What does the Orchestral Conducting study program offer? 

The study program is taught at a multidisciplinary department, which enables various forms of collaboration between composers and multimedia creators, conductors, choirmasters, opera directors, and audio engineers. There is a team of top experts with many years of experience that ensures the studies, at the end of which the listener should be a sought-after expert in various areas of symphonic, operatic, historical and contemporary music, etc.

What are the specifics of the Orchestral Conducting program? 

The completely new study structure of this program is based on analyses of conducting teaching at foreign universities. The symphonic and operatic repertoires are now taught separately as a new feature. Part of the major field of study will be taught in groups to allow students to confront their views under the teacher’s guidance. The remainder of the major field will take place through individual instruction with the chosen teacher. 

How is Orchestral Conducting taught? 

Unlike many higher education institutions, the Orchestral - Conducting specialization is taught separately at JAMU, i.e. not together with Choral - Conducting, to provide the deepest possible insight into individual issues. This allows listeners to fully engage with the practice orchestra and other ensembles, attend courses focused on the discipline, and thus cover a greater amount of orchestral repertoire. However, they also have the opportunity to study a “neighbor” field for up to two years, for example, attending a practice choir.