Module III – Theatre Faculty 1/1 Overview of Theatre Faculty projects supported by the Czech Science Foundation in the reference period of 2014 - 2018 (1) Brno studio theatres II: documentation – reconstruction – analysis (GA13-21421S) The research was a follow-up on the successfully completed Czech Science Foundation project “Documentation and Analysis of the Production of Brno Studio Theatres” (No. 408/09/1733). Heuristic research focused on the obtaining and processing of the available documentation (director books, audio visual documents, photographs, scenography designs, reflections of witnesses, etc.) about the creative output of the following Brno studio theatres: Goose on a String Theatre (Divadlo Husa na provázku) (1973–1989), Amateur Ensemble (Ochotnický kroužek) (1979–1990) and At the Table Theatre (Divadlo U stolu) (1988–2008). The project continued a reconstruction and analysis of selected productions of these theatres, expanded with the HaDivadlo theatre. Partial results of the basic research of this topic, which had been covered in theatrological terms to a very small extent so far, were presented at an international conference organized by JAMU. The project was capped by the publication of eight monographs – three were devoted to the activities of the aforementioned theatres in the relevant periods and five monographs presented a reconstruction and analysis of productions created by prominent authors of these theatres (B. Polívka, P. A. Goldflam, P. Oslzlý, etc.). The research team led by prof. PhDr. Josef Kovalčuk was made up of researchers from JAMU. The project took place between 2013 and 2018. (2) Dramatic production of the Ostrava studio of Czechoslovak Television (1955-1991) (GA15-12960S) The project aimed to comprehensively explore dramatic works originating in the Ostrava studio of Czechoslovak Television since its foundation in 1955 until the establishment of the successor public Czech Television in 1991. The project focused on critical analysis and interpretation of all the approximately 500 drama programs (narrative films and series). Special attention was given to the study of their ideological structures, literal and subtextual contents, the ways of representing reality and creating meanings, stereotypes, conventions and narrative models. All works were examined in the contemporary social and artistic context and in the context of the production institution itself. Another goal of this research was to characterize the development and functioning of the Ostrava studio and to explore the social and economic production system. Besides analysing all available archive sources, the project also involved research interviews with the main actors of that time. Conducted by researcher doc. MgA. Marek Hlavica, Ph.D. between 2015 and 2017, the project culminated in the publication of a monograph covering the activities of the Ostrava studio of Czechoslovak Television in 1955-1991.