and group individualized teaching (especially for creative projects based on teamwork). In the course of study process, especially student-centred approaches that support their active, individual creative activities and group cooperation are used. Due to the gradual transition from fields of study to degree programmes with specializations, there is a greater interconnection of teaching and thus of methods and creative practices between the various professions studied and the principle of team creation is strengthened. The development of methods of studying, teaching and evaluating results includes the use of study results as a positive learning tool that enables to engage students in critical peer review processes. There is a general shift towards a more responsible and transparent approach to teaching that focuses on students and study to support their personal specialization. Students are evaluated for their artistic performance, demonstration, presentation of work or project to their colleagues and teachers. In this way, the group of students gain valuable information and insight into the problem thanks to their colleagues' experience while developing their own presentation skills. The composition of study literature and that of study materials, which are included in the requirements of the profiling base courses, reflect the current state of development in the area of art. Students are provided access to study literature and study materials, which is indicated in the requirements of the profiling base courses. Standards 3.1-3.4 • Creative activity related to a degree programme Standards 3.5-3.7 DF JAMU In 2018, all stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and the Orlí Street Theatre were evaluated, in which the students graduated. Evaluation of semestral and yearly works of all ateliers and fields of study took place continuously. DF students were actively involved in the 37/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER festival, where they could compare with the most prestigious theatre schools from all over the world. Creative and educational activities are inextricably linked at the Theatre Faculty and especially artistic creation is a means and a goal of education. Teachers are active artistic personalities who, during their lessons, provide students with practical artistic experience. It is possible to use for teaching the advanced technologies of Orlí Street Theatre, all facilities of the Marta Studio Theatre and also the adequately equipped premises in the building on the Mozartova Street. Workshops with foreign and domestic practitioners also helped to link educational and creative activities. The knowledge and experience gained during workshops was then verified through the realization of practical projects and graduate stagings at the Orlí Street Theatre and at the faculty’s Marta Studio Theatre as well as in the audiovisual, audio and radio projects focused on documentary, dramatic and experimental production. A significant case of interconnection of creative and educational activities is the organization of international festivals, shows and projects, allowing mutual inspiration and sharing some examples of good practice; this was in particular the XXVIII International Festival SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER in 2018. Another important activity is the emerging project ‘JAMŮví’ (festival of student creation) that focuses on audiovisual and audio works and has a potential to become a platform for interconnection of creative and educational activities, but also for networking of young creators not only from media-oriented fields. HF JAMU At HF, students present their artistic activity at public concerts or within other artistic productions; works for final examinations are presented in the form of outputs at HF only within the relevant department. Graduate performances, which have the character of completed and publicly presented artistic, artistic-managerial, artistic-pedagogical works, constitute a special category. A detailed list of realized and published creative projects from the degree programmes is contained in the annual report for the year in question. Given the faculty's specific profile in the area of music art, the artistic creativity of students is an integral part of its artistic operations (concerts, authorial compositions, opera performances, music festivals, etc.). The basic tool for scientific and research activities of students, with the exception of the bachelor’s degree students, is the student’s grant competition within the framework of a specific research. Projects are being realized in close ties with scientific activities of teachers. The scientific and research activities are further supported by the opportunity of publishing in the faculty internet journal JAMUsica, or by an appearance at the annual doctoral conference of HF. In the doctoral degree programme, the selected courses are then targetedly profiled to increase the scientific and research competencies of students (methodology of scientific work, musichistorical research). Financial, material and other support provided to a degree programme • Financial support to a degree programme Standard 4.1 The educational activities of JAMU are funded from the state budget. 38/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 • Material, technical and informational support to a degree programme Standard 4.2 Operational Programme for Research, Development and Education Within the Operational Programme for Research, Development and Education, JAMU implements two individual projects funded from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): Project ‘Improvement of the Music Arts Degree Programme infrastructure at JAMU’, Project Registration no. CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246 in the total amount of eligible expenditures of CZK 79,373 thousand, of which CZK 69,868 thousand of investment funds and CZK 9,505 thousand of non-investment funds. JAMU participates in expenditures with own funds in the amount of 5 %, i.e. a total of CZK 3,969 thousand (CZK 3,494 thousand of investment and CZK 475 thousand non-investment funds). In 2018, a total of CZK 25,799 thousand of investment funds, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 24,509 thousand and CZK 321 thousand of non-investment funds, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 268 thousand, were spent. The following musical instruments and technologies have been purchased to improve the quality of degree programmes at the Music Faculty: - keyboard instruments - concert grand piano, length 274 cm; chamber grand piano, length 212 cm; three chamber grand pianos, length 180 - 195 cm; chamber grand piano, length 173 cm; four upright pianos; 2 digital keyboards - instruments for historical interpretation - Classicist and Romantic flute, two Baroque oboes, viola da gamba - other musical instruments - viola and bow, concert guitar, bassoon, English horn, piccolo, oboe, four clarinets - scenic and lighting technologies - portable lighting panel, sets of reflectors and fixtures with accessories, dimmers for mobile rental and classroom 09 at HF - audio technologies - mixing digital audio, sound systems, amplifiers and speakers for auditoriums, classrooms and mobile rental at HF, portable recording equipment including a set of microphones with accessories, modular synthesizers, sound system and a set of microphones for the Orlí Street Theatre - video technologies - scenic data-video projector, portable live TV studio, cameras and video recorders for a chamber hall, classroom 09 and HF auditorium - IT technologies – workstations with a graphics tablet with accessories and audio SW for electroacoustic music and graphic scores, colour copying machine In aggregate financial terms, the following groups of assets were purchased under the project in 2018: - musical instruments in the amount of CZK 19,725 thousand - scenic and lighting technology in the amount of CZK 952 thousand - video technologies in the amount of CZK 708 thousand - audio technologies in the amount of CZK 4,194 thousand - IT technologies in the amount of CZK 541 thousand Project ‘Improvement of the Dramatic Arts Degree Programme infrastructure at JAMU’, Project Registration no. CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469 in the total amount of eligible 39/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 expenditures of CZK 78,135 thousand, of which CZK 68,122 thousand of investment funds and CZK 10,013 thousand of non-investment funds. JAMU participates in expenditures with own funds in the amount of 5 %, i.e. a total of CZK 3,907 thousand (CZK 3,406 thousand of investment and CZK 501 thousand non-investment funds). In 2018, a total of CZK 44,225 thousand of investment funds were spent, of which the ERDF share amounted to CZK 42,014 thousand. The following investments have been carried out to improve the quality of teaching in degree programmes at the Theatre Faculty:  Completion of building adaptations in the Astorka Building to be used as teaching areas of the Theatre Faculty, with 399 square metres of new teaching areas acquired  Overall modernization of the Marta Studio Theatre technologies consisting of acquisition or modernization of:  Stage technologies including nine motor shaft pulls, mobile trapdoor system, new handling and control of stage mechanisms, main curtain and other fabrics  Scenic lighting including new modern lighting panels, sets of reflectors and fixtures with accessories  Projections and videos including video server with accessories, workstations, two projectors with objective lenses, projection motor and folding screen  Audio technologies including digital and analogue mixing console with accessories, sound systems, microphone systems with accessories, amplifiers, workstations and a technology table for the director’s room  New facilities for the assistant director in the theatre  Video technologies incorporating a camera system with video editing and recording equipment  Lighting equipment - lighting console for musical ateliers  Sound technologies – sound systems, microports and audio systems in the Orlí Street Theatre auditorium  Photographic technologies – six semi-professional cameras and eight objective lenses  Digital archiving of artistic outputs - 14 powerful multimedia workstations with converters for 3D record processing, technology chain for digital data archiving consisting of network infrastructure, AVID gateway, shared file system, disk data storage, UPS and its implementation into the existing IT environment of the school  Reconstruction of technologies in classroom 104 consisting of the overall modernization of projection, presentation, video and audio technologies with a common control system  Reconstruction of HVAC in classroom 104 consisting of adding air conditioning to the existing HVAC system In aggregate financial terms, the following groups of assets were purchased under the project in 2018: - Reconstruction of buildings and structures in the amount of CZK 1,595 thousand - Stage technology in the amount of CZK 6,007 thousand - Scenic and lighting technologies in the amount of CZK 12,081 thousand - Audio technologies in the amount of CZK 11,541 thousand - Video technologies in the amount of CZK 2,070 thousand - Photographic technologies in the amount of CZK 792 thousand 40/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 - IT technologies in the amount of CZK 10,139 thousand Centralized development projects The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has awarded an investment grant of CZK 520 thousand to JAMU to carry out an investment centralized development project. The project ‘Synergies of Technological Development and Implementation of New Legislation’ is solved together with other 13 higher education institutions, with the Czech Technical University in Prague as the project co-ordinator. The upgrade of the SAP ERP Information System was completed under the project. Total costs reached CZK 520 thousand. Institutional plan The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has provided a contribution of CZK 7,568 thousand to JAMU to implement an institutional plan, of this CZK 592 thousand of investment funds. Investment funds in the amount of CZK 586 thousand and part of non-investment funds in the amount of CZK 1,931 thousand were used for the technological development of the university aimed at the renewal and innovation of teaching technologies. Unused funds in the amount of CZK 6 thousand was transferred to the Fund for reproduction of investment assets (FRIA). As part of the project, the Theatre Faculty used the investment funds to purchase two projectors and a MacBook, a projector for the Rector's Office and the upgrade of the connection speed of the Marta Studio Theatre to 10GB, were acquired from the capital resources for the Theatre Faculty. The non-investment funds were spent at HF and the Rector’s Office to purchase workstations, multimedia components and the extension of SW licenses for end PCs, active elements and services for necessary modifications of the JAMU computer network configuration. A new part of the asset module was implemented in the SAP system. In addition, licenses for IP telephony have been extended and modifications have been made in its settings in the form of services. Service support for JAMU central data fields has also been extended. Contribution towards capital expenditures outside the programme funding Upon an application, a contribution towards capital expenditures in the amount of CZK 4,818 thousand was granted to the school outside the programme funding, of which a total of CZK 4,678 thousand was invested. Unspent funds in the amount of CZK 140 thousand were transferred to the FRIM fund. The contribution covered the costs of modernization of the Marta Studio Theatre technologies, which could not be financed from the OP RDE sources. This money was used to repair the existing stage technologies and purchase new ones, new highcurrent and low-current lines and new air-conditioning in the Director’s Room and electrical substation were installed, the existing wooden floor in the theatre premises was repaired as well as plasters and walls were painted. Fund for reproduction of investment assets (FRIA) A total of CZK 14,921 thousand was available in FRIA in 2018. Money was used either separately or together with other grant titles and resources for the actions listed below in the total amount of CZK 13,274 thousand: - Authorial supervision by the designer of the construction project ‘Building adaptations of premises in the Novobranská Building no. 691/3, Brno’ in the amount of CZK 48 thousand 41/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 - Completion of the construction project ‘Building adaptations of premises in the Novobranská Building no. 691/3, Brno’ started in 2017. The FRIA resources were used to cover the part of construction that could not be funded from the OP RDE resources. Building adaptations on the 7th floor bring 39 square metres of new teaching areas and 27 square metres of accommodation areas were reconstructed; 101 square metres were reconstructed for the JAMU Publishing House on the 2nd floor. In 2018, CZK 772 thousand were invested - Co-funding of authorial supervision by the designer of the project ‘Modernization of the Marta Studio Theatre technologies’, which was mostly covered from the OP RDE resources in the amount of CZK 21 thousand - Co-funding of costs of modernization of the Marta Studio Theatre technologies which couldn’t be covered from the OP RDE resources. These FRIA resources in the amount of CZK 2,242 thousand complemented the contribution to capital expenditures (see the previous paragraph) - Project preparation and building adaptations of the Department of Languages premises within the Rector’s Office, where two offices and a meeting room of the Rector’s Office were created. The Rector's Office thus acquired 73 square metres of office space. The costs amounted to CZK 568 thousand - Project preparation of a new optical connection for the Marta Studio Theatre in the amount of CZK 83 thousand - Complete replacement of the air-conditioning unit for auditorium of the Music Faculty in the amount of CZK 2,407 thousand - Project preparation of a new active lightning conductor at the Music Faculty, which will replace the current unsuitable lightning conductor in the amount of CZK 16 thousand - New residence and hotel SW system for the Astorka Hall of Residence in the amount of CZK 189 thousand - Passenger car for the Rector’s Office in the amount of CZK 948 thousand - Winch spot pulling system for hanging audio equipment in the Orlí Street Theatre in the amount of CZK 106 thousand - Conference chairs for the auditorium of the Music Faculty; 180 pieces of upholstered chairs totalling CZK 170 thousand were purchased - Furniture for the newly created premises of the Theatre Faculty on the 3rd and 7th floor in the Astorka building in the amount of CZK 787 thousand - Photographic objective and servomotor unit for the objective for the Theatre Faculty in the amount of CZK 634 thousand - Active Cisco elements for the expansion and strengthening of the school's backbone computer network in the amount of 2 pieces in the total amount of CZK 733 thousand - Co-funding of investment projects paid from public subsidies of OP RDE in the total amount of CZK 3,550 thousand • Professional literature and electronic databases relevant to a degree programme Standard 4.3 The JAMU Information System (IS) is operated and developed by the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University. The system was developed and is operated in accordance with the current 42/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 wording of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions. The system is operated under an outsourcing scheme, i.e. the operation and responsibility for operation is transferred to the provider. The Masaryk University provides the operation directly in the form of hosting. The system allows administering students with a low number of administrative staff and their increase without increasing the number of these administrative workers; accentuates the possibilities of work for the general academic public; and offers quality communication and presentation tools and electronic support to teaching. JAMU is the holder of the Diploma Supplement Label. Access to study literature is provided through the JAMU Library and through JAMU IS. Degree programme guarantor • Guarantor's powers and responsibilities Standard 5.1 The powers and responsibilities of a degree programme guarantor are specified in the internal regulation Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Quality Evaluation of Educational, Creative and Related Activities of 21 August 2017. The degree programme guarantors were appointed in accordance with the requirements of the National Accreditation Bureau (NAB). The selection criteria were as follows: - The higher education qualification achieved - Undisputed quality of pedagogical and creative activities and long-term experience in pedagogy and arts - Reputation of a professionally and internationally recognized pedagogical and artistic personality - Assumption of further professional (pedagogical and artistic) growth - Experience in creating pedagogical documents - Last but not least, the age of the guarantor which allows him/her to guarantee the degree programme throughout the period of accreditation When selecting a personality for the position of a guarantor, the higher education qualification and previous education were considered, as well as the undisputed quality of pedagogical and creative activities so far and long-term experience in pedagogy and arts, the assumption of further professional (pedagogical and artistic) growth, the experience in the creation of pedagogical documents and introduction of new courses and the age of the guarantor allowing supervision of the degree programme throughout the period for which the accreditation was awarded DF JAMU On the basis of Amendment to the Higher Education Act and methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau on the definition, accreditation and implementation of degree programmes, DF appointed guarantors for the future degree programmes (‘DPs’): Prof. Zbyněk Srba guarantor of the Dramaturgy and Direction DP Doc. Igor Dostálek guarantor of the Acting DP Doc. Marie Jirásková guarantor of the Scenography DP Doc. Petr Francán guarantor of the Dramatic Production and Media DP 43/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Doc. Blanka Chládková guarantor of the Theatrical Production and Stage Technology DP Prof. Veronika Broulíková guarantor of the Theatre and Education DP HF JAMU On the basis of Amendment to the Higher Education Act and methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau on the definition, accreditation and implementation of degree programmes, HF appointed guarantors for the future degree programmes (‘DPs’): Doc. Mgr Ing. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. guarantor of the Composition DP Doc. Mgr MgA. Monika Holá, Ph.D. guarantor of the Conducting, Singing and Opera Direction DP Prof. MgA. Miloslav Jelínek guarantor of the Playing String Instruments DP Prof. MgA. Jan Jiraský, Ph.D. guarantor of the Piano Playing and Piano Pedagogy DP Prof. MgA. Martin Opršál guarantor of the Percussion Instruments Playing and Jazz Interpretation DPs doc. MgA. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. guarantor of the Music Production DP Prof. Mgr Milan Polák guarantor of the Playing Wind Instruments DP Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. guarantor of the Organ and Historical Interpretation DP • Evaluation of a guarantor in terms of meeting the standards Standards 5.2-5.4 The guarantor of the JAMU degree programme is the JAMU’s employee, who works at the faculty as an academic worker under an employment or service relationship with a total weekly working time corresponding to the set weekly working time pursuant to Section 79 of the Labour Code and who has been appointed professor or associate professor or has attained the education by completing the doctoral degree programme. The guarantor has a professional qualification relating to the given degree programme or a degree program of close or related content and has been performing artistic activities for the past five years corresponding to the area or areas of education within which the degree program is to be realized. Degree programme guarantors meet the conditions as far as the maximum number of degree programmes is concerned. Their professional curricula are available in the JAMU information system.1 Staffing of a degree programme • Evaluation of the overall staffing of a degree programme in terms of meeting the standards Standards 6.1-6.2, 6.7-6.8 Among JAMU teachers, there are prominent artistic personalities with an international overlap, actively performing artistic practice in the field of theatre and music arts. Staffing of academically oriented degree programmes also includes an adequate involvement of practitioners. Running of degree programmes is ensured by academic workers or by other professionals with appropriate qualifications to provide for individual courses. The overall structure of the degree programme academic staff corresponds in terms of qualification, age, 1 Their professional curricula are available in the JAMU informa%on system, h(ps:// 44/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 length of weekly working time and foreign or practical experiences to the structure of the curriculum, objectives and possible profile of the degree program specialization; academic workers perform creative activity that corresponds to this or related expertise. According to the law, the pedagogic positions are occupied on the basis of a successful selection procedure to which precise rules apply concerning its conditions and public announcement. Administrative, organizational and technical aspects of the institution’s operations are ensured by non-academic staff. They are employees of the study, foreign, project, concert and production departments. These workers also take care of the spaces that are used for public presentation of artistic and creative work of students. There are several research centres in the institution that are closely linked to the relevant departments, where both academic and non-academic researchers work. • Staffing of the profiling base courses Standards 6.4, 6.9-6.10 The courses of the profiling base in the newly conceived degree programmes are guaranteed according to the requirements of the National Accreditation Bureau. The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of degree programme have their guarantors, who are significantly involved in teaching, for example by giving lectures. The degree programme is adequately staffed in terms of the period of validity of its accreditation and prospects of its development, especially with regard to the length of weekly working hours of the guarantors of basic theoretical courses of the profiling base of degree programme and the period for which the employment of these employees in the given higher education institution is arranged or for which its arrangement is ensured. The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base will be guaranteed by academic workers appointed by the professor or associate professor or academic workers with a scientific degree. At the same time, study courses of the profiling base of degree programmes in arts can also be guaranteed by academic workers with an appropriate artistic erudition. Guarantors of these courses are involved in teaching these courses. The basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of the master’s degree programme will be guaranteed by academic workers appointed by the professor or appointed by the associate professor in the field that corresponds to the area or areas of education within which the master's degree program in question is to be pursued or in a related field. At the same time, the basic theoretical study courses of the profiling base of degree programmes in arts can also be guaranteed by academic workers with an appropriate artistic erudition. • Doctoral student supervisors Standard 6.11 Supervisors for the doctoral degree programme are only associate professors and professors or other experts holding a scientific degree who are approved by the relevant scientific or arts council; supervisors for the doctoral students in arts degree programmes are also experts having an appropriate artistic erudition. 45/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Specific requirements for providing a degree programme • Realizing a degree programme in a combined and distance form of study Standards 7.1-7.3 E-learning study supports are systematically created for JAMU degree programmes for a combined form of study .  Realizing a degree programme in co-operation with a foreign higher education institution Standard 7.10 An extraordinary opportunity is the sharing of teaching, which is done in co-operation with the Early Music Department of the Royal Conservatoire Den Haag. In November 2018, the Faculty of Music, in accordance with the long-term intent and the ESF project implemented with the support of the Operational Program for Research, Development and Education, applied for accreditation of the Historical Interpretation Degree Programme according to a new methodology of the National Accreditation Bureau. This programme will be realized as a joint programme in the follow-up master's degree study in cooperation with the Dutch Royal Conservatoire Den Haag (Koninklijk Conservatorium den Haag). 46/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 Verification JAMU Strategic intent Annual Report on JAMU activities Annual Report on JAMU economic activities Strategic intent Strategic intent (Long-term intent for educational, creative and other related activities of JAMU) Plan of realization of the JAMU 2017 strategic intent JAMU IS DF JAMU Strategic intent (Long-term intent for educational, creative and other related activities of DF JAMU) Plan of realization of the DF JAMU 2017 strategic intent Annual Report on DF JAMU activities Annual Report on DF JAMU economic activities HF JAMU Music Faculty Strategic intent (Long-term intent for educational, creative and other related activities of HF JAMU) Plan of realization of the HF JAMU 2017 strategic intent Annual Report on HF JAMU activities Annual Report on HF JAMU economic activities Internal regulations: JAMU Sheet Statute of JAMU Study and Examination Code of JAMU Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities and Internal Quality Evaluation of Educational, Creative and Related Activities JAMU Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of JAMU JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure JAMU Scholarship Rules 47/48 Annex 04: Self-Evaluation Report of JAMU, 2018 JAMU Code of Ethics JAMU Disciplinary Code Statute of DF JAMU Statute of HF JAMU Rules of Procedure of DF JAMU Academic Senate Rules of Procedure of HF JAMU Academic Senate Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of DF JAMU Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of HF JAMU DF JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure HF JAMU Arts Council Rules of Procedure 48/48 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 REPORT ON THE INTERNAL EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL, CREATIVE AND RELATED ACTIVITIES OF JAMU FOR 2017 1/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 Discussed in the Arts Council of JAMU on Approved by the Academic Senate of JAMU on Discussed by the Administra/ve Board of JAMU on Table of Contents SPECIFICS OF THE SYSTEM OF ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU............................................................................................................... 3 EXPERIENCE WITH ASSURANCE AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU............................................................................................................................... 4 Internal evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at DF JAMU ................................. 4 Internal evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at HF JAMU ................................. 5 KREDO Project ........................................................................................................................................ 5 SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES OF JAMU.............................................................................. 6 Mul/annual JAMU projects in OP RDE .................................................................................................. 6 Coopera/on with the Czech higher arts schools ………………................................................................... 8 PREPARING THE JAMU SYSTEM OF QUALITY ASSURANCE AND EVALUATION ...................................... 9 Basic principles for evalua/ng quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at JAMU ......................... 9 Quality assurance subject maBer and criteria for process evalua/on at JAMU ................................... 9 JAMU Quality Assurance System …….................................................................................................... 10 OVERVIEW OF EVALUATIONS REALIZED IN 2017 ………......................................................................... 11 Internal evalua/on of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es of JAMU .................................................... 11 Evalua/on of Delds of study in the transi/on to degree programmes with specializa/ons …............. 11 Documents related to the system of assuring and evalua/ng quality of JAMU's educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es ................................................................................................................................. 12 StaFng of internal assurance and evalua/on of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es of JAMU ……….. 14 RUV and RIV results ……........................................................................................................................ 14 SpeciDcs of the JAMU facul/es ............................................................................................................ 14 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE NEAREST PERIOD ................................................................................ 16 Coopera/on with the higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons .................................................................... 16 Tasks for 2018 ……………........................................................................................................................ 17 Analysis of RUV and RIV results …………................................................................................................ 18 Prepara/on of interna/onal evalua/on of JAMU ................................................................................ 18 2/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 SPECIFICS OF THE SYSTEM OF ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU In line with the JAMU's mission statement, the quality assurance system puts emphasis on educa/onal ac/vi/es. Teaching in arts degree programmes is closely connected with crea/ve ac/vity. It is both its content and objec/ve. Quality indicators are, in par/cular, the ar/s/c outputs of teaching as learning results. Art is not deDned as a Dxed and unchanging system of knowledge and skills. Respect for plurality, diversity and dynamism is a prerequisite for free ar/s/c crea/on and unrestricted development of students’ talents. The sphere of educa/on and ar/s/c crea/on is found in a space between classical and tradi/onal methods on the one hand and constant experimenta/on and upda/ng in search of new forms on the other. Arts educa/on is characterized mainly by individual teaching based on a personal rela/onship between a teacher and student or taking place in small groups of students and by an evalua/on based on a mutual discussion and providing the teacher’s feedback to students, between students and the students giving a reJec/on on teaching to the teacher. Given these speciDcs, it is not possible to employ quan/ta/ve methods of evalua/on and methods of anonymous ques/onnaire evalua/on at JAMU, but rather qualita/ve methods and, above all, evalua/on of crea/ve outputs of teaching as an indicator of quality for educa/onal ac/vi/es that preceded them. Most teaching at JAMU leads to the crea/ve outputs being presented either internally within the facul/es or to the wider public. The quality of crea/ve outputs of teaching is considered to be an indicator of quality of the educa/onal process that preceded these outputs. Therefore, their evalua/on is at the same /me the evalua/on of teaching. Tradi/onal evalua/on methods, such as discussions on realized projects and stagings, are used to assess the quality of educa/on. The measure of quality of educa/on can also be derived from the response of public to the outputs of ar/s/c crea/on presented at the Marta Studio Theatre, the Orlí Street Theatre, as part of the interna/onal SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER fes/val, the Sítko fes/val of the Theatre and Educa/on Atelier, concert ac/vi/es (soloist concerts, chamber and orchestral concerts), opera stagings at Orlí Street Theatre, the Leoš Janáček Interna/onal Compe//on (SLJ) or as part of regional and na/onal presenta/ons of JAMU projects. Students' evalua/on of the quality of teaching takes place at the level of discussions with teachers and heads of departments and ateliers. Students are systema/cally led to open dialogue with their teachers. According to the current needs, the adapted EFQM1 method and the ques/onnaire survey are used to evaluate the quality of teaching at DF JAMU and HF JAMU respec/vely. A substan/al and irreplaceable func/on in the evalua/on ac/vi/es has the Academic Senate and the Arts Council of JAMU as well as the senates and arts councils of both facul/es. JAMU par/cipates in the project of 1 Method to enhance the quality of a higher level of educa/on, based on the EFQM (European Founda/on for Quality Management) Model, Second English version, October 1999. Graphic design: Ekkers and Paauw, George Hall, Paul Hulsman English transla/on: George Hall, Paul Hulsman Editors: Joost Degenaar, Everard van Kemenade Editorial Board: HBO Expert Group, Z Inklaar, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, F. Hengeveld, Hogesschool van Groningen, J. van Onzenoort. Hogeschool Ijsselland, M. van Schaik, Hogeschool Holland, E. Biesta, Higher Educa/on Inspectorate (observer), E. Kemenade, Fontys First Czech Version 2000 Transla/on: Dobra Švrčková and Šárka Bendová, JAMU, Czech Republic Editors: Marion Beltman, Everard van Kemenade The basic model of this method was derived from the EFQM (European Founda/on for Quality Management) model, which aims to disseminate and popularize the philosophy of overall quality management across Europe. The HBO Expert Group recognizes the rights of EFQM and is an ac/ve EFQM member. 3/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 the Register of Ar/s/c Outputs, which it considers, among other things, to be a quan/Ded form of evalua/on of ac/vi/es of the faculty and its teachers 4/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 EXPERIENCE WITH ASSURANCE AND EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU JAMU gradually creates its own system for assuring and evalua/ng quality of educa/onal, crea/ve and related ac/vi/es, based on previous experience with them. In 2000 – 2001, JAMU held its Drst external evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es. This training and the subsequent JAMU quality evalua/on process took place as a sub-project of the SCART Project Quality Management2 . The long-term goal of the Quality Management sub-project was to equip the par/cipants with basic knowledge, abili/es and aWtudes to quality management so that they could - on the basis of self-evalua/on professionalize their own work. In the framework of this programme, a two-day training took place by the Quality Management CommiBee of the Utrecht School of Art and the Amsterdam School of Art, composed of Marion Beltman and Leo Capel. JAMU has joined the call announced by the Dutch Quality Management CommiBee for the Czech schools par/cipa/ng in the project to produce self-evalua/on reports and prepare for a visit by an expert group to make a peer review. Internal evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at DF JAMU At the beginning of 2000, a working group composed of JUDr. Lenka Valová, doc. PhDr. Silva Macková and MgA. Blanka Chládková was set up. This group produced an Internal Assessment Report. The Internal Assessment Report was completed on 29 May 2000 The Dutch Frame of Reference of the Council for Higher Professional Educa/on in combina/on with the European Founda/on for Quality Management (EFQM) model3 was used to gather the evidence to create a self-evalua/on report. Material produce within the Phare4 project was used as a manual for the self-evalua/on report. The Dutch expert group received this report in English. The peer review was then held at DF JAMU in April 2001. Members of the Quality Management CommiBee of the Utrecht School of Art and the Amsterdam School of Art, Marion Beltman and Leo Capel together with two external experts from the Theatre Faculty of the Utrecht School of Art (Rien Sprenger and Ton van Vlijmen) held intensive interviews with representa/ves of all faculty components (teachers, students, opera/onal staX, school management, academic senate, art council) and prac//oners for two days. The peer review of the Dutch Expert Group results in the 2001 Final Report. In 2007, the Internal Evalua/on Report of DF JAMU was prepared according to its own structure based on that of the Final Report of the SCART Sub-project Quality Management and the Report for Sub-project No. 6 2 SCART stands for Structural Coopera/on in Art Educa/on between the Czech Republic and the Netherlands (Structural Coopera/on in Art). The name derives from a data cable that provides high-quality connec/on between diXerent audiovisual applica/ons thanks to an integrated mul/-pin system. In par/cular, SCART was a partnership between Dutch and Czech art schools. Its aim was to increase quality and interna/onal educa/on through the crea/on of a structured coopera/on. The project lasted three years and was co-Dnanced by the par/cipa/ng schools and the Dutch Ministry of Educa/on, Culture and Science. 3 The EFQM manual has been translated into Czech at DIFA JAMU and published thanks to the SCART project. A number of interested persons from the Czech higher educa/on ins/tu/ons and staX responsible for assessing the quality of higher educa/on ins/tu/ons have requested it over /me 4 The Phare project was part of the European Union's assistance to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to prepare for accession to the European Union and was managed by the European Training Founda/on. 5/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 ’Qualita/ve Elements of Financing Higher Educa/on Ins/tu/ons’5 . In 2013, a pilot tes/ng of the modiDed EFQM methodology took place in the Atelier of Theatre and Educa/on and subsequently in 2014 in the Atelier of Scenography. The survey concerned the educa/onal ac/vi/es of the ateliers and involved atelier students and teachers. In 2016, the Internal Evalua/on Report for the period 2011 - 2015 was created at DF on the basis of previous experience and results obtained in the KREDO project and in 2017 its update for 2016 followed. Internal evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at HF JAMU HF JAMU performs an internal evalua/on of quality of educa/on by means of an evalua/on module of individual departments. This evalua/on method is based on the methodology of the Associa/on Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC) developed under the project ’The Polifonia Tuning’ (the principles of evalua/on are published in the ’Handbook for Internal Quality Assurance in Higher Music Educa/on’) and has been carried out from 2006. Since then, all departments of HF that have students /ed to individual Delds of their accredited degree programme have been internally assessed. Therefore, the Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of Music and Humani/es, which provide theore/cal courses for the en/re faculty and do not have their own students, have not been evaluated so far. The evalua/on period is set so that always two departments can go through the evalua/on process each year. This completes the Drst cycle of evalua/on in 2010. The evaluators are students and teachers belonging to the rated department. The actual evalua/on process includes the survey among students using ques/onnaires and a list of student ac/vi/es, especially their concert ac/vi/es, par/cipa/on in domes/c and foreign compe//ons, par/cipa/on in workshops and courses, par/cipa/on in foreign placements, involvement in art projects, or research and scien/Dc ac/vi/es. The survey con/nues further with evalua/on in the basic areas: departmental teachers, func/onality of the Dean's oFce, curricula, study opportuni/es abroad, inJuence of students on the school management and development of tools and technical equipment. Evalua/on also includes the survey among teachers, again using ques/onnaires and a lis/ng of their ar/s/c, research and publica/on ac/vi/es. The survey is conducted in the following areas: func/onality of the Dean's oFce, school management, departmental management, curricula of the department. Sta/s/cal data for the last Dve years have also been collected to become part of the evalua/on of individual departments. These data are further processed by the faculty’s Dean's oFce and concern the following areas: admission procedure - numbers of applicants/number of admiBed students in the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programmes, total number of enrolled students of the department according to study Delds, study success rate, average student’s workload, results of ar/s/c ac/vity of students of the department, mobility of departmental teachers, foreign placements of students of the department, foreign teachers at the department, foreign students at the department, grant ac/vi/es of the department, qualiDca/on proDle of the department staX, age stra/Dca/on of the department staX, habilita/on and appointment procedure at the department and employment rate of the department graduates. The evalua/on results are processed in the evalua/on report, which is an output of evalua/on of the individual department of HF. It summarizes the results of the above-men/oned areas, which are verbally commented on and trends in the last Dve years are graphed. The use of the outputs of the evalua/on report serves as an informa/on document that contains sta/s/cal data as well as the results of ques/onnaire surveys, which may inJuence some decisions by both faculty management and department heads. 5 Working Group in the following composi/on: Coordina/on: Doc. Ing. J. Durčáková, CSc. (VŠE); Members of the Working Group: Prof. Ing. T. Čermák, CSc. (VŠB-TUO); Prof. PhDr Z. Jirásek, CSc. (SU); Doc. Ing. B. Bernauer, CSc. (VŠCHT); Prof. MUDr Š. Svačina, DrSc. (UK); Doc. Prof. PhDr S. Macková (JAMU); Prof. RNDr J. Cihlář, CSc. (UJEP) worked on the Report for Subproject No. 6 Qualita/ve Elements of Financing Higher Educa/on Ins/tu/ons within the project ’Development of Public Higher Educa/on Ins/tu/ons, Financial Condi/ons and Prerequisites‘. 6/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 KREDO Project JAMU and its facul/es have joined the KREDO project - Quality, Relevance, EFciency, DiversiDca/on and Openness of Higher Educa/on in the Czech Republic, Higher Educa/on Strategy un/l 2030. The aim of the project was to create the Higher Educa/on Development Strategy un/l 2030 following the elabora/on of strategic plans for the development of higher educa/on ins/tu/ons by 2030. The project was implemented in the period from 20 March 2012 to 31 October 2015. JAMU has been involved in basic strategic areas (Educa/on and Research and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es) and in four suppor/ng strategic areas (Higher Educa/on Funding, Human Resources Policy, Public Rela/ons and Interna/onaliza/on). Based on the results of the KREDO project, the Internal Evalua/on Report of the Theatre Faculty of JAMU for the period 2011 - 2015 and the Internal Evalua/on Report of the Music Faculty of JAMU have been prepared which are based primarily on the SWOT analysis. Results of the KREDO project as a basis for quality assurance and evalua;on The SWOT analysis in the area of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es has brought to light the strengths and weaknesses in educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es and iden/Ded opportuni/es and threats related to the ac/vi/es and posi/on of JAMU and art educa/on. The Dndings covered the following areas: Educa/onal ac/vi/es - Degree programmes and their Delds - Interest in studying at JAMU - Study organiza/on - Methods of teaching and acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies - Professional placements and prac/ce - Con/nuity of study and career opportuni/es of graduates Crea/ve ac/vi/es - Scien/Dc and research ac/vi/es - Ar/s/c ac/vi/es of students - Ar/s/c ac/vi/es of teachers - RIV (Register of Results), RUV (Register of Ar/s/c Outputs) Interna/onaliza/on - Foreign coopera/on in educa/on and crea/ve ac/vi/es Third role of JAMU - Lifelong learning - JAMU ac/vi/es in the professional sphere and in various areas of public life These Dndings were the basis for the crea/on of the JAMU Strategic Plan for 2015-2020. SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES OF JAMU Mul/annual JAMU projects in OP RDE (Opera/onal Programme for Research, Development and Educa/on) At present, three mul/annual OP RDE projects are being implemented at JAMU: 7/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 - Improving the quality of educa;on at JAMU (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002245) The aim of the project is to extend students' competencies by increasing the number of courses taught in a foreign language, courses to acquire so_ skill competencies, courses supplemented by electronic supports and to complete the quality management system at JAMU In support of the project, internal regula/ons of JAMU were developed in 2017, work began on the crea/on of the System of Internal Assurance and Evalua/on of the Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es of JAMU and the prepara/on of the JAMU external evalua/on in 2020 started. - Enhancing the infrastructure of the Music Art degree programme at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246) The aim of the project in the area of musical instruments, scenic, light, video and audio technology is to increase the quality of teaching taking place through ar/s/c work of students in the Delds studied at the Faculty of Music. - Enhancing the infrastructure of the Drama;c Arts degree programme at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469) The aim of the project in the area of spa/al condi/ons, scenic, light, video, audio and IT technologies is to increase the quality of teaching taking place through ar/s/c work of students of the degree programmes at the Faculty of Theatre. Within these projects, the transforma/on of Delds of study into degree programmes and their specializa/ons is also planned. In 2017, work began on preparing materials for applying for the accredita/on of these degree programs and their specializa/ons. Theatre Faculty of JAMU Area of Educa;on Typical Degree Programme Thema;c Area Degree Programme Specializa;on Degree Programme Guarantors Deadline for applying for accredita;on ARTS Drama/c arts Theatre art Dramaturgy and direc/on Direc/on Prof. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. September 20186 Dramaturgy Theatre art Ac/ng Drama/c ac/ng Doc. Mgr Igor Dostálek September 2018Musical ac/ng Physical theatre Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. MgA. Marie Jirásková, Ph.D. March 20187 September 2018Light design Theatre art Radio art Television Drama/c crea/on and media Audiovisual crea/on and theatre Doc. Mgr Petr Francán March 2018 September 2018Radio and television 6 In the case of degree programmes where September 2018 is indicated, the applica/on for accredita/on of the bachelor's and follow-up master's degree level will be submiBed at the same /me. 7 In the case of degree programmes where March 2018 and September 2018 are indicated, the applica/on for accredita/on of the follow-up master's degree level within the ESF project will be submiBed in March and the applica/on for accredita/on of the bachelor's degree level will be submiBed in September, together with the applica/on for accredita/on of all degree programmes of the JAMU Theatre Faculty except the Doctoral Degree Programme Drama/c Arts. 8/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 art Audiovisual art dramaturgy and scriptwri/ng Theatre art Organiza/on and management of ar/s/c prac/ce Theatrical produc/on and stage technologies Theatrical produc/on Doc. Blanka Chládková March 2018 September 2018 Stage management and technologies Theatre art Dance art Pedagogy and didac/cs of the arts Theatre and educa/on Theatre and educa/on Prof. PhDr Veronika Broulíková September 2018 Theatre and educa/on for the deaf Dance and movement theatre and educa/on Music Faculty of JAMU Area of Educa;on Typical Degree Programme Thema;c Area Degree Programme Specializa;on Degree Programme Guarantors Deadline for applying for accredita;on Arts Music art Music art Theatre art Organiza/on and management of ar/s/c prac/ce Music produc/on (DSP) Doc. MgA. Ing. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. December 2018 Music art Conduc/ng, singing and opera direc/on (long master’s) Orchestral conduc/ng Doc. Mgr MgA. Monika Holá, Ph.D. March 2019 Choral conduc/ng Singing Opera direc/on Music art Brass instrument playing (follow-up master’s) Flute playing Prof. Milan Polák December 2018 Oboe playing Clarinet playing Bassoon playing French horn playing Trumpet playing Trombone playing Tuba playing Music art Mul/media crea/on Composi/on (long master’s) (follow-up Composi/on Doc. Mgr. Ing. MgA. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. March 2019 Scenic and Dlm music Electroacous/c music December 2018 Mul/media 9/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 master’s) composi/on Music art Historical interpreta/on (follow-up master’s) Without specializa/ons Joint program In English Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. October 2018 HF JAMU should end the process of submiWng new accredita/ons in June 2019. The process of transi/on from the Delds of study to degree programmes with specializa/ons is accompanied by a discussion across disciplines and the search for common bases for conceiving a theore/cal basis of the programme as well as of prac/cal disciplines including the nature of presented outputs of these courses. This process brings en/rely new Dndings, especially at DF JAMU, where due to an atelier teaching in some Delds (the atelier equals the year), there were three to four atelier curricula in the same Deld. Coopera/on with the Czech higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons JAMU together with AMU implemented two centralized development projects in 2015–2017: - Coordina/ng the implementa/on of a quality management system and ini/a/ng the process of crea/ng standards for the Educa/on Area Arts (2015 and 2016) - ReJec/ng the amendment to the Higher Educa/on Act and its implemen/ng regula/ons in the area of quality management and school legisla/on of the par/cipa/ng schools (2017) - Promo/ng the coopera/on of higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons in the area of interna/onaliza/on (2017) Four documents were prepared within the projects to deDne minimum standards for teaching theatre, music, dance and Dlm/television arts: - Standards for Accredita/on of Degree Programmes in the Educa/on area Arts, Thema/c area Theatre art - Standards for Accredita/on of Degree Programmes in the Educa/on area Arts, Thema/c area Music art - Standards for Accredita/on of Degree Programmes in the Educa/on area Arts, Thema/c area Dance art - Standards for Accredita/on of Degree Programmes in the Educa/on area Arts, Thema/c area Film/Television art The star/ng point for the crea/on of these documents were Tuning Documents issued by the European League of Ins/tutes of the Arts (ELIA), containing speciDc standards and, in par/cular, learning outcomes for each of these thema/c areas. The content of the documents and their structure is based on the Government Regula/on on Standards for Accredita/on in Higher Educa/on. At the mee/ng of representa/ves of arts ins/tutes with members of the Council of the Na/onal Accredita/on Bureau (NAB) for Higher Educa/on held on February 24, 2017, the Dnal texts of the Deld-speciDc standards were handed over to NAB as a recommenda/on for the assessment of applica/ons for the accredita/on of art degree programmes in the given thema/c areas. In 2017, as part of the follow-up development project involving already all four higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons, exis/ng standards were given to schools of Dne arts, and there was a consensus that, given the dis/nc/ve features of each type of art, it was not purposeful to create general standards for the educa/on area of arts as such. Three centralized development projects were planned in coopera/on of JAMU with other higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons for 2018: - Fes/vals and shows – exploita/on of students' ar/s/c ac/vity resul/ng from teaching and its mutual assessment in the Delds of performing arts towards the transforma/on of study Delds to programmes (AMU, JAMU) 10/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 - Strengthening the compe//veness and quality of doctoral degree programmes at higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons in the na/onal and interna/onal context (AMU, JAMU, AVU, UMPRUM) - Suppor/ng coopera/on of JAMU and AVU in the area of interna/onaliza/on with a focus on mul/media produc/on (JAMU, AVU) PREPARING THE JAMU SYSTEM OF QUALITY ASSURANCE AND EVALUATION In 2017, the Methodology for Internal Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es was experimentally prepared and tested at DF JAMU. This will become the basis for development of the System of Internal Assurance and Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es of JAMU in the following year. Basic principles for evalua/ng quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at JAMU - The purpose of evalua/ng quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es at JAMU is to obtain informa/on that will lead to the search for ways to improve its quality. - The system for evalua/ng quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es is based on con/nuous evalua/on at the level of degree programmes and their specializa/on - evalua/on of crea/ve outputs of teaching and evalua/on of individual study courses. - The process of con/nuous evalua/on of quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es is carried out at the level of individual degree programmes and their specializa/ons, or even individual levels of study or years. Ateliers and departments keep documenta/on of it. Quality assurance subject maBer and criteria for process evalua/on at JAMU Educa/onal ac/vity: - Degree programmes: - Consistency of the JAMU mission statement with targe/ng of degree programmes and strategic planning - SeWng educa/onal and crea/ve processes - Admission to study and study condi/ons - Lifelong learning programmes Crea/ve ac/vity: - Ar/s/c ac/vity and individual development of students - Ar/s/c ac/vity of teachers - Research and scien/Dc ac/vi/es and editorial ac/vi/es Related ac/vi/es: - StaFng of study programmes: - StaX competences and development - Mobility of students and staX - Material and spa/al provision of degree programmes and support for student life - Individual student development - Library and informa/on services - Material and technical support - SeWng organiza/onal and decision-making processes 11/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 - Social responsibility of the university - Systema/c development of the third role of university and its ac/vi/es in the region - Consul/ng services JAMU Quality Assurance System JAMU also tradi/onally evaluates the crea/ve outputs of teaching. The public evalua/on of graduate projects and performances at the Marta Studio Theatre, on the concert stages of the Faculty of Music and at the Orlí Street Theatre proved to be signiDcant and meaningful. JAMU recognizes crea/ve outputs of teaching as an important criterion for evalua/ng educa/onal process having a signiDcant informa/ve value and uses them as one of the key tools for further building a system of quality, evalua/on of ac/vi/es and seWng of processes. The planned system of internal assurance and evalua/on of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at JAMU builds on years of experience and tradi/on of art educa/on. It is based on outputs of teaching of prac/cally oriented courses, which are publicly presented at facul/es or with public par/cipa/on and are the subject of subsequent discussion and analysis seminars and are the basis for assessing the achievements of individual students as well as for evalua/ng the teaching that preceded the output. Not only students' performance is evaluated, but also their ability to cri/cally assess their own performance and that of others, and put them in the context of their knowledge of the theory and history of the art, and together with the teachers propose solu/ons to improve (their own performance and teaching). Space has been created within the JAMU informa/on system where all art projects developed within the framework of teaching at JAMU are recorded. The absolutorium in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at JAMU is made up of two parts, the qualiDca/on work (the bachelor’s and the master’s thesis respec/vely) and the graduate performance. It is a professional performance which is evaluated in wri/ng by the opponent of the performance and defended at the Dnal state examina/on. Project documenta/on is inserted into the JAMU informa/on system. In 2017, both facul/es started to systema/ze graduate outputs. The descrip/ons and condi/ons for graduate performance were revised in rela/on to outputs from individual Delds (Q-RAM). The descrip/ons have been concentrated in one document and include the characteris/cs of the graduate performance and the knowledge, skills and competencies that students are to demonstrate in their graduate performance and are subject to evalua/on. For the recording and evalua/on of crea/ve ac/vi/es, an electronic tool was created for collec/ng data on realized and presented school works, ar/s/c outputs of teachers and other ar/s/c performances and outputs from the study. Under the name of the Database of Ar/s/c Crea/on of JAMU Students and Teachers, it was launched as part of the JAMU informa/on system. In 2018, it will be further tested in pilot opera/on and adapted to the needs of the school. By its con/nuous fulDlment, an archive of crea/ve ac/vi/es of JAMU, its components and members of the academic community will be created. 12/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 OVERVIEW OF EVALUATIONS REALIZED IN 2017 In 2017, the tradi/onal evalua/on of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at both JAMU facul/es took place in the manner described. The following year, these tradi/onal evalua/on methods and procedures will be described and become part of the System of Internal Quality Assurance and Assessment at JAMU. Internal evalua/on of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es of JAMU In accordance with the 2017 Plan for Implemen/ng Strategic Intent, the following objec/ves have been gradually pursued as part of the process of developing an internal quality assurance system and carrying out external evalua/ons to improve quality: - Specify the rules and suppor/ng material for sub-parts of the quality management system - Gradually provide authorized transla/ons into English of all internal regula/ons - Establish systemic posi/ons with workloads in the area of educa/on quality assurance and related ar/s/c outputs - Introduce systema/c staX training to assure the quality of educa/on and a system of internal evalua/ons through methodological seminars - Verify the exis/ng seWng of evalua/on processes in the workplace - Elaborate a typology of ar/s/c outputs and put into prac/ce an extended module of the JAMU Informa/on System to build their database - Verify the current seWng of evalua/on processes for the JAMU's ar/s/c outputs based on the requirements for the quality system resul/ng from the amendment to the Act on Higher Educa/on and in accordance with the Strategic Intent of JAMU The year 2017 was a turning point in the Deld of internal assurance and evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es. In accordance with the amendment to the Higher Educa/on Act, the Government Regulation on Education Areas and the Government Regulation on Standards for Accreditation, there have been gradual changes in the composi/on of degree programmes and their inclusion in the thema/c areas of the Educa/on Area Arts. The crea/on of new internal regula/ons of JAMU and consequently of new internal regula/ons of facul/es also brought a wide discussion about the concept of assuring and evalua/ng quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at JAMU. Evalua/on of Delds of study in the transi/on to degree programmes with specializa/ons A key moment for internal evalua/on of the quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es is the transi/on from Delds of study to degree programmes with specializa/ons. In 2017, work on the Drst applica/ons and accredita/on of degree programmes took place in the follow-up master's degree level at DF JAMU: Area of Educa;on Typical Degree Programme Thema;c Area Degree Programme Specializa;on Degree Programme Guarantors Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. MgA. Marie Jirásková, Ph.D. 2017 Light design Theatre art Radio art Television art Audiovisual art Drama/c produc/on and media Audiovisual produc/on and theatre Doc. Mgr. Petr Francán 2017 Radio and television dramaturgy and 13/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 scriptwri/ng Theatre art Organiza/on and management of ar/s/c prac/ce Theatre produc/on and stage technologies Theatre produc/on Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková 2017 The principle of transi/on from the Delds of study to degree programmes is the merging of related disciplines and searching for their common theore/cal and prac/cal basis. This brings with it a broad discussion, ranging from reJec/ons on the career prospects of graduates through the deDni/on of learning outcomes (the ’qualiDca/on framework’), the revision of composi/on of the theore/cal and prac/cal courses of the Deld base as well as courses speciDc to the specializa/on to the innova/on of the objec/ves and content of the courses and crea/on of their new syllabuses. The crea/on of applica/ons for accredita/on of the above-men/oned non-follow-up master's degree programmes gave rise to a speciDc procedure - methodology for crea/ng degree programmes with specializa/ons and preparing materials for their accredita/on. This procedure has also proved to be a natural assessment of quality of the exis/ng Delds of study. On the basis of concrete Dndings from this assessment, new degree programmes are created so as to maximally ensure their quality in rela/on to a deDned graduate proDle. Numerous staX changes take place in connec/on with this process. In accordance with the Higher Educa/on Act and the Government Regula/on on Standards for Accredita/on, guarantors of new degree programmes are appointed and, in connec/on with this, also teachers of key theore/cal courses. We consider this process to be part of assuring and evalua/ng quality of JAMU's educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es in the staFng area. JAMU has also mapped the structure of primary and suppor/ng processes implemented at facul/es and other components, its func/onality in the ac/vi/es of individual workplaces and gradually introduces the chosen method of quality veriDca/on In 2017, the staFng for the quality system was provided according to the requirements of the Higher Educa/on Act. Nomina/ons for the Internal Evalua/on Board of JAMU were prepared. The Council will have nine members and the representa/on of both facul/es will be taken into account when appoin/ng them. An internal JAMU’s regula/on Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es and Internal Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es was developed for the area of quality assurance and enhancement in 2017. The Internal Evalua/on Board, which should cover, coordinate and methodologically manage all quality-related ac/vi/es, was established at JAMU at the end of 2017. The working group of this Board prepared two documents – ’Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es and Internal Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es of JAMU’ and ’Rules of Procedure for the Internal Evalua/on Board’. The Internal Evalua/on Board also includes members of the HF, who have helped implement these documents during the comment procedure. Documents related to the system of assuring and evalua/ng quality of JAMU's educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es Internal regula+ons of JAMU New internal regula/ons of JAMU are based on - Act No. 111/1998 Sb, on Higher Educa/on Ins/tu/ons and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts (the Higher Educa/on Act), as amended by Act No. 137/2016 Sb. 14/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 - Government Regula/on No. 274/2016 Sb on Standards for Accredita/on in Higher Educa/on dated August 24, 2016 - Government Regula/on No. 275/2016 Sb on Educa/on Areas in Higher Educa/on dated August 24, 2016 - Accredita/on Standards for the Educa/on area of Arts, thema/c areas Music Art, Theatre Art, Dance Art and Film Produc/on and Television Produc/on. In 2017, following internal regula/ons were established at JAMU: - Statute of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno - Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es and Internal Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es - Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evalua/on Board - Rules of Procedure of the Arts Council of JAMU - Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of JAMU - Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of JAMU - Code of Study and Examina/on - Rules of Habilita/on Procedure and Procedure for the Appointment of Professors at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno - Rules of Selec/on Procedure for Filling Academic Worker Posi/ons at JAMU Both JAMU facul/es par/cipated in the crea/on of internal regula/ons. An important role in their crea/on was played by the Academic Senate of JAMU, whose members were intensively involved in the comment procedure on the regula/ons and in their Dnal shaping. Subsequently, both facul/es developed their internal regula/ons: - Disciplinary Rules of DF and HF JAMU - Rules of Procedure of the Arts Council of DF and HF JAMU - Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of DF and HF JAMU - Electoral Code of the Academic Senate of DF and HF JAMU - Statute of DF and HF JAMU. The process of formula/ng internal regula/ons has brought the same eXect as conceiving of degree programmes. A wide debate has opened on the quality of current educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es at both facul/es and many changes have been made in the degree programmes themselves (for example, the decision by HF JAMU to accredit some degree programmes as Dve-year non-follow-up programmes or merge exis/ng bachelor's and master's study courses into six degree programmes with specializa/ons). Self-Evalua+on Report of JAMU for 2017 On the basis of documents from both facul/es (self-evalua/on reports of facul/es), the Self-evalua/on Report of JAMU for 2017 was produced and submiBed to the JAMU Arts Council for discussion and to the JAMU Academic Senate for approval and subsequently to the JAMU Administra/ve Board for discussion. Representa/ves of both facul/es have been involved in preparing the report. It has undergone a wide-ranging comment procedure, in which the JAMU Rector's Collegium, the Collegium of Deans of both facul/es, the Academic Senate and the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board were engaged. The JAMU's self-evalua/on report resulted in a closer link between the two facul/es through a discussion across facul/es, which proved to be crucial for the internal quality evalua/on system for educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es. 15/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 Standards for the educa+on area of Arts, thema+c areas Theatre art, Music art, Dance Art, Film / Television Art In 2016 - 2017, the structure of documents describing general and Deld-speciDc standards of ac/vi/es at both facul/es was revised, especially for the needs of other ac/vi/es aimed at the new system of accredita/ons. Based on this, the above-men/oned strategic documents Standards for Accredita/on of Degree Programmes in the Educa/on Area of Arts, thema/c areas Theatre art, Music art, Dance art and Film/Television Art were produced in co-opera/on of AMU and JAMU representa/ves as one of the outputs of the common Centralized Development Project in November 2016. At the beginning of 2017, both documents were delivered to the Na/onal Accredita/on Bureau. Standards for thema/c areas Theatre art, Music art and Film/Television art will become annexes to the System of Internal Assurance and Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es at JAMU. StaFng of internal assurance and evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es of JAMU In connec/on with the elec/on of the JAMU Rector in 2017 and thus the an/cipated changes in the Rector's Collegium, it was decided not to appoint the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board and leave this power to the future JAMU Rector. For the purposes of seWng the quality evalua/on rules and for crea/on of regula/ons directly related to the internal assurance and evalua/on of quality, the JAMU’s Rector Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek Ph.D. appointed an advisory group composed of the deans of facul/es and relevant vice-deans of facul/es responsible for quality, student representa/ves, chairperson of the Academic Senate of JAMU and current vicerector for quality. Composi/on of the advisory group: Prof. Ing. MgA. Ivo Medek, Ph.D., Rector of JAMU Doc. Mgr. Richard Fajnor, Pro-rector for quality Prof. PhDr Silva Macková, Chairwoman of AS JAMU MgA. Jonáš Konývka, student representa/ve Doc. Mgr Petr Francán, Dean of DF JAMU Prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš, Dean of HF JAMU Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková, Pro-Dean of DF JAMU Mgr. Jan Přibil, Pro-Dean of HF JAMU Doc. Svetlana Waradzinová, VŠMU Bra/slava This Advisory Group has been involved in crea/ng the JAMU’s internal regula/on ’Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es and Internal Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es’ and in seWng the basic rules for the future JAMU's Internal Evalua/on Board. RUV and RIV results In the RUV results, JAMU has been showing a steady decline since 2013, as is the case in RIV: 16/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 Year RUV (points) RIV (points) 2013 10513.58 2367.81 2014 16532.29 2061.59 2015 12469.20 1862.21 2016 10779.55 1504.68 2013 – 2016 - 2.53 % - 36 % However, there is a signiDcant diXerence between DF and HF JAMU in the RUV results. RUV (points) Year DF JAMU HF JAMU 2013 5872.00 4872.00 2014 5632.86 10 899.43 2015 5164.90 7304.30 2016 3903.80 6875.75 2013 – 2016 - 33.52 % + 48,13% These Dndings necessarily lead to the need to analyse the situa/on, iden/fy the causes of this situa/on and Dnd a way to change it. SpeciDcs of the JAMU facul/es Over the past years, both facul/es have addressed the issues of internal assurance and evalua/on of quality on their own. Both facul/es were interconnected during the KREDO project and in an increased extent in connec/on with seWng the processes of internal quality evalua/on at JAMU, in the crea/on of internal regula/ons and the JAMU Self-Evalua/on Report for 2017 and within the JAMU advisory group for internal evalua/on. JAMU wishes to con/nue this trend of mutual coopera/on through the newly appointed Internal Evalua/on Board in 2018. Despite the need for mutual coopera/on and coordina/on of processes of internal quality assurance and evalua/on at JAMU, the speciDcs of both facul/es and the arts taught there will be preserved and respected to the maximum extent. The facul/es retain autonomy in the internal quality assurance and evalua/on and their own procedures bring the required results into the JAMU's common documents (System of Internal Assuring and Evalua/ng Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es at JAMU, JAMU self-evalua/on reports and their updates, internal evalua/on reports, etc.). Evalua+on at DF JAMU in 2017 At the Faculty of Theatre, the types of graduate performances and their characteris/cs have been described as well as the learning outcomes that students have to demonstrate in their graduate outputs. The document will be aBached to the System of Internal Assuring and Evalua/ng of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es at JAMU as its annex. The Update of the Internal Evalua/on Report (2011-2015) for 2016 has been prepared. On the basis of the previously described outputs of teaching for individual Delds of DF JAMU and with regard to the above-men/oned standards for the thema/c areas Theatre Art and Film/Television Art of the Educa/on Area of Arts, a material describing the outputs of teaching in the newly designed Delds of study and their 17/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 specializa/ons (Q-RAM) was produced. Also this document will become annex to the System of Internal Assuring and Evalua/ng of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es at JAMU. The Faculty of Theatre recognizes crea/ve outputs of teaching as a criterion for evalua/ng quality of the educa/onal process having a signiDcant informa/ve value and uses them as one of the key tools in quality evalua/on. There is a long-standing tradi/on of evalua/ng graduate stagings at the Marta Studio Theatre and at the Orlí Street Theatre by doctoral students in public discussions (always two lecturers' opinions on each staging by doctoral students). In 2017, following stagings were evaluated: Marta Studio Theatre Premiere Date Staging Title Evalua/on Date Evalua/on of ac/ng Evalua/on of direc/on and dramaturgy 5. 2. The Gamblers (Hana Marvanová) 16. 2. Jonáš Konývka Ján Balaj 26. 3. Several conversa/ons about Christ (Sára Čermáková) 13. 4. Radka HoXmanová Jitka Vrbková 24. 9. A Comedy about the Martyrdom (Ivo Krobot) 16. 11. Radka Kulichová Jitka Vrbková 22. 10. Electra (Michal Zetel) 23. 11. Jana Ondrušová Marika Smreková Jan Maroušek (scene) 14. 12. A Clockwork Orange (Barbora Chovancová) 11. 1. Gabriela Ženatá OBo Kauppinen Radka HoXmanová (dramaturgy and script) Orlí Street Theatre Premiere Date Staging Title Evalua/on Date Evalua/on of ac/ng Evalua/on of direc/on and dramaturgy 12. 2. Jacques Brel is alive and well and living in Paris (Gene Terruso) 9. 3. Daniela Zarodňanská Marika Smreková 13. 4. Go dis a DJ (Juraj Marušic) 27. 4. Pavol Seriš Juraj Augusfn, Renata Slámková 4. 9. Dinner (Michal Zetel) 18. 1. Alžběta Vaculčiaková Juraj Augusfn Vladimír Burian (lights and scene) 29. 10. Woodstock (Stano Slovák) 7. 12. Daniela Zarodňanská Sabina Machačová Tereza Reková (ac/ng) In 2017, the tes/ng phase of the module of Database of Ar/s/c Crea/on of Students and Teachers of JAMU was completed in IS and the module was adapted for further use. Evalua+on at HF JAMU in 2017 In dealing with the Centralized Development Project in 2016, HF JAMU prepared a working version of a selfevalua/on document Evalua/on of Educa/onal, Crea/ve and Related Ac/vi/es of the Music Faculty of Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno for the period 2011-2015. This model of the preliminary summary evalua/on report was based on a speciDc descrip/on of the standards for the thema/c area Music Art corresponding to the reality of faculty opera/ons, which it combines with interpreta/on of important data 18/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 from the annual reports for the evalua/on period. The individual chapters, corresponding to the strategic objec/ves, are supplemented with results of the SWOT analysis of the Music Faculty that arose from ac/ve involvement in the KREDO ins/tu/onal na/onal project. Evalua/ons of the Department of Foreign Languages and the Department of Music and Humani/es have been planned for 2017, but have not yet been carried out and their implementa/on moves to the next year. Given the above-men/oned speciDcs of both departments (the departments provide theore/cal courses for the en/re faculty and do not have their own students) and the associated complica/ons in crea/ng evalua/ons, there is a discussion about their future format, content and technical solu/on. ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE NEAREST PERIOD Coopera/on with the higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons JAMU will further con/nue its successful coopera/on with other higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons. Three joint Centralized Development Projects are planned for 2018: - Fes/vals and shows – exploita/on of students' ar/s/c ac/vity resul/ng from teaching and its mutual assessment in the Delds of performing arts towards the transforma/on of study Delds to programmes (AMU, JAMU) - Strengthening the compe//veness and quality of doctoral degree programmes at higher arts educa/on ins/tu/ons in the na/onal and interna/onal context (AMU, JAMU, AVU, UMPRUM) - Suppor/ng coopera/on of JAMU and AVU in the area of interna/onaliza/on with a focus on mul/media produc/on (JAMU, AVU) Project outputs will be used, among other things, for further development of the system for internal quality assurance and evalua/on. Tasks for 2018 JAMU Internal Evalua+on Board In 2018, a_er the newly elected Rector takes his oFce, he appoints the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board in accordance with the Higher Educa/on Act. In its ac/vi/es, the Board will follow up on the previous ac/vi/es of the Rector's Advisory Group for Internal Evalua/on. New JAMU documents rela+ng to the assurance and evalua+on of quality of educa+onal and crea+ve ac+vi+es The Internal Evalua/on Board will develop a System for Internal Assurance and Evalua;on of Quality of Educa;onal and Crea;ve Ac;vi;es of JAMU. The proposed annexes will be prepared and delivered by the JAMU facul/es. Proposed annexes: 19/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 Annex 1 – Standards for the Educa/on Area of Arts, thema/c area Music art Annex 2 – Standards for the Educa/on Area of Arts, thema/c area Theatre art Annex 3 – Standards for the Educa/on Area of Arts, thema/c area Film produc/on and Television produc/on Annex 4 – QualiDca/on framework for degree programmes and their specializa/ons of HF JAMU Annex 5 – QualiDca/on framework for degree programmes and their specializa/ons of DF JAMU Annex 6 – Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es in degree programmes and their specializa/ons based on the evalua/on of graduate performances at HF JAMU Annex 7 - Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es in degree programmes and their specializa/ons based on the evalua/on of graduate performances at DF JAMU Annex 8 – Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es based on the outputs of teaching at HF JAMU Annex 9 – Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es based on the outputs of teaching at DF JAMU Update of JAMU Self-Evalua;on Report for 2018 – will be elaborated by the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board on the basis of documents from facul/es (by upda/ng self-evalua/on faculty reports) Report on internal evalua;on of quality of educa;onal and crea;ve ac;vi;es for 2018 – will be elaborated by the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board on the basis of documents from facul/es (by upda/ng the faculty reports) Tasks for JAMU facul+es The form and methods of internal quality evalua/on at facul/es are the responsibility of facul/es themselves. The results of evalua/on will be forwarded to the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board, which will process them into whole-school documents. DF JAMU In 2018, DF JAMU will prepare the following documents to be provided to the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board: - Annex 9 to the System of Internal Assurance and Evalua/on of Quality of JAMU – Evalua/on of Quality of Educa/onal and Crea/ve Ac/vi/es on the Basis of Outputs of Teaching at DF JAMU - Update of the Self-Evalua;on Report of DF JAMU for 2018 - Report on Internal Evalua;on at DF JAMU in 2018 HF JAMU In 2018, HF JAMU will prepare the following documents to be provided to the JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board - Annex 4 – QualiDca/on framework for degree programmes and their specializa/ons of HF JAMU - Annex 6 – Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal ac/vi/es in degree programmes and their specializa/ons based on the evalua/on of graduate performances at HF JAMU - Annex 8 – Evalua/on of quality of educa/onal and crea/ve ac/vi/es based on the outputs of teaching at HF JAMU - Update of the Self-Evalua;on Report of HF JAMU for 2018 - Report on Internal Evalua;on at HF JAMU in 2018 20/21 Annex B05: Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2017 Analysis of RUV and RIV results The JAMU Internal Evalua/on Board, in coopera/on with the Vice-Rector for Crea/ve Ac/vi/es of JAMU and the relevant Vice-Deans of both facul/es, ini/ates an analysis of RUV and RIV results at both facul/es. The purpose of the analysis should be to iden/fy the causes of development and propose eXec/ve measures for the next period. Prepara/on of interna/onal evalua/on of JAMU In 2018, a public tender for the JAMU's external evalua/on will be announced. The subject of the public contract is the external evalua/on of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. The main objec/ve is to assess educa/onal and crea/ve (ar/s/c) ac/vi/es of JAMU and related ac/vi/es according to standards and procedures for assuring quality in building the European Higher Educa/on Area - Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Educa/on Area, ENQA (hereina_er referred to as ‘ESG 2015’), taking into account the fundamental speciDcs and diXerences of educa/on in the area of Arts, and to assess whether the system of quality for these ac/vi/es at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is set in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Educa/on, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and that of the Na/onal Accredita/on Bureau of the Czech Republic. 21/21 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 ADDENDUM TO THE REPORT ON INTERNAL EVALUATION OF QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL, CREATIVE AND OTHER RELATED ACTIVITIES OF JAMU FOR 2018 Discussed in the Arts Council of JAMU on 31 May 2019 Approved by the Academic Senate of JAMU on 10 June 2019 Discussed by the Administra!ve Board of JAMU on 1 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Table of Contents SPECIFICS OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU..............................................................................................................4 SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES OF JAMU..............................................................................4 Mul!annual JAMU projects in OP RDE (Opera!onal Programme for research, Development and Educa!on)..........................................................................................................................................4 ACCREDITATION OF NEW DEGREE PROGRAMMES AT JAMU.................................................................5 Coopera!on with the Czech higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons.........................................................8 SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY AT JAMU..............................................................9 JAMU System for assuring quality......................................................................................................9 OVERVIEW OF EVALUATIONS CARRIED OUT IN 2018...........................................................................11 Internal evalua!on of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU.................................................11 Evalua!on of >elds of study within the transi!on to degree programmes with specializa!ons. .13 Documents related to the system for assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU.........................................................................................................................15 Sta?ng of internal assurance and evalua!on of quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU................................................................................................................................................16 Evalua!on of RUV and RIV results....................................................................................................17 Speci>cs of the JAMU facul!es.........................................................................................................17 PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEAREST PERIOD.................................................................................18 Coopera!on with the higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons..................................................................18 Tasks for 2019..................................................................................................................................18 Tasks for JAMU facul!es...................................................................................................................19 Prepara!on of internal evalua!on of JAMU.....................................................................................19 2 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 SPECIFICS OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AT JAMU The speci>cs of the system of assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es at JAMU were described in more detail in the Report on Internal Assurance and Evalua!on of Quality of Educa!onal and Crea!ve Ac!vi!es for 2017. In line with the JAMU's mission statement, the quality assurance system puts emphasis on educa!onal ac!vi!es. Teaching in arts degree programmes is closely connected with crea!ve ac!vity. It is both its content and objec!ve. Quality indicators are, in par!cular, the ar!s!c outputs of teaching as learning results. Art is not de>ned as a >xed and unchanging system of knowledge and skills. Respect for plurality, diversity and dynamism is a prerequisite for free ar!s!c crea!on and unrestricted development of students’ talents. The sphere of educa!on and ar!s!c crea!on is found in a space between classical and tradi!onal methods on the one hand and constant experimenta!on and upda!ng in search of new forms on the other. Respec!ng these principles is also the star!ng point for conceiving the System of Assuring and Evalua!ng Quality of Educa!onal and Crea!ve Ac!vi!es at JAMU. Arts educa!on is characterized mainly by individual teaching based on a personal rela!onship between a teacher and student or taking place in small groups of students and by an evalua!on based on a mutual discussion and providing the teacher’s feedback to students, between students and the students giving a reFec!on on teaching to the teacher. Given these speci>cs, it is not possible to employ quan!ta!ve methods of evalua!on and methods of anonymous ques!onnaire evalua!on at JAMU, but rather qualita!ve methods and, above all, evalua!on of crea!ve outputs of teaching as an indicator of quality for educa!onal ac!vi!es that preceded them. SUPPORTING DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES OF JAMU Mul!annual JAMU projects in OP RDE (Opera!onal Programme for research, Development and Educa!on) At present, three mul!annual OP RDE projects are being implemented at JAMU: - Improving the quality of educa.on at JAMU (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002245) The aim of the project is to extend the students' competencies by increasing the number of courses taught in a foreign language, courses to acquire soL skill competencies, courses supplemented by electronic supports and to complete the quality management system at JAMU In support of the project, internal regula!ons of JAMU were developed in 2017, work began on the crea!on of the System for Internal Assurance and Evalua!on of the Quality of Educa!onal and 3 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Crea!ve Ac!vi!es of JAMU and the prepara!on of the JAMU external evalua!on system started in 2020. - Enhancing the infrastructure of the Music Art degree programme at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002246) The aim of the project in the area of musical instruments, scenic, ligh!ng, video and audio technology is to increase the quality of teaching taking place through ar!s!c work of students in the >elds studied at the Faculty of Music. - Enhancing the infrastructure of the Drama.c Arts degree programme at JAMU (CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002469) The aim of the project in the area of spa!al condi!ons, scenic, ligh!ng, video, audio and IT technologies is to increase the quality of teaching taking place through ar!s!c work of students of the degree programmes at the Faculty of Theatre. In 2018, work began on the prepara!on of OP RDE projects as follows - Deepening the quality of educa.on at the Theatre Faculty of JAMU and its relevance to the needs of prac.ce (ESF II) The project focuses on the Theatre and Educa!on degree programme and its specializa!ons in order to connect teaching as much as possible with pedagogical prac!ce directly at schools and during leisure ac!vi!es, transfer >ndings from prac!ce into curricula of the degree programme and at the same !me inFuence through the students' prac!cal ac!vity the possibility of expanding the arts educa!onal >elds in the general educa!on. In 2018, an applica!on for accredita!on of the Theatre and Educa!on degree programme will be prepared based on the >rst >ndings from the connec!on with prac!ce. In the con!nua!on of the project, the system of connec!ng the degree programme with prac!ce will be examined and further deepened. Next part of the project is headed towards all degree programmes of DF JAMU and its aim is to increase the oMer of professional literature in electronic form. - Further development of educa.onal infrastructure at the Theatre Faculty of JAMU with regard to the needs of prac.ce (ERDF II) The aim of the project is to support the ac!vi!es proposed in the ESF project with material and spa!al equipment. 4 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Projects will be submiNed in 2019. ACCREDITATION OF NEW DEGREE PROGRAMMES AT JAMU As part of ongoing projects Enhancing the infrastructure of the Music Art degree programme at JAMU and Enhancing the infrastructure of the Drama.c Arts degree programme at JAMU, also the transforma!on of study >elds into degree programmes and their specializa!ons was planned. In 2018, an applica.on for accredita.on of the following degree programmes and their specializa.ons was submi4ed DF JAMU Area of Educa!on Typical degree programme Thema!c area Degree programme Specializa!on Degree programme guarantor Study degree ARTS Drama!c arts Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. MgA. Marie Jirásková, Ph.D. Master’s degree Light design Master’s degree Theatre art Radio art Television art Audiovisual art Drama!c produc!on and media Audiovisual produc!on and theatre Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Master’s degree Radio and television dramaturgy and scriptwri!ng Master’s degree Theatre art Organiza!on and management of ar!s!c prac!ce Theatrical produc!on and stage technologies Theatrical produc!on Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková Master’s degree HF JAMU Area of Educa!on Typical degree programme Thema!c area Degree programme Specializa!on Degree programme guarantor Study degree ARTS Music art Music art Historical interpreta!on (follow-up master’s degree) Without specializa!ons Joint program In English Prof. Barbara Maria Willi, Ph.D. Master’s degree In 2019, an applica.on for accredita.on of the following degree programmes and their specializa.ons will be submi4ed DF JAMU Area of Educa!on Typical degree programme Thema!c area Degree programme Specializa!on Degree programme guarantor Study degree 5 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 ARTS Drama!c arts Theatre art Scenography Scenography Doc. MgA. Marie Jirásková, Ph.D. Bachelor’s degree Light design Bachelor’s degree Theatre art Radio art Television art Audiovisual art Drama!c produc!on and media Audiovisual produc!on and theatre Doc. Mgr Petr Francán Bachelor’s degree Radio and television dramaturgy and scriptwri!ng Bachelor’s degree Theatre art Organiza!on and management of ar!s!c prac!ce Theatrical produc!on and stage technologies Theatrical produc!on Stage technologies Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková Bachelor’s degree Theatre art Dramaturgy and direc!on Dramaturgy Direc!on Prof. MgA. Zbyněk Srba, Ph.D. Bachelor’s Master’s degree In 2019, an applica.on for accredita.on of the following degree programmes and their specializa.ons will be prepared. DF JAMU Area of Educa!on Typical degree programme Thema!c area Degree programme Specializa!on Degree programme guarantor Study degree UMĚNÍ Drama!c arts Theatre art Dance art Pedagogy and didac!cs of the arts Theatre and educa!on Theatre and educa!on Doc. Mgr. Veronika Broulíková Bachelor’s Master’s degree Theatre and educa!on for the deaf Bachelor’s Master’s degree Dance and movement theatre and educa!on Bachelor’s Master’s degree HF JAMU Area of Educa!on Typical degree programme Thema!c area Degree programme Specializa!on Degree programme guarantor Study degree ARTS Music art Music art Theatre art Organiza!on and management of ar!s!c prac!ce Music produc!on (DSP) Doc. MgA. Ing. Lucie Pešl Šilerová, Ph.D. Doctoral degree Music art Conduc!ng, singing and opera direc!on Orchestral conduc!ng Doc. Mgr MgA. Monika Holá, Ph.D. Master’s degree Choral conduc!ng 6 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Singing Opera direc!on Music art Wind instrument playing (follow-up master’s degree) Flute playing Prof. Milan Polák Follow-up master’s degree Oboe playing Clarinet playing Bassoon playing French horn playing Trumpet playing Trombone playing Tuba playing Music art Mul!media produc!on Composi!on (follow-up master’s degree) Composi!on Doc. Mgr Ing. MgA. Dan Dlouhý, Ph.D. Master’s degree Scenic and >lm music Electroacous!c music Mul!media composi!on Follow-up master’s degree The process of transi!on from the >elds of study to degree programmes with specializa!ons is accompanied by a discussion across disciplines and the search for common bases for conceiving a theore!cal basis of the programme as well as of prac!cal disciplines including the nature of presented outputs of these courses. This process brings en!rely new >ndings, especially at DF JAMU, where due to an atelier teaching in some >elds (the atelier equals the year) there were three to four atelier curricula in the same >eld. Coopera!on with the Czech higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons JAMU together with other higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons implemented three centralized development projects in 2019: - Fes!vals and shows – exploita!on of students' ar!s!c ac!vity resul!ng from teaching and its mutual assessment in the >elds of performing arts towards the transforma!on of study >elds to programmes (AMU, JAMU) - Strengthening the compe!!veness and quality of doctoral degree programmes at higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons in the na!onal and interna!onal context (AMU, JAMU, AVU, UMPRUM) - Suppor!ng the coopera!on of JAMU and AVU in the area of interna!onaliza!on with a focus on mul!media produc!on (JAMU, AVU) Within the centralized development project Strengthening the compe!!veness and quality of doctoral degree programmes of higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons in the na!onal and interna!onal context (AMU, JAMU, AVU, UMPRUM), a ques!onnaire survey was conducted among students and doctoral graduates at the above men!oned art schools. The results of the survey are summarized in the study ‘Doctoral graduates of art schools’. Key results of the survey are as follows: - In total, the ques!onnaire was sent to 149 former graduates and students of the Academy of Performing Arts (AMU) in Prague, 54 former graduates and students of the Janáček Academy 7 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) in Brno, 62 former graduates and students of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague and 52 former graduates and students of the Academy of Fine Arts (AVU). The collec!on of data took place from 27 September to 18 November 2018. In this report, 91 valid ques!onnaires were analysed. The return rate of the ques!onnaire was 29 percent of the 317 respondents addressed. - This is not a representa!ve sample of all graduates and former students. Therefore, the analysed data do not aNest to all graduates of the faculty, but only to those who par!cipated in the survey. - Most oLen students from art or master’s studies at AMU (27 %), UMPRUM (14 %) and JAMU (24 %) came for doctoral studies with a specialty in art sciences. - Most of the respondents to this survey began studying between 2007 and 2013 and completed their studies by 2010. - More than half of respondents exceeded the usual length of the full-!me doctoral programme (i.e. 3 or 4 years). Respondents successfully completed most oLen aLer 4 to 6 years of study. - 94% of respondents expected theore!cal courses to be completed in the doctoral degree. - Other very oLen expected du!es included aNending a doctoral seminar (91 %) and a foreign language exam (86 %). - Students oLen did not expect obliga!ons related to the guidance of bachelor’s and master’s theses (14 %), their opposi!on (11 %) and administra!ve and organiza!onal assistance at departments (9 %). In most cases, however, these obliga!ons were not part of the curricula. - The respondents most oLen iden!fy the lack of !me associated with dividing their aNen!on between study, work and other commitments as a problem. - Most respondents (86 %) were in a gainful employment during their studies. - Respondents evaluate the study mainly as theore!cally focused, but also useful in ar!s!c prac!ce, bene>cial for ar!s!c development and crea!ve. Respondents also evaluate the study as high-quality but demanding. Although they perceive their completed study as progressive rather than conserva!ve, they lack the interna!onal study overlap (and probably also ar!s!c) ac!vi!es. - There are no diMerences between the former students of all four schools in any of the monitored criteria. - Important topics in evalua!ng the organiza!on of doctoral studies are an interna!onal overlap, expanded range of study courses, and organiza!onal arrangement of studying, independence and freedom of a doctoral student, the role of a trainer or other teachers and teaching of methodology. - In terms of contribu!on of study to the development of skills and career growth, most respondents assess the study posi!vely. They consider it to be highly or rather bene>cial in all monitored areas. Of course, the development of ar!s!c skills and development of research and explora!onal skills are key ones, where most respondents see the bene>ts (79 % and 88 % respec!vely). A slightly smaller number of respondents evaluate the study as bene>cial for the development of pedagogical skills and breaking through in the >eld. - More than half of the respondents (55 %) had the opportunity to aNend a course, seminar or workshop focused on the methodology of scien!>c work. Most of these respondents (83 %, n = 39) aNended the course and evaluated it as bene>cial. - More than half of 82 former students (54 %) said they were very sa!s>ed with their guidance, other 27 % were rather sa!s>ed, only 7 % were rather dissa!s>ed and one respondent was very dissa!s>ed. 8 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 - Former students mostly felt su?cient support from trainers (89 %), received construc!ve feedback (79 %) and trainers dedicated enough !me to them (76 %). Almost everyone regards their trainers as experts in their >elds (91 %) - Pedagogical ac!vi!es, academic careers and staying at the faculty are among the frequent reasons for doctoral studies, but at the same !me the development of pedagogical skills is evaluated with hesita!on. SYSTEM FOR ASSURING AND EVALUATING QUALITY AT JAMU JAMU System for assuring quality Based on the requirements on the quality system resul!ng from the amendment to the Higher Educa!on Act and in accordance with the Strategic Intent of JAMU for the period 2016-2020, JAMU prepared a methodology for assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal, crea!ve and other related ac!vi!es and set par!al criteria at the facul!es for establishing its comprehensive quality system. The star!ng point was an updated formula!on of the school’s mission statement and its related vision. JAMU has also mapped the structure of the main and suppor!ng processes of assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal, crea!ve and other related ac!vi!es carried out at the facul!es and other components. In 2018, sta?ng for the quality system was provided according to the requirements of the amended Higher Educa!on Act. The JAMU Internal Evalua!on Board was appointed. It has nine members and the representa!on of both facul!es was taken into account in their appointment. An internal JAMU’s regula!on Rules of the System for Assuring Quality of Educa!onal, Crea!ve and Related Ac!vi!es and Internal Evalua!on of Quality of Educa!onal, Crea!ve and Related Ac!vi!es was developed for the area of quality assurance and enhancement in 2017. The ac!vi!es of the Board are governed by the JAMU internal regula!on Rules of Procedure of the Internal Evalua!on Board. JAMU tradi!onally evaluates the crea!ve outputs of teaching. The public evalua!on of graduate projects and performances at the Marta Studio Theatre, on the concert stages of the Faculty of Music and at the Orlí Street Theatre proved to be signi>cant and meaningful. JAMU recognizes crea!ve outputs of teaching as an important criterion for evalua!ng educa!onal process having a signi>cant informa!ve value and uses them as one of the key tools for further building a system of quality, evalua!on of ac!vi!es and se\ng of processes For registra!on and evalua!on of crea!ve ac!vi!es, an electronic tool was developed for collec!ng data on realized and presented school works, ar!s!c outputs of teachers and other ar!s!c performances and outputs from the study. Under the name ‘Register of works of art’ it was launched as part of the JAMU Informa!on System. Its con!nuous >lling will create an archive of crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU, its components and members of the academic community. The Internal Evalua!on Board par!cipated in the prepara!on of a document called ‘System for Internal Assurance and Evalua.on of Quality of Educa.onal, and Other Related’. The document describes the main principles of art-speci>c evalua!on, where publicly presented and evaluated outputs of most of the study courses taught are considered both as an indicator of quality of the educa!onal process that preceded them, as well as an indicator of quality of the crea!ve ac!vity that was the content and objec!ve of the study course. Annexes are appended to the document, as follows: 9 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 - Field-speci8c accredita.on standards In 2016 - 2017, the structure of documents describing the general and >eld-speci>c standards of ac!vi!es at both facul!es was revised, especially for the needs of other ac!vi!es aimed at a new system of accredita!ons. Based on this, the following strategic documents were produced in coopera!on with the representa!ves of AMU and JAMU, as one of the outputs of the common Centralized Development Project: ‘Standards for Accredita!on of Degree Programmes in the Educa!on Area of Arts, Thema!c Areas of Theatre Art, Music Art, Film Produc!on and Television Produc!on and Dance Art, >nalized in November 2016. In early 2017, both documents were delivered to the Na!onal Accredita!on Bureau. - Learning outcomes for individual degree programmes and their specializa.ons for the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees of study (quali>ca!ons framework) - Graduate performances, which are in addi!on to the bachelor's and master's theses an equivalent part of the absolutorium. Graduate performances are described for degree programmes and their specializa!ons. The descrip!on indicates the performance characteris!cs and professional skills, knowledge and competencies that the student demonstrates in his/her graduate performance - Outputs of teaching of all study courses, where such output is presented. These are diMerent types of outputs, from the presenta!on of skills to comprehensive works for a wider public. The summary provides a list of study courses where such output is presented, its type, to whom the presenta!on is intended and who evaluates the quality of such output, broken down by degree programmes and their specializa!ons as well as grades and years of study. During the summer and autumn of 2018, the JAMU Self-Evalua!on Report for the year 2017 was compiled on the basis of documents from the facul!es. The JAMU Internal Evalua!on Report for 2017 then followed. In 2018, the annexes for DF JAMU were completed. HF JAMU prepares annexes with outputs of teaching and graduate performances gradually in connec!on with the new concept of degree programmes and their specializa!on; annexes Graduate Performances and Outputs of teaching. OVERVIEW OF EVALUATIONS CARRIED OUT IN 2018 In 2017, the tradi!onal evalua!on of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es at both JAMU facul!es took place in the manner described. The following year, these tradi!onal evalua!on methods and procedures were described and became part of the System of Internal Quality Assurance and Evalua!on at JAMU. Internal evalua!on of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU DF JAMU In the context of internal evalua!on, DF has so far rather focused on a peer-to-peer approach, i.e. the evalua!on in the form of discussions and debates within the system of management set by default at all levels. However, we are gradually forced to accept that the step by step expansion of the faculty's organiza!onal structure, including the integra!on and stabiliza!on of the emerging new >elds of study (subsequently transformed into programmes), brings the need for traceability of 10 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 conclusions from the current method of evalua!on. The redesigned organiza!on of degree programmes is a welcome opportunity to set up a new evalua!on system. In 2018, a model of selfevalua!on of individual degree programmes at various levels of study was ini!ated, which will use the current experience gained in the prepara!on of self-evalua!on reports. This cyclical selfevalua!on will be coordinated by the guarantors of individual degree programmes (for more on this proposal, see the Evalua!on of >elds of study within the transi!on to degree programmes with specializa!ons). It will be possible to compare the results of the cyclical evalua!on (degree programmes, their needs, issues to be solved or improved) with each other and analyse them from a faculty perspec!ve in order to beNer respond to pedagogical, ar!s!c and organiza!onal needs of individual programmes and their specializa!ons. Se\ng the comple!on of the self-evalua!on reports (the regular term within the cycle will always be January of a new calendar year) will allow for the speci>ca!on of the Annual Report for the faculty. In terms of traceable evalua!on, the objec!ves related to the evalua!on of stagings in both theatres (Marta Studio Theatre, Orlí Street Theatre) were achieved in 2018. An evalua!on was held for each premiere realized by DF, the backbone of which was always a statements made by two doctoral students, followed by a discussion both on the process of realiza!on and the very outcome of the ar!s!c inten!on. Although we consider this evalua!on essen!al, we recognize the need to resolve the posi!on of evaluators in this area (it cannot be assumed that doctoral students have the same disposi!ons to exac!ng evalua!on in terms of their focus), which is another task associated with the prepara!on of doctoral degree programme accredita!on in 2019. The degree of traceability of evalua!on is ensured by wriNen evalua!ons by doctoral students and records from the evalua!on (Pro-Dean for ar!s!c ac!vi!es). Another traceable and cyclical evalua!on is regularly organized for the Interna!onal Fes!val of Theatre Schools SETKÁNÍ/ENCOUNTER. The evalua!on methodology (i.e. involvement of all interested par!es: teachers and students of various study specializa!ons) is given by the system of management of realiza!on of this event that is crucial for the faculty. The method of traceability of evalua!on is ensured by a wriNen record of the evalua!on discussion within the Fes!val Board. The establishment of the Dramaturgical Council of Theatres was another achievement to improve traceability from the perspec!ve of the en!re DF. This should - in the form of a controlled PDCA cycle - gradually ensure the evalua!on of not only ar!s!c results and processes achieved by interested par!es (degree programmes, specializa!ons, their students and teachers and the theatre opera!onal staM), but evalua!on at every stage of the process (including planning and realiza!on, which will be allowed by interim mee!ngs of this board). The method of traceability is ensured in the form of minutes of mee!ngs and transcripts of discussions. For the model of self-evalua!on of individual degree programmes it will be necessary to ensure at the central level (especially in co-opera!on with the Dramaturgical Council of Theatres and individual guarantors) the naming of the hierarchy of ar!s!c outputs. It is necessary to name those outputs that are important for the faculty as a whole in terms of teaching and ar!s!c crea!on, or those that are important in terms of the faculty strategy and exclusivity of degree programmes. This is an essen!al task for 2019. From the above it is clear that DF will concentrate on se\ng up processes aimed at improving the pedagogical and ar!s!c ac!vi!es of its students. In 2018, the performance indicators for evalua!on of the ar!s!c outputs realized by teachers and students (RUV) and the results in the area of science and research (RIV) were understandably assessed at the level of the Dean's Collegium and the Theatre and Drama Research Department. Given the signi>cant decline in performance indicators in these areas (based on 2017 results), measures were taken on the basis of an analysis (unthoroughness of persons who enter the outputs, low level of annota!ons, failure to comply with the requirement to make visual documenta!on, etc.) in order to successfully collect data especially for RUV (linked to improved communica!on towards par!cular persons entering the outputs and 11 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 double checking during entering outputs into the system). For 2019, a measure was taken that RUV outputs will be collected twice from the persons making entries into the register, i.e. at the end of the theatre season (i.e. at the end of the summer semester) and at the end of the calendar year (i.e. in January 2020). HF JAMU The internal evalua!on of the educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es at HF takes the form of evalua!ons, analyses or discussions at several levels - at the level of faculty management and at the level of management of individual departments. The internal evalua!on of educa!onal ac!vi!es at HF is tradi!onally carried out, inter alia, in the form of a ques!onnaire survey. In 2017, a discussion was held at the HF management level on the meaningfulness of the current system of evalua!ons taking place at individual departments through ques!onnaires (usually at two departments per year). The result of this discussion was the decision to move away from the established evalua!on model in 2018. In view of the ongoing modi>ca!ons and changes to the internal regula!ons rela!ng to the quali>ca!on works at HF JAMU, it was decided to focus in the evalua!on on this important area, too. For 2018, therefore, a ques!onnaire survey among diploma students concerning the quali>ca!on works was prepared The survey itself took place among the graduates at the beginning of May 2018. Then the methodology was developed for evalua!ng the ques!onnaires and pu\ng the obtained data into the resul!ng tables. In December 2018, the results of the survey, including the >nal report, were presented to HF management. The average values of individual answers resulted in a generally posi!ve evalua!on by the respondents, and of course there were also cri!cal comments and sugges!ons for improvement. However, due to the low return rate of ques!onnaires at some departments, it was decided to repeat the ques!onnaire survey also in the following year. Internal evalua!on of the HF crea!ve ac!vity takes place every year at the mee!ngs of the Dean's Collegium, oLen also at extended mee!ngs of the faculty management with the heads of individual departments. The evalua!on mainly focuses on the sta!s!cs of outputs and point evalua!ons in the RUV and RIV databases for the current year. Analyses and benchmarking across the higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons in the Czech Republic are presented. Due to a slight decrease in points in the RUV database, the Dean of HF is preparing incen!ves to remedy the situa!on (targeted remunera!on for repor!ng academic workers, etc.) for next year. Evalua!on of >elds of study within the transi!on to degree programmes with specializa!ons The principle of transi!on from the >elds of study to degree programmes is the merging of related disciplines and searching for their common theore!cal and prac!cal basis at both JAMU facul!es. This brings with it a broad discussion, ranging from reFec!ons on the career prospects of graduates through the de>ni!on of learning outcomes (the ’quali>ca!ons framework’), the revision of composi!on of the theore!cal and prac!cal courses of the >eld base as well as courses speci>c to the specializa!on to the innova!on of the objec!ves and content of the courses and crea!on of their new syllabuses. DF JAMU As men!oned above, a number of measures to strengthen quality have been brought about by the reform of degree programmes at DF. In 2017, three newly conceived master’s degree programmes were prepared for accredita!on with a total of >ve specializa!ons, which were handed over to the 12 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Na!onal Accredita!on Bureau during 2018. During this prepara!on, a number of principles for further quality management, such as condi!ons for the crea!on of a graduate performance, etc., were named. The above-men!oned model of self-evalua!on of individual degree programmes of DF should approach the evalua!on cyclically and build on the self-evalua!on for the needs of new accredita!ons. The planned cyclicality of the evalua!on is two years and is binding: Evalua.on cycle Programme Degree 1 2 3 4 5 Dramaturgy and direc!on B.A. 2018 (the guarantor processed the accredita!on >le at the end of the year) 2020 (January 2021) 2022 (January 2023) 2024 (January 2025) 2026 (January 2027) Scenography B.A. Drama!c produc!on and media B.A. Theatre produc!on and stage technologies B.A. Theatre and educa!on B.A. 2018 (the guarantor will submit it in September 2019) Ac!ng M.A. – 4 years 2018 (the guarantor processed the accredita!on >le at the end of the year) Dramaturgy and direc!on M.A. For 2019 (the guarantor will submit it in January 2020) 2021 (January 2022) 2023 (January 2024) 2025 (January 2026) 2027 (January 2028)Scenography M.A. Drama!c produc!on and media M.A. Theatre produc!on and stage technologies M.A. Theatre and educa!on M.A. 2018 (the 13 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 guarantor will submit it in September 2019) Drama!c arts Ph.D. 2019 (the guarantor will submit it in January 2020) For the purposes of preparing self-evalua!on reports, the exis!ng binding methodology (NAB) will be supplemented and modi>ed (based on the experience from Cycle 1) to the internal condi!ons of DF. Furthermore, the methodology will be supplemented always aLer the next self-evalua!on cycle carried out. Likewise, the hierarchy of art projects to be developed in conjunc!on with the Dramaturgical Council of Theatres will bring new criteria to the methodology of self-evalua!on. The prepara!on of self-evalua!on reports will be coordinated by the guarantors of degree programmes and the heads of the ateliers of individual specializa!ons will be involved. Subsequently, the reports will be jointly discussed by the degree programme guarantors and the Dean's Collegium. Priori!es, needs and solu!ons will be formulated to improve quality. The principle of traceability will be ensured by the wriNen form of self-evalua!on reports and minutes from the discussions of selfevalua!on reports by the Board of Guarantors and the Dean's Collegium. HF JAMU A key moment for internal evalua!on of quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es is the transi!on from >elds of study to degree programmes with specializa!ons. In 2018, preparatory work was carried out on the >rst applica!ons for accredita!on of new degree programmes in the follow-up master's degree at HF JAMU; at the end of 2018, an accredita!on applica!on was submiNed for the interna!onal joint degree programme Historical Interpreta!on, developed jointly with the Royal Conservatoire The Hague. Furthermore, applica!ons for these follow-up master's degree programmes were prepared: Playing Wind Instruments and Mul!media Composi!on (falls under the degree programme Composi!on as its specializa!ons). The principle of transi!on from the >elds of study to degree programmes is the merging of related disciplines and searching for their common theore!cal and prac!cal basis. This brings with it a broad discussion, ranging from reFec!ons on the career prospects of graduates through the de>ni!on of learning outcomes (the ’quali>ca!ons framework’), the revision of composi!on of the theore!cal and prac!cal courses of the >eld base as well as courses speci>c to the specializa!on to the innova!on of the objec!ves and content of the courses and crea!on of their new syllabuses The crea!on of applica!ons for accredita!on of the above-men!oned follow-up master's degree programmes gave rise to a speci>c procedure - methodology for crea!ng degree programmes with specializa!ons and preparing materials for their accredita!on. This procedure has also proved to be a natural assessment of quality of the exis!ng >elds of study. On the basis of concrete >ndings from 14 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 this assessment, new degree programmes are created so as to maximally ensure their quality in rela!on to a de>ned graduate pro>le. Numerous staM changes take place in connec!on with this process. In accordance with the Higher Educa!on Act and the Government Regula!on on Standards for Accredita!on, guarantors of new degree programmes are appointed and, in connec!on with this, also teachers of key theore!cal courses. We consider this process to be part of assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of HF JAMU in sta?ng area. Documents related to the system for assuring and evalua!ng quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU The process of draLing internal regula!ons has produced the same eMect as conceiving degree programmes. A broad discussion has opened about the quality of current educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es at both facul!es and a number of proposed changes occurred in the degree programmes (for example, the decision of HF to accredit some degree programmes as non-follow-up >ve-year programmes or merging the exis!ng bachelor's and master's >elds of study at DF JAMU into six degree programmes with specializa!ons). Internal regula+ons of JAMU facul+es New internal regula!ons of JAMU facul!es are based on - Act No. 111/1998 Sb, on Higher Educa!on Ins!tu!ons and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts (the Higher Educa!on Act), as amended by Act No. 137/2016 Sb. - Government Regula!on No. 274/2016 Sb on Standards for Accredita!on in Higher Educa!on dated August 24, 2016 - Government Regula!on No. 275/2016 Sb on Educa!on Areas in Higher Educa!on dated August 24, 2016 - Accredita!on Standards for the Educa!on area of Arts, thema!c areas Music Art, Theatre Art, Dance Art and Film Produc!on and Television Produc!on. - Internal JAMU regula!ons DF JAMU The following internal regula!ons were prepared at DF JAMU in 2018: - Disciplinary Code of DF JAMU - Rules of Procedure of DF JAMU Arts Council - Rules of Procedure of DF JAMU Academic Senate - Electoral Code of DF JAMU Academic Senate - Statute of DF JAMU The Dean’s decree on the guidance and formal layout of diploma theses was prepared and submiNed, which will become applicable in 2019. HF JAMU 15 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 The following internal regula!ons were prepared at HF JAMU in 2018: - Disciplinary Code of HF JAMU for students - Rules of Procedure of HF JAMU Arts Council - Statute of HF JAMU - Electoral Code of HF JAMU Academic Senate - Rules of Procedure of HF JAMU Academic Senate The >nal report including the electronic presenta!on of the obtained data was compiled from the results of the ques!onnaire survey among the diploma students concerning their quali>ca!on works. The process of draLing internal regula!ons has produced the same eMect as conceiving degree programmes. A broad discussion has opened about the quality of current educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es at both facul!es and a number of proposed changes occurred in the degree programmes (for example, the decision of HF to accredit some degree programmes as non-follow-up >ve-year programmes). Self-Evalua+on Report of JAMU for 2018 Based on the documents from both facul!es (self-evalua!on reports of the facul!es), the SelfEvalua!on Report of JAMU for 2018 was compiled and submiNed for discussion to the Academic Senate of JAMU. Representa!ves of facul!es par!cipated in its compila!on and it went through a wide comment procedure, involving the JAMU Rector's Collegium, the Collegia of Deans of both facul!es, the Academic Senate and the Internal Evalua!on Board of JAMU. Sta?ng of internal assurance and evalua!on of quality of educa!onal and crea!ve ac!vi!es of JAMU The JAMU’s Rector Prof. Petr Oslzlý appointed the Internal Evalua!on Board of JAMU in the following composi!on: Prof. Petr Oslzlý, Rector of JAMU Prof. PhDr Silva Macková, Pro-Rector for study and quality Doc. PhDr Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D., Chairwoman of the Academic Senate of JAMU Stanislav Čaban, student representa!ve Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková, Pro-Dean of DF JAMU Doc. Ing. David Strnad, Pro-Dean of DF JAMU Mgr Jan Přibil, Pro-Dean of HF JAMU Doc. MgA. Jana Goliášová, Pro-dean of HF JAMU Doc. Svetlana Waradzinová, VŠMU Bra!slava The Board has par!cipated in the prepara!on of the Self-Evalua!on Report of JAMU, the Report on Internal Evalua!on of JAMU and the System for Internal Assurance and Evalua!on of Quality of Educa!onal and Crea!ve Ac!vi!es. DF JAMU 16 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 The issue of quality at DF JAMU falls under the responsibility of the Pro-Dean Doc. MgA. Blanka Chládková and Pro-Dean Doc. Ing. David Strnad. HF JAMU The issue of quality at HF JAMU falls under the responsibility of the Pro-Dean Mgr Jan Přibil, DiS. The The Quality O?cer is MgA. Zuzana Palaniyappan. Evalua!on of RUV and RIV results The ar!s!c crea!on of teachers is registered, documented and evaluated within the Register of Ar!s!c Outputs (RUV) administered by the Ministry of Educa!on, Youth and Sports. In 2018, the collec!on and evalua!on of outputs made in 2017 took place. ALer the process of cer!>ca!on JAMU gained 10,779.55 points, which was a decrease compared to the previous year (12,898.45 points). The decline occurred at both facul!es, but while at HF JAMU it was only a slight decrease and within the tolerance of annual Fuctua!ons (2018 – 6,875.75 points; 2017 - 7,166.85 points), in the case of DF JAMU the decrease was much more signi>cant (2018 – 3,903.8 points; 2017 – 5,731.6 points). The management of JAMU and both facul!es have analysed the causes of the decline in order to improve the situa!on. This is the responsibility of Deans at both facul!es. Since 2017, the exis!ng system of registra!on and evalua!on of results of research ac!vi!es (RIV) has been gradually replaced by a new Methodology 17+, which should be fully opera!onal by 2020. The internal system of evalua!on of the quality of research ac!vi!es at JAMU will have to be adapted accordingly. As measured by the methodology so far, the year 2018 was successful for JAMU, as a number of excep!onal publica!ons were completed and also the number of outputs reported to RIV showed a slight increase (a total of 37 outputs, of which nine were the monographs). Nevertheless, in terms of the allocated subsidy for a long-term conceptual development, the decline occurred due to launching a new methodology. In 2018, JAMU received a support amoun!ng to CZK 4,380,410, which meant a decrease of CZK 450,927 compared to last year. This decrease occurred despite the fact that the total support given to higher educa!on in this area was increased by almost CZK 800 million and thus JAMU was the only one of all the higher educa!on ins!tu!on for which the support has not been increased this year. The causes of this fact have been analysed and the JAMU's longterm goal is to prevent further decline and, conversely, achieve an increase. In order to support excellent results, part of the allocated aid (CZK 434,000) was distributed for the >rst !me in 2018 in the form of a project compe!!on within the Research Ac!vity Development Fund (RADF) of JAMU to support six projects of JAMU workers. This area falls under the responsibility of the Pro-Rector and Pro-Deans for Research, who started to prepare a self-evalua!on report on the state of research at JAMU and the concept of its development in 2018. Both documents will be completed in 2019. Speci>cs of the JAMU facul!es Over the past years, both facul!es have addressed the issues of internal assurance and evalua!on of quality on their own. Both facul!es were interconnected during the KREDO project and in an increased extent in connec!on with se\ng the processes of internal quality evalua!on at JAMU, in the crea!on of internal regula!ons and the JAMU Self-Evalua!on Report for 2017. JAMU wishes to con!nue this trend of mutual coopera!on through the newly appointed Internal Evalua!on Board - it was o?cially established in May 2018, when the leNers of appointment were handed over to its 17 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 individual members. The Board should support, coordinate and methodically manage all quality related ac!vi!es. The working party of this Board has prepared the following documents: - Self-Evalua.on Report of JAMU for 2017 - Report on Internal Evalua.on of JAMU for 2017 - System for Internal Assurance and Evalua.on of Quality of Educa.onal and of JAMU Both facul!es have their representa!ves in the Internal Evalua!on Board, who helped to prepare the above men!oned documents within the comment procedure. The key materials for making these documents are data and documents from both facul!es. Despite the need for mutual coopera!on and coordina!on of the internal quality assurance and evalua!on processes at JAMU, the speci>ci!es of both facul!es and the arts taught at them will con!nue to be preserved and respected to a maximum extent. Facul!es will retain autonomy in internal quality assurance and evalua!on and their own procedures will bring the required results into the joint JAMU documents (System for Internal Assurance and Evalua!on of Quality of Educa!onal and Crea!ve Ac!vi!es of JAMU, self-evalua!on reports of JAMU and its updates, internal evalua!on reports, etc.). PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR THE NEAREST PERIOD Coopera!on with the higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons JAMU will further con!nue its successful coopera!on with other higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons. Three joint Centralized Development Projects are planned for 2019: - Fes!vals and shows – exploita!on of students' ar!s!c ac!vity resul!ng from teaching and its mutual assessment in the >elds of performing arts towards the transforma!on of study >elds to programmes (AMU, JAMU) - Strengthening the compe!!veness and quality of doctoral degree programmes at higher arts educa!on ins!tu!ons in the na!onal and interna!onal context (AMU, JAMU, AVU, UMPRUM) - Suppor!ng coopera!on of JAMU and AVU in the area of interna!onaliza!on with a focus on mul!media produc!on (JAMU, AVU) Project outputs will be used, among other things, for further development of the system for internal quality assurance and evalua!on. Tasks for 2019 Update of the JAMU Self-Evalua.on Report for 2019 – will be prepared by the JAMU Internal Evalua!on Board on the basis of documents from the facul!es (by upda!ng the self-evalua!on reports of each faculty) Addendum to the Report on Internal Evalua.on of Quality of Educa.onal and for 2019 – will be prepared by the JAMU Internal Evalua!on Board on the basis of documents from the facul!es (by upda!ng the reports of each faculty) 18 Annex B06: Addendum to the Report on the Internal Evaluation of Quality of Educational, Creative and Related Activities o JAMU for 2018 Comple.on of the System for Internal Assurance and Evalua.on of Quality of Educa.onal and of JAMU – comple!on of the Annexes to the HF JAMU system Tasks for JAMU facul!es The form and methods of internal quality evalua!on at facul!es are the responsibility of facul!es themselves. The results of evalua!on will be forwarded to the JAMU Internal Evalua!on Board, which will process them into whole-school documents. Facul!es will deliver to the Internal Evalua!on Board - Documents for upda!ng the JAMU Self-Evalua!on Report for 2019 - Documents for Addendum to the Report on Internal Evalua!on at JAMU in 2019 Prepara!on of internal evalua!on of JAMU In 2018, a public tender for the JAMU's external evalua!on was announced. The subject of the public contract was the external evalua!on of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. The main objec!ve was to assess educa!onal and crea!ve (ar!s!c) ac!vi!es of JAMU and related ac!vi!es according to standards and procedures for assuring quality in building the European Higher Educa!on Area - Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Educa!on Area, ENQA (hereinaLer referred to as ‘ESG 2015’), taking into account the fundamental speci>cs and diMerences of educa!on in the area of Arts, and to assess whether the system of quality for these ac!vi!es at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno is set in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Educa!on, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and that of the Na!onal Accredita!on Bureau of the Czech Republic. In the selec!on procedure, MusicQue agency was selected, with which JAMU is in contact and prepares the required materials for external evalua!on, namely the Self-Evalua.on reports of JAMU according to a curriculum provided by the agency. During 2019, a visit of the MusicQue Expert Group will be prepared to take place in early 2020. 19