What will a graduate of the Percussion Instruments Master’s degree program be able to do?
- the graduate will be able to develop their creative imagination and fantasy,
- the graduate will be able to work with a wide range of instrumental or compositional-arrangement techniques and interpretive approaches,
- the graduate will have an in-depth knowledge of the history and literature of the instrument,
- the graduate will be familiar with the aesthetics of art and the development of artistic movements,
- the graduate will be highly skilled in interpretation or composition and arrangement,
- the graduate will acquire practical experience through work on faculty or university-w,ide projects, which are solo, chamber, and orchestral projects often with international participation, or gain further experience through a study visit abroad,
- the graduate will become an independent, focused, a confident and disciplined artist who can effectively plan and structure his or her own work and critically think about that work,
- the graduate will have healthy physiological and psychological habits for studying and publicly performing music,
- and finally, the graduate will also learn how to properly approach scientific work and how to argue at a professional level in theoretical and creative discussions.