Komenského nám 6., 662 15 Brno | tel.: +420 542 591 605 | e-mail: jarosova@jamu.cz Requirements for Czech Language Exam for Foreigners Applying to Study at JAMU FM The B1 SERR Czech language entrance exam may be taken at the Department of Foreign Languages, JAMU FM prior to the talent exam on a date set for the respective entrance examination period. (B1 SERR level according to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic) “The applicant can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. They can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken. They can produce a simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. They can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.”) The following certified B1 SERR exams are also recognized: 1) Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies Charles University in Prague http://ujop.cuni.cz/cce/index_cs.php 2) Department of Czech for Foreigners Masaryk University in Brno http://www.phil.muni.cz/kabcest/indexcz.php The exams may also be taken in certain Czech centres at embassies in the applicants' home countries. Komenského nám 6., 662 15 Brno | tel.: +420 542 591 605 | e-mail: jarosova@jamu.cz The following is also recognized: 3) Czech language Maturita exam passed in the Czech Republic. Description of the Czech language exam at JAMU FM: The test includes a written part focused on grammar and vocabulary, a reading comprehension part and listening and a part focused on the applicant's writing skills. 1) With regard to the specific nature of studies at the JAMU Faculty of Music, the test is focused mostly on vocabulary, including vocabulary related to music and culture. The test tasks include replacing words by synonyms and antonyms, explaining the meaning of common phrases, gap fill and completion of Czech texts. Attention is also paid to the knowledge of the meaning of conjunctions, prepositions and their correct fitting in sentences, the ability to use correct verb prefixes (přejít, vyjít, projít, etc.), the ability to respond to questions, react to social situations, etc. 2) The grammar part tests conjugation of verbs (e.g. the verb být), modals and other common verbs including reflexive verbs, in all tenses. Imperative, conditional, active and passive voice frequently used verbal aspect pairs. Noun declension, gender marking (učitel - učitelka, král – královna), etc. Declension of personal and reflexive pronouns, adjectives, comparison of common adjectives and adverbs. 3) An important part of the test is comprehension of an authentic written and spoken Czech text (from a textbook, newspapers and magazines), and comprehension is tested by questions or writing a summary. 4) Spoken interview focused on general conversation topics. Komenského nám 6., 662 15 Brno | tel.: +420 542 591 605 | e-mail: jarosova@jamu.cz Assessment: 150 points - Grammar/Lexical test including Reading Comprehension, 50 points – oral examination. A passing rate of 60 % is required. For a 'passing' mark, it is necessary to achieve at the same time a) an overall minimal 90 points (60 % points) from the first three parts and a minimal 30 points (60 % points) from the fourth part. The validity of an issued certificate at HF JAMU confirming a passed examination is • by the end of February (the examination undertaken before the Bachelor´s degree programme and the so-called long Master´s degree programme entrance examinations or • by the end of June (the examination undertaken before the follow-up Master's degree programmes), always the following year. The dates of the entrance examinations at the Faculty of Music JAMU: 24th January 2024 – 1st part of the exam (in form of the test) 25th January 2024 – 2nd part of the exam (in form of interview) 10th June 2024 – 1st part of the exam (in form of the test) 11th June 2024 – 2nd part of the exam (in form of interview) Payment is possible only through the Shopping Centre in the JAMU Information System where payment dates will be set. In Brno 1. August 2023 doc. PhDr. Květoslava Horáčková, Ph.D. Head of the Department of Foreign Languages