Bachelor’s degree graduates can find employment as:

Directors in studio theatres and other types of smaller theatres;

Assistant directors in theatres (consultation with the director on the concept of the production, keeping the directing book, assistance in organising the production behind the scenes – monitoring the work of technicians, props and other stage components, organisation of external actors in the production, direction over partial sequences);

Assistant directors in radio, television, film (directing extras scenes);

Sound directors (radio, dubbing, television);

Directors (manager, dramaturge) of agency activities;

Executive production managers in theatre, television or film;

Primary art school teachers (drama courses);

A certain number of graduates of the bachelor’s study programme is also prepared – subject to meeting the requirements of the admission procedure – for the follow-up master’s degree study programme Theatre Directing.


Juraj Augustín

Ivan Buraj

Martin Cicvák

Hana Mikolášková-Kovaríková

Janka Ryšánek-Schmidtová