Notice of Admission Procedure to study in academic year of 2020/2021 In academic year of 2020/2021, we open a new follow-up master’s study program “Historical Performance”, for the following instruments: historical violin, historical violoncello, lute, historical flute, harpsichord and historical keyboard instruments, historical voice, in which no more than 2 applicants will be admitted. The study program is accredited as a joint program with the Royal Conservatoire the Hague. Language of instruction is English, and the study is charged by the amount of EUR 2,100 per one academic year. Manner of filing an application: The applications shall be filed until 15 May 2020 through electronic application “E- APPLICATION” on JAMU website ( The Faculty of Music of JAMU accepts only applications filed in the Information System (IS); in the case of filing of the application in another than the mentioned official form, the application will be considered as invalid and will be returned to the applicant. Required attachments to the application: - structured CV - certificate of successful passing of required test in English under the stipulated conditions (B2 SERR/CEFRL) at the latest until 15 May 2020 Required attachments must be uploaded into IS JAMU to the filed application. It is also necessary to submit an officially verified copy of university diploma, in the case of foreign applicants officially verified copy of decision on recognition of university degree, the so-called validation of a foreign university degree (see the Conditions for admission to study at the Faculty of Music of JAMU) Payment for the admission procedure shall be made through the Shopping Centre in the Information System JAMU and it amounts to CZK 800. Administration fee for the admission procedure, in which the applicant does not participate for any reason, shall not be refunded! The application without the fee for the admission procedure paid and without all attachments may not be accepted for further processing and the applicant will be excluded from the admission procedure. Please check in the Information System JAMU confirmation of your application by the office for studies after the deadline, i.e. after 15 May 2020. Admission procedure: Entrance examination will take place on 23 June 2020 The admission procedure has only one round. Invitation to the admission procedure will be sent at least 14 days before the examination takes place. Alternative date of the admission procedure is not set. Examining committee for the talent commissional exam is appointed by the dean of the Faculty. Members of the respective committee are obliged to be present at the talent commissional exam of all applicants in the given study program and determine their ranking on the basis of the points they get. The examining committee has the reserved right not to examine an applicant in the whole scope of requirements of the talent commissional exam. Results of the talent commissional exam are evaluated by points in the range 0 – 25. Minimum limit for proposal for admission is 20 points. The applicants will be notified of the result of the entrance examination in writing. The admission committee will be in session on 29 June 2020. Furthermore each applicant may, after the date of session of the admission committee, verify his/her placing through the application registration code in the JAMU information system or on After written decision of the dean about admission or non-admission to the study the applicants may inspect materials important for decision on admission to the study – the date must be agreed in advance – Accommodation in college dormitories during the entrance examination is not possible and everyone has to procure that individually. Admission to the study does not establish automatically the right to accommodation in the JAMU college dormitories. Information on precise conditions and content of the entrance examination for this study program is available on, see the Faculty of Music link. In Brno on 20. February 2020 prof. MgA. Jindřich Petráš dean of the Faculty of Music of JAMU