What does the Electroacoustic Music Composition specialization offer its students?

 Electroacoustic music is created by computers, synthesizers, electronic circuits, or a combination of the electronic world and the acoustic world. Students in this field spend most of their time in a state-of-the-art studio with the latest hardware and software available. They will try creating multi-channel music, learn to understand the principles of creating and working with artificial sound, try creating their own synthesizers and their own interactive electroacoustic compositions. The electroacoustic studio offers students modern experimental equipment that is unique in comparison with other schools in the Czech Republic. Thanks to the close cooperation with the Institute of Sonology in Den Haag, students can confront their work with the latest contemporary music at one of the most prestigious music institutes. 

How long do Composition studies take at JAMU?

 It is a five-year master’s degree programme. If graduates of bachelor’s degree programmes from other schools are interested in studying this programme, they can apply for the entrance examination, take the bridging examination and, after successfully passing both of them, advance directly to the fourth year of studies at JAMU.

What is the emphasis of teaching in this program? 

Practical verification of the acquired knowledge – these include the creation and public presentation of compositions for different instrumental ensembles, including electroacoustic music, collaboration on the preparation of films and theatre performances, the creation of multimedia projects and the participation of students in various interdisciplinary projects, etc.