Belgrade, 29/5/2024 Report on Dean's Exams 27-28.5.2024 at Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno - Faculty of Music As the external examiner for the recent Dean's Exams, I had the privilege of observing and evaluating the performances of the students at the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts. Here are my conclusions and reflections on the format, process, levels, overall impression, and recommendations for improvement. I believe that the practice of organizing Dean's Exams is highly beneficial and significantly impacts the quality of work within the institution. The format provided a comprehensive and structured approach to evaluating student performances/presentations across various departments, facilitating a clear evaluation process. The inclusion of an external examiner added an additional layer of objectivity and insight, enhancing the transparency of the process. Additionally, this practice is highly stimulating for both students and teachers of JAMU, encouraging continuous improvement and excellence. The process was very well-organized and efficient. Each department presented their assessment propositions, which were then re-evaluated by the Dean's exam commission. This ensured balanced and consistent assessments across different departments. It would be beneficial for external examiners to be familiarized with the assessment criteria in advance. The provision of printed programs for all performers, as seen in some departments, should be standardized to enhance clarity and organization. One challenge was determining the criteria for calibrating assessments between students from such diverse study programs as Electroacoustic Composition, Music Production, and Classical Performance. The modes of presentation for these students were very different, making it difficult to apply a uniform standard of evaluation. I can't make a proposal how to solve this at this moment, but it would be beneficial to deal with it internally in the future. The overall artistic level of the student performances was very high. Although this was my first time hearing them and I could not compare their progress, it was evident that the students are very dedicated, serious, thorough, and work with high quality. The organization of the exams was excellent, with clear communication and efficient handling of logistical details. The realization of the exams was smooth. The conducting students' rehearsals were particularly notable for their high level of preparation and execution. I suggest extending this level of preparation to choral conducting as well. Overall Impression. The Dean's Exams were successfull, providing a clear and insightful evaluation of student progress and departmental effectiveness. The high level of performances/presentations and the efficient organization of the exams reflect the Academy's commitment to excellence. For me, as an external examiner, this was also a very beneficial and instructive experience. It was a privilege to be part of the Dean's Exams at the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts. The dedication and talent of the students and faculty were truly inspiring. I am confident that the academy will continue to thrive and uphold its tradition of excellence. The experience was immensely beneficial and instructive for me as an external examiner. Prof. Dr. Ivana Perković, Department of Musicology, Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade, AEC Secretary General, IN.TUNE alliance Institutional manager A close-up of a signature Description automatically generated SWOT Analysis: Strengths: * The students demonstrated a high level of preparation and work ethic. * Excellent communication and collaboration among commission members. * Clear establishment and adherence to assessment criteria. Weaknesses: * Lack of uniformity in providing printed programs for all students. * The need for better pre-exam familiarization of external examiners with assessment criteria. Opportunities: * Enhancing the interaction between students and accompanists through additional guidance and practice. * Organizing feedback sessions where students can directly interact with the commission to gain insights and suggestions for improvement. Threats: * Potential technical issues with recordings used for evaluation, particularly in choral conducting. Possible Recommendations for Improvements: 1. Ensure that external examiners are familiarized with the assessment criteria in advance to maintain consistency and transparency. 2. Provide printed programs for all students across all departments to enhance clarity and organization. 3. Encourage students to improve their interaction with accompanists to enhance their overall performance. 4. Provide feedback to students when grades are lowered, suggesting ways for improvement. Consider organizing feedback sessions where students can ask questions directly to the examiners.