What does the study specialization in Composition of Scenic and Film Music Composition offer its students?

In addition to learning to produce their own work, students will also learn how stage and film composers think. They will learn what terms and processes are used, learn how to work with other artists’ projects, and discover how adaptive music works and how the world of sound design intersects with the world of music. The students will have the opportunity to create music for a play, a short film, a computer animation, or a simple computer game. They will get to try out the whole process of creation in practice. They will also learn to use modern compositional techniques known from contemporary classical music, which will enable them to stand out from the endless line of genre plagiarists. Today, only those who take the world of film and incidental music a little further will succeed. In addition to the compositional aspect, students will learn to work with the latest hardware and software used in the contemporary professional composition of film music. They will discover how to build entire sound environments, and as part of the practical exercises, they will then be able to produce their own music from idea to the final mastering. 

How long do Composition studies take at JAMU? 

It is a five-year master’s degree program. If graduates of bachelor’s degree programs from other schools are interested in studying this program, they can apply for the entrance examination, take the bridging examination and, after successfully passing both of them, advance directly to the fourth year of studies at JAMU.

And what else can students learn at JAMU?

The teaching also includes the basics of marketing, law, economics, and psychology. They can also visit our partner institutions abroad to gather more experience.