Graduates of the bachelor’s degree studies demonstrate a broad knowledge of the theory, history and contemporary practice of dance and movement education as well as of methods, procedures and forms of dance and its individual techniques. They have basic knowledge in the field of theory of dance and movement theatre and the history of Czech and world theatre and dance. They also have basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology and are familiar with the current curricular documents related to the field. They are sufficiently versed in the field of modern dance and movement education, conducting of amateur dance ensembles and they are equipped with basic evaluation criteria for work in the field that allow them to distinguish important works in the field, taking into account the specifics of the group’s work. They have mastered the teaching of specific dance techniques (classical, modern and folk dance) and demonstrate an individual and creative approach in teaching other movement disciplines. They also know and respect the anatomical and physiological capabilities of a human body and are able to recognise some pathological deviations. Therefore, they are able to lead a dance or movement theatre group.