MEZINÁRODNÍ SOUTÉ2 LEOŠE JANÁČKA LEOS JANÁČEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION STATUTES I. BASIC PROVISIONS 1) The Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno (hereinafter as "competition") is a competition named after the famous composer Leoš Janáček and, in selected categories, it is related to his work. 2) The organiser of the competition is the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. 3) The purpose of the competition is to seek young talented musicians and performers. 4) The following categories take turns on a regular basis in five-year periods: string quartet, violin, piano, organ, violoncello, double bass, flute, clarinet, French horn and tuba. The competition is held once a year in September at venues specified by the organiser. 5) Involved in the promotion and the financial support of the event are the Statutory City of Brno, the South Moravian Region, the Leoš Janáček Foundation, as well as other institutions and local administration authorities of the Czech Republic, other foundations and sponsors. II. COMPETITION PRESIDIUM 1) The competition is presided over by a presidium appointed by the organiser which has at least thirteen members. The members are appointed for a period of five years. The organiser is entitled to appoint new members to replace those who have stepped down; members can be appointed repeatedly. The presidium is responsible for the statutes of the competition, as well as for organisational matters of key importance and about the members of juries for individual categories. The Dean of the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts appoints working groups which are responsible for organisational matters of the current competition. 2) The members of the presidium include the Dean of the faculty, the Vice-Dean of the faculty, the Secretary of the faculty, representatives of individual categories, other representatives of the organiser, the South Moravian Region, the Statutory City of Brno and the Leoš Janáček Foundation, as well as other persons. 3) The president of the competition is also the chairperson of the presidium; it is always the Dean of the Faculty of Music of the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts. 4) The presidium has a quorum if more than 50 percent of members are present and decides on the basis of simple majority. In certain cases, decisions are made on a per rollam basis or in a different alternate manner. III. JURY 1) Typically, the jury has seven members, but in any case not fewer than five (there has to be an odd number of members), one for every category. No more than two representatives of the organiser can be appointed as individual jury members. The members of the juries are notable experts and performers from the Czech Republic and abroad (in the ratio of 3:4 etc.). 2) Once proposed by individual representatives and approved by the presidium, the organiser shall appoint the members and chairpersons of the juries at least nine months before the competition. In the event of absence of any member, the organiser shall immediately appoint a new member based on the respective representative's recommendation. Jury members are not entitled to object to the appointment of chairpersons and other members. 1/5 MEZINÁRODNÍ SOUTĚŽ LEOŠE JANÁČKA LEOS JANÁČEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 3) The chairpersons and members of juries must make themselves familiar with the statutes of the competition and its conditions and to abide by the provisions of the statutes throughout the competition. 4) A member of the jury who is found in breach of the statutes or the conditions of the competition can be excluded from further proceedings by the chairperson of the respective jury. A chairperson of a jury who is found in breach of the statutes or the conditions of the competition can be dismissed by the president of the competition. 5) Meetings of the juries are chaired by the respective chairpersons (or their deputies, should the former be absent). Chairpersons and their deputies are elected during the first sessions of the jury by their members. Pursuant to the statutes, the conditions of the competition and the schedule of the competition, the chairpersons shall decide the agenda of the meeting and preside over the course of the meetings. If the chairperson is a foreign national, their deputy must be a citizen of the organising country and vice versa. 6) The names of the members of the juries must be disclosed prior to the start of the competition. 7) The executive bodies of juries include the secretary of the competition appointed by the president of the competition, and their deputy, who are employees of the organiser or in a similar contractual relationship with the organiser. Pursuant to the statutes and the conditions of the competition, their duties include the organisation of the course of the competition, and they shall also attend meetings of juries without the right to vote (or authorised persons appointed by them to represent the organiser); they also disclose results and decisions of the juries. 8) The juries shall listen to, evaluate and award the performances of all candidates in the respective category, in the scope as defined by the conditions of the competitions and these statutes. The jury has the right to specify parts of pieces to be performed for the purposes of the competition. The juries do not interfere in the competition performances. Should a candidate exceed their time limit as defined by the conditions of the competition, the chairperson of the jury can stop the performance. 9) The juries adopt resolutions only at their meetings. Their resolutions (signed by chairpersons or deputy chairpersons) are final and no appeal is possible. All decisions made by juries require a vote. In the event of parity of votes the chairperson's (or, the deputy chairperson's, in the case of absence of the former) vote shall prevail. 10) Jury members are obliged to attend the meetings of the jury. The president of the competition or a representative of the presidium appointed by the president and a representative of the organiser may attend a meeting of a jury. All persons attending the meeting, including jury members, are obliged to keep confidential all issues addressed at the meeting. Jury meetings are not public. Minutes of the meeting shall be drawn up in Czech by the secretary of the competition or their deputy, or a representative of the organiser appointed by the secretary or their deputy; the document is verified for accuracy, and signed as such, by the chairperson of the jury. If the chairperson is a foreign national, the document shall be signed by a deputy chairperson who is a citizen of the organising country. 11) During the competition, jury members shall not provide information and consultations to candidates or their intermediaries with regard to the competition. Any violation of this provision may constitute grounds for dismissal of the member. 12) The provisions of Article III Clause 11) of the statutes do not apply to candidates who are no longer active participants in the competition. 2/5 MEZINÁRODNÍ SOUTĚŽ LEOŠE JANÁČKA LEOS JANÁČEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION IV. COURSE OF THE COMPETITION 1} The competition is announced as an international three-round interpretation competition in two categories. Prior to the competition itself, a pre-selection round can be held based on recordings sent by the candidates. 2) The competition is governed by these statutes and the conditions of competition announced for each year and category at least one calendar year before the respective competition. They include the specification of the categories, dates, competition repertoire for the categories, prizes and other relevant conditions. They are available at the headquarters of the organiser or via mass media or the Internet. The deadline for the submission of applications, along with confirmations of the payment of the participation fee, is at least two months before the competition. The organiser is obliged to acknowledge the receipt of an application at least thirty days after the deadline. 3) The age limit is 35 for solo categories (i.e. the candidate must not be 36 on the first day of the competition); for the string quarter category the sum of ages of all members on the first day must not exceed 140. 4) The competition performances may be attended by the general public. Performance without musical sheets is mandatory only if the conditions of performance for the respective category so require. 5) Once the competition has started, candidates' names will be drawn for competition performances in their respective categories. Candidates are obliged to attend the draw. The order of competition performances determined by the draw for the first round shall remain the same in the second and third rounds. 6) Should a candidate arrive late for the draw or their competition performance, they will be disqualified. Exceptions are subject to a proposal of the jury and a decision by the president of the competition. Should a jury decide that a candidate has disrupted the competition in a serious manner, or has violated the conditions or the statutes of the competition, they shall be disqualified. 7) The final third round is typically held in the form of a graded public concert of the finalists with an orchestra or a chamber ensemble. After the competition the respective juries will award prizes and disclose their decision at the end of the concert. In this case there shall be no concert of laureates. V. EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCES AND PRIZES 1) Individual members of juries are obliged to judge individual performances independently, without consulting and influencing each other. 2) The candidates' performances in individual rounds are evaluated using score cards, ranging from 1 point (lowest score) to 25 points (highest score), with no decimal places. Incomplete or illegible score cards, or score cards without a member's signature, will be disregarded. Should a member wish to correct the score subsequently, they shall add the remark "opraveno" {corrected) and sign the correction again. This correction can only be made before the score card is turned in. 3) Jury members shall turn in their score cards to the secretary of the jury or their deputy (or authorised representatives of the organiser appointed by them) at intervals defined by the chairperson of the jury at its first meeting, but in any event before the end of the competition round. The score cards for the final round are turned in after the end of the round. 4) Jury members will not grade candidates if they have not listened to the entire performance, or if the performer was their regular student during the period of 12 months before the competition, or if the candidate is their relative or family member. In the aforementioned cases, the jury 3/5 MEZINÁRODNÍ S0UJ£Í .* LEOŠE JANÁČKA LEOÍ JANÁČEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION member must turn in a signed grading card with the relevant explanation as to why the candidate is not graded. 5) Scores given to candidates in individual rounds are not added. 6) The maximum number of points from a single round is 25. One highest and one lowest score is automatically deleted; the remaining scores are added for arithmetic average score with an accuracy of two decimal places. Should a jury have five members, the scoring system will be governed by special conditions of the competition. 7) After each round of the competition, the secretary or their deputy shall draw up an overview of scores. Based on the scores given by jurors, the secretary shall prepare a table for the category and once the arithmetic average has been calculated for all candidates, the table shall be submitted to the chairperson of the jury for approval and signature. The scores given by all jurors for the respective category are considered. Based on the score average, the final standings table is prepared. Each member of the jury has the right to verify that the scores they gave were correctly included in the scoring. 8) The scoring is public. After each round, the score point average will be disclosed for all competitors who have not advanced to the next round. The complete list of all score point averages for all competitors will be published after the final round. The names of candidates for the next round are listed alphabetically. 9) No more that twelve candidates shall advance to the second round of the competition regardless of the number of points won; if more than one candidate has won the same number of points enough for the twelfth place, more candidates can advance to the second round. 10) No more than four candidates shall advance to the third round. 11) If no candidate has achieved the score point average of 22 in the final round, the chairperson of the jury will ask the members to vote whether the first prize will be awarded, 12) Winners of prizes are decided by a vote. The first and the second prizes are indivisible and the financial prizes must remain unchanged. The third prize can be divided between two competitors; as long as the difference between the respective score point averages does not exceed 0.5 points. In justifiable cases, no awards are awarded. 13) The juries decide by vote on honourable mentions and other prizes. Some excellent performers from the second round who have not advanced to the final round can be awarded these prizes. 14) In cases not explicitly addressed in these statutes and the conditions of the competition, the jury can decide on a proposal submitted by a member by a vote, once the proposal has been discussed. 15) Juries will decide which laureates will advance to the concert of the laureates, if any, and plan the programme of the concert. This performance is mandatory for the laureates. 16) All winners of the first, second and third prizes shall be regarded as "Laureate of the Leoš Janáček International Competition in Brno"; they shall receive diplomas with their names, title and prize. Honourable mentions and winners of other prizes will receive diplomas but not the status of "laureate". 17) The organiser reserves the right to record the competition performances and the concert of the laureates. These performances can be recorded and broadcast on television or radio. The participants are not entitled to any remuneration for the broadcasting. These recordings cannot be used for commercial purposes. 4/5 MEZINÁRODNÍ 50UJEZ LEOÍE JANAÍKA LEOS JANÁČEK INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION VI. FINAL PROVISIONS 1) These statutes are drawn up in Czech and English. In the event of any inconsistencies, the Czech version shall prevail. The competition is announced and governed by the legislation of the Czech Republic. 2) The statutes of the competition have been approved by the presidium on 20 June 2005. 3) The update of the statutes of the competition has been approved by the presidium of the competition on 25 May 2017 and it shall become valid on the aforementioned date, once signed by the president of the competition. President of the competition and Dean of the Faculty of Music, Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts 5/5