The Lighting Design Studio strives to educate experts for the artistic and technical components of theatres and cultural and art institutions.

The graduate demonstrates broad practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of lighting design and projection technologies, is familiar with the development and current trends of lighting technologies and their management, has deep knowledge of the history and theory of world and Czech theatre, as well as scenography. The graduate is familiar with other theatre disciplines (direction, dramaturgy, set and costume design) and has basic knowledge of film, gallery and architectural lighting, which he or she can expand and apply in practice.

The graduate is able to create, technically document and present the lighting concept of a theatrical production, film, event, show, etc., from dramaturgical concept to implementation. The graduate has the competence necessary to independently create lighting designs for productions of all theatre genres (drama, opera, dance, performance, etc.), as well as to create a lighting concept in accordance with a directing and scenographic concept. The graduate is able to develop a lighting concept for a specific type of theatre space with a specific scenography and specific lighting sources and implement that concept with the local lighting team.