Graduates of the bachelor’s degree studies demonstrate a broad knowledge of the theory, history and contemporary practice of dramatic education, theatre and education and amateur theatre. They have basic knowledge in the field of theatre theory, drama theory and the history of Czech and world theatre. They also have basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology and are familiar with the current curricular documents related to the field. Graduates are able to practically design a theatrical publicly presentable work with a non-professional group as well as with an individual. They can lead the group in the process of creation and in the process of education defined by the FEP for individual levels of education. They independently create an original work of a smaller scale or an interpretive work, they actively and creatively participate in team work and in the process of staging. In professional life, they find employment as leisure teachers or theatre lecturers in professional and amateur theatres.


Konrád Heczko

Marek Jovanovski

Milan Roztek

Daniela von Vorst

Tereza Strmisková